Configure Pay Now / Sofort for ConfTool Pro
One of the payment options available for ConfTool Pro is Pay Now (formerly Sofort Banking, German-speaking countries: Sofort). Pay Now is a direct bank transfer procedure of Sofort GmbH for cashless payment on the Internet. Since 2014 Sofort GmbH belongs to the Swedish payment service provider Klarna.
When participants choose this payment method, they transfer the money directly from their online banking account to the recipient's bank account without having to register or create an additional user account. This fast and secure method is cost effective, especially for non-profit/charitable organizations. Sofort GmbH offers special conditions for non-profit businesses. Please contact Sofort directly for more information.
Pay Now currently allows you to receive payments from 9 European countries and supports the following currencies: Euro, Swiss Franc, Polish Zloty, Czech Crown and British Pound. Usually you will use the system within the Euro zone (for Germany, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands - France can only be activated upon written request) and with one currency (Euro) only, as ConfTool Pro only supports one main currency.
Setting up a merchant account for Pay Now
First of all, you have to create a merchant account with Pay Now (Klarna). Please go to this page:
…and enter the details for your merchant account (details of your organization, contact data and tax number).
You are now requested to activate one of the offered products (fees are involved).
Once your account has been activated, please create a new project by clicking on "New project" in the menu bar on the left side. Please then select "Pay Now. Create project" (see image 1).
On the next page you will be asked to choose a project type. Please select the project type "Gateway project" and then click on the button "Create project" (see image 2).
On the settings page of the Gateway project, for the integration to work with ConfTool, only the "General settings" are important.
In the box "General settings", type an appropriate name in the field "Project name". For the option "Shop system", please choose "Own shop system (self programmed)". Make your own selection for the option "Industry". In the field "Website", please enter the URL of your ConfTool installation, e. g.:
Continue by entering your bank account details in the box "Bank account" and in the box “Payment methods” please chose the option “Sofort / Pay Now” (see image 3).
You can leave all other settings at their default values.
Then save the new project.
ConfTool Pro Settings for Pay Now
Open your ConfTool Pro installation and go to this page:
Overview => Settings => Manage Payment Options
Activate the option "Klarna Pay Now (Sofort)" and enter the "Pay Now 'Project Configuration Key'" copied from your Pay Now project.
For the option "Supported Countries", activate the countries from which you want to be able to receive Pay Now transactions. Only for participants from these countries the payment option Pay Now will be available.
Continue to define a reason for transfer for the fields "Reason of Transfer Line 1" and "Reason of Transfer Line 2". These will appear together with incoming transactions in your online banking account as well as in the bank statements of your participants. Therefore, make sure that the reason for transfer can be clearly identified by both parties involved (see image 5).
Finally, please test the settings by making a test payment via ConfTool Pro and Pay Now.
Hint: Pay Now allows merchants to receive payments in other currencies, but this requires additional bank accounts in the other currency. As ConfTool Pro only supports one main currency, this feature cannot be used reasonably in our opinion.
Consequently, our recommendation is to offer payment via Pay Now only to those participants who use the same currency that is set as main currency in your ConfTool Pro settings for Pay Now. For payments from participants in countries with foreign currencies, please consider other payment systems like PayPal or Stripe.