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Learning and Testing in Mathematics
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ID: 222
Practice Paper Oral presentation Topics: Teaching foundational disciplines of Mathematics and Physics in engineering education, Digital tools and AI in engineering education Keywords: mathematics, assessment, online quizzes, formative assessment, retrieval practice Testing is Learning: Using Randomized, Parametrized, and Diversified Weekly Online Quizzes with Answer-Dependent Feedback in Multivariable Calculus Maastricht University, Netherlands, The
ID: 286
Research Paper Oral presentation Topics: Teaching technical knowledge in and across engineering disciplines, Teaching foundational disciplines of Mathematics and Physics in engineering education Keywords: problem-solving skills, technical mechanics, strategy training, mechanical engineering education Evaluation of a strategy training to promote mechanical-mathematical modeling competence in problem solving in Technical Mechanics (statics) 1Ruhr West, University of Applied Sciences, Germany; 2University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
ID: 341
Practice Paper Oral presentation Topics: Teaching the knowledge, skills and attitudes of sustainable engineering, Teaching foundational disciplines of Mathematics and Physics in engineering education Keywords: formative assessment, large student groups, feedback, physics DEVELOPMENT OF A FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT PRACTICE NTNU, Norway