Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Thursday, 14/Sept/2023
9:30am Registration opens
Location: Ground Floor
Pre-conference and press conference: Le radici dello sviluppo economico moderno e prospettive attuali - Roots of modern economic development and contemporary perspectives
Location: Room A.1.1
Coffee break
Location: Sala Lettura (Floor -1)
Welcome and opening remarks
Location: Room A.1.2
Maria Rosaria Carillo, Raffaele Fiorentino, Antonio Garofalo, Federico Perali
PL1: Keynote: François Bourguignon (Paris School of Economics) - Institutions and Development
Location: Room A.1.2
Location: Sala Lettura (Floor -1)
1A: Ethnic fragmentation and Conflicts
Location: Room A.1.1

Child multidimensional poverty in conflict areas: the cases of Iraqi children and Syrian children in Jordan

Mario Biggeri1, Lucia Ferrone2

1: Department of Economics and Management, University of Firenze, Italy; 2: Department of Economics and Management, University of Firenze, Italy

Conflict and firms’ performance: A global view

Emanuele Brancati1, Michele Di Maio1, Roberta Gatti2, Asif Islam2, Aminur Rahman3

1: Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; 2: Word Bank; 3: Asian Development Bank

From Conflict to Consequence: Understanding the Intergenerational Impact of Civil War in Sierra Leone 1991-2002

Olivia Irma Finan

University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland

Start off on a bad note: the long-term effect of Sri Lankan Civil War on mental health and occupational choice

Aireti Dinafeisi

Kobe University, Japan

1B: Italian institutions
Location: Room A.1.6

For whom the bell tolls. The endowment of schooling infrastructures in Italy: supply, demand, outcomes

Mauro Bucci, Luigi Gazzano, Elena Gennari, Adele Grompone, Giorgio Ivaldi, Giovanna Messina, Giacomo Ziglio

Banca d'Italia, Italy

Politically connected cities: Italy 1951-1991

Guglielmo Barone2, Guido De Blasio1, Elena Gentili1

1: Bank of Italy, Italy; 2: University of Bologna

R&D Tax Incentives in Italy

Antonella Caiumi, Marco Rinaldi

ISTAT, Italy

The quality of electricity supply: a comparison among Italian regions

Luca Sessa, Simone Zuccolalà, Simona Galano

Banca d'Italia, Italy

1C: Migration
Location: Room A.1.7

Migration flows and their impacts on public spending in receiving countries by using time series models

Iliuta Cumpanasu

West University, Romania

Information campaigns and migration perceptions

Erminia Florio

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

The Impact of Immigration on Native Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Spain

Gabriel Chaves Bosch

Queen Mary University London, United Kingdom

1D: Poverty and inequality I
Location: Room A.T.1

Income Inequality in Western Balkans

Alexandra Livada1, Andreas Papastamou2, Petros Boulieris1

1: AUEB, Greece; 2: Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece

Information Design To Improve Service Delivery: Experimental Evidence from Guinea-Bissau

Mattia Fracchia

Nova School of Business and Economics, NOVAFRICA

Intra-household allocation of land property right effect women’s bargaining power?

Getenet Atakilt Yitayew

University of Verona, Italy

The effects of social pensions on family transfers among the poor: Evidence from Peru

Javier Olivera1,2, Yadiraah Iparraguirre2,3

1: Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER); 2: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru; 3: Innovations for Poverty Action

Coffee break
Location: Sala Lettura (Floor -1)
Agricultural productivity, food security, and One Health
Location: Room A.1.2
Julian Alston (University of California, Davis), Carl Pray (Rutgers University), Sara Savastano (IFAD), Lucio Scandizzo (Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”) and Justus Wessler (Wageningen University)
7:00pm Welcome Aperitivo: Villa Doria D'Angri
Location: Villa Doria d'Angri
Date: Friday, 15/Sept/2023
2A: Informality and Development
Location: Room A.1.1

Measuring social protection fragmentation and its relation with informality in developing countries

David Cano Ortiz

University of Siena, Italy

Spillover Effects of Minimum Wage on the Informal Sector: Evidence from Vietnam

Trang Thanh Tran

CERGE EI, Czech Republic

Terrorism and Tourism Labor Market: Evidence from Egypt

Margherita Tambussi

University of Turin, Italy

2B: Historical economics and economic development
Location: Room A.1.6

Landownership elites and the literati’s expansion: Historical Evidence from Italy

Oumar Ben Salha

University of Brescia, Italy

The effects of Italy’s unification on its dual development: a synthetic control approach

Guido de Blasio1, Guglielmo Barone2, David Chilosi3, Carlo Ciccarelli4

1: Bank of Italy, Italy; 2: University of Bologna; 3: King's College London; 4: University of Rome Tor Vergata

The Political Consequences of Mass Repatriation

Edoardo Cefala

WU Vienna, Austria

When Pork-Barrel Fails to Work: Evidence from the construction of dams and the use of Forced Labor

Gema Lax Martinez

University of Lausanne, Italy

2C: Cultural and Institutional persistence
Location: Room A.1.7

Cultural Doorways in the Barriers to Development

Francesco Flaviano Russo1, Marcello D'Amato2

1: Università Federico II, Italy; 2: Università Suor Orsola Benincasa

Do political sanctions matter? Evidence from local elections in Colombia

Enrique Javier Burbano Valencia1, Angie Mondragón Mayo2, Hector Posada3

1: Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia; 2: Universidad del Rosario, Colombia; 3: Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia

Fascist Ideology and Migrant Labor Exploitation

Mario F. Carillo, Gemma Dipoppa, Shanker Satyanath

UPF, Federico II, Spain

Social Norms, Product Demand, and Firm Growth

Sampreet Singh Goraya1, Akhil Ilango2,3

1: Stockholm School of Economics; 2: Universitat Pompeu Fabra; 3: Barcelona School of Economics

2D: Challenges in Gender Economics
Location: Room A.T.1

Are Global Value Chains Women Friendly? Evidence from Firm-Level Data in Developing Countries

Marize Kalliny1, Chahir Zaki2

1: Université Clermont Auvergne, CERDI, CNRS, IRD; 2: Cairo University, Economic Research Forum, EMANES

Education and Domestic Violence: Evidence from a School Construction Program in India

Katja Margit Bergonzoli1, Souparna Maji2, Madhuri Agarwal3, Vikram Bahure4

1: Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC), University of Lausanne, Switzerland; 2: Geneva School of Economics and Management, University of Geneva, Switzerland; 3: London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom; 4: King’s College London, United Kindgom

Towards Gender Equality in Inheritance? A Randomized Informational Experiment

Christina Sarah Hauser

European University Institute, Italy

Gendered effect of climate shocks on resilience to food insecurity: the role of kinship norms.

Immacolata Ranucci1, Donato Romano1, Luca Tiberti1,2

1: Università di Firenze, Department of Economics and Management; 2: Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP)

Coffee break
Location: Sala Lettura (Floor -1)
PL2: Keynote: Klaus F. Zimmermann (Bonn University & UNU-Merit): "Social Identity and Economic Assimilation"
Location: Room A.1.2
Location: Sala Lettura (Floor -1)
3A: The Persistence of Social Norms
Location: Room A.1.1

Colonial legacies of gender norms: the case of forced labour in Mozambique.

Margherita Bove1, Rute Martins Caeiro2, Rachel Coelho3, E. Sam Jones2,4, Patricia Justino2,5

1: Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy; 2: United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER); 3: Universidade Federal da Bahia; 4: University of Copenhagen; 5: Institute of Development Studies (IDS)

Living Arrangement Decision of Young Italians: Preferences and Culture

Martina Menon, Ravi Pendakur

University of Verona, Italy

Understanding Mechanisms of Persistence in Prosocial Behavior: Evidence from a large-scale Field Experiment

Adrian Bruhin1, Lorenz Goette2, Simon Haenni3, Lingqing Jiang4

1: University of Lausanne, Switzerland; 2: National University of Singapore, Signapore; 3: Swiss National Bank, Switzerland; 4: University of Essex, United Kingdom

3B: Environment and Climate Change
Location: Room A.1.6

Confined to Stay: Natural Disasters and Indonesia's Migration Ban

Andrea Cinque1, Lennart Reiners2

1: CIRED/CIRAD; 2: University of Goettingen

The Long-Term Impact of Energy Poverty and Its Mitigation on Educational Attainment: Evidence From China

Yervand Martirosyan

CERGE-EI (Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute), Czech Republic

The political economy of environmental regulation: evidence from sand mining in India

Caterina Gennaioli1, Kalyan Kameshwara2, Stefania Lovo3, Xiaochang Lei4

1: Queen Mary University, United Kingdom; 2: University of Westminster; 3: University of Reading; 4: University of Glasgow

3C: Demography and employment
Location: Room A.1.7

Spillover Effects of Raising the Retirement Age on Coworkers and Firm Employment

Sona Badalyan

CERGE-EI, Czech Republic

Estimating the Growth Effect of the Demographic Dividend

Balázs Zélity

Wesleyan University, United States of America

The Determinants of Employment in Italian Provinces. A Spatial Dynamic Panel Approach

Massimiliano Cerciello

University of Naples Parthenope, Italy

3D: Emigration and Cultural Persistence
Location: Room A.T.1

Do job prospects precede the migration decision, or is it preceded by migration flows? Evidence from urban India.

Rohit Kumar Rawat, Jajati Keshari Parida

School of Economics, University of Hyderabad(India).

Effects of emigration on gender norms in countries of origin

Leonid V. Azarnert

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation

The political consequences of an internal resettlement policy

Salvatore Carrozzo

Università degli studi di Napoli “Parthenope”, Italy

Coffee break
Location: Sala Lettura (Floor -1)
4A: Cognitive and non-cognitive skills in the development process
Location: Room A.1.1

Educational take-off and the role of wealth

Michele Battisti1, Francesco Gravina1, Andrea Mario Lavezzi1, Giuseppe Maggio2, Giorgio Tortorici1

1: Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, Università degli Studi di Palermo; 2: Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali e Statistiche, Università degli Studi di Palermo

Intergenerational effects of conflict on non-cognitive skills: Evidence from Peru

Alessandra Hidalgo1, Catherine Porter1, Alan Sanchez2, Saurabh Singhal1

1: Lancaster University, United Kingdom; 2: Group of the Analysis for Development (GRADE)

Lost in Translation. Reading Performance and Math Performance of Second-Generation Immigrant Children in Italy

Mariagrazia Cavallo1, Giuseppe Russo2

1: University of Bristol, UK; 2: University of Salerno, Italy

4B: Health
Location: Room A.1.6

Organizational culture and language policies in healthcare management within China. A literature review about China’s hospitals during COVID-19 pandemic.

Earle John Du Plooy1, Tommaso Pellin2

1: University of Verona, Italy; 2: University of Bergamo

The Lonely Elder: How Much Is It Worth Investing in Social Networks? Evidence from Italy

Federico Comes1, Joseph Cooper2, Martina Menon1, Federico Perali1

1: University of Verona, Department of Economics, Italy; 2: Office of the Chief Economist, U.S., Department of Agriculture

The Effects of the Indian Mid-Day Meal Scheme on Cognitive and Health Outcomes of Children in Andhra Pradesh

Enrico Fornasiero1, Danilo Cavapozzi1, Teresa Randazzo2

1: Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy; 2: Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope

4C: Poverty and inequality II
Location: Room A.1.7

Riddles and waves of economic growth and wealth concentration driven by non-productive assets

Edgar J Sanchez Carrera1, Francesca Grassetti2

1: University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy; 2: University of Calabria, Italy

Scale-biased Technical Change and Inequality

Hugo Reichardt

London School of Economics, United Kingdom

The Dynamics of Social Identity, Inequality and Redistribution

Andreas Mueller1, Christian Ghiglino2

1: University of Basel, Switzerland; 2: University of Essex, UK

4D: Resilience and Climate Change
Location: Room A.T.1

Coping with Drought in Village Economies: Does Polygyny Matter?

Sylvain Dessy1, Luca Tiberti2, Marco Tiberti3, David Zoundi4

1: Université Laval, Québec, Canada; 2: University of Florence, Italy; 3: World Bank, Rome; 4: Université Laval, Québec, Canada

Labor Market Effects of Drought Shocks in Tunisia

Giacomo Pallante1, Federica Alfani2, Alessandro Palma3, Abdelkader Talhaoui4

1: University of Trento, Italy; 2: World Bank; 3: GSSI; 4: INS Tunisia

Coping strategies in both idiosyncratic and covariate risks: the case of COVID-19 pandemic in rural Uganda

Mario Biggeri, Lisa Braito, Maria Nannini, Nathalie RÖSNER Britton

University of Firenze, Italy

PL3: Keynote Paola Giuliano (UCLA Anderson School of Management): "Aggregate shocks, preferences and beliefs" (online)
Location: Room A.1.2
General Assembly of Members and Prizes
Location: Room A.1.2
8:30pm Social Event
Date: Saturday, 16/Sept/2023
5A: Trade and firms
Location: Room A.1.1

CETA, an ex-post analysis

Giovanni Maria Ficarra, Emanuele Millemaci

University of Messina, Italy

Why Don’t Small Firms Consolidate? Evidence from an Information Experiment in Ghana

Andreas Menzel1, Morgan Hardy2, Sangyoon Kim3, Marc Witte4

1: CERGE-EI, Czech Republic; 2: NYU Abu Dhabi; 3: University of Michigan; 4: IZA

Trade Sanctions and Informal Employment

Roberto Nisticò1, Ali Moghaddasi Kelishomi2

1: Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy; 2: Loughborough University, UK

Supply Chain Disruptions and Sourcing Strategies

Julia Cajal-Grossi2, Davide Del Prete1, Rocco Macchiavello3

1: Parthenope University of Naples, Italy; 2: Geneva Graduate Institute; 3: London School of Economics

5B: Crime, corruption, and economic development
Location: Room A.1.6

Assessing the effect of international terrorism on civil liberties using a potential outcomes framework.

Evi Tsavou1,2, Antonis Adam3,4

1: University of Patras, Greece; 2: LSE Health, Department of Health Policy, London School of Economics; 3: University of Ioannina, Greece; 4: Hellenic Open University, Greece

Mining rents, institutional quality and social conflicts: the experience of Peru

Sara Balestri

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

What causes juvenile crime?

Federico Perali1, Elena Dalla Chiara2, Martina Menon1

1: University of Verona, Italy; 2: Interdepartmental Center of Economic Documentation (CIDE)

5C: Structural change and economic development
Location: Room A.1.7

Can AK Models with International Technological Interdependence Explain Cross-Country Income Distribution and Convergence?

Carmelo Pierpaolo Parello

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Green Hydrogen development: mapping possible diffusion pathways in Italy

Patrizio Giganti1, Pasquale Marcello Falcone1, Michael Hiete2

1: Parthenope University of Naples, Italy; 2: Ulm University, Germany

Regional Industrial Development: tales of success and failures from European Regions.

Roberta Arbolino1, Raffaele Boffardi1, Mariangela Bonasia2, Luisa De Simone1, Antonio Lopes1

1: University of Naples L'Orientale, Italy; 2: University of Naples Parthenope

Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis: A SAM-CGE Model for Project-Program Evaluation

Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo, Daniele Cufari

Università Roma Tor Vergata, Italy

5D: Cultural Persistence and Change Among Immigrants
Location: Room A.T.1

Immigration restriction and the transfer of religiosity to the second generation

Fausto Galli1, Giuseppe Russo1,2, Simone Manzavino1

1: Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy; 2: CSEF

Media and Assimilation: Evidence from the Golden Age of Radio

Gianluca Russo

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Diversity and Integration of Immigrants in Italy

Vincenzo Lombardo

University of Naples Parthenope, Italy

Violent hate crimes and immigrants social identity: Evidence from the San Gennaro’s Massacre

Maria Rosaria Carillo, Tiziana Venittelli, Alberto Zazzaro

Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Italy

Coffee break
Location: Sala Lettura (Floor -1)
PL4: Keynote: Sandra Sequeira (London School of Economics): “Persistence and Change in Social Cohesion”
Location: Room A.1.2
Closing remarks
Location: Room A.1.2
Location: Sala Lettura (Floor -1)

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