Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available). Please note that this program is work in progress; some speakers and the discussants are not yet confirmed.
Cash me if you can: ATM explosions, payment choice, and consumption
Esad Smajlbegovic1, Theresa Spickers2, Daniel Urban1, Michael Weber3
1Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, The; 2University of Amsterdam; 3University of Chicago, CEPR, and NBER
Discussant: Tobin Hanspal (WU Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Child Penalties in Personal Finances: Evidence from Bank Data
Arna Olafsson1,2,3, David Westerheide4
1Copenhagen Business School; 2Danish Finance Institute; 3CEPR; 4Lund University
Discussant: Ziwei Zhao (University of Lausanne)
Financial Advice and Retirement Savings
Daniel Hoechle1, Stefan Ruenzi2, Nic Schaub3, Markus Schmid4
1University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland; 2University of Mannheim; 3WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management; 4University of St. Gallen, SFI, and ECGI
Discussant: David Jia-Hui Streich (KU Eichstaett-Ingolstadt)