Main Features at a Glance
ConfTool is a robust and mature system, which supports many tasks of a conference organizer:
- Easy to use
- Runs on our servers
- Fully GDPR compliant
- Graphical adaptations to the main conference website
- Multilingual interface
- Compatible with all graphical browsers
- Links to external resources for virtual events
- Extensive security features
- Access management based on user roles
- Data import
and export functions
- Technical support provided
- Secure access via https
- Automatic regular backups
Submission and Reviewing
- Customizable submission process
- File uploads in multiple formats
- Invitation function for authors and reviewers
- Bidding function
- Customizable review forms
- Open/blind reviewing
- Online forum for program committee
- Multi-track option
- Easy scheduling
- Personal conference agenda
- Access to conference contributions via the agenda
- Discussion boards for sessions and presentations
- Personal messaging function
- Data export to facilitate the creation of proceedings
Participant Registration
- Full online registration
- Supports time discounts, different participant groups and more
- Registration codes for discounts feature
- Customizable registration form
- Automatic tax invoice creation
- Multiple payment options
- Modules for over 25 credit card payment gateways available
- Full PayPal integration
- Accounting
- Invite participants
- Send bulk e-mails
- Online messaging between participants
Full Feature List
A plenitude of features and options are available in ConfTool.
Divided into categories, you can take a look at how the standard version VSIS ConfTool and ConfTool Pro will be able to help you.
Please select a box to see more details.
General Functions
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
It's Your Data | x | GDPR compliance, dedicated ConfTool servers in Germany, separate databases per conference and full data deletion after end of project. | |
Access Via User Accounts | x | x | Every user of ConfTool has a personal account to use the system.
User accounts restrict the access to the system. |
Access Control by User Role | x | x | Options and rights are based on user roles like "author", "reviewer",
"chair" and "administrator". Some roles are based on user actions (e.g. "author"),
others assigned by administrative users (e.g. "reviewer").
Every user can have several roles and use the same account for all his tasks regarding one conference, so no account switches are required. |
Additional User Roles | x | Additional roles in the Pro Version (e.g. "conference assistant", "conference chair", "track chair", "session moderator", "discussant", "meta reviewer" and more). | |
User Lists and Reports | x | x | Overview lists of all users with different search and filtering functions. |
Defining User Rights | x | Set access rights of the user roles "chair" / "track chair" (e.g. access to bulk e-mailing, user management, scheduling, participant lists) and "front desk" member (e.g. access to submissions, prices and payments). | |
User Registration | x | x | Users can register themselves with personal details, user name and password. |
Confirmation E-mail | x | x | Every user gets a confirmation e-mail after creating an account. |
Configuration of the User Registration Page | x | Standard fields (name, address, etc.) can be altered and any number of new fields and options can be added. | |
Prospect Accounts | x | Registration option for prospective participants in order to contact them later by e-mail. | |
Password Security | x | x | Short, simplistic and easy to guess passwords are automatically blocked. |
Password Encryption | x | x | Personal passwords are encrypted in database.
Password generator for administrative users simplifies the creation of new accounts. |
E-mail Verification | x | x | E-mail existence is checked via DNS queries. |
E-mail Validation | x | Users can validate their e-mail address by confirmation e-mail. | |
Search for Duplicated Users | x | List users with several user accounts.
Avoid the creation of duplicated accounts by e-mail and name comparison. |
User Action Log | x | ConfTool Pro logs most user actions and system messages.
Administrative users can access these actions in the system log. |
Options for the Submission Process: General
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Online Submission | x | x | Authors can submit and edit their submissions online. |
Submission Reports | x | x | All submitted papers can be accessed by chairs and administrators online at any time. |
Filter Overview List | x | x | Filter submissions by different attributes (by submission type, track, topics, status).
The Pro Version offers many more filtering options than the standard version. |
Search List | x | Search list by author, title, ID, etc. | |
Automatic E-mail Confirmations | x | x | Authors and co-authors receive a confirmation e-mail for each new submission, every upload and submission update. |
Confirmation E-mail | x | x | Every user gets a confirmation e-mail after creating an account. |
Basic Export Functions | x | Standard fields (name, address, etc.) can be altered and any number of new fields and options can be added. | |
Advanced Export Functions | x | Export all submissions to MS Excel, XML and CSV file formats.
Export abstracts also directly to MS Word. Export all author details, index of authors and all review results. |
Define Conditions for Submissions | x | Define the maximum number of submissions per user.
Make registration for participation mandatory. |
Options for the Submission Process: File Uploads
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
File Uploads | x | x | Authors can upload files along with their submission. |
File Format Check | x | x | Any file format can be uploaded, allowed formats are defined by organizers and the format is checked by file name extension. |
Extended Format Check | x | PDF files: integrity and size in pages can be checked for uploaded files.
Images: GIF, PNG and JPG format checks with optional min. and max. size verification. |
Max. Upload File Size | 10MB, but depends on server configuration | 1MB - 230MB | The standard maximum file size for uploads in the Pro Version is 20MB.
You can easily increase the maximum up to 230 MB. |
Number of Uploads | 1 | 0-3 | Pro: the number of uploads per submission can be defined per conference track.
(0-3 uploads per submission, different format for each upload supported). |
Submission Deadlines | x | x | Automatic monitoring of deadlines: Functions are automatically disabled after a deadline expires. |
Deadline by Submission Type | x | Different submission types / tracks can have different deadlines. | |
Further Deadline Options | x | Define separate deadlines for abstract editing, file upload and final version upload. | |
Final Upload | x | x | Function for the final upload of camera-ready copies for authors of accepted submissions. |
Final Upload Options | x | Up to 3 file uploads per submission. | |
Generated Filenames | (x) | x | File names are automatically anonymized for reviewers in both versions.
The Pro Version also allows to generate the file name based on definable patterns to simplify the export of files. |
Options for the Submission Process: Submission Form
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Standard Fields | x | x | Fields for submission title, authors and e-mail addresses. |
Customize Submission Form | x | Many parameters of the submission form can be modified. | |
Specify Co-authors
with E-mails and Organizations |
x | Optional fields to define organizations and e-mails for all authors and co-authors. | |
Presenting Author | x | One or several presenting authors can be selected from the list of authors. | |
Organization / Affiliation of Authors | x | x | Authors can enter the organization/s of every author of a submission. |
Abstracts Field for Submissions | text field only | x | Simple format text input field or WYSIWYG editor for abstract input. |
Define Maximum Length for Abstracts | x | Character or word counters can be enabled for the abstract form. | |
Define Topics | x | x | Define topics for submissions (Pro Version: set the maximum number of topics for each track / submission type). |
Define Topic Groups | x | Define topic groups to subsume topics.
Set the max. number of allowed topics for each group separately. |
Allow Entering of Keywords | x | x | Function for the final upload of camera-ready copies for authors of accepted submissions. |
Discussants | x | Organizers can assign a "discussant" to each paper. | |
Format Test for Paper Title | x | Functions to automatically check for upper and lower case (e.g. Title Case) and the length of the paper title. | |
Format Test for Authors | x | Different options to check for upper and lower case of author names. | |
Mark Student Contributions | x | Option to mark student contributions. | |
Include Bibliography | x | Options to allow authors to enter their bibliography. | |
List of
Keywords |
x | Create a list of keywords to be shown as auto-complete field to your authors in the submission form. Restrict keywords to the list if required. | |
Extra-option / Text Field |
x | Add an extra text field and checkbox to each submission type / conference track separately. | |
Manage Submission
Types |
x | x | Define different types of submissions, e.g. full papers, posters and short papers. |
Multi-Track Support | extra module
required |
Define tracks for your conference with chairs who are only responsible for their tracks (optional module, extra fees apply). | |
Three Standard Formats for Submission Form:
- Standard Abstract / Paper - Symposium Proposal - Applications |
x | ConfTool Pro offers three different standard submission forms for different purposes. Additionally to the "default form" for papers, posters and abstracts, a simplified form for applications (e.g. grants, scholarships, summer school participation etc.) and a complex form for multi-paper proposals (symposia, forums, round tables) are also available. | |
Submission Forms |
on request | We provide services to develop customized submission forms for events with conference-specific options. These forms can be selected per submission type / conference track (extra fees apply). |
Reviewing Functions and Options
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Invitations for Reviewers | x | Invitation function for reviewers. | |
Reviewer Import | x | Lists of reviewers can be imported easily, either directly as users, or as invited persons. | |
Online Distribution of Reviews | x | x | All papers are distributed to the reviewers online, they can access them in their personal account via their web browser. |
Manual Assignment
of Reviewers |
x | x | Submissions can easily be assigned to reviewers (and vise versa), based on the matching topics of papers and reviewers, the biddings of reviewers and also the number of paper assignments for each reviewer. |
Automatic Assignment
of Reviewers |
x | Automatic assignment function available that takes into account conflict of interest (COI), biddings, priority topics, and the number of assignments for each reviewer. | |
Online Review Forms | x | x | Review form with different criteria and text fields for feedback for authors and comments to the program committee. |
Draft Reviews and
Finalize Reviews |
x | x | Reviewers can update their reviews until the reviewing deadline. |
Single-Blind Peer Review | x | x | Peer reviewing in which authors' names are visible to reviewers. |
Double-Blind Peer Review | x | x | Peer reviewing in which authors' names are hidden from reviewers.
Pro: The system automatically removes author information in the properties of PDF files. |
Open Review Process | x | x | The open review process option allows all users to see and evaluate all submissions.
Authors' names can be made visible to reviewers. Reviewers' names can also be made visible to authors. |
Reviewers Can Get
Access to Other Reviews of the Same Submission |
x | Allow reviewers to see other reviews of the same submission, also after submission of their own reviews only. | |
Meta-reviewers /
Senior Reviewers |
x | Meta-reviewers (or senior reviewers) can access the reviews and reviewer names and e-mail addresses of other experts assigned to the same submission. They can contact the other reviewers to remind them of deadlines and summarize the review results. | |
Format Test for Authors | x | Different options to check for upper and lower case of author names. | |
Automatic Identification of
Conflict of Interest |
x | Conflict of interest (COI) identification of all co-authors by e-mail, domain name and organization (optional). | |
Rebuttals | x | Authors can enter a rebuttal to all reviewers in a text field. | |
Review Ratings | x | Authors can rate and comment each review. | |
Remote Discussion in Online Forum | x | Program committee members can discuss submissions and review results in an online forum and vote for or against acceptance. | |
E-mail Functions for Discussion Forum | x | Reviewers (and chairs) can automatically receive updates about each new message related to the papers they are evaluating. | |
Bidding Phase | x | Reviewers can bid for submissions they would like to review and indicate conflicts of interest (COI). | |
Reviewers Can Choose Their Priority Topics | x | x | Matching of reviewers to submissions based on topics. |
Configurable Number of Required Reviews Per Paper and Reviewer | x | Organizers and reviewers can select a maximum number of review assignments for each reviewer. | |
Reviewers Can Refuse Assignments | x | Optional: Allow reviewers to refuse the evaluation of a paper. Reasons can be pre-defined by organizers. This can facilitate communication between chairs and reviewers. | |
Alternative Review Forms | x | Define up to 9 alternative review forms with different factors and wordings for your conference tracks or submissions types. | |
Three Standard Review Forms | x | Suitable for most conferences - they can be further configured to suit your needs. | |
Define the Number of Criteria for the Reviews | x | The review form can list up to 16 criteria. | |
Define the Weighing Factors of the Criteria | x | For each criterion a "weighing" factor of 0-100% can be defined that is used to calculate the overall score of a review. | |
Define the Range of the Review Scores | x | Apart from the standard 0-10 scale, also scales like 1-5 or 1-7 are supported. | |
Nominate for Best-paper-award | x | Reviewers can recommend each submission for the best paper award. | |
Veto Against Submission | x | Reviewers can put a veto on a submission if they have major objections. | |
Text Field - Comments for the Authors | x | Reviewers can enter comments on the submission that will be visible to the author after the decision over acceptance. | |
Text Field - Comments for the Program Committee | x | Reviewers can enter comments on the submission to the program committee. | |
Include Familiarity of Reviewer with the Topic into Score | x | Reviewers can indicate their familiarity with the topic of the evaluated submission.
This familiarity can be considered for the calculation of the total review result. |
Ranking of Review Results | x | x | Review results lists can be ordered by different criteria, including the rank, the span between best and worst review and the number of reviews received. |
Filters for Review Results | x | x | Different filtering options for the review results lists. |
Search Function in Review Lists | x | Search review lists for authors, titles etc. | |
Acceptance Status Options | (x) | x | Several different statuses for the decision of the acceptance of papers. The Pro Version allows to define any number of acceptance statuses with customizable author notifications. |
Acceptance Status Assignment | x | x | The acceptance status can easily be set by the administrators / chairs based on the review results. |
Assignment Options for Different User Groups | x | Define different assignment rights of acceptance statuses for track chairs, conference chairs and administrators in the Pro Version. |
Multi-Track Support (Requires an Extra Module, Extra Fees Apply)
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Assign Chairs to Tracks | x | Assign several independent chairs who are responsible for different tracks. | |
Assign Reviewers and
Program Committee Member to Tracks |
x | Limits access of these user groups to tracks. | |
Assignment of Topics to Tracks | x | Every track can have different topics. | |
Submission Formats | x | Every track can have different submission formats such as paper and poster. |
Creating the Conference Schedule
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Assign Presentations to Sessions | x | x | Define sessions and assign each accepted submission to one of them. |
Create Conference Agenda | x | x | Includes time periods and room assignments for each session. |
Agenda Output in Table or List View | x | There are several options to modify the display of the agenda for organizers as well as for the users. | |
Make Abstracts Available | x | x | Abstracts of submissions may be shown in the agenda. |
Make Downloads of Presentations Available | x | x | Submitted files can be made available on the agenda pages. |
Make Agenda Publicly Available | x | The ConfTool agenda can be made available to the public on the web. | |
Restrict Access to Registered Participants | x | The agenda can be made available to registered participants only. | |
Assign Discussants to Sessions | x | Discussants can be assigned to conference sessions with several papers. | |
Analyze Presenters, Moderators,
Discussants and Chairs of the Conference Agenda |
x | Check for overlapping / conflicting schedules of single persons. | |
Export Schedule | x | ConfTool Pro offers several export and print options for the agenda data, but it does not replace a layout program for a well-designed conference flyer. | |
Include E-mails of Authors
and Chairs on the Agenda |
x | Author e-mail addresses can be shown to session chairs, to participants or even to public. | |
Include Organizational Affiliation
of Authors and Chairs |
x | The organization of authors and/or chairs can also be shown in the agenda if required. | |
Personal Conference Agenda “MyAgenda” | x | Allow users to create their own personal conference agenda from the available sessions of the official conference agenda. | |
Index of Authors | x | Show an automatically generated list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of your conference (including authors and optional session chairs) with your conference agenda. | |
Links to
External Resources |
x | Link ConfTool to external resources for your virtual event like live streams, video conferencing tools or a webinar software.
You can add links to external resources to each session and to each presentation. |
Links to
External Resources for Mobile Apps |
x | If you are using a mobile app like Conference4Me, you can also add links to external resources for your virtual event to each session, which will appear in the mobile app. | |
Discussion Boards | x | Use discussion boards to facilitate the communication between your authors and participants on whole sessions and/or single presentations. | |
Alternative Time Display | x | Define an alternative time display for each session period in the conference agenda to support virtual events without specific session times. | |
Personal Time Zone | x | Show information about the conference time zone in the agenda and allow users to select their personal time zone. | |
Limit Sessions to Conference Tracks | extra module
required |
Different options to check for upper and lower case of author names. | |
Color Assignments | x | Choose from a number of colored backgrounds to group or highlight sessions. | |
Mobile Conference Assistant | extra app
required |
ConfTool Pro offers an interface to the Mobile Conference Assistant Conference4me (for iOS and
Android) and allows to export agenda details, abstracts as well as the list of authors easily.
The app is free of charge, but an extra fee applies for installing this service for your event. |
Convenience of Use - Participant Registration
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Define Participant Status Groups with Specific Prices | x | x | Define arbitrary groups, e.g., regular participant, member, student and enter different prices for each event / item on the registration form. |
Events / Items Can Depend on Participant Status | x | The available events / items can depend on the selected participant group. | |
Define Time Discounts | x | x | Option to define time dependent fees, e.g., "early bird" or "on-site registration". The correct time discount is automatically determined by the registration date. |
Safeguard Access to Participant Groups by Discount Codes | x | Optionally define discount codes for each participant group so that only a predefined circle can access special prices or options. General and individual codes are supported. | |
Define Options (Events, Products, Items) for the Registration Form | x | x | Any number of options can be easily defined for the registration form, e.g., include main conference, social events, excursions, gift items. |
Special Options for Events and Items | x | Allow participants to enter remarks, charge per night, per diem, create drop-down lists for given choices, make items obligatory or free of charge. | |
Conditional Events / Items | x | Define that certain event / item groups are only shown if another event has been selected. | |
Define Maximum Availability of Items | x | Booked out items will no longer be made available as an option. | |
List of Organizations | x | Create or import a list of organizations to be shown as auto-complete field to your users in the registration form to gain more consistent author data. | |
Access Statistical Data of Events, Participants and Corresponding Sums | x | x | Overview lists of participant registrations can be filtered by event / item and other criteria. |
Automatic Invoice Creation | x | x | The system generates invoices for the participants based on the events / items booked. |
Pro Forma Invoice Creation | x | Organizers can automatically issue pro forma invoices without an invoice number. They will be converted into a proper invoice (with invoice number) after confirmation of registration by the organizers or received payment. | |
Include VAT in Costs | x | x | Organizers can define different VAT rates. These can be assigned at will to each event / item separately. |
Different VAT Modes | x | Invoices can be VAT free, with VAT included or without VAT (to be added to the prices) and
correspond to EU laws for VAT invoices.
Extra modules for EU specific VAT handling (with online VAT number tests) available on request at extra charge. |
Invoices as PDF or Word | HTML/Word only | x | Create and export invoices in PDF and HTML / Word format. |
Bulk Printing of Invoices and Payment Receipts | x | Organizers can print several invoices in one go. | |
Import Users and Invite Them to Participate | x | Import persons from list in CSV format and send invitation mails with individual registration codes. | |
Anonymous Invitations with Invitation Codes | x | Generate lists of unique invitation codes, personalized or anonymized, for distribution, e.g., to conference sponsors or business partners. | |
Invitation Letters for Authors | x | Authors / presenters can access an automatically generated letter of invitation (PDF). | |
Visa Invitation Letters | x | ConfTool generates visa invitation letters as PDF files for authors and presenters. | |
Confirmation of Attendance Letters | x | ConfTool generates confirmation of attendance letters for participants as PDF files. | |
Filter Participants by Events and Items | x | Use this function to determine the exact number of participants for e.g. an excursion or to define the total amount of proceedings needed. | |
Bulk Printing of Summary Page of Booked Options | x | Print an overview of all selected options for all participants in one go. | |
Online List of Participants | x | Gives participants the option to appear on an online list of attendees and to get in contact with other participants prior to the conference; can include full contact information and photo. | |
Pictures of Participants | x | All participants have the option to upload a personal image for the online list of participants. | |
Personal Messaging | x | Participants can use an online messaging function to connect with other participants via ConfTool. | |
Check Consistency of Participants' Data | x | Check for booked options and corresponding payments; check consistency of data in all fields (e.g. name of participant on badge and real name). | |
Deadlines for Participant Registration | x | x | Define the time frame in which users can register for participation. |
Allow Editing of Registrations | x | Organizers can give participants the option to edit their registration or part of their
registration / add events and items to their registration.
Please note that ConfTool does not create additional invoices, but just updates the existing invoices for updated bookings. |
Allow Canceling of Registrations | x | Organizers can give participants the option to cancel their registration. | |
Restrain Registration to Authors or Presenters Only | x | Limit the registration to specific user groups, e.g., authors or presenters. | |
Registration Form Reviewing | x | A review of your registration form configuration is included in the license fees. | |
For-Hire Registration Form Setup | x | You can hire us to create your registration form. The costs depend on the work involved. |
On-Site Use of ConfTool (Network Connection Required)
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Check in and Mark Attendees | x | x | ConfTool allows to check in attendees at the conference registration desk and mark their arrival. |
User Role for Registration Desk Members | x | x | Specific "frontdesk" role for people working at the check-in only, e.g., student volunteers. Database access is limited to required data and payment details. |
Find Attendees Easily | x | x | Different search functions to find attendees in the list of participants and users in order to access further information. |
Front Desk Registration | x | Easily register last-minute participants at the registration desk on site. | |
Real-time Lists | x | x | All lists are updated immediately for all organizers using the system. |
Receipts, Invoices and Registration Confirmation | x | Bulk printing of all invoices, payment receipts and registration confirmations. On the latter, participants can confirm their attendance by signature to the organizers if their payment hasn't arrived in time. | |
Export and Printout Attendee Lists | x | x | Export and print out lists of attendees with all required details as backup solution if the local network fails. |
Convenience of Use - Payment Process
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
It's Your Money | x | x | ConfTool GmbH is not the recipient of payments from your participants, the money goes directly to your account. |
Payment Options Defined by Organizers | x | x | The system offers several payment options that can be enabled or disabled at any time. |
Payment by Wire / Bank Transfer | x | x | Participants transfer the fees directly to the account of the organizers. |
Payment by Cheque | x | x | Participants send a payment cheque to the organizers. |
Payment by Cash | x | x | Participants pay cash at the registration counter. |
Payment Via PayPal | (x) | x | Full integration of PayPal: All payment results are automatically recorded in ConfTool. (The standard version provides only a simple integration of PayPal without automatic e-mail confirmations or refund management.) |
Payment Via Skrill (Moneybookers) | x | Full integration of Skrill(previously Moneybookers) for online payments. | |
Payment Via Stripe | x | Full integration of Stripe for online credit card payments.
You can also use Stripe for receiving payments via Alipay from China. |
Payment via SOFORT Banking | x | Sofort Banking (SOFORT Überweisung) allows you to receive immediate payments by bank transfer from many countries of the Euro zone. | |
Payment by Credit Card Fax Statement | x | ConfTool generates a statement that can be printed out and filled in with the payment details and mailed / faxed to the organizers. | |
Payment by Credit Card | x | Payment via external credit card gateways: modules for over 25 online payment systems readily available; others on request (extra fees apply). | |
Enter and Edit Payments Manually | x | x | Organizers can enter payments / the payment status for each registration. |
Online Payments Are Automatically Registered | x | The list of payments is automatically updated with new payments if an online payment gateway is used. | |
Payment Log | x | Keep track of payments, refunds and partial payments in payment log. | |
Multi-currency Support | (x) | Limited support: Only one main currency per conference is supported; extra currencies and corresponding exchange rates can be defined per country of the participant. | |
Filter Registered Participants for Late Payers | x | Easily identify and send reminders to tardy payers. | |
Allow Participants to Update Payment Option | x | Allow participants to change payment method after the registration process. | |
Automatically Generated Invoices and Receipts | x | x | ConfTool generates VAT invoices automatically and sends the participants a link to access the invoice without login. |
Bulk Printing of Invoices and Receipts | x | Organizers can print all invoices or a filtered list of invoices in one go. | |
Limit Online Payments to Specified Countries | x | Prevent fraudulent payments and immigration fraud by limiting online credit card payment to participants from specific countries. |
Convenience of Use - Sending E-mails with ConfTool
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Automatic Confirmation E-mails | x | x | Users receive automatic confirmation e-mails for important actions, such as paper or review submissions, registrations and payments. Pro: Specify the conditions under which automated confirmation e-mails are sent. Several options to modify the text of these confirmation e-mails. |
Blind Copies of System E-mails Sent to Master E-mail Address | (x) | x | Pro: Specify if blind copies of confirmation e-mails will be sent to organizers, e.g., for registrations, submissions, reviews, rebuttals and payments. |
Bulk E-mail Functions | x | x | Send personalized bulk e-mails to several user groups, like authors, reviewers and participants. The Pro version offers many more options, filters and codes for bulk mails. |
Filter Functions | x | Choose from a wide range of filter functions to target groups effectively. | |
Plain Text Format | x | x | Safe and convenient for all e-mail programs, small and with a low risk of being classified as spam. |
HTML Format | x | Online editor allows to compose e-mails in HTML format with text styles and images. | |
Send Bulk E-mails with Attachments | x | One attachment can be included (default max. size 200 KB). | |
Send E-mails in All Installed Languages | x | ||
Send Reminder E-mails to Invitees | x | Use a list of invitations and send reminder e-mails to inactive invitees. | |
Use Codes to Personalize Mails | x | x | Several placeholders are provided to generate personalized e-mails. The Pro version provides many additional codes. |
Keep Track of E-mails Sent | x | ConfTool can send a copy of all e-mails to an address defined by the organizers, so they can keep track of all communications. |
Convenience of Use - Data Import / Data Export
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Data Export | x | x | Export data from ConfTool to other systems. The Pro Version offers more export formats and options. |
Export Format: Excel, XML or CSV | CSV only | x | Import the exported data to many common programs, e.g., Excel, Open Office, Filemaker etc. Processing the exported data is made easy using the XML export. |
Export All Invitations | x | Filter by reason of invitation. | |
Export Submission and Review Information | (x) | x | Include abstracts, information about uploads, review details. Filter by authors, reviewers, program committee members, reviews, sessions, acceptance status and conference track. |
Export Participant Information | (x) | x | Export a detailed list or a simple list for name tags. Pro: Export events or items booked by participants. Filter by events or items. |
Export Payment Information | (x) | x | Export the list of all payments and refunds. |
Export General: Include Deleted, Withdrawn, Cancelled Entries | x | Include deleted users, withdrawn contributions and canceled registrations in the export list. | |
Import Users from CSV Files | x | Import users from any database that offers an export to text (CSV) format. Minimum data necessary: firstname, lastname, e-mail address. |
Create Invitations from CSV Files | x | Import people to be invited (e.g., to become authors, reviewers or participants) from any database that offers an export to text (CSV) format and create personal e-mail invitations. Minimum data necessary: first name, last name, e-mail address. |
Check for Existing Entries During Import | x | Existing entries will be updated. | |
Assign User Roles to Imported Users | x | Several user roles can be set during the import, such as reviewer, pc member or chair. | |
Import: Choose from E-mail Options | x | Automatically inform all imported users about entry and send user names and passwords. Validate all e-mail address entries. |
Security and Reliability - Software and Hardware
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Privacy | local installation |
x | All data are owned by the client, we won't use it in any way. |
GDPR Compliance | local installation |
x | We ensure full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). |
Server Location | local installation |
x | All servers are located in Germany in professional data center parks with 24/7 technical support. |
Data Separation | x | x | A separate database is set up independently for each conference. |
Right to be Forgotten | local installation |
x | All data will be deleted at the end of the project. |
System Reliability | x | All servers use server hardware, are located in professional data center parks and have hardware RAID systems with redundant enterprise hard drives. Network stability due to multiple redundant upstreams. Backup servers are available in case of a server failure. |
Operating System and Security Updates | x | All servers run Linux. We do daily security updates. | |
Performance and Scalability | x | ConfTool Pro runs smoothly also for conferences with several thousand users, submissions and participants. | |
“Official” HTTPS Certificates from Sectigo | depends on server configuration |
x | All transferred data is encrypted by SSL/https. Extended Validation (EV) Certificates provided by Sectigo are compatible with all available browsers. |
Firewall Protection of Servers | x | All servers are protected by firewall, only required services are enabled. | |
Virus Scanning | x | All uploaded files are scanned for viruses. Virus definitions are daily updated. | |
Database Backup | x | Databases are backed up at least eight times a day on two additional secure servers. Backups are stored for at least 3 months. | |
PCI Conformity for Online Payments | x | All offered payment modules adhere to PCI DSS requirements. Our servers are regularly scanned for PCI DSS compliance by Sectigo. |
Our Servers Are DNSBL and SPF Tested and Approved | x | Reduces the risk of e-mails being identified as spam to a minimum. We also provide ConfTool sender e-mail addresses for each conference. |
RAID-1 Multiple Disk Drive Storage | x | Secure data storage. | |
Dedicated Hosting | x | Servers are only used for the purposes of ConfTool. | |
Compatible with Mobile Devices | x | Regular tests of the ConfTool software with Android Browsers and Safari / iOS. | |
Works with Most Commonly Available Web-Browsers | x | e.g. Firefox 2+, Internet Explorer 6+, Chrome, Safari 3+. | |
Guaranteed Uptime Greater than 99% | x | In all past years the server uptime was over 99.5% per year. | |
Server Monitoring | x | All servers are monitored constantly. Error messages are automatically sent via e-mail and text message to the ConfTool team. | |
Two Factor Login | x | ConfTool Pro supports two factor login with Google Authenticator and Yubikey. | |
Session Timeout Settings | x | Different session timesouts can be set for different user groups. |
Convenience of Use - General Features
Feature | VSIS ConfTool | ConfTool Pro | Remarks |
Full Unicode Support Using UTF-8 |
x | x | Characters of all languages are supported. |
Localizations | x | x | Over 10 language versions are available. New languages can be added on request, even by organizers without programming skills (however, it is a lot of work to create a translation). |
Multilingual Interface | x | ConfTool can be installed with up to four languages simultaneously. | |
Overview Lists Are
Displayed in Page Mode |
x | The number of items per page can be selected easily. | |
Search Functions and Filter Functions | x | For every overview list search functions and numerous filter functions are available. | |
Hosted Service | x | Standard: Hosted service on our servers. | |
Local Installation | x | (x) | Upon request: Local installation on your server (for German clients only). |
Customer Configuration Can Be Stored for Future Conferences | x | Speed up setting-up process by simply adapting previous configuration. | |
Design and Colors | x | We customize the colors of ConfTool and the logos in the page head, to make the system match your website. |
If you want to see how the features work, please log into one of our demos.