Special Session: Ceramic and crystalline waste forms (organised by Nina Huittinen, HZDR, Dresden, Germany)
Ceramic and crystalline materials are key components in the nuclear fuel cycle and they may play an important role in future envisioned waste management technologies. In addition, crystalline solid phases are likely to be generated in-situ during long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel or other high-level waste streams following corrosion of the primary waste form. For this session, we welcome contributions addressing novel synthesis strategies of ceramics and crystalline materials, their characterization using computational and experimental approaches, and studies addressing chemical and physical properties of crystalline materials. Particular emphasis is placed on assessing their long-term stability, dissolution behavior, and radiation tolerance over extended timeperiods. The session will include contributions from a German national project “AcE” (Actinide immobilization by incorporation into solid phases relevant for final disposal) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Central topics of the AcE project are directly related to the session topics and involve the development of synthesis strategies for primarily An(IV)-doped solid phases such as zirconates (ZrO2 and Ln2Zr2O7), UO2, and monazite type orthophosphates (LnPO4), their structural characterization, and assessment of material performance following irradiation. Our invited speaker Prof. Nicolas Dacheux will open the session on ceramic and crystalline materials.
9:00am - 9:30amCeramic waste forms for the specific immobilization of radionuclides: from synthesis to long-term behavior
Nicolas Dacheux1, Stephanie Szenknect2, Renaud Podor3, Nicolas Clavier3
1ICSM, University of Montpellier, France; 2ICSM, CEA, France; 3ICSM, CNRS, France
9:30am - 9:45amEvaluation of surrogate-models for the incorporation of tetravalent actinides in monazite- and zircon-type phases for long-term disposal
Theresa Lender1, Luiza Braga Ferreira dos Santos2, Nina Huittinen2, Kristina Kvashnina2, Elena Bazarkina2, Peter Appel3, Lars Peters1
1Institute of Crystallography, Rheinisch–Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University, Jägerstr. 17–19, 52066 Aachen; 2Institute of Resource Ecology, Helmholtz–Zentrum Dresden–Rossendorf, Bautzner Landstr. 400, 01328 Dresden; 3Institute of Geosciences, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Ludewig-Meyn-Straße 10, 24118 Kiel
9:45am - 10:00amStructural changes in Ln-Monazite single crystals under swift heavy ion irradiation
Julien Marquardt1, Theresa Lender2, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal1, Eiken Haussühl1, Christina Trautmann3, Lars Peters2, Björn Winkler1
1Goethe Universität Frankfurt; 2RWTH Aachen; 3GSI Hemlholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Reseach Dresden
10:00am - 10:15amStructural analyses of heavy-ion irradiated monazites
Nina Huittinen1,2, Sara Gilson1, Andrey Bukaemskiy3, Gabriel Murphy3, Julien Marquardt4, Theresa Lender5, Holger Lippold1, Volodymyr Svitlyk1, Jonas Nießen5, Christoph Hennig1, Shavkat Akhmadaliev1, Selina Richter1, Jenna Poonoosamy3, Christina Trautmann6
1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany; 2Freie Universität Berlin, Germany; 3Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany; 4Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany; 5RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 6GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung
Volodymyr Svitlyk1,2, Stephan Weiss1, Christoph Hennig1,2
1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Institute of Resource Ecology, Dresden, Germany; 2Rossendorf Beamline (BM20), European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France