Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

🎓 The first author is a student, at least 2/3 of the authors are students -Undergraduate, Master, Doctoral-; may include supervisor as one of the authors.

Session Overview
Date: Monday, 02/Sept/2024
Registration & Welcome Coffee
Location: SG Main Hall
Opening Session
Location: SG1 Auditorium
Chair: Jessica Dehler Zufferey
Johanna Lönngren: Emotions in Engineering Education: The emergence of a new field of research
Location: SG1 Auditorium
Chair: Jessica Dehler Zufferey
SIG pitches
Location: SG1 Auditorium
Chair: Jessica Dehler Zufferey
Refreshment Break 1-1
Location: SG Main Hall
Well-being session 1: Eat some Swiss chocolate
Teaching and Learning with Digital Tools
Location: SG0211
Chair: Patrick Jermann
Diversity and pathways
Location: SG0213
Chair: Helene Fueger
Theorising to Practicing in DEI
Location: AAC008
Chair: Ines Direito
Mathematics in Transition into University
Location: AAC014
Chair: Stanislas Herscovich
Perspectives on AI
Location: AAC020
Chair: Kim Lynn Uittenhove
Ethics Learning Activities
Location: AAC108
Chair: Diana Adela Martin
Curriculum Development
Location: AAC114
Chair: John Mitchell
Building Capacity
Location: AAC120
Chair: Annechien Sarah Helsdingen
Well-being & Care
Location: AAC132
Chair: Ingrid Le Duc
Reflection, Metacognition and Life Long Learning
Location: AAC137
Chair: Tinne De Laet
PBL in Practice
Location: AAC231
Chair: Jamie Paik
Well-being session 2: Catch up with colleagues
Transversal Skills
Location: SG0211
Chair: Helena Kovacs
Learning and Testing in Mathematics
Location: SG0213
Chair: Simone Deparis
Attractiveness Systems for Engineering Pathways
Location: AAC008
Chair: Klara Kövesi
Inclusivity & Belonging
Location: AAC014
Chair: Robyn Mae Paul
AI in Engineering Education
Location: AAC020
Chair: Himanshu Verma
PBL in disciplinary contexts
Location: AAC108
Chair: Victoria Abou Khalil
Competences across the curriculum
Location: AAC114
Chair: Peter R Neal
Metacognition and Reflection in Engineering Education
Location: AAC120
Chair: Homero Murzi
Sustainability in Technical Disciplines
Location: AAC132
Chair: Aida Olivia Guerra
Mathematics and Real world data
Location: AAC137
Chair: Adélie Garin
Diversity in Engineering Education Experiences
Location: AAC231
Chair: Fiona Truscott
Newjoiners Lunch
Location: Second floor Hall
Lunch break 1
Location: SG Main Hall
SIG Workshop 1-01 Kicking off the EER Reading Club -The Handbook of Engineering Research Series
Location: SG1 Auditorium
SIG Workshop 1-02 What conflicts does sustainability bring to engineering education?
Location: SG0211
SIG Workshop 1-03 Sorting skills: curriculum profiles and the forthcoming SEFI handbook
Location: SG0213
SIG Workshop 1-04 Engineering Outreach: Examples, Evaluation and Evidencing
Location: AAC008
SIG Workshop 1-05 Enacting our values - Steps towards a more sustainable and inclusive SEFI community
Location: AAC014
SIG Workshop 1-06 Staff Capacity Building for Educating Socially Responsible Engineers: Considerations Related to Culture and Emotion
Location: AAC020
SIG Workshop 1-07 Needs of students and educators for effective organization of continuing engineering education
Location: AAC108
SIG Workshop 1-08 Empowering Engineering Education: Tools and Strategies for International Accreditation
Location: AAC114
SIG Workshop 1-09 Eager to further develop the field of engineering ethics education?
Location: AAC120
SIG Workshop 1-10 Curriculum development and emerging curriculum models in engineering
Location: AAC132
SIG Workshop 1-11 AI and ICT Integration in Mathematics Engineering Education: Enhancing Learning and Teaching
Location: AAC137
Refreshments 1-2
Location: SG Main Hall
SIG Physics Meeting
Location: AAC008
SIG Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning Meeting
Location: AAC014
SIG Attractiveness Meeting
Location: AAC020
SIG Curriculum Development Meeting
Location: AAC108
SIG Ethics Meeting
Location: AAC114
SIG Capacity Building Meeting
Location: AAC120
SIG Mathematics Meeting
Location: AAC008
SIG Engineering Skills Meeting
Location: AAC014
SIG Digital Learning Meeting
Location: AAC020
SIG Quality Assurance and Accreditation Meeting
Location: AAC114
SIG Engineering Education Research Meeting
Location: AAC120
SIG Sustainability Meeting
Location: AAC137
SIG Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Meeting
Location: AAC231
Welcome Reception and Fellowship Awards
Location: SG1 Auditorium
Chair: Francesco Mondada

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