Documentation for Administrative ConfTool Users
This information is for users who have Administrator (Admin), Chair or Assistant user rights in the ConfTool system.
Currently you find here:
General Information
- A list of the different user roles in ConfTool.
- A glossary with an overview of the terms and definitions that can be found in ConfTool.
- An introduction on how to download multiple files.
User Import/Invitation & Communication
- Importing users and reviewers (ConfTool Pro).
- Creating and sending invitations for authors, reviewers, PC members or participants (ConfTool Pro).
- Sending Bulk E-Mails to different user groups (authors, reviewers, participants, etc.).
Submission & Reviewing
- How to assign submissions to reviewers / pc members for evaluation.
- Inspect the review results and set the acceptance status.
- Assigning Chairs and Reviewers / PC Members to different tracks, sub-conferences, workshops asf. (ConfTool Pro with Track-Chair-Module).
Conference Program & Attendees
- Hints on how to create the conference agenda.
- An introduction on how to organize a virtual or hybrid conference with ConfTool Pro.
- A short guide on how to export data for the conference proceedings.
- An introduction on how to create a browsable copy of the conference agenda of ConfTool Pro.
- Information about creating name badges and the list of participants (ConfTool Pro).
- A guide on how to use the Front Desk Feature at the registration desk.
Feedback is always appreciated.