Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, 11/Sept/2024
Registration opens
Welcome remarks
Location: Room A.1.2
PL1: Ran Abramitzky - Street of Gold: revising America’s immigration myths?
Location: Room A.1.2
1A: Migration I
Location: Room A.1.1
Chair: Amelie F. Constant

What Happens When Men Don't Migrate? Partnership and Fertility in a Migrant Sending Country

Sarah Pearlman1, Emily Conover2, Melanie Khamis3

1: Vassar College, United States of America; 2: Hamilton College, United States of America; 3: Wesleyan University, United States of America

Economic Preferences and the Self-selection of International Migrants

Crystal Zhan

University of South Carolina, United States of America

‘We’ll Be Back:’ Natives’ Dynamic Migration Transitions

Amelie F. Constant

University of Pennsylvania, United States of America

1B: Gender I
Location: Room A.1.6
Chair: Grace Ellis Arnold

The relationship between economic development and female labour force participation: A within-country analysis of Mexico.

Isaac Lopez Moreno Flores

The University Of Manchester, United Kingdom

Gender Differences in Labor Market Reactions: Evidence from Firm Restatements

Grace Ellis Arnold1, Meredith Rhodes2

1: Portland State University, United States of America; 2: University of North Texas, United States of America

Financial Inclusion and Empowerment Laws: A Gender Perspective

Misbah Tanveer Choudhry

Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan

1C: Conflict I
Location: Room A.T.1
Chair: Giorgio d'Agostino

Effects of conflict on household livelihoods and welfare: panel data evidence from Myanmar 2021-2023

Immacolata Ranucci1, Derek Headey2

1: University of Florence, Italy; 2: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

Food for Peace? Exploring the Link between Conflict and Food Insecurity in Africa

Andrea Crippa1, Giorgio d'Agostino2, John Paul Dunne3, Luca Pieroni4

1: University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy; 2: University of Rome "Roma Tre", Italy; 3: University Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa; 4: University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy

Conflict and Social Capital: Evidence from the Russian War against Ukraine

Andreas Pondorfer1, Georg Hoch1, Viktoriia Shkola1,2

1: Technische Universität München, Campus Straubing für Biotechnologie und Nachhaltigkeit, Sustainable Economic Policy, Straubing, Germany; 2: Department of International Economic Relations, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine

1D: Firms I
Location: Room A.T.2
Chair: Federico Perali

Internet Development and Entrepreneurship

Jia Guo, Zhiming Cheng, Ben Wang

Macquarie University; University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Australia

Labour Mobility as a Response to Manufacturing Decline: an Empirical Analysis for Italy

Silvia Mattiozzi, Giulia Bettin

Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy

The Impact of the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan on Regional Labor Markets under Imperfect Competition using the Dynamic Spatial General Equilibrium Model (MEG-SD) for Italy

Federico Perali1, Riccardo Magnani4, Daniele Cufari3, Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio2

1: Uniiversity of Verona, Italy; 2: University of Rome Tor Vergata, Centre for Economic and International Studies; 3: University of Rome Tor Vergata, Dipartimento di Economia e Istituzioni; 4: Centre d'Économie de l'Université Paris-Nord

Location: Library A.A.1
2A: Identity and Stereotypes
Location: Room A.1.1
Chair: Klaus F. Zimmermann

Attitudes towards Immigration in a Highly Multicultural Society: The Roles of Foreign Background and Local Exposure

Frederic Docquier1, Ariane Gordan2, Michel Tenikue1, Aleksa Uljarevic2

1: Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER); 2: University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing in China

Shuai Chu3,1, Xiangquan Zeng4,1, Klaus F. Zimmermann1,2

1: GLO Global Labor Organization; 2: FU Berlin; 3: Chinese Academy of Labour and Social Security; 4: Renmin University of China

Gender-stereotypical employment expectations across generations. Evidence from conditional second moments.

Agnieszka Postepska, Aukje Nieuwenhuis

University of Groningen, Netherlands, The

2B: Family and Caregiving I
Location: Room A.1.6
Chair: Martina Menon

The Parent Care Penalty Across Countries

Noa de la Vega, Stav Federman

EUI, Italy

Does immigrant care increase female employment? Evidence from Italy

Bianca Balsimelli Ghelli

Sapienza University, Italy

Why Do Families Exist? Modelling and Measurement of Family Formation

Jean-Paul Chavas, Eleonora Matteazzi, Martina Menon, Federico Perali

University of Verona, Italy

2C: Climate Change and the Environment I
Location: Room A.T.1
Chair: Tommaso Oliviero

Energy efficiency in Italy: Evidence from multi and single site companies

Cristian Barra1, Patrizio Giganti2, Costabile Maria Guariglia1, Pasquale Marcello Falcone2

1: University of Salerno, Italy; 2: University of Naples "Parthenope", Italy

Green and Human Capital Practices in Japan: Do Operating Margin and Governance Matter?

Lai Wan Hooi

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan

Are green firms more financially constrained? The sensitivity of investment to cash flow (

Tommaso Oliviero

U Naples Federico II, Italy

2D: Trade I
Location: Room A.T.2
Chair: Andreas Savvides

The Economic Effects of Trade Policy Uncertainty on Emerging Market Economies

Andreas Savvides, Snezana Eminidou

Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

A Meso-Macro Analysis of Trade Openness and the Feminization of Vulnerable Employment in Developing Economies

Chiara Sciascia

Sapienza University, Italy

Sanctions weren't built in a day: A comparison on the effectiveness of 2014 and 2022

Elena Rossi Espagnet

University La Sapienza, Italy

Coffee break
Location: Library A.A.1
3A: Social Inclusion
Location: Room A.1.1
Chair: Giovanni Righetto

Risk sharing motives

Federica Ambrosio

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Political power and the influence of minorities: theory and evidence from Italy

Giovanni Righetto

Università di Milano Statale, Italy

Labor Market Discrimination and Socio-cultural Capital: Evidence from the Netherlands

Ao Yin1, Richard Jong-A-Pin1,2

1: University of Groningen, Netherlands; 2: University College Groningen, Netherlands

3B: Demography
Location: Room A.1.6
Chair: Cynthia Bansak

The Long-Term Impact of Extended Military Service on Women’s Employment, Education, and Fertility

Stav Federman

European University Institute, Italy

Sex ratio imbalance and fertility preferences in India

Matthieu Clément3, Pierre Levasseur2, Suneha Seetahul1

1: University of Sydney, Australia; 2: INRAE; 3: University of Bordeaux

How China’s “Later, Longer, Fewer” Campaign Extends Life Expectancy: A Study of Intergenerational Support for Elderly Parents

Cynthia Zebedee1, Eva Dziadula2, Sophie Wang3

1: St. Lawrence Univesrity, United States of America; 2: University of Notre Dame; 3: Central University of Finance and Economics

3C: Education
Location: Room A.T.1
Chair: Kazuyuki Sasakura

Optimal Schooling for Economic Growth

Kazuyuki Sasakura

Waseda University, Japan

Labor Market Success and Parental Education: Evidence from Early Labor Market Candidates

Aarti Malik1, Meet Mehta2

1: Princeton University, United States of America; 2: Yale University, United States of America

People- or Place-Based Policies to Tackle Disadvantage? Evidence from Matched Family-School-Neighborhood Data

Lucienne N.Y. Disch

University of Pennsylvania, United States of America

3D: Poverty
Location: Room A.T.2
Chair: Paolo Verme

The measurement of fishery outputs: evidence from a randomized survey experiment

Antonio Martuscelli1, Dramame Bako2, Benjamin Lamberet2


Asymmetric nexus between telecommunications infrastructure, institutions and poverty in Afghanistan

FREEMAN MATEKO1, David Oladipo Olalekan2, Canicio Dzingirai3, Barbra Maiwasha4

1: University of Johannesburg, South Africa; 2: North-West University, South Africa; 3: University of Namibia; 4: Ravesbourne University London

Predicting Poverty

Paolo Verme

World Bank, United States of America

Measuring Income of Small Scale Producer from IFAD’s Investment Projects

Sara Savastano

IFAD, Italy

7:30pm Social Event: Welcome cocktail - Villa Doria d'Angri, Via Petrarca, 80
Date: Thursday, 12/Sept/2024
4A: Migration II
Location: Room A.1.1
Chair: Margherita Tambussi

What factors affect households' decision to be a new “international migrant household” in rural Bangladesh? Evidence from a unique panel data

Mahtab Uddin

University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Large Scale Land Acquisitions and Migration in Africa

Margherita Tambussi

University of Turin, Italy

Temporary Migration Response to Climate Variability : New Evidence from Three Years of Mobile Phone Data

Paul Baptiste Blanchard1, Virginie Comblon2, Flore Gubert1, Erwan Le Quentrec2, Anne-Sophie Robilliard1, Stefania Rubrichi2

1: French Research Institute for Sustainable Development, France; 2: Orange Innovation - SENSE, France

4B: Gender II
Location: Room A.1.6
Chair: Arcangelo Dimico

Less births in the hunger season: Family planning, birth season and child health in Kenya

Sahawal Alidou

African Development Bank, Côte d'Ivoire

Do younger siblings get to have all the fun? Time use and birth order in Indian children and adolescents

SILA MISHRA1, Hargungeet Singh2


The Effect of Abortion Policies on Fertility and Human Capital in Sub-Saharan Africa

Arcangelo Dimico

Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom

4C: Climate change, violent conflicts and welfare
Location: Room A.T.1
Chair: Luca Tiberti

Land-related institutional settings and communal conflicts

Sara Balestri2, Raul Caruso1

1: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy; 2: Università di Perugia

Agrifood as a Pathway Linking Climate Change to Conflict: A Systematic Review of the Literature

Tulia Gattone1, Anna Balestra2, Sara Balestri2, Raul Caruso2, Donato Romano1, Luca Tiberti1

1: University of Florence, Italy; 2: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

The Unintended Effects of Crisis Response on Women's Outcomes: Evidence from Nigeria Government's Response to Boko Haram

Sylvain Dessy2, Horace Gninafon2, Luca Tiberti1, Marco Tiberti3

1: University of Florence, Italy; 2: Université Laval; 3: World Bank

4D: Labor market
Location: Room A.T.2
Chair: antonella caiumi

Do Public Sector Employment Reductions Promote Informality?

Antonis Adam, Thomas Moutos

Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

The tax wedge on the employer side in Italy

antonella caiumi, marco rinaldi

ISTAT, Italy

The impact of the statutory minimum wage on migration flows and internal displacement in Germany

Anuj Kalra

UNIPD, Italy

Coffee break
Location: Library A.A.1
PL2: Ashwini Deshpande - Cart before the Horse? Unpacking the Pathways between Social Norms, Opportunities and Women's Work
Location: Room A.1.2
Location: Library A.A.1
5A: Migration III
Location: Room A.1.1
Chair: Maria Rosaria Carillo

Immigrant Labor, Capital Concentration, and the Subcontracting System: Lessons from Pennsylvania’s Anthracite Coal Industry, 1900-1920

Thomas Mackaman

King's College, United States of America

The Race between Lewis and Malthus

Joseph Enguehard

École normale supérieure de Lyon, France

Historical Mass Migration, Technological innovation and Economic development in sending economy: the Italian case

Maria Rosaria Carillo, Salvatore Carrozzo, Luca Pennacchio, Davide Bellucci

University of Naples, Parthenope, Italy

5B: Gender III
Location: Room A.1.6
Chair: Lamis Kattan

Gender-Based Labor Legislation and Employment: Historical Evidence from the United States

Lamis Kattan1, Joanne Haddad2

1: Georgetown University in Qatar; 2: Université Libre de Bruxelles

Frontier History and Gender Norms in the United States

Joanne Haddad1, Samuel Bazzi2, Abel Brodeur3, Martin Fiszbein4

1: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; 2: University of California San Diego; 3: University of Ottawa; 4: Boston University

Spoils of colonization. The impact of British colonial institutions on sexual prejudice

Cristian Navarro Serrano1, Alexsandros Cavgias2

1: CEMFI, Spain; 2: Ghent University

5C: Tourism
Location: Room A.T.1
Chair: Rita De Siano

Towards an equilibrium in tourism flows: the role of material cultural heritage in Italian municipalities

Silvia Cerisola, Elisa Panzera

Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Innovation in Tourism and Environmental sustainability in Europe

Rita De Siano, Rosaria Rita Canale

University of Naples Parthenope, Italy

The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on food insecurity and hh wellbeing in rural Uganda

Mario Biggeri, Lisa Braito, Nathalie Britton, Maria Nannini

University of Firenze, Italy

5D: Trade II
Location: Room A.T.2
Chair: Lorenzo Trimarchi

Caste Based Occupational Rigidity in the Context of Trade Liberalization in India

Neha Hui1, Ashmita Gupta2

1: University of Reading, United Kingdom; 2: Asian Development Research Institue

The Anticompetitive Effect of Trade Liberalizations

Lorenzo Trimarchi1, Catherine Fuss2, Daniele Verdini2

1: Université de Namur, Belgium; 2: National Bank of Belgium, Belgium

The Joint Venture

David Gomtsyan

Universite Clermont Auvergne, France

Coffee break
Location: Library A.A.1
6A: Migration IV
Location: Room A.1.1
Chair: Alessandro Cigno

Decomposing the gap in the take-up of the (equivalent) social integration income between immigrants and Belgian natives

Manon Bolland

University of Liège, Belgium

Demographic revolution, labour market, and migration flows. A manifesto for a rational and human migration policy

Michele Bruni

Center for the Analysis of Public Policies (CAPP), Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento di Economia "Marco Biagi", Italy

Optimal immigration policy in the face of potential radicalization

Alessandro Cigno, Alessandro Gioffré, Annalisa Luporini

University of Florence, Italy

6B: Family and Caregiving II
Location: Room A.1.6
Chair: Furio Camillo Rosati

Navigating Work From Home Dynamics: The Interplay of Gender, Family, and Education in the COVID-19 Era

Marco Biagetti2, Tulia Gattone1, Sergio Scicchitano1

1: John Cabot University; 2: National Institute for the Analysis of Public Policies (INAPP)

Caring Connections: Immigrant Caregivers and Long-Term Elderly Care in Italy

Furio Camillo Rosati1, Lisa Capretti2, Rama Dasi Mariani3, Joanna Kopinska4

1: University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy; 2: University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy; 3: University of Rome 3, Italy; 4: University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

Work-life Balance Policies: How to Face the Correlation Between Gender Gap and Vulnerability Risk?

Marina De Angelis1, Rosita Zucaro2

1: INAPP, Italy; 2: INAPP, Italy

6C: Firms II
Location: Room A.T.1
Chair: Matloob Piracha

Improving employment quality in Africa’s small firms: Evidence from Côte d‘Ivoire

Katharina Fietz1, Tabea Lakemann1, Bernd Beber2, Jan Priebe3, Jann Lay1

1: GIGA Hamburg, Germany; 2: RWI, Germany; 3: BNITM, Germany

Immigrants' skills and firms outcomes: Evidence from Chile

Alessandra Anna Palazzo1, Carlos Madeira2,3

1: University of Maryland, College Park, United States of America; 2: Banco Central de Chile; 3: BIS Mexico

Immigration and firm productivity: Evidence from Portugal

Pedro Martins, Matloob Piracha

University of Kent, United Kingdom

6D: Climate Change and the Environment II
Location: Room A.T.2
Chair: davide del prete

Indoor air quality and student welfare: The Effect of Indoor Air Purifiers in Schools

Jacopo Bonan1,2, Francesco Granella2, Stefania Renna2,3, Luis Sarmiento2

1: University of Brescia, Italy; 2: CMCC, Italy; 3: Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Climate Immobility Traps: A Household-Level Test

Marco Letta1, Pierluigi Montalbano1, Adriana Paolantonio2

1: Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; 2: Development Data Group, The World Bank

Climate Change, Productivity, and Gender: a Global Perspective from Coffee

Arthur Blouin2, Davide Del Prete1, Rocco Macchiavello3

1: University of Naples Parthenope, Italy; 2: University of Toronto; 3: LSE

Introducing the 50x2030 Initiative to close the Agriculture Data Gap
Location: Room A.1.2
Chair: Federico Perali
Gero Carletto (World Bank) and Sara Savastano (IFAD)
Location: Room A.1.2
8:00pm Social Dinner: Caruso Roof Garden, Grand Hotel Vesuvio - Via Partenope, 45
Date: Friday, 13/Sept/2024
7A: Migration V
Location: Room A.1.1
Chair: Roberto Nisticò

Migrant smuggling to Europe: A two-sector model with directed search

Claire Naiditch1, Radu Vranceanu2

1: LEM, CNRS, University of Lille, France; 2: ESSEC Business School, CNRS,,THEMA

Mutual Benefits of Proximity: Economic Interactions between Refugees and Hosts in Uganda

Rama Dasi Mariani, Furio Camillo Rosati, Pasquale Scaramozzino

Roma Tre University, Italy

A Boatlift across the Mediterranean: Refugees in Italian Aging Communities

Roberto Nisticò

University of Naples Federico II, Italy

7B: Policy Evaluation
Location: Room A.1.6
Chair: Yi (Hannah) Wei

Unlocking Opportunities: Effect of Financial Access on Women’s Bargaining Power

Shivali Sharma

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India, India

Gender equality and innovation

Hannah Wei

University Of Oxford, United Kingdom

Health Care for the Homeless: Evidence from Brazil

Malte Becker

Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany

7C: Conflict II
Location: Room A.T.1
Chair: Marcello D'Amato

Violence, Loans and Economic Development - Evidence from Colombia

Leonhard Spaeth-Rodas1, Robert Gold2

1: Kiel University, Germany; 2: Kiel Institute for the World Economy

Brave old world. Some Evidence On the Historical Roots of Inter-state Conflict

Marcello D'Amato, Francesco Russo

Università Suor Orsola Benincasa

7D: Climate economics and policy
Location: Room A.T.2
Chair: Alessandro Sapio

Prevention first vs. cap-and-trade policies in an agent-based integrated assessment model with GHG emissions permits

Alessandro Sapio1, Lilit Popoyan2

1: Parthenope University of Naples, Italy; 2: Queen Mary University

The Impact of Extreme Climate Events on Income Distribution in Italy: A Municipality-Level Analysis

Matteo Coronese, Demetrio Guzzardi, Elisa Palagi, Francesco Lamperti, Andrea Roventini

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy

Shaping climate policy: a closer look at lobbying trends in Europe

Grazia Errichiello1, Pasquale Marcello Falcone1, Lilit Popoyan2

1: Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope", Italy; 2: Queen Mary University

Coffee break
Location: Library A.A.1
PL3: Nancy Qian - The Impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on U.S. Economic Development
Location: Room A.1.2
Location: Library A.A.1
8A: Migration VI
Location: Room A.1.1
Chair: Tiziano Razzolini

Mother Tongue Instruction and Employment: Evidence from Ethiopia

Teferi Mergo, Lemi Daba

United College and Economics, University of Waterloo, Canada

"Civis Europaeus Sum!” The Labour Market Advantage of getting EU Citizenship

Tiziano Razzolini1,2,3,5,6, Alberto Dalmazzo1, Roberto Leombruni4,6

1: University of Siena, Italy; 2: GLO; 3: IZA; 4: University of Turin, Italy; 5: ASESD; 6: LABOR

The Role of Migration for Workplace Safety in Europe

Annamaria Nese, Luigi Aldieri

University of Salerno, Italy

8B: Gender V
Location: Room A.1.6
Chair: Bipasha Maity

Political Regime and Women’s Marriage Outcomes

Bipasha Maity1, Sumedha Shukla2

1: Ashoka University, India; 2: Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi, India

Beyond the Scores: Understanding the Gender Gap in Access to Elite Universities in China

Yi Chen1, Sikun Dou1, Hongbin Li2, Roujing Wu3

1: ShanghaiTech University; 2: Stanford University; 3: University of Bologna

Pink revolution in women’s public transport: Impact of fare-free public bus policy for women- Evidence from Delhi, India

Dev Mani Sharma

Masaryk University, Czech Republic

8C: Institutions
Location: Room A.T.1
Chair: Valentina Chiariello

Is cultural diversity a curse or a boon for institutional quality?

Alexander Kovalenkov

University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Sorting fact from fiction in a complex world under the shadow of motivated reasoning

Edoardo Cefala

JKU Linz, Austria

Organized Crime and Corruption: Evidence from Italian Regions

Valentina Chiariello1, Oguzhan Dincer2

1: Parthenope University of Naples, Italy; 2: Illinois State University, Normal, IL USA

General Assembly of Members
Location: Room A.1.2

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