Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room
Date: Sunday, 15/June/2025
09:30 - 17:00 DSpace SEO and Statistics Master Class
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

DSpace SEO and Statistics Master Class

Bram Luyten

Atmire, Belgium

Date: Monday, 16/June/2025
Presentations- Data Repositories 1
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

The unification of the effort: the Swedish university RDM network

Karin Westin Tikkanen

Swedish National Data Service, Sweden

“Research Data Management repositories with special references to social science”

Krishnamurthy Madaiah1, Ram Vishwas Chourasiya2

1: Documentation Research and Training Centre Indian Statistical Institute, India; 2: Documentation Research and Training Centre Indian Statistical Institute, India

Bridging the Silos of Institutional Data Repositories: Community Collaboration and Cross-Institutional Development

Mikala Narlock1, Jake Calrson2

1: University of Minnesota, United States of America; 2: University at Buffalo

Advancing Indigenous Data Sovereignty through Dataverse and Local Contexts Integration

SONIA BARBOSA1, James Myers1, Ashley Rojas2

1: Harvard University, United States of America; 2:

13:30 - 15:00 Presentations- Citations, Tracking and Impact
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

Citations growth for journal articles that are in open digital repositories

Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo1, Thiago Magela Dias2, Marcel Garcia de Souza1

1: Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), Brazil; 2: Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Brazil

New Applications for measuring Data Impact in a Domain Science Open Repository

Joshua Freeze, Maria Esteva, James Carson

University of Texas at Austin, United States of America; Texas Advance Computing Center

Enhancing Repository Integration with Crossref Services

Johanssen Odhiambo Obanda, Amanda French


Interoperability between Digital Repositories and OpenAlex: Challenges and Strategies

Marcel Garcia de Souza1, Thiago Magela Dias2, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo1

1: Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), Brazil; 2: Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Brazil

Date: Tuesday, 17/June/2025
09:00 - 10:30 Panel- Managing Access to Open Repositories in the Age of Generative AI
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

Managing Access to Open Repositories in the Age of Generative AI

Matteo Cancellieri1, Martin Klein2, George Macgregor3, Kathleen Shearer4, Allison Sherrick5, Petr Knoth1

1: CORE, The Open University, United Kingdom; 2: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL); 3: The University of Glasgow; 4: Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR); 5: Metropolitan New York Library Council

11:00 - 12:30 Presentations- Sharing Repositories and Resources
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

Building a Sustainable Open Repository Network: The Launch of Open Repositories Ireland (ORI)

Christopher Loughnane1, Cillian Joy1, Caleb Derven2

1: University of Galway, Ireland; 2: University of Limerick

The Big Picture: Visualizing Networks in the Shared Research Repository

Nora Ramsey

British Library, United Kingdom

The Expanding and Overlapping Roles of Institutional and Generalist Repositories: Building an Interoperable Data Repository Ecosystem Together

Sara Gonzales1, Julie Goldman2, Aaron Doran3, Matthew Mariner4, Julie Wood5, Matt Carson1, Pearl Go1, Lisa Curtain6

1: Northwestern University; 2: Harvard University Library; 3: Elsevier - Mendeley Data; 4: University of Rochester; 5: Vivli; 6: Figshare

Ensuring the Future of Digital Repositories in West and Central Africa: A Case Study on BAOBAB and Sustainable Repository Development

Wisdom Sefakor Ankora

West And Central African Research and Education Network (WACREN), Ghana

13:30 - 15:00 Presentations- Provider Communities
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

The Fedora Community finds its future path by learning from the past and bringing others together.

Arran Griffith

Fedora/Lyrasis, Canada

Balancing the Global and the Local at the Research Organization Registry (ROR)

Amanda French

Crossref, United States of America

USRN Discovery Pilot: Increasing the Discoverability of Open Access Content Through a National Network

Petr Knoth1, Paul Walk2, Matteo Cancellieri1, Michael Upshall1, Halyna Torchylo1, Jennifer Beamer3, Kathleen Shearer4, Heather Joseph3

1: CORE, The Open University; 2: Antleaf; 3: Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR); 4: SPARC

15:30 - 17:00 Presentations- Repository Governance, Ethics and Curation
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

The Governance of Open Repository Programs: Progress and Possibilities

Maureen Walsh

The Ohio State University Libraries, United States of America

An Integrated Open Ecosystem: Whose Responsibility Is it?

Bridget Almas1, Sheila Rabun1, Michele Mennielli1, Paolo Gujilde1, Jennifer Beamer2, Sarala Wimalaratne3, Jon Dunn4, Kate Dohe5, Agustina Martinez Garcia6

1: Lyrasis; 2: California State University San Bernardino; 3: DataCite; 4: Indiana University; 5: University of Maryland; 6: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

The Case for a National Repository of Policing Data in the United States

Cheryl Danton1, Christopher Graziul1, Elliott Ramos2

1: University of Chicago, United States of America; 2: CBS News

Scenarios Motivating Integration and Re-Curation

Martin Halbert1, Ted Habermann2, Jamaica Jones3

1: University of North Carolina at Greensboro, United States of America; 2: Metadata Game Changers, United States of America; 3: University of Pittsburgh, United States of America

Date: Wednesday, 18/June/2025
09:00 - 10:30 Presentations- COAR Notify
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

Using PCI, COAR Notify and EPrints to Re-Invent the Publication Workflow

Will Fyson, Rory McNicholl

CoSector, University of London, United Kingdom

Impacts on the Repository of COAR Notify, and tools to help you

Richard David Jones

Cottage Labs, United Kingdom

Interoperable verification and dissemination of software assets in repositories using COAR Notify

Matteo Cancellieri1, Martin Docekal2, David Pride1, Morane Gruenpeter3, David Douard3, Petr Knoth1

1: Open University, United Kingdom; 2: Brno University of Technology; 3: Software Heritage

Moving repositories out of the periphery and into the center of scholarly publishing

Kathleen Shearer1, Eloy Rodrigues2, Paul Walk3, Martin Klein4, Tamy Nakano1

1: COAR, Netherlands; 2: University of Minho, Portugal; 3: Antleaf LTD, UK; 4: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US

13:30-17:00 Fedora User Group
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

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