Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Only Sessions at Location/Venue 
Session Overview
Location: Collegezaal A
Aula Congrescentrum Mekelweg 5 2628 CC Delft
Date: Wednesday, 13/Mar/2024
Location: Collegezaal A
Chair: Ansgar Steland
Chair: Geurt Jongbloed
Plenary Talk: Wei-Biao Wu
Location: Collegezaal A
Chair: Ansgar Steland
9:30am - 10:30am

Concentration bounds for statistical learning for time dependent data

Wei-Biao Wu

Time Series Analysis
Location: Collegezaal A
Chair: Ansgar Steland
11:10am - 11:35am

Change-Point Synchronization Testing in Multiple Time-Series

Soham Bonnerjee, Sayar Karmakar, Maggie Cheng, Wei Biao Wu

11:35am - 12:00pm

Multiple change point detection in functional data with applications to biomechanical fatigue data

Patrick Bastian, Rupsa Basu, Holger Dette

12:00pm - 12:25pm

Bootstrap convergence rates for the maximum of an increasing number of autocovariances and autocorrelations under strict stationarity

Alexander Braumann, Marco Meyer, Jens-Peter Kreiss

Time Series Analysis
Location: Collegezaal A
Chair: Ansgar Steland
1:30pm - 2:20pm

Detection of breaks in weak location time series models with quasi-Fisher scores

Christian Francq, Lorenzo Trapani, Jean-Michel Zakoian

2:20pm - 2:45pm

Online Detection of Changes in Moment-Based Projections: When to Retrain Deep Learners or Update Portfolios?

Ansgar Steland

2:45pm - 3:10pm

Semi-continuous time series for sparse data with volatility clustering

Sarka Hudecova, Michal Pesta

Machine Learning and Inference in Advanced Applications
Location: Collegezaal A
Chair: Ansgar Steland
Chair: Ewaryst Rafajlowicz
3:40pm - 4:05pm

The use of neural networks and PCA dimensionality reduction in filling missing fragments in high-dimensional time series

Ewa Skubalska-Rafajłowicz, Adam Krzyżak, Michał Piórek

4:05pm - 4:30pm

Test bench automation with Safe Active Learning using Gaussian Processes

Christoph Zimmer

4:30pm - 4:55pm

Multivariate Probabilistic CRPS Learning with an Application to Day-Ahead Electricity Price Forecasting

Jonathan Berrisch, Florian Ziel

4:55pm - 5:20pm

Semi-Structured Regression

David Rügamer

5:20pm - 5:45pm

Forecasting the electricity demand flexibility via data-driven inverse optimization

ADRIAN Esteban Perez, YASHAR Ghiassi-Farrokhfal, DEREK Bunn

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