Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

🎓 The first author is a student, at least 2/3 of the authors are students -Undergraduate, Master, Doctoral-; may include supervisor as one of the authors.

Session Overview
Date: Tuesday, 03/Sept/2024
Wellbeing Activities Tuesday
Equity and Sustainability: What do employers need our graduates to know?
Location: SG1 Auditorium
Chair: Roman Bruegger
Group Photo & Break 2-1
Location: SG Main Hall
Well-being session 2-1: Stretch!
Learning in Virtual and Augmented Realities
Location: SG0211
Chair: Jessica Dehler Zufferey
Transversal Skills Learning
Location: SG0213
Chair: Gerhard Müller
Inner and Outer Sustainable Develoment
Location: AAC008
Chair: Melanie Studer
Teamwork & Leadership
Location: AAC014
Chair: Balázs Vince Nagy
Sustainability and Curriculum Innovations
Location: AAC020
Chair: Michka Melo
Supporting Diversity
Location: AAC108
Chair: Siara Isaac
Social and Human Sciences in Engineering Education
Location: AAC114
Chair: Beanta Alberink
Innovations in Curriculum Models
Location: AAC120
Chair: Yousef Jalali
Educating the Whole Engineer
Location: AAC132
Chair: Alexandra Niculescu
Credentials, Competences and Life Long Learning
Location: AAC137
Chair: Greet Langie
Teaching Design
Location: AAC231
Chair: Iris Capdevila
Well-being session 2-2: Disconnect for a while
Group-based Learning
Location: SG0211
Chair: Tamara Milosevic
Engineering Skills: Thinking, Acting and Feeling
Location: SG0213
Chair: Tinne De Laet
Cognition and Metacognition
Location: AAC008
Chair: Emrah Acar
New Teachers of Engineering
Location: AAC014
Chair: Christopher Smith
WS session 2-2-05 Securing fellowships for engineering education research
Location: AAC020
WS session 2-2-06 Epistemic Lenses for Designing Instruction and Supervision in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence: An Adaptive Gameful Approach to Higher Education Pedagogy
Location: AAC108
WS session 2-2-07 Re-imagining engineering education through solving interdisciplinary course design challenges
Location: AAC114
WS session 2-2-08 Teaching Engineering Ethics in the Disciplines: Strategies to integrate ethics into the classroom
Location: AAC120
WS session 2-2-09 Engineering Non-technical Skills Behavioral Taxonomy: A Sort and Grid Workshop
Location: AAC132
WS session 2-2-10 Sharing effective practices for supporting entering doctoral students
Location: AAC137
WS session 2-2-11 Archimedean Oath: A reflection tool for responsible engineers
Location: AAC231
Lunch break
Location: SG Main Hall
SIG Chairs Lunch
Location: AAC006
Dean's Lunch
Location: AAC106
Well-being session 3: Go for a walk near the lake
WS session 2-3-01 : Asian Engineering Education Forum at SEFFI 2024
Location: SG1 Auditorium
WS session 2-3-02 Sponsor WS (Bentley Systems) Digital Twins for Smart Universities and Industry Engagement
Location: SG0211
WS session 2-3-03 Engineering education research: Writing for publication
Location: SG0213
WS session 2-3-04 Transversal skills that promote sustainability -> an experiential activity for engineering students
Location: AAC008
WS session 2-3-12 Ingredients for professional development of engineering educators
Location: AAC014
WS session 2-3-05 Codesigning an expedition semester around Europe for future responsible engineers
Location: AAC020
WS session 2-3-06 Innovating Responsibility: Fostering Creative Competences for Sustainable Engineering Solutions
Location: AAC108
WS session 2-3-07 A National Approach to Supporting an Expanded Focus on Human and Social Context in Engineering
Location: AAC114
WS session 2-3-08 Teach Students how to Study Successfully
Location: AAC120
WS session 2-3-09 Supporting the full life cycle of rich open educational resources with a learning experience platform
Location: AAC132
WS session 2-3-10 Who is the best engineer? Identity theory as a framework to reflect on how our classroom praxis informs the value of social responsibility in engineering
Location: AAC137
WS session 2-3-11 Utilizing Home Experiment Kits for Hybrid Learning Methodology
Location: AAC231
Refreshment Break 2-2
Location: SG Main Hall
SEFI General Assembly
Location: SG1 Auditorium
Chair: Balázs Vince Nagy
Chair: Klara Ferdova
Social Programme

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