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Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning
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ID: 179
Research Paper Oral presentation Topics: Continuing education and life-long learning in engineering, Curriculum development and emerging curriculum models in engineering Keywords: Strategy, Environmental analysis, Curriculum, Circular economy THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UAS STRATEGY AS PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCE-BASED CIRCULAR ECONOMY EDUCATION LAB University of Applied Sciences, Finland
ID: 361
Research Paper Oral presentation Topics: Open and online education for engineers, Continuing education and life-long learning in engineering Keywords: microcredential, digital credential, microlearning, MOOC, continuing education APPROACH AND EXPERIENCES OF USING DIGITAL CREDENTIALS IN CONTINUING EDUCATION MOOCS 1Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Finland; 2Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland
ID: 390
Research Paper Oral presentation Topics: Continuing education and life-long learning in engineering, Engineering skills, professional skills, and transversal skills Keywords: High Impact Practice, Student Research Societies, Pandemic STUDENT RESEARCH SOCIETIES: THE WIDEST FORM OF TALENT DEVELOPMENT 1Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary; 2National Council of Student Research Societies ; 3Corvinus University of Budapest Budapest, Hungary; 4MTA–ELTE Theory of Learning Mathematics Research Group; 5Eötvös Loránd University
ID: 430
Research Paper Oral presentation Topics: Continuing education and life-long learning in engineering, Engineering skills, professional skills, and transversal skills Keywords: key competencies, early-career, lifelong learning, competence profile DECODING THE SKILL PUZZLE: AN INVESTIGATION OF COMPETENCy PROFILES OF RECENT GRADUATES IN ENGINEERING School of Engineering, Aalto University, Finland