Aarnio, Hanna | Aalto University, Finland | WS session 2-2-07 Re-imagining engineering education through solving interdisciplinary course design challenges |
Abdalla, Alaa | Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands, The | Cognition and Metacognition Presenter |
Abou Khalil, Victoria | EPFL, Switzerland | PBL in Practice Presenter PBL in Practice |
Acar, Emrah | Istanbul Technical Unversity, Turkiye | WS session 3-2-06 The learning station model: Co-creation with students and stakeholders as a practice for knowing, thinking,feeling, and doing Presenter |
Adams, Stephanie | University of Texas- Dallas, United States of America | WS session 2-2-10 Sharing effective practices for supporting entering doctoral students Presenter |
Affejee, Youn | University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Attracting Students to STEM Education Presenter |
Aguilar-Perez, Marta | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC, Spain | Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges |
Ahmetolan, Semra | Istanbul Technical Unversity, Turkiye | WS session 3-2-06 The learning station model: Co-creation with students and stakeholders as a practice for knowing, thinking,feeling, and doing |
Äijälä, Mikko | Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Ajaz, Fudail | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Inclusivity & Belonging |
Akhtar, Zohaib | Imperial College London, United Kingdom | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Akinmolayan, Folashade | Queen Mary University of London | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences |
Alberink, Beanta | EPFL, Switzerland | Well-being & Care Presenter |
Alhonsuo, Mira | Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning |
Alimardani, Armin | University of Wollongong, Australia | Generative AI and LLMs |
Alsina, Montserrat | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain | Mathematics and Real world data Presenter |
Ammon, Sabine | Technische Universität Berlin, Germany | Teaching Responsible Engineering |
Anciones-Polo, María | Universidad de Salamanca, Spain | Mathematics and Real world data Mathematics and Real world data |
Andersen, Trine Højberg | NTNU, Norway | Learning and Testing in Mathematics Presenter WS session 3-2-08 Designing teaching and learning activities in different learning spaces: Considering pace, place and pedagogy Presenter |
Andersson, Jesper | Linnaeus University, Sweden | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences |
Angelva, Juhani | Lapland UAS, Finland | Perspectives on AI Presenter |
Anwar, Saira | Texas A&M University, USA | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education |
Araffa, Khaldon | Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands | Attracting Students to STEM Education |
Arbi, Shameela | University of Cape Town, South Africa | Gender and Engineering Experiences Presenter |
Asfour, Rawad | Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling |
Ashizawa, Shingo | Kansai University of International Studies, Japan | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Audunsson, Haraldur | Reykjavik University, Iceland | Curriculum Redesign |
Auðunsson, Haraldur | Reykjavik University, Iceland | WS session 2-3-05 Codesigning an expedition semester around Europe for future responsible engineers |
Azmat, Freeha | University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Attracting Students to STEM Education Gender and Engineering Experiences Presenter Perspectives on AI Presenter |
Baier, André | Technische Universität Berlin, Germany | SIG Workshop 1-02 What conflicts does sustainability bring to engineering education? |
Bairaktarova, Diana | Virginia Tech, United States of America; Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, United States of America | Educating the Whole Engineer Presenter Engagement and Disengagement WS session 3-3-09 Promoting friendship through teamwork in undergraduare engineering: Exploring together the role of the instructor |
Baldacchino, Tara | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Inclusivity & Belonging |
Balder, Juliane | Industrial Information Technology, TU Berlin, Germany | PBL in Practice Presenter |
Bangert, Krys | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Simulations in Engineering Education |
Baradaran, Tina | University of New South Wales, Australia | Sustainability in Technical Disciplines Presenter |
Barakat, Nael | University of Texas at Tyler, United States of America | AI in Engineering Education Presenter |
Barna, Orsolya | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary | Cognition and Metacognition |
Barrett, Martin | Technical University Dublin | Online and Onsite Learning |
Bartoli, Gianni | University of Florence, Italy | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences |
Barus, Arlinta | Vilnius University; Del Institute of Technology, Indonesia | Curriculum Redesign WS session 2-3-05 Codesigning an expedition semester around Europe for future responsible engineers |
Bates, Joanna | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges Presenter |
Beagon, Una | TU Dublin, Ireland | Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations Presenter WS session 3-2-12 Lifelong learning as an engineering educator: A hands-on co-creation exercise to enhance engineering students’ lifelong learning competencies |
Beatrix, Séllei | BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS, Hungary | Well-being & Care |
Beck, Stephen | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Critical approaches in Project based learning |
Belkina, Marina | College, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia | WS session 3-3-07 Evaluating and transforming you and your colleagues’ assessments in an age of generative AI |
Beloglazova, Liudmila | Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning |
Belski, Iouri | Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology | Building Thinking Capacity |
Benlaksira, Seddik | GRESEC, Université Grenoble Alpes, France | Ethics Learning Activities |
Bentel, Katrin | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland | WS session 3-2-10 Beyond “Just play with it!”: A rubric to help teachers design Jupyter notebooks for instructional efficiency Presenter |
Berezvai, Szabolcs | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning Mathematics Innovations |
Berg-Postweiler, Julia | Research Group Gender and Diversity in Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Online and Onsite Learning |
Berge, Maria | Umeå University, Sweden | WS session 3-2-07 What more can I/we do? Exploring the potential of humor and activism for accelerating educational transformation Presenter |
Bergman, Becky | Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden | WS Session 4-08 Exploring DEI in teacher professional development in engineering education: What, How, and Why? Presenter Theorising to Practicing in DEI |
Bermejo Broto, Sandra | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain | Generative AI and LLMs |
Bernhard, Jonte | Linköping University, Sweden | Curriculum Redesign Presenter WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter |
Bernhard, Sebastian | Research Group Gender and Diversity in Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Online and Onsite Learning |
Bertel, Lykke Brogaard | Aalborg University, Denmark | WS session 2-2-06 Epistemic Lenses for Designing Instruction and Supervision in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence: An Adaptive Gameful Approach to Higher Education Pedagogy Presenter |
Bertoline, Gary | Purdue University | Inclusivity & Belonging |
Bezerra Rodrigues, Renato | University of Manitoba | WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom |
Bhayo, Barkat | Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Bigotte de Almeida, Emília | Polytechnique University of Coimbra - IPC/ISEC, Portugal | Mathematics and Real world data |
Bjerva, Johannes | Aalborg University, Denmark | Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools |
Björn, Camilla | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | Competences across the curriculum |
Blanford, Justine I. | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Curriculum Redesign |
Blavy, Estelle | Icam site de Strasbourg-Europe, France | Generative AI and LLMs |
Block, Brit-Maren | Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany | Diversity and pathways Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools Transversal Skills Learning |
Bloemen, Veerle | KU Leuven, Belgium | Educating the Whole Engineer Presenter |
Boersen, Tom | Aalborg University, Denmark | SIG Workshop 1-09 Eager to further develop the field of engineering ethics education? Presenter |
Bogal-Allbritten, Elizabeth | NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway | WS Session 4-07 Establishing centra for engineering education development – sharing experiences |
Bolding, Malene | DTU Learning Lab, Technical University of Denmark | Building Capacity Presenter WS session 3-3-08 Game On: Inclusivity in STEM teacher training through interactive play Presenter |
Bombaerts, Gunter | Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands, The | Cognition and Metacognition SIG Workshop 1-09 Eager to further develop the field of engineering ethics education? Presenter |
Bonifas, Chloé | IPhiG, Université Grenoble Alpes, France | Ethics Learning Activities |
Bosch, Marianna | Universitat de Barcelona, Spain | Mathematics and Real world data |
Boussé, Martijn | Maastricht University, Netherlands, The | Learning and Testing in Mathematics Presenter |
Bovel, Matt | EPFL, Switzerland | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Bowe, Brian | TU Dublin, Ireland | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
Boyle, Fiona | Munster Technological University, Ireland | Educating the Whole Engineer Presenter Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Bozzelli, Greta | University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands | Engagement and Disengagement |
Børsen, Tom | Aalborg University | WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom Presenter WS session 3-3-05 Leading the Development of EER Books and Special Issues |
Bracha, Marta | Elsevier, United States of America | WS session 3-2-04 Chasing Career Readiness: Raising Engineers for Critical and Ethical Information Gathering and Analysis to Solve Complex Problems Presenter |
Bragós Bardia, Ramon | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain | Generative AI and LLMs |
Brändle, Urs | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland | WS session 3-2-10 Beyond “Just play with it!”: A rubric to help teachers design Jupyter notebooks for instructional efficiency |
Bravo, Eugenio | Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands | Building Thinking Capacity WS session 3-3-06 Strengthening Student Learning: From Outcome-based to Process-based Learning |
Broadbent, Rebecca | Aston University | WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication |
Brown, Mark | Dublin City University, Ireland | Ethics and Sustainability in Engineering Programmes |
Browncross, Edward | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Simulations in Engineering Education Presenter Simulations in Engineering Education Presenter |
Bruant Gulejova, Barbora | University Bern, Switzerland | WS session 3-2-11 Engineering a Sustainable Future: Inspiring next STEM generation by Innovation Presenter |
Brugger, Jürgen | Microsystems Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Bruwer, Anneke | University of Colorado Colorado Springs, United States of America | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences |
Buerer, Markus | Switch, Switzerland | WS session 3-3-12 Sponsor WS (Switch) Videos in education and research Presenter |
Burridge, Joshua | The University of Melbourne, Australia | Building Capacity Presenter |
Buskes, Gavin | The University of Melbourne, Australia | Building Thinking Capacity Presenter |
Butt, Ahmed Ashraf | Carnegie Mellon University, USA | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education |
Byrne, Aimee | TU Dublin, Ireland | Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning WS session 3-2-12 Lifelong learning as an engineering educator: A hands-on co-creation exercise to enhance engineering students’ lifelong learning competencies |
Cabo, Annoesjka | Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | Developing Engineering Educators Presenter |
Cai, Wenjun | Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands | Mathematics Innovations Presenter |
Cairns, Matthew John | Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling Presenter |
Calhindro, Francisco J. R. M. | Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto; Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Portugal | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling Presenter |
Çalımlı Akgün, Merve | Istanbul Technical Unversity, Turkiye | WS session 3-2-06 The learning station model: Co-creation with students and stakeholders as a practice for knowing, thinking,feeling, and doing |
Campbell, Anita Lee | University of Cape Town | Mathematics in Transition into University Presenter WS session 3-3-09 Promoting friendship through teamwork in undergraduare engineering: Exploring together the role of the instructor Presenter |
Campfens, Jaïr | EPFL, Switzerland | Ethics Learning Activities |
Cannaerts, Mieke | Ku Leuven, Belgium | Being and Relating Ethically Presenter Gender and Engineering Experiences |
Capdevila, Iris | EPFL, Switzerland | PBL in disciplinary contexts Presenter SIG Workshop 1-10 Curriculum development and emerging curriculum models in engineering |
Capdevila, Roser | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, Spain | Engagement and Disengagement |
Caporali, Enrica | University of Florence, Italy | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences Presenter |
Caratozzolo, Patricia | Tecnologico de Monterrey Mexico City, Mexico; Institute for the Future of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico | Building Capacity SIG Workshop 1-07 Needs of students and educators for effective organization of continuing engineering education Presenter Transversal Skills Presenter WS session 3-2-01 Refining a taxonomy and lexicon for continuing engineering education Presenter |
Carden, Mary | ATU Sligo, Ireland; Atlantic Technological University Sligo, Ireland | Socially Responsible Design Presenter Transversal Skills Learning Presenter |
Carrillo Fernandez, Aristides Pablo | Purdue University | WS session 3-3-09 Promoting friendship through teamwork in undergraduare engineering: Exploring together the role of the instructor |
Case, Jenni M. | Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA | SIG Workshop 1-01 Kicking off the EER Reading Club -The Handbook of Engineering Research Series Presenter |
Castells-Martínez, Roger | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, Spain | Engagement and Disengagement |
Castells-Sanabra, Marcel·la | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, Spain | Engagement and Disengagement |
Cervigón, Raquel | University of Castilla-La Macha, Spain | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Chan, Huey Yee | The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia | Curriculum Development |
Chance, Shannon | Technological University Dublin, Ireland; University College London, United Kingdom; TU Dublin, Ireland; UCL | Gender and Engineering Experiences SIG Workshop 1-09 Eager to further develop the field of engineering ethics education? Presenter WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter WS session 2-2-05 Securing fellowships for engineering education research Presenter WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter WS session 3-3-05 Leading the Development of EER Books and Special Issues Presenter |
Chatain, Julia | Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education, ETH Zurich, Swizerland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Chauhan, Avanish | IIT Gandhinagar, India; Karnavati University | Transversal Skills Learning |
Chelin, Nathalie | IMT Atlantique, France | Teamwork & Leadership |
Chemweno, Peter | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Chen, Dai | Chinese Society for Engineering Education, China, People's Republic of | WS session 2-3-01 : Asian Engineering Education Forum at SEFFI 2024 Presenter |
Chen, Jiaxin | UCL, United Kingdom | Supporting Diversity |
Chen, Juabei | Aalborg University | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
Chiplunkar, Shardul | EPFL, Switzerland | Teaching Engineering Skills Presenter |
Chou, Shih-Feng | University of Texas at Tyler, United States of America | AI in Engineering Education |
Christensen, Darcie | Minnesota State University Mankato - Iron Range Engineering, United States of America | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment Presenter |
Chung, Sarah | University of Birmingham, United Kingdom | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences |
Ciriello, Francesco | King's Collage London, United Kingdom | WS session 2-2-09 Engineering Non-technical Skills Behavioral Taxonomy: A Sort and Grid Workshop Presenter |
Clark, Robin | University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Attracting Students to STEM Education |
Cole, Reena | School of Engineering, University of Limerick, Ireland | Attracting Students to STEM Education |
Collingwood, Joanna | University of WARWICK, United Kingdom | Gender and Engineering Experiences |
Cooke, Gill | University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education |
Cooke, Neil | University of Birmingham, United Kingdom; University of Birmingham, United Kindgom | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences Presenter SIG Workshop 1-03 Sorting skills: curriculum profiles and the forthcoming SEFI handbook Presenter |
Cooper, Cindy | The Lemelson Foundation | WS session 3-2-03 Skills-based workshop for educators navigating a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world using recently co-created tools Presenter |
Cordeiro Cruz, Christiano | Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei | WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom |
Cottle, Daniel | University of Birmingham, United Kingdom | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences |
Couso, Digna | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain | Attracting Students to STEM Education |
Craps, Sofie | KU Leuven; Leuven Engineering and Science Education Center (LESEC), Belgium | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways Presenter Being and Relating Ethically Gender and Engineering Experiences Presenter Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning SIG Workshop 1-04 Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing Presenter WS session 3-2-12 Lifelong learning as an engineering educator: A hands-on co-creation exercise to enhance engineering students’ lifelong learning competencies |
Cray, Laura | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Curriculum Redesign |
Crichton, Emma | Engineers Without Borders UK, United Kingdom | Curriculum Redesign WS session 3-2-03 Skills-based workshop for educators navigating a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world using recently co-created tools |
Cross, Emily | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling |
Cruz, Juan | Rowan University, United States of America | WS session 2-2-10 Sharing effective practices for supporting entering doctoral students Presenter |
Cruz Moreno, Sandra Ireri | Technological University Dublin, Ireland | Gender and Engineering Experiences Presenter |
Cruz Moreno, Sandra Ireri | TU Dublin | WS session 2-2-05 Securing fellowships for engineering education research |
Cziráki, Szabina | National Council of Student Research Societies | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning |
Dagastine, Ray | The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia | Curriculum Development |
Dagienė, Valentina | Vilnius University | Curriculum Redesign |
Daniel, Scott | University of Technology Sydney, Australia; School of Professional Practice & Leadership, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia | Generative AI and LLMs Presenter WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter WS session 3-3-07 Evaluating and transforming you and your colleagues’ assessments in an age of generative AI Presenter WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter |
Davat, Ambre | GRESEC, Université Grenoble Alpes, France | Ethics Learning Activities |
Davies, Aled Wyn | Cardiff University, United Kingdom | Teaching Design Presenter |
Day, Harry | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | New Teachers of Engineering Presenter WS Session 4-09 PUT A FILTER ON IT…the art of reframing practical teaching activities Presenter |
de Boer, Wim | University of Twente, Netherlands, The; University of Twente Enschede | Innovations in Curriculum Models SIG Workshop 1-07 Needs of students and educators for effective organization of continuing engineering education |
De Conti, Manuele | Università Cattaneo - LIUC, Italy | Developing Engineering Educators |
De Laet, Tinne | KU Leuven, Belgium | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) SIG Workshop 1-01 Kicking off the EER Reading Club -The Handbook of Engineering Research Series Presenter |
de Lima, Joelyn | The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL); École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | Diversity and pathways Presenter Group-based Learning Presenter SIG Workshop 1-05 Enacting our values - Steps towards a more sustainable and inclusive SEFI community Presenter Transversal Skills Presenter WS session 2-3-04 Transversal skills that promote sustainability -> an experiential activity for engineering students Presenter WS session 3-3-11 Creating experiential activities to teach transversal skills in your course with a backward design template Presenter |
Dean, Julian | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges |
Decker, Marie | Research Group Gender and Diversity in Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Online and Onsite Learning Presenter Perspectives on AI Presenter |
Dehler Zufferey, Jessica | Ecole polytechinque Fédéerale de Lausanne, Switzerland | Transversal Skills |
Delnoij, Laurie | Maastricht University, Netherlands, The | Learning and Testing in Mathematics |
Demant, Lisa | Hochschule Ruhr West, University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education |
DePaor, Caitriona | TU Dublin, Ireland | Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning WS session 3-2-12 Lifelong learning as an engineering educator: A hands-on co-creation exercise to enhance engineering students’ lifelong learning competencies |
Deparis, Simone | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | Group-based Learning Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Deprez, Hanne | KU Leuven; Leuven Engineering and Science Education Center (LESEC), Belgium | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways Presenter New Teachers of Engineering Presenter SIG Workshop 1-04 Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing Presenter |
Der Sarkissian, Siroune Marie-Noëlle | EPFL, Switzerland | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
Dethmann, Jannis | Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany | Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools Presenter |
Devillaine, Louis | PACTE, Université Grenoble Alpes, France | Ethics Learning Activities |
Dewangga, Teguh | UCL, United Kingdom | Supporting Diversity |
Di Benedetti, Matteo | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | New Teachers of Engineering Presenter SIG Workshop 1-03 Sorting skills: curriculum profiles and the forthcoming SEFI handbook Presenter Simulations in Engineering Education |
Di Vincenzo, Maria Carla | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland | WS session 3-2-10 Beyond “Just play with it!”: A rubric to help teachers design Jupyter notebooks for instructional efficiency |
Dillenbourg, Pierre | EPFL, Switzerland | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
Direito, Ines | TEMA, University of Aveiro, Portugal; CEE, University College London, United Kingdom; Universidade de Aveiro; UCL | Educating the Whole Engineer Presenter Resilience & Emotional Capabilities Theorising to Practicing in DEI WS session 2-2-05 Securing fellowships for engineering education research WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter WS session 3-3-05 Leading the Development of EER Books and Special Issues |
Dohnalova, Ludmila | Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways |
Dokter, Luke | Norwegian Defence University College, Norway | Transversal Skills Presenter |
Dorschu, Alexandra | Ruhr West, University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Learning and Testing in Mathematics |
Douglas, Kerrie A | School of Engineering Education, Purdue University, United States of America | Competences across the curriculum |
Downey, Robin Ann | Bilkent University, Turkiye | Teaching Responsible Engineering |
Draulans, Veerle | Ku Leuven, Belgium | Being and Relating Ethically |
Dringenberg, Emily | The Ohio State University, United States of America | WS session 2-3-10 Who is the best engineer? Identity theory as a framework to reflect on how our classroom praxis informs the value of social responsibility in engineering Presenter |
Du, Xiangyun | Aalborg University | WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter |
Duedahl-Olesen, Lene | DTU, Denmark | Inclusivity & Belonging |
Dujardin, Rani | KU Leuven, Belgium | Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Presenter WS session 3-2-12 Lifelong learning as an engineering educator: A hands-on co-creation exercise to enhance engineering students’ lifelong learning competencies |
Duran-Cardenas, Sofia | IPhiG, Université Grenoble Alpes, France | Ethics Learning Activities Presenter |
Economides, Sophia | UCL Centre for Engineering Education, United Kingdom; UCL, United Kingdom | SIG Workshop 1-10 Curriculum development and emerging curriculum models in engineering Supporting Diversity Presenter |
Edgar, Michael | Munster Technological University, Ireland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities Presenter |
Edström, Kristina | KTH Royal Institute of Technology; Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | WS session 3-3-05 Leading the Development of EER Books and Special Issues Competences across the curriculum Presenter Developing Engineering Educators Presenter WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter |
Egemonye, Obioma | University College London, United Kingdom | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences |
Einarson, Daniel | Kristianstad University, Sweden | Ethics and Sustainability in Engineering Programmes Presenter Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education Presenter |
Ejsing-Duun, Stine | Aalborg University, Denmark | WS session 2-2-06 Epistemic Lenses for Designing Instruction and Supervision in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence: An Adaptive Gameful Approach to Higher Education Pedagogy Presenter |
El Kihal, Mohammed | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, United States of America | Engagement and Disengagement Presenter |
Elias, Antoni | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain | Cognition and Metacognition |
Elliott, Mark | University of Birmingham | Gender and Engineering Experiences |
Emma, Lógó | BUDAPEST UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS, Hungary | Well-being & Care Presenter |
Enelund, Mikael | Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden | WS session 2-2-07 Re-imagining engineering education through solving interdisciplinary course design challenges |
Engzell, Jeanette | Linköping University, Sweden | Developing Engineering Educators Presenter |
Ernsting, Vera | Pädagogische Hochschule (PHBern), Switzerland | WS session 2-3-09 Supporting the full life cycle of rich open educational resources with a learning experience platform |
Eskelinen, Harri | LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Estrada-Galiñanes, Vero | EPFL, Switzerland | Social and Human Sciences in Engineering Education Presenter |
Fallaha, Asaad | Karlstad University, Sweden | Mathematics in Transition into University Presenter |
Fallaha, Maarouf | Karlstad University, Sweden | Mathematics in Transition into University Presenter |
Fauster, Evamaria | Research Group Gender and Diversity in Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Online and Onsite Learning |
Favre, Yoann | Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET), Switzerland | Educating the Whole Engineer |
Feng, Xiaoqi | Aalto University, Finland | WS session 2-2-07 Re-imagining engineering education through solving interdisciplinary course design challenges Presenter |
Ferrarello, Laura | EPFL, Switzerland | Ethics Learning Activities Presenter |
Ferreira Mendes, João C. A. | Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Portugal | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling |
Ferrer, Ivet | GEMMA - Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (BarcelonaTech) | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Filimon, Mihai | Board of European Students of technology, Belgium | Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education Presenter WS session 2-2-11 Archimedean Oath: A reflection tool for responsible engineers Presenter |
Finelli, Cynthia | University of Michigan, United States of America | Sustainability in Technical Disciplines |
Fino, Alessio | Board of European Students of technology, Belgium | Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education |
Fiori, Marina | Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET), Switzerland | Educating the Whole Engineer |
Fishlock, Sam Jeffery | The Engineering & Design Institute London, United Kingdom | Teaching Design |
Flück, Daniel | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Switzerland | WS session 3-2-10 Beyond “Just play with it!”: A rubric to help teachers design Jupyter notebooks for instructional efficiency |
Fordham-Brown, Kai | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Fornø, Anna Augusta | Technical University of Denmark, Denmark | New Teachers of Engineering Presenter |
Forss, Jörgen | Linnaeus University, Sweden | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences Presenter |
Fouger, Xavier | Dassault Systemes, France | WS 3-2-02 Sponsor WS (Dassault) Swiss engineering wins with the vitual twin/ from researchers to students Presenter |
Freitas, Ana | Universidade Porto | Online and Onsite Learning |
Freixanet, Maria-Josep | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain | Mathematics and Real world data |
Friedrichsen, Dennis | Aalborg University, Denmark | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways |
Fuentes Bongenaar, Marc Salvador | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Innovations in Curriculum Models Presenter |
Fuhrmann, Tina A. | University of Applied Sciences Merseburg, Germany | Mathematics in Transition into University Presenter |
Fullwood, Jon | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Theorising to Practicing in DEI Presenter |
Futos-Bernal, Elisa | Universidad de Salamanca, Spain | Mathematics and Real world data Mathematics and Real world data |
Gabriella, Crawford Koltai | WMG, University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling |
Galve, Joan Miquel | University of Castilla-La Macha, Spain | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Gamez-Montero, Pedro-Javier | Department of Fluid Mechanics, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain | Teaching Engineering Skills Presenter |
Garcia Huertes, Saul | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain | Generative AI and LLMs Presenter |
Garcia Souto, Maria del Pilar | UCL, United Kingdom | Group-based Learning Presenter WS Session 4-10 Addressing issues related to running and assessment of group work in engineering education Presenter |
Garin, Adélie | EPFL, Switzerland | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations Presenter |
Garrard, Andrew | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Critical approaches in Project based learning Simulations in Engineering Education Theorising to Practicing in DEI WS Session 4-09 PUT A FILTER ON IT…the art of reframing practical teaching activities |
Gholami, Khalil | Åbo Akademi University, Finland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Gillet, Denis | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland; EPFL, Switzerland | Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges WS session 2-3-09 Supporting the full life cycle of rich open educational resources with a learning experience platform Presenter WS session 3-2-11 Engineering a Sustainable Future: Inspiring next STEM generation by Innovation |
Giménez, Ester | Institute of Concrete Science and Technology (ICITECH), Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain; Universitat Politècnica de Valencia | Ethics Learning Activities WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom |
Goebel, Johannes | Hochschule Düsseldorf, University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education |
Goldfinch, Tom | Faculty of Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia | WS session 2-3-07 A National Approach to Supporting an Expanded Focus on Human and Social Context in Engineering Presenter |
Gomez Puente, Sonia M. | Eindhoven University of Technology Eindhoven, The Netherlands | Building Capacity Presenter |
Gómez Puente, Sonia M. | Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The Netherlands | Transversal Skills |
Gomez Puente, Sonia M. | Eindhoven University of Technology | WS session 2-3-12 Ingredients for professional development of engineering educators Presenter WS session 3-2-01 Refining a taxonomy and lexicon for continuing engineering education Presenter |
Gómez Puente, Sonia Maria | Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways |
Goodman, Lizbeth | UCD, Dublin, Ireland; University College Dublin, Ireland | Socially Responsible Design Transversal Skills Learning |
Görgül, Emine | Istanbul Technical Unversity, Turkiye | WS session 3-2-06 The learning station model: Co-creation with students and stakeholders as a practice for knowing, thinking,feeling, and doing |
Grazioli, Jacopo | EPFL, Switzerland | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
Griffiths, Jennifer | University College London, United Kingdom | SIG Workshop 1-03 Sorting skills: curriculum profiles and the forthcoming SEFI handbook SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion Presenter |
Gröhn, Anssi | Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning |
Grommen, Sylvia | KU Leuven, Belgium | WS session 3-2-08 Designing teaching and learning activities in different learning spaces: Considering pace, place and pedagogy Presenter |
Grundy, Sarah | School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia | WS session 3-3-07 Evaluating and transforming you and your colleagues’ assessments in an age of generative AI |
Gueci, Martina | University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands | Engagement and Disengagement |
Guerne, Marie Gillian | Leuphana, Universität Lüneburg, Germany | SIG Workshop 1-04 Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing Presenter Diversity and pathways Presenter Transversal Skills Learning Presenter |
Guerra, Aida | Aalborg University, Denmark | SIG Workshop 1-02 What conflicts does sustainability bring to engineering education? Presenter Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations Presenter |
Guile, David | UCL, United Kingdom | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Guzman, Emmanuel Sepulveda | University of Texas at El Paso, United States of America | Resilience & Emotional Capabilities |
Gwynne-Evans, Alison Joy | University of Cape, Town Cape Town, South Africa | SIG Workshop 1-10 Curriculum development and emerging curriculum models in engineering Ethics and Sustainability in Engineering Programmes Presenter |
Haapea, Pia | LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning Presenter |
Habash, Riadh | University of Ottawa, Canada | Sustainability in Technical Disciplines Presenter |
Hadzilacos, Rigas | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne | SIG Workshop 1-07 Needs of students and educators for effective organization of continuing engineering education |
Hagan, Felix | School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Queens University Belfast, United Kingdom | Curriculum Development |
Hagström, Peter | KTH | Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges Presenter |
Hamid, Nafiz Imtiaz Bin | Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh | Building Thinking Capacity |
Hansen, Gabrielle | NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway | WS Session 4-07 Establishing centra for engineering education development – sharing experiences |
Haque, Rezwanul | School of Science, Technology and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, Australia | WS session 3-3-07 Evaluating and transforming you and your colleagues’ assessments in an age of generative AI |
Hardebolle, Cécile | Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes WS session 3-2-10 Beyond “Just play with it!”: A rubric to help teachers design Jupyter notebooks for instructional efficiency Presenter |
Hari, Nikita | University of Oxford | SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion |
Harshitha, Jidugu Kavya | IIT Gandhinagar, India; Queen's University, Canada | Transversal Skills Learning |
Hasan, Mahbub | Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh | Building Thinking Capacity Presenter |
Hassan, Ghulam M. | School of Computer Science & Software Engineering, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia | WS session 3-3-07 Evaluating and transforming you and your colleagues’ assessments in an age of generative AI |
Hastie, David | University of Wollongong, Australia | Generative AI and LLMs |
Hawwash, Kamel | University of Birmingham, United Kingdom | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences |
Hazewindus, Isis | Universiteit van Amsterdam | WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom |
He, Ya | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Teamwork & Leadership Presenter |
Heath, Ashley | University of Wollongong, Australia | Generative AI and LLMs |
Heiß, Hans-Ulrich | TU Berlin Academy for Professional Education Berlin, Germany | WS session 3-2-01 Refining a taxonomy and lexicon for continuing engineering education Presenter |
Helsdingen, Annechien Sarah | EPFL, Switzerland | Online and Onsite Learning Presenter Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Henderson, Emma | University of Strathclyde, Scotland | WS session 3-2-06 The learning station model: Co-creation with students and stakeholders as a practice for knowing, thinking,feeling, and doing |
Henein, Simon | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling |
Henry, Rosalind | Ulster University, Belfast, United Kingdom | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
Hermsen, Pleun | Delft University of technology, Netherlands, The | WS session 3-2-05 Actively engaging with a code of conduct to foster responsible and inclusive behavior Presenter |
Hernández Encinas, Ascensión | Non-profit association AELCLÉS | Mathematics and Real world data Presenter Mathematics and Real world data |
Hess, Kathryn | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | Group-based Learning |
Hildebrand, Tim | Technische Universität Berlin, Germany | Teaching Responsible Engineering |
Hingle, Ashish | George Mason University, United States of America | Teaching Responsible Engineering |
Hirvonen, Jani | Tampere University, Finland | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Hitt, Sarah | New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE) | WS session 3-2-03 Skills-based workshop for educators navigating a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world using recently co-created tools Presenter |
Hoekstra, MaartenJan | TU Delft, Netherlands, The | Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education Presenter |
Holgaard, Jette Egelund | Aalborg University, Denmark | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways |
Horan, William | University of Limerick, Ireland | PBL in disciplinary contexts |
Houkes, Wybo | Technical University of Eindhoven, Netherlands, The | Cognition and Metacognition |
Huelse, Elisabeth | Ansys Academic Development Team, Germany | SIG Workshop 1-04 Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing Presenter |
Huening, Felix | University of Applied Science Aachen, Germany | Generative AI and LLMs Presenter |
Hueso Espinosa, Paula | Delft University of technology, Netherlands, The | WS session 3-2-05 Actively engaging with a code of conduct to foster responsible and inclusive behavior |
Hukkanen, Jenni | Tampere University, Finland | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Hurme, Jarkko | Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning |
Hutchison, Allison | Cornell University, United States of America | Social and Human Sciences in Engineering Education Presenter |
Ikeda, Keiko | Kansai University, Japan | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Immonen, Paula | Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Inoue, Masahiro | Keio University, Japan | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Intizar, Ali | Dublin City University | WS session 2-3-02 Sponsor WS (Bentley Systems) Digital Twins for Smart Universities and Industry Engagement Presenter |
Ioannou, Olga | Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | WS session 3-3-10 Students Taking Responsibility for Their Learning Presenter |
Ionsecu, Mihail | Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation | Sustainability in Technical Disciplines |
Irish, Robert K | University of Toronto, Canada | Well-being & Care Presenter |
Isaac, Siara | The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Lausanne, Switzerland; Ecole polytechinque Fédéerale de Lausanne, Switzerland | SIG Workshop 1-05 Enacting our values - Steps towards a more sustainable and inclusive SEFI community Presenter Transversal Skills Presenter WS session 2-3-04 Transversal skills that promote sustainability -> an experiential activity for engineering students Presenter WS session 3-3-11 Creating experiential activities to teach transversal skills in your course with a backward design template Presenter |
Jaberi, Ali | King's Collage London, United Kingdom | WS session 2-2-09 Engineering Non-technical Skills Behavioral Taxonomy: A Sort and Grid Workshop |
Jacovetti, Gilles | IMT Atlantique, France | Teamwork & Leadership |
Jalali, Yousef | EPFL, Switzerland; The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Switzerland | PBL in disciplinary contexts Presenter Well-being & Care Presenter WS session 3-3-11 Creating experiential activities to teach transversal skills in your course with a backward design template Presenter |
Jameel, Amina | Bahria University, Pakistan | Perspectives on AI Presenter |
Jani, Ruchita | TU Dublin, Ireland | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
Järvinen, Hannu-Matti | Tampere University, Finland | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Jeanrenaud, Yves | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich | SIG Workshop 1-07 Needs of students and educators for effective organization of continuing engineering education WS session 2-3-06 Innovating Responsibility: Fostering Creative Competences for Sustainable Engineering Solutions Presenter |
Jermann, Patrick | EPFL, Switzerland; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences Poster session (incl. refreshment break) WS session 3-2-10 Beyond “Just play with it!”: A rubric to help teachers design Jupyter notebooks for instructional efficiency |
Jesiek, Brent | School of Engineering Education, Purdue University, United States of America | Competences across the curriculum |
Jezdimirovic Ranito, Jovana | University of Twente | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations Presenter |
Jiang, Dan | Aalborg University | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
Johann Leal, Lucca | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Teaching Engineering Skills Presenter |
Johannsen, Thies | Technische Universität Berlin, Germany; TU Berlin | SIG Workshop 1-03 Sorting skills: curriculum profiles and the forthcoming SEFI handbook SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion Presenter |
Johnson, Aaron W | University of Michigan | WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom Presenter |
Johri, Aditya | George Mason University, United States of America | AI in Engineering Education Perspectives on AI Teaching Responsible Engineering Presenter WS session 2-2-05 Securing fellowships for engineering education research WS session 3-3-05 Leading the Development of EER Books and Special Issues |
Joly, Philippe | Universite Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Jongen, Stefan | Maastricht University, Netherlands, The | Learning and Testing in Mathematics |
Josa, Irene | The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, University College London London, United Kingdom; UCL | Ethics Learning Activities Presenter Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes Presenter WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom Presenter |
Joshi, Rucha | Plaksha University | WS session 2-2-05 Securing fellowships for engineering education research |
Junaid, Sarah | Aston University, United Kingdom | Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Presenter |
Jung, Sunghwan | Cornell University, United States of America | Social and Human Sciences in Engineering Education Presenter |
Jurelionis, Andrius | Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania | Critical approaches in Project based learning Presenter WS session 2-3-02 Sponsor WS (Bentley Systems) Digital Twins for Smart Universities and Industry Engagement Presenter |
Kaarakka, Terhi Elina | Tampere University, Finland | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Kahrs, Magnus Strøm | Departmen of Physics, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway | Ethics Learning Activities Presenter |
Kallina, Emma | University of Cambridge, UK; Women at the Table, Switzerland; Women at the Table, Switzerland | WS session 3-2-09 Promoting and Facilitating a Human Rights-based Approach to AI Development: a Workshop for an Engineering Audience |
Kalm, Anneli | Tallinn University of Technolgy, Estonia | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways |
Kamp, Rachelle | Eindhoven University of Technology | WS session 2-3-12 Ingredients for professional development of engineering educators |
Kangaslampi, Riikka | Tampere University, Finland | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes Presenter |
Kann, Viggo | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | Competences across the curriculum |
Kapur, Manu | Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education, ETH Zurich, Swizerland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Karageorgiou, Olga | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Innovations in Curriculum Models Presenter |
Karvinen, Meeri | School of Engineering, Aalto University, Finland | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning |
Kasatkina, Olga | The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) | Diversity and pathways Presenter |
Katsanakis, Nikos | WMG, University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling |
Kautz, Christian | Hamburg University of Technology, Germany; TU Hamburg | Mathematics in Transition into University SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion |
Kenttä, Peter | Aalto University, Finland | Social and Human Sciences in Engineering Education |
Keskinen, Marko | Aalto University, Finland | WS session 2-2-07 Re-imagining engineering education through solving interdisciplinary course design challenges |
Khamas, Salam | Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling |
Khan, Md. Shahadat Hossain | Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh | Building Thinking Capacity |
Kheirawi, Ljiljana | Board of European Students of technology, Belgium | Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education |
Khosla, Kamakshi | Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India | Socially Responsible Design Presenter |
Kilamo, Terhi | Unit of Computing Sciences, Tampere University (TAU) Tampere, Finland | SIG Workshop 1-05 Enacting our values - Steps towards a more sustainable and inclusive SEFI community Presenter |
Kim, Jiwon | Purdue University, USA | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education Presenter |
King, Janet Y. | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Curriculum Redesign Presenter |
Kjelsberg, Ronny | Departmen of Physics, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway | Ethics Learning Activities Presenter |
Klomp, Martin | Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands | Attracting Students to STEM Education |
Klonowska, Kamilla | Kristianstad University, Sweden | Ethics and Sustainability in Engineering Programmes Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education |
Kloot, Bruce | University of Cape Town, South Africa | Gender and Engineering Experiences |
Knight, David | Virginia Tech, USA | WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter |
Kodde, Godelieve | The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Kolmos, Anette | Aalborg University, Denmark | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways |
Köpeczi-Bócz, Ákos | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary | Mathematics Innovations |
Korpås, Guri Sivertsen | NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; NTNU, Norway | WS Session 4-07 Establishing centra for engineering education development – sharing experiences WS session 3-2-08 Designing teaching and learning activities in different learning spaces: Considering pace, place and pedagogy Presenter |
Koskinen, Ilpo | University of New South Wales, Australia | Sustainability in Technical Disciplines |
Kostamo, Tuukka | Aalto University, Finland | Social and Human Sciences in Engineering Education |
Kothiyal, Aditi | Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India; IIT Gandhinagar, India | Socially Responsible Design Transversal Skills Learning Presenter Transversal Skills Learning Presenter WS session 3-2-10 Beyond “Just play with it!”: A rubric to help teachers design Jupyter notebooks for instructional efficiency Presenter |
Kotluk, Nihat | Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | Educating the Whole Engineer Presenter |
Kouzaridi, Emily | Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus | Socially Responsible Design |
Kovacs, Helena | EPFL, Switzerland; École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment Presenter PBL in Practice SIG Workshop 1-03 Sorting skills: curriculum profiles and the forthcoming SEFI handbook Presenter SIG Workshop 1-09 Eager to further develop the field of engineering ethics education? WS session 2-2-05 Securing fellowships for engineering education research WS session 2-2-11 Archimedean Oath: A reflection tool for responsible engineers Presenter |
Kövesi, Klara | ENSTA Bretagne, France | Cognition and Metacognition Presenter SIG Workshop 1-04 Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing Presenter SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion Teamwork & Leadership Presenter |
Kowalzik, Vivian | Technische Hochschule Köln – University of Applied Science, Germany | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education |
Kraft-Buchman, Caitlin | Women at the Table, Switzerland | WS session 3-2-09 Promoting and Facilitating a Human Rights-based Approach to AI Development: a Workshop for an Engineering Audience |
Kun, László Ákos | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning Presenter Mathematics Innovations |
Kuosa, Markku | Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Kypraiou, Sofia | Women at the Table, Switzerland | WS session 3-2-09 Promoting and Facilitating a Human Rights-based Approach to AI Development: a Workshop for an Engineering Audience Presenter |
L. Dias Rasteiro, Deolinda Maria | Polytechnique University of Coimbra - IPC/ISEC, Portugal | Mathematics and Real world data Presenter Mathematics Innovations Presenter SIG Workshop 1-11 AI and ICT Integration in Mathematics Engineering Education: Enhancing Learning and Teaching Presenter |
L. Dias Rasteiro, Deolinda Maria | Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra | Mathematics and Real world data |
La Scala, Jérémy | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland | Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges Presenter WS session 2-3-09 Supporting the full life cycle of rich open educational resources with a learning experience platform |
Lähteenmäki, Henry | South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning |
Lähteenmäki, Minna | Wärtsilä Ltd., Finland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Lam, Lionel | The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia | Curriculum Development Presenter |
Lampe, Kristina | Ruhr West, University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Learning and Testing in Mathematics Presenter |
Lan, Karine | European University of Technology, Secretariat General | Socially Responsible Design |
Lane, Diarmaid | School of Education, University of Limerick, Ireland | Attracting Students to STEM Education |
Lang, Martin | University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany | Learning and Testing in Mathematics |
Langie, Greet | Ku Leuven, Belgium | Being and Relating Ethically Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter |
Laperrouza, Marc | EPFL, Switzerland | SIG Workshop 1-10 Curriculum development and emerging curriculum models in engineering Sustainability in Technical Disciplines Presenter |
Lauer, Abigail | Minnesota State University Mankato - Iron Range Engineering, United States of America | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment |
Lawson, Justine | Engineering Futures Initiative | WS session 2-3-07 A National Approach to Supporting an Expanded Focus on Human and Social Context in Engineering |
Lazar, Irina | University College London, United Kingdom | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences Presenter |
Le Duc, Ingrid | École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | WS session 2-2-11 Archimedean Oath: A reflection tool for responsible engineers Presenter |
Leahy, Margaret | Dublin City University, Ireland | Ethics and Sustainability in Engineering Programmes |
Leicht-Scholten, Carmen | RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Building Capacity Cognition and Metacognition Online and Onsite Learning Perspectives on AI Teaching Responsible Engineering |
Leinonen, Anni-Elina | LUT University, Finland | Diversity and pathways Presenter |
Lemke, Clara | RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Building Capacity Presenter Cognition and Metacognition Teaching Responsible Engineering Presenter |
Lennerfors, Thomas | University of Uppsala, Sweden | SIG Workshop 1-09 Eager to further develop the field of engineering ethics education? Presenter |
Leong, Max | Aston University, United Kingdom | Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning |
Lermigeaux-Sarrade, Isabelle | The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) | Diversity and pathways Presenter |
Leung, Terence | University College London, United Kingdom | PBL in disciplinary contexts |
Li, Changyang | LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Li, Chen | LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Lim, May | The University of New South Wales, Australia | Teaching Design Presenter |
Lin, Zhou | WMG, University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling |
Lindsay, Euan | Aalborg University, Denmark | Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools Presenter |
Litman, Diane | University of Pittsburgh, USA | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education |
Liu, Yuncong | University College London, United Kingdom | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences |
Lloret Pardo, Javier | EPFL, Switzerland | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Lomberg, Carina | Technical University of Denmark | Inclusivity & Belonging |
Lönngren, Johanna | Umea University; Umeå University, Sweden | SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion Presenter WS session 3-2-07 What more can I/we do? Exploring the potential of humor and activism for accelerating educational transformation Presenter |
Loonstra, Thijs Immanuel | Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands, The | Being and Relating Ethically Presenter |
Lord, Susan M. | University of San Diego | WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom Presenter Sustainability in Technical Disciplines Presenter |
Lourens, Ann Sharon | Nelson Mandela Univeristy, South Africa | Supporting Diversity Presenter |
Løje, Hanne | DTU, Denmark | Inclusivity & Belonging Teamwork & Leadership Presenter Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges Presenter |
Lu, Xiaoping | University of Wollongong, Australia | Generative AI and LLMs |
Lucas, Claire | King's Collage London, United Kingdom | WS session 2-2-09 Engineering Non-technical Skills Behavioral Taxonomy: A Sort and Grid Workshop Presenter |
Ludden, Geke | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Innovations in Curriculum Models |
Luk, Lillian Yun Yung | The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; University College London, United Kingdom | PBL in disciplinary contexts Presenter |
Lunn, Stephanie | Florida International University | WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom |
Lutters, Eric | University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands; University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Engagement and Disengagement Innovations in Curriculum Models |
Lyden, Sarah | School of Engineering, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia | WS session 3-3-07 Evaluating and transforming you and your colleagues’ assessments in an age of generative AI |
Lyng, Reidar | NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway | WS Session 4-07 Establishing centra for engineering education development – sharing experiences Presenter |
Lyngdorf, Niels Erik Ruan | Aalborg University, Denmark | WS session 2-2-06 Epistemic Lenses for Designing Instruction and Supervision in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence: An Adaptive Gameful Approach to Higher Education Pedagogy Presenter |
Lystbæk, Christian | Aarhus University, Denmark | PBL in disciplinary contexts Presenter |
Maas, Jonas M. | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | AI in Engineering Education |
Maclachlan, Ross | University of Strathclyde, Scotland | WS session 3-2-06 The learning station model: Co-creation with students and stakeholders as a practice for knowing, thinking,feeling, and doing |
Magno, Michele | Center for Project-Based Learning, ETH Zurich, Switzerland | PBL in Practice Presenter |
Magooda, Ahmed | Microsoft Corporation, USA | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education |
Main, Joyce | Purdue University, USA | WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively |
Makramalla, Mariam | Newgiza University | WS session 3-3-09 Promoting friendship through teamwork in undergraduare engineering: Exploring together the role of the instructor |
Makrinov, Ninna Isabel | WMG, University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling Presenter |
Male, Sally Amanda | University of Melbourne | WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter WS session 3-3-05 Leading the Development of EER Books and Special Issues Building Capacity Presenter |
Mann, Cody | Minnesota State University Mankato - Iron Range Engineering, United States of America | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment |
Manzini, Raffaella | Università Cattaneo - LIUC, Italy | Developing Engineering Educators Presenter |
Mapaling, Curwyn | Department of Psychology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa | Resilience & Emotional Capabilities Supporting Diversity |
Maree, Muniah | University of WARWICK, United Kingdom | Perspectives on AI Presenter |
Marin, Lavinia | TU Delft, Netherlands, The | Being and Relating Ethically Presenter |
Marquez, Mervyn | Universidad Austral de Chile | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment |
Marten, Nico | Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools Presenter |
Martin, Diana Adela | UCL, UK; University College London, United Kingdom | WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter SIG Workshop 1-09 Eager to further develop the field of engineering ethics education? Presenter WS session 3-3-05 Leading the Development of EER Books and Special Issues |
Martinetti, Alberto | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Maruyama, Tomoko | Ehime University, Japan | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Mas de les Valls, Elisabet | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, Spain | Engagement and Disengagement Presenter |
Massa, Janneke | University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands; University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Engagement and Disengagement Presenter Innovations in Curriculum Models Presenter |
Massoud, Rehab | EPFL, Switzerland | Ethics Learning Activities |
Masta, Stephanie | School of Engineering Education, Purdue University, United States of America | Competences across the curriculum |
Matthews, Sami | LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Matthiasdottir, Asrun | Reykjavik University, Iceland | Curriculum Redesign Presenter |
Matthijs, Marie | KU Leuven, Belgium | Gender and Engineering Experiences |
Matusovich, Holly Marie | Virginia Tech, United States of America | WS session 2-2-10 Sharing effective practices for supporting entering doctoral students Presenter |
May, Dominik | University of Wuppertal | WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter |
Mazurkiewicz, Piotr | University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education |
McCartan, Charles Declan | School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Queens University Belfast, United Kingdom; Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom | Curriculum Development Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling |
McKennedy, Janet | TU Dublin, Ireland | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
McNea, Meryn | School of Engineering, University of Limerick, Ireland | Attracting Students to STEM Education Presenter |
McNealy, Jasmine | University of Florida, Nigeria | Group-based Learning |
Meboldt, Mirko | Product Development Group Zurich, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland | Critical approaches in Project based learning |
Medina, Luis | Universidad Austral de Chile | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment |
Medina, Mara N. | University of Texas at El Paso, United States of America | Resilience & Emotional Capabilities |
Mehlich, Jan | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn | WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom Presenter |
Mélo, Michka | EPFL, Switzerland | Sustainability in Technical Disciplines Presenter |
Mendez, Sylvia | University of Kentucky, United States of America | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences Presenter |
Menekse, Muhsin | Purdue University, USA | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education Presenter |
Ménissier, Thierry | IPhiG, Université Grenoble Alpes, France | Ethics Learning Activities |
Mielikäinen, Maisa | Lapland UAS, Finland | Perspectives on AI |
Mikkonen, Jussi | DTU, Denmark | Teamwork & Leadership |
Millen, Scott Leslie James | Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling |
Milligan, Colin | Glasgow Caledonian University | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment |
Milligan, Michael | ABET, USA | SIG Workshop 1-04 Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing Presenter |
Milojkovic, Irina | Board of European Students of technology, Belgium | Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education |
Milosevic, Tamara | EPFL, Switzerland | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment Presenter SIG Workshop 1-03 Sorting skills: curriculum profiles and the forthcoming SEFI handbook Presenter |
Milward, Philippine | École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | WS session 2-2-11 Archimedean Oath: A reflection tool for responsible engineers Presenter |
Mitchell, John E. | University College London, United Kingdom; UCL Centre for Engineering Education, United Kingdom; UCL, UK | PBL in disciplinary contexts SIG Workshop 1-10 Curriculum development and emerging curriculum models in engineering Presenter WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom Presenter WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter WS session 3-3-05 Leading the Development of EER Books and Special Issues |
Moghaddasi, Hamed | University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom | Online and Onsite Learning Presenter |
Mok, Caroline | The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Moloney, Mary | Munster Technological University, Ireland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities Presenter |
Mooij, Sylvia | Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | WS session 3-3-10 Students Taking Responsibility for Their Learning Presenter |
Moolman, Johannes Hendrik | Munster Technological University, Ireland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Moreno, Sarah Gail | RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Perspectives on AI |
Morgan, Margaret | Ulster University, Belfast, Northern Ireland | SIG Workshop 1-04 Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing Presenter Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
Morikawa, Merit | Aalto University, Finland | Social and Human Sciences in Engineering Education |
Morkūnaitė, Lina | Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania | Critical approaches in Project based learning |
Mortenson, Michael | University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Attracting Students to STEM Education |
Mottl, Patrik | Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways Presenter Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways Presenter |
Mourad, Firas | Icam site de Toulouse, France | Generative AI and LLMs Presenter |
Mukherjee, Joy | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Mulligan, David | Atlantic Technological University Sligo, Ireland | Transversal Skills Learning |
Munoz-Escalona, Patricia | Glasgow Caledonian University | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment Presenter Transversal Skills |
Murillo, Jackeline | Universidad Vasco de Quiroga, Mexico | Mathematics and Real world data |
Murzi, Homero | Virginia Tech | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment Presenter Theorising to Practicing in DEI Presenter |
Nagy, Balázs Vince | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary | Cognition and Metacognition |
Natanael, Mark Andrew | Elsevier, United States of America | WS session 3-2-04 Chasing Career Readiness: Raising Engineers for Critical and Ethical Information Gathering and Analysis to Solve Complex Problems Presenter |
Naukkarinen, Johanna Kristiina | LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland; LUT, Finland | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes WS session 3-2-12 Lifelong learning as an engineering educator: A hands-on co-creation exercise to enhance engineering students’ lifelong learning competencies Diversity and pathways Supporting Diversity Presenter |
Neal, Peter R | UNSW Sydney; School of Chemical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia | SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion Presenter WS session 3-3-07 Evaluating and transforming you and your colleagues’ assessments in an age of generative AI Presenter |
Neef, Matthias | Hochschule Düsseldorf, University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education Presenter |
Nesbitt, Alan | Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom | Socially Responsible Design |
Newcombe, Lynne | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges |
Nick, Christina | Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre, School of Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom | Ethics Learning Activities WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom |
Niculescu, Alexandra | EPFL, Switzerland; Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences Presenter Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Niemelä, Hanna | LUT University, Finland | Supporting Diversity |
Niemelä, Pia | Tampere University, Finland | Teaching Engineering Skills Presenter |
Nikolic, Sasha | University of Wollongong, Australia; Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia | Generative AI and LLMs WS session 3-3-07 Evaluating and transforming you and your colleagues’ assessments in an age of generative AI |
Nizamis, Kostas | University of Twente, Enschede , The Netherlands; University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Building Capacity PBL in Practice Presenter SIG Workshop 1-07 Needs of students and educators for effective organization of continuing engineering education Presenter |
Nizamis, Nikola | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Noctor, Michael | Munster Technological University, Ireland | Educating the Whole Engineer Presenter |
Noerager, Michael | Aarhus University, Denmark | PBL in disciplinary contexts |
Nolan, Mary Bridget | ATU Sligo, Ireland; Atlantic Technological University Sligo, Ireland | Socially Responsible Design Transversal Skills Learning |
Norrman, Charlotte | Linköping University, Sweden | Developing Engineering Educators Presenter |
Notari, Michele | Pädagogische Hochschule (PHBern), Switzerland | WS session 2-3-09 Supporting the full life cycle of rich open educational resources with a learning experience platform |
Nørgaard, Bente | Aalborg University Aalborg, Denmark | Building Capacity WS session 3-2-01 Refining a taxonomy and lexicon for continuing engineering education Presenter |
Nwanua, Mary Ifeoma | University of Florida, Nigeria | Group-based Learning |
Nweke, Mauryn Chika | University College London, United Kingdom | PBL in disciplinary contexts Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences Presenter |
Nyamapfene, Abel | University College London, United Kingdom | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences Presenter SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion Presenter |
O'Connell, Michael | Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden | WS session 2-2-07 Re-imagining engineering education through solving interdisciplinary course design challenges |
O'Gorman, Louise | Atlantic Technological University, Ireland | Ethics and Sustainability in Engineering Programmes Presenter |
Obbard, Edward | University of New South Wales, Australia | Sustainability in Technical Disciplines |
Odunsi, Ademola | UCL, United Kingdom | Group-based Learning Presenter WS Session 4-10 Addressing issues related to running and assessment of group work in engineering education Presenter |
Oliveira, A. Virgílio M. | Coimbra Institute of Engineering, Portugal | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling |
Olivella-Nadal, Jordi | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC, Spain | Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges Presenter |
Olivieri, Stefano | MathWorks, Italy | WS Session 4-12 Sponsor WS (MathWorks) AI in the Classroom: A Tool for Lecturers or a New Discipline? Presenter |
Omar, Chalak | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Critical approaches in Project based learning Simulations in Engineering Education |
Oskarsson, Björn | Linköping University, Sweden | Critical approaches in Project based learning |
Otto, Sofie | Aalborg University, Denmark | WS session 2-2-06 Epistemic Lenses for Designing Instruction and Supervision in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence: An Adaptive Gameful Approach to Higher Education Pedagogy Presenter |
Oulton, Rebekah | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, United States of America | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling |
Owen, Lewis | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges |
Øien, Geir Egil Dahle | NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway | WS Session 4-07 Establishing centra for engineering education development – sharing experiences Presenter |
P. Caridade, Cristina | Polytechnique University of Coimbra - IPC/ISEC, Portugal | Mathematics and Real world data Mathematics Innovations |
Padayachee, Pragashni | University of Cape Town | Mathematics in Transition into University Presenter |
Paik, Jamie | EPFL, Switzerland | PBL in disciplinary contexts Presenter |
Parul, Akshara | KU Leuven, Belgium | Mathematics Innovations Presenter |
Pearson, Ashlee | Faculty of Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia | WS session 2-3-07 A National Approach to Supporting an Expanded Focus on Human and Social Context in Engineering |
Pego, Joao | Universidade Porto | Online and Onsite Learning |
Pepin, Birgit | Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands | Mathematics Innovations |
Perea Borobio, Esther | Imperial College London, United Kingdom | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) SIG Workshop 1-03 Sorting skills: curriculum profiles and the forthcoming SEFI handbook |
Peters, Anne | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | WS session 3-2-07 What more can I/we do? Exploring the potential of humor and activism for accelerating educational transformation |
Peters, Ina | Technische Universität Berlin | Developing Engineering Educators Presenter Teaching Responsible Engineering Presenter |
Phillips, Declan | University of Limerick, Ireland | Educating the Whole Engineer Presenter PBL in disciplinary contexts |
Phillips, Gavin | Maastricht University, Netherlands, The | Learning and Testing in Mathematics |
Pick, Louise Therese | School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Queens University Belfast, United Kingdom; Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom | Curriculum Development Presenter Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling |
Pigeonnat, Yvan | PerForm, Grenoble INP, Université Grenoble Alpes, France | Ethics Learning Activities |
Piñeros Rodríguez, Manuela | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | Group-based Learning Presenter |
Pineros-Rodriguez, Manuela | EPFL, Switzerland | Online and Onsite Learning |
Pit-Claudel, Clément | EPFL, Switzerland | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Pla-Garcia, Núria | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech, Spain | Engagement and Disengagement |
Plumb, Sarah | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | New Teachers of Engineering Presenter |
Pollettini Marcos, Leonardo | School of Engineering Education, Purdue University, United States of America | Competences across the curriculum Presenter |
Polmear, Madeline | King's College London, United Kingdom | SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion Presenter WS session 2-2-05 Securing fellowships for engineering education research |
Porras, Päivi | LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Presenter |
Poulsen, Danny Bøgsted | Aalborg University, Denmark | Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools |
Prasad, Prajish | FLAME University, India. | WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom |
Primera, Roseidys C.M. | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Curriculum Redesign Presenter |
Prince, Robert Noel | University of Johannesburg, South Africa | Mathematics in Transition into University Presenter |
Proches, Cecile Gerwel | Graduate School of Business & Leadership (GSB&L) | Curriculum Redesign |
Qian, Shenfan | School of Public Afairs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling |
Quadrado, José Carlos | ENAEE; ENTER; ISEL; ISRC/ISEP | SIG Workshop 1-08 Empowering Engineering Education: Tools and Strategies for International Accreditation Presenter |
Queiruga-Dios, Araceli | Universidad de Salamanca, Spain; Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain | Mathematics and Real world data Presenter Mathematics and Real world data Presenter Mathematics and Real world data |
Queiruga-Dios, Marián | Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Spain | Mathematics and Real world data |
Quilligan, Michael | University of Limerick, Ireland | Educating the Whole Engineer PBL in disciplinary contexts Presenter |
Qvistgaard, Nina | DTU, Denmark | Tools to support learning in Interdisciplinary Challenges |
Rafalovich, Arkadi | Tel Aviv University, Israel | WS session 2-3-11 Utilizing Home Experiment Kits for Hybrid Learning Methodology Presenter |
Raich, Roi | Tel Aviv University, Israel | WS session 2-3-11 Utilizing Home Experiment Kits for Hybrid Learning Methodology Presenter |
Rajala, Jaakko | Tampere University, Finland | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Ramachandran, Vivek | University College London, United Kingdom; UCL | Ethics and Sustainability in Engineering Programmes Presenter WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom Presenter |
Ramanandan, Santhanu | EPFL, Switzerland | Ethics Learning Activities |
Ramírez, Javier Ruiz | Miguel Hernández University of Elche, Spain | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling |
Real, Esther | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (BarcelonaTECH) | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Rees, Elizabeth | DTU, Denmark | Inclusivity & Belonging Presenter |
Remmal, Hamza | EPFL, Switzerland | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Rijk, Kathinka | Eindhoven University of Technology | WS Session 4-08 Exploring DEI in teacher professional development in engineering education: What, How, and Why? Presenter |
Rios, Shannon A | The University of Melbourne, Australia | Building Capacity Presenter |
Roach, Kate | University College London, United Kingdom | Ethics and Sustainability in Engineering Programmes |
Rodero-de-Lamo, Lourdes | Department of Statistics and Operational Research, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Rodriguez, David | Icam site de Toulouse, France | Generative AI and LLMs Presenter |
Roeling, Monika | TU Delft, Netherlands, The | Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education Presenter |
Rolstad, Knut Bjørkli | NTNU, Norway | Learning and Testing in Mathematics Presenter |
Romkey, Lisa | University of Toronto, Canada | Well-being & Care |
Roseboom, Lisanne | Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | Developing Engineering Educators Presenter |
Rossi, Marco | MathWorks | Teaching Responsible Engineering Presenter |
Rossi, Valentina | EPFL, Switzerland; École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland; The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations Presenter WS session 2-2-11 Archimedean Oath: A reflection tool for responsible engineers Presenter WS session 2-3-04 Transversal skills that promote sustainability -> an experiential activity for engineering students Presenter WS session 3-3-11 Creating experiential activities to teach transversal skills in your course with a backward design template Presenter |
Routaharju, Liisa Ilona | LUT university, Finland; South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk), Finland | Innovations in Curriculum Models Presenter Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education Presenter |
Routhe, Henrik | Aalborg University, Denmark | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways Presenter |
Rouvrais, Siegfried | IMT Atlantique | Curriculum Redesign WS session 2-3-05 Codesigning an expedition semester around Europe for future responsible engineers Presenter |
Ruane, Kieran | Munster Technological University, Ireland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Ruijten-Dodoiu, Peter | Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands | Building Thinking Capacity Presenter WS session 3-3-06 Strengthening Student Learning: From Outcome-based to Process-based Learning Presenter |
Ryan, Terence | University of Limerick, Ireland | PBL in disciplinary contexts |
Saad, Rola | Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling Presenter |
Saarikoski, Lotta | VAMK, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities Presenter |
Sahasrabudhe, Sameer | Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India; IIT Gandhinagar, India | Socially Responsible Design Transversal Skills Learning |
Salim, Muath | University of Texas at Tyler, United States of America | AI in Engineering Education |
Sandison, Carolyn | University of Wollongong, Australia; Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia | Generative AI and LLMs WS session 3-3-07 Evaluating and transforming you and your colleagues’ assessments in an age of generative AI |
Sándor, Tibor | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning Mathematics Innovations Presenter |
Santos Sánchez, María Jesús | Universidad de Salamanca, Spain; Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain | Mathematics and Real world data Presenter Mathematics and Real world data Presenter Mathematics and Real world data |
Sarma, Zane Emilija | Riga Technical University, Latvia | Socially Responsible Design Presenter |
Sarraf, Krista Speicher | California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, United States of America | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling Presenter |
Sass, Ditte Strunge | Technical University of Denmark, Denmark | WS session 3-3-08 Game On: Inclusivity in STEM teacher training through interactive play Presenter |
Satya Putra, Alfa | Purdue University, USA | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education Presenter |
Saunders-Smits, Gillian | Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands | Attracting Students to STEM Education Presenter |
Schädlich, Sylvia | Hochschule Ruhr West, University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education |
Schleiss, Johannes | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany | AI in Engineering Education Presenter Perspectives on AI Presenter Perspectives on AI Presenter |
Schmidt, Matthias | Leibnitz University, Germany | Transversal Skills Learning |
Schultz, Ben | RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Perspectives on AI |
Schultz, Ole | DTU, Denmark | Engagement and Disengagement Presenter |
Schurgers, Curt | Center for Project-Based Learning, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, UC San Diego, California, USA | PBL in Practice |
Schwaller, Silvan | FİGES | Teaching Responsible Engineering |
Seatwo, Alan | UCL, United Kingdom | Group-based Learning Presenter WS Session 4-10 Addressing issues related to running and assessment of group work in engineering education Presenter |
Serodio, Maria | ESTIEM, Portugal | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways Presenter |
Seyyedhosseinzadeh, Hamed | University of Texas at Tyler, United States of America | AI in Engineering Education |
Sha, Aarezo | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Innovations in Curriculum Models |
Shahbazi, Fatemeh | University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling Presenter |
Shan, Qinglan | Microsystems Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland; Professorship for Learning Sciences and Higher Education, ETH Zurich, Swizerland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities Presenter |
Shaw, Corrinne | University of Cape Town, South Africa | Gender and Engineering Experiences |
Sheley, Christina | Cornell University, United States of America | Social and Human Sciences in Engineering Education Presenter |
Shillcock, Julian Charles | Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland | Simulations in Engineering Education Presenter |
Shinde, Rhythima | The Engineering and Design Institute- London (TEDI London), United Kingdom | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations Presenter |
Shokati, Vida | Åbo Akademi University, Finland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities Presenter |
Siddika, Aysha | Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh | Building Thinking Capacity |
Siefker, Justin | UCL, United Kingdom | Group-based Learning Presenter WS Session 4-10 Addressing issues related to running and assessment of group work in engineering education Presenter |
Silalahi, Sari | Del Institute of Technology, Indonesia | WS session 2-3-05 Codesigning an expedition semester around Europe for future responsible engineers |
Sill, Andrew | Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation | Sustainability in Technical Disciplines |
Silvestre, Santiago | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain | Cognition and Metacognition |
Simarro, Cristina | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain | Attracting Students to STEM Education Presenter |
Simmons, Denise Rutledge | University of Florida, Nigeria; University of Florida, United States of America | Group-based Learning Presenter Supporting Diversity Presenter |
Simpson, Zach | University of Johannesburg, South Africa | Mathematics in Transition into University Presenter |
Sluijs, Janneke | The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Smith, Christopher J. M. | Glasgow Caledonian University | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment Presenter SIG Workshop 1-07 Needs of students and educators for effective organization of continuing engineering education Presenter Building Capacity Presenter Socially Responsible Design Presenter WS session 3-2-01 Refining a taxonomy and lexicon for continuing engineering education Presenter |
Smith, Lelanie | Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and IT, University of Pretoria, South Africa | Curriculum Development Presenter |
Smith Ortiz, Adriana Maria | University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education Presenter |
Soeiro, Alfredo | AECEF, Portugal | Online and Onsite Learning Presenter |
Soininen, Tiina | Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning |
Song, Yuanyuan | Tsinghua University, China, People's Republic of | Curriculum Development Presenter |
Sorby, Sheryl | University of Cincinnati, United States of America | Inclusivity & Belonging Presenter |
Soukka, Risto | LUT university, Finland | Innovations in Curriculum Models Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education |
Spaenlehauer, Basile | École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | WS session 2-3-09 Supporting the full life cycle of rich open educational resources with a learning experience platform |
Spikic, Sascha | Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium | New Teachers of Engineering |
Spillane, Jeremiah | Munster Technological University, Ireland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Spirig, Matthias | Switch, Switzerland | WS session 3-3-12 Sponsor WS (Switch) Videos in education and research Presenter |
Stankevičiūtė, Gintarė | Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania | Critical approaches in Project based learning |
Stappenbelt, Brad | University of Wollongong, Australia | Generative AI and LLMs |
Stark, Rainer | Industrial Information Technology, TU Berlin, Germany | PBL in Practice |
Stober, Sebastian | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany | Perspectives on AI Perspectives on AI |
Stöhr, Christian | Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden | Building Capacity |
Strachan, Scott | University of Strathclyde, Scotland | WS session 3-2-06 The learning station model: Co-creation with students and stakeholders as a practice for knowing, thinking,feeling, and doing Presenter |
Strobel, Johannes | University of Texas at El Paso, United States of America | Resilience & Emotional Capabilities |
Studer, Melanie | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling Presenter |
Suhonen, Sami | Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Sunderland, Keith | Technical University Dublin | Online and Onsite Learning |
Sundman, Julia | School of Engineering, Aalto University, Finland | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning Presenter |
Szabó, István | National Council of Student Research Societies | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning |
Szalmáné Csete, Maria | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary | Cognition and Metacognition |
Szilágyi, Brigitta | Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary; Corvinus University of Budapest Budapest, Hungary; MTA–ELTE Theory of Learning Mathematics Research Group | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning Mathematics Innovations |
Taka, Maija | School of Engineering, Aalto University, Finland | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning WS session 2-2-07 Re-imagining engineering education through solving interdisciplinary course design challenges |
Tanner, David | School of Engineering, University of Limerick, Ireland | Attracting Students to STEM Education |
Tarchini, Alex | MathWorks, Italy | WS Session 4-12 Sponsor WS (MathWorks) AI in the Classroom: A Tool for Lecturers or a New Discipline? |
Tepsa, Tauno | Lapland UAS, Finland | Perspectives on AI |
Thekkiniyath, Alfred Joseph | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Thiele, Kathrin | Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences applied Sciences, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | SIG Workshop 1-11 AI and ICT Integration in Mathematics Engineering Education: Enhancing Learning and Teaching Presenter Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools |
Thompson, Matthew | The Engineering & Design Institute London, United Kingdom | Teaching Design Presenter |
Thomson, Gareth | ASTON University, UK; Aston University, Birmingham, UK | Cognition and Metacognition SIG Workshop 1-10 Curriculum development and emerging curriculum models in engineering WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter |
Thorbensen, Frederik Bode | Aalborg University, Denmark | Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools |
Thorseth, Trond Morten | Departmen of Physics, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway | Ethics Learning Activities Presenter |
Tilley, Emanuela | University College London, United Kingdom; UCL Centre for Engineering Education, United Kingdom | Ethics and Sustainability in Engineering Programmes SIG Workshop 1-10 Curriculum development and emerging curriculum models in engineering |
Tilly, Marc | IPhiG, Université Grenoble Alpes, France | Ethics Learning Activities Presenter |
Tobosaru, Mircea | National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest | SIG Workshop 1-09 Eager to further develop the field of engineering ethics education? |
Tongkaew, Akrimar | Technical University of Denmark | Inclusivity & Belonging Presenter |
Toqeer, Raja | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Critical approaches in Project based learning Presenter SIG Workshop 1-08 Empowering Engineering Education: Tools and Strategies for International Accreditation Teaching Engineering Skills |
Tormey, Roland | Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland; EPFL, Switzerland | Educating the Whole Engineer SIG Workshop 1-09 Eager to further develop the field of engineering ethics education? Presenter Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes Presenter |
Torrent, Miquel | Department of Fluid Mechanics, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Torres, Francesc | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain | Cognition and Metacognition Presenter |
Trikic, Michael | The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Inclusivity & Belonging Presenter |
Truscott, Fiona | Centre for Engineering Education, UCL, United Kingdom; Centre for Engineering Education (CEE), University College London (UCL), UK | Curriculum Development Presenter Group-based Learning Presenter SIG Workshop 1-05 Enacting our values - Steps towards a more sustainable and inclusive SEFI community Presenter WS Session 4-10 Addressing issues related to running and assessment of group work in engineering education Presenter |
Truslove, Jonathan | Engineers Without Borders UK, United Kingdom | Curriculum Redesign Presenter WS session 2-2-11 Archimedean Oath: A reflection tool for responsible engineers Presenter WS session 3-2-03 Skills-based workshop for educators navigating a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous world using recently co-created tools Presenter |
Truter, Nicole | Nelson Mandela Univeristy, South Africa | Supporting Diversity |
Tygret, Jennifer | Illinois College, United States of America | Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences Presenter |
Urenda Moris, Matias | Uppsala University Uppsala, Sweden | Building Capacity WS session 3-2-01 Refining a taxonomy and lexicon for continuing engineering education Presenter |
Väätäjä, Heli | Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning Presenter SIG Workshop 1-07 Needs of students and educators for effective organization of continuing engineering education Presenter |
Vadali, Madhu | IIT Gandhinagar, India | Transversal Skills Learning |
Väisänen, Sanni | LUT university, Finland | Innovations in Curriculum Models Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education |
Valencia, Ana | Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands | Building Thinking Capacity WS session 3-3-06 Strengthening Student Learning: From Outcome-based to Process-based Learning |
Valentine, Andrew | The Univeristy of Melbourne, Australia | Theorising to Practicing in DEI |
Vallès, Pierre-Olivier | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland | WS session 3-2-10 Beyond “Just play with it!”: A rubric to help teachers design Jupyter notebooks for instructional efficiency |
Valtins, Karlis | Riga Technical University, Latvia | Socially Responsible Design Presenter |
van Berkum, Melanie | Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands, The | Competences across the curriculum Presenter |
van den Bogaard, Maartje | The University of Texas at El Paso | WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter WS Session 4-06 Engineering education research: Reviewing jounral manuscripts fairly, constructively and effectively Presenter |
Van den Bogaard, Maartje | University of Texas at El Paso, United States of America | Resilience & Emotional Capabilities Presenter |
Van den Broeck, Lynn | KU Leuven, Belgium | Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning Presenter Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning WS session 3-2-12 Lifelong learning as an engineering educator: A hands-on co-creation exercise to enhance engineering students’ lifelong learning competencies Presenter |
van den Burg, Leo | TU Delft, Netherlands, The | Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education |
van der Goot, Gisou | EPFL, Switzerland | Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations |
van der Kolk, Naomi | The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
van der Veen, Jan | Eindhoven University of Technology | WS session 2-3-12 Ingredients for professional development of engineering educators |
Van Dommelen, Sjoerd | Delft University of technology, Netherlands, The | WS session 3-2-05 Actively engaging with a code of conduct to foster responsible and inclusive behavior Presenter |
van Hoevelaak, Joost | The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Van Laar, Colette | Ku Leuven, Belgium | Being and Relating Ethically |
Van Maele, Jan | KU Leuven, Belgium; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Educating the Whole Engineer Presenter Theorising to Practicing in DEI WS Session 4-08 Exploring DEI in teacher professional development in engineering education: What, How, and Why? Presenter |
van Mensvoort, Wout | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
van Waterschoot, Toon | KU Leuven, Belgium | Mathematics Innovations |
Vandenberghe, Charlotte | École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland | WS session 2-2-11 Archimedean Oath: A reflection tool for responsible engineers Presenter |
Varis, Olli | School of Engineering, Aalto University, Finland | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning |
Vatus, Cécilia | Icam site de Toulouse, France | Generative AI and LLMs |
Veldman, Jenny | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | Being and Relating Ethically |
Ventura Medina, Ester | TU Eindhoven | SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion |
Ventura-Medina, Esther | Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands; TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands | Mathematics Innovations SIG Workshop 1-01 Kicking off the EER Reading Club -The Handbook of Engineering Research Series Presenter WS session 2-3-12 Ingredients for professional development of engineering educators WS Session 4-08 Exploring DEI in teacher professional development in engineering education: What, How, and Why? Presenter |
Verheij, Lisanne | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Curriculum Redesign |
Verkroost, Marie-José | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | Curriculum Redesign |
Verkuilen, Abboy | The Hague University of Applied Science, Netherlands, The | WS session 2-3-08 Teach Students how to Study Successfully Presenter |
Verma, Himanshu | TU Delft, Netherlands | Teaching for Inclusivity in Engineering programmes |
Vidal Lopez, Eva | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain | Generative AI and LLMs |
Vilchez, Mercè | Department of Fluid Mechanics, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Villa López, Farah H. | University of Warwick, United Kingdom | Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling |
Villalon Fornes, Ignacio | Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania | Critical approaches in Project based learning |
Villanueva Alarcón, Idalis | University of Florida, Nigeria; University of Florida, United States of America | Group-based Learning Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment |
Vinerean, Mirela | Karlstad University, Sweden | Mathematics in Transition into University Presenter |
Vinod, Gouri | UCL, United Kingdom | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) Presenter |
Virkki, Outi Tuulia | Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland | Diversity and pathways Presenter |
Visser, Wianda | The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Vlasov, Mikhail | Department of Statistics and Operational Research, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Voimanen, Eerik | Tampere University, Finland | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Volpe, Elizabeth Sara | University of Florida, United States of America | Supporting Diversity Presenter |
von Steinaecker, Marlene | ESTIEM, Germany | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways Presenter |
Vonk, Caroline | Eindhoven University of Technology | WS Session 4-08 Exploring DEI in teacher professional development in engineering education: What, How, and Why? Presenter |
Vu, Bao Anh | University of Wollongong, Australia | Generative AI and LLMs |
Walsh, Joseph | Munster Technological University, Ireland | Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities |
Wang, Shuai | School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China | Innovations in Curriculum Models Presenter |
Wehrmann, Caroline | Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | WS session 3-3-10 Students Taking Responsibility for Their Learning Presenter |
Weiszburg, Tamás | National Council of Student Research Societies ; Eötvös Loránd University | Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning |
Weng, Joanna | Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland | AI in Engineering Education Presenter |
Werlen, Egon | Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS), Switzerland | Educating the Whole Engineer |
Wesley, Aidan | Minnesota State University Mankato - Iron Range Engineering, United States of America | Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment |
Wiger, Malin | Linköping University, Sweden | Critical approaches in Project based learning Presenter |
Willemoës, Stephanie | DTU, Denmark | Teamwork & Leadership |
Williams, Bill | TUDublin; CEGIST, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa; CREATE research centre, TU Dublin, Dublin, Ireland; Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, Setubal, Portugal | Developing Engineering Educators Presenter Theorising to Practicing in DEI Presenter |
Wimmer, Anna-Kathrin | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany | WS session 2-3-06 Innovating Responsibility: Fostering Creative Competences for Sustainable Engineering Solutions Presenter |
Winkens, Ann-Kristin | RWTH Aachen University, Germany | Building Capacity Presenter Cognition and Metacognition Presenter |
Wint, Natalie | Centre for Engineering Education (CEE), UCL, United Kingdom; Centre for Engineering Education, University College London, United Kingdom; University College London (UCL), London, UK; University College London, UK | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways Presenter Resilience & Emotional Capabilities Presenter Resilience & Emotional Capabilities Presenter Resilience & Emotional Capabilities Presenter SIG Workshop 1-03 Sorting skills: curriculum profiles and the forthcoming SEFI handbook SIG Workshop 1-04 Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing Presenter SIG Workshop 1-05 Enacting our values - Steps towards a more sustainable and inclusive SEFI community Presenter SIG Workshop 1-07 Needs of students and educators for effective organization of continuing engineering education SIG Workshop 1-10 Curriculum development and emerging curriculum models in engineering Theorising to Practicing in DEI Presenter WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication Presenter |
Winther, Maiken | Aalborg University, Denmark | Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways |
Wittel, Falk K | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | AI in Engineering Education Presenter |
Wright, Michael | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Critical approaches in Project based learning |
Wulfes, Jennifer | Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany | Diversity and pathways |
Xie, Wengang | School of Public Afairs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling Presenter |
Xu, Peiyun | School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China | Innovations in Curriculum Models |
Yamada, Tsuneo | The Open University of Japan | Poster session (incl. refreshment break) |
Yang, Shuxian | School of Public Afairs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling |
Yang, Xinyi | Tampere University, Finland | Teaching Engineering Skills |
Yao, Wei | lnstitute of China's Science, Technology and Educaion Policy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China | Arts-based Education of Acting, Thinking and Feeling |
Ye, Susie | Bentley systems, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands | SIG Workshop 1-04 Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing Presenter |
Ylitalo, Jari Heikki | Aalto University, Finland | Social and Human Sciences in Engineering Education Presenter |
Young, Paul | Dublin City University, Ireland | Ethics and Sustainability in Engineering Programmes |
Yung, Wing | TU Delft, Netherlands, The | Perspectives on Sustainability in Engineering Education |
Zander, Mark Oliver | Product Development Group Zurich, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland | Critical approaches in Project based learning Presenter |
Zandi, Mo | University of Sheffield, United Kingdom | Teamwork & Leadership |
Zhang, Mike | Aalborg University, Denmark | Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools |
Zhang, Wei | Institute of China's Science, Technology and Education Policy, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China | Innovations in Curriculum Models |
Zhou, Jinni | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) | Mathematics Innovations |