Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, 18/June/2025
08:30 - 14:00 Registration
Location: Rogers Lobby
09:00 - 10:30 Presentations- Research Data Preservation
Location: Griffin Auditorium

The CURATE(D) Future of ROSA P: The Implementation of the Data Curation Network’s CURATE(D) Steps and Enhancement of Data Management and Preservation at the National Transportation Library

Jesse Ann Long

National Transportation Library, United States of America

The Future of Nuclear Data Preservation at the IAEA: Challenges and Opportunities

Ludmila Marian

IAEA, Austria

From Legacy to Leadership: Transforming OLCF’s Data Repository for the Future of Open Scientific Data

Olga Anna Kuchar1, Joshua Brown1, Tirthankar Ghosal1, Meghan Berry1, Patrick Widener1, Tatiyanna Singleton1, Michael Tharp1, Keith Kawasaki2

1: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, United States of America; 2: CivicActions

Advancing Data Stewardship: Developing a Research Data Retention Policy at the Texas Data Repository

Santi Thompson1, Michael Shensky2, Millicent Weber3, Christina Chan-Park3, Laura Sare4, Andrea Schorr5, Xuan Zhou6

1: University of Houston, United States of America; 2: University of Texas at Austin, United States of America; 3: Baylor University, United States of America; 4: Texas A&M University, United States of America; 5: University of Texas Health San Antonio, United States of America; 6: Texas State University, United States of America

Presentations- Building National Repositories
Location: N110- Orchestra Room

Shaping the future now: Piloting national institutional Repository the challenges and the way forward

Deogratus Daniel

Ministry of Finance, Tanzania

Building a Digital Future: Can Bangladesh Develop a National Repository to Internationalize Research?

Md Anwarul Islam

University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, People's Republic of

Towards a National CRIS: Building and Perspectives for Open Science in the Dominican Republic

Manuel Made, Elsi Jimenez

Instituto Tecnologico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), Dominican Republic, Open Science Caribbean (OSCaribbean)

A Repository of Repositories: Developing a National Registry of Repositories at the National Research Fund in Kenya using Dspace 7

Sanya Otuoma1, Shadrack Mumbe2

1: Mount Kenya University, Kenya; 2: National Research Fund, Kenya

Lightning (24x7) - Repository possibilities
Location: N112- Band Room

It doesn’t have to be this way: Reimagining Institutional Repositories in-Transition

Joe Kohlburn, Marcella Lees

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, United States of America

Wikidata and repositories: opening up the future

David Fiora

Saint Mary's College, United States of America

Diamond Open Access: Repositories as journal publishing platforms, practical experiences

Peter Sutton-Long, Agustina Martínez García

University of Cambridge

Possibilities for Accessible Repositories: a Case Study in ADA Title II Implementation

Sarah Barsness, Erik Moore

University of Minnesota, United States of America

120 years of dissertations, a new understanding of scholars

Leila Sterman

Montana State University, United States of America

Barriers to the institutional repository network: how far is integration possible?

Gareth Cole, Miranda Barnes

Loughborough University, United Kingdom

Simplifying Data Curation Through Tooling And Automation

Dieuwertje Bloemen, Ozgur Karadeniz

KU Leuven, Belgium

Presentations- COAR Notify
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

Using PCI, COAR Notify and EPrints to Re-Invent the Publication Workflow

Will Fyson, Rory McNicholl

CoSector, University of London, United Kingdom

Impacts on the Repository of COAR Notify, and tools to help you

Richard David Jones

Cottage Labs, United Kingdom

Interoperable verification and dissemination of software assets in repositories using COAR Notify

Matteo Cancellieri1, Martin Docekal2, David Pride1, Morane Gruenpeter3, David Douard3, Petr Knoth1

1: Open University, United Kingdom; 2: Brno University of Technology; 3: Software Heritage

Moving repositories out of the periphery and into the center of scholarly publishing

Kathleen Shearer1, Eloy Rodrigues2, Paul Walk3, Martin Klein4, Tamy Nakano1

1: COAR, Netherlands; 2: University of Minho, Portugal; 3: Antleaf LTD, UK; 4: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US

Developer Track Session 3
Location: C119&121- Classrooms

Leveraging AI Programming Assistants for Digital Repository Development: A Practical Demonstration

Hui Zhang

Oregon State University Libraries and Press, United States of America

Building Flexible, AI-Powered Forms for Repositories with react-formule

Miguel García García, Pamfilos Fokianos, Antonios Papadopoulos

CERN, Switzerland

Automated Data Analytics: A Statistical Dashboard Built with GitLab CI/CD for a Data Repository Based on CKAN

Li Fang Wang1, Cheng-Jen Lee2, Tyng-Ruey Chuang2

1: National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan; 2: Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Automating Data Imports in a DSpace-CRIS’s Institutional Repository

Jorge Rodrigues de Matos, Julien Sicot

EPFL, Switzerland

Unraveling the Mystery of DSpace Backend Failures: A Debugging Journey

Jozef Misutka, Milan Majchrák

dataquest s.r.o., Slovakia

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
Location: Rogers Lobby
11:00 - 11:50 Keynote speaker Ben Zhao
Location: Griffin Auditorium
Ben Zhao is the Neubauer Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago. He is an ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) distinguished scientist and has received numerous awards. He has authored more than 160 publications in such areas as security and privacy, machine learning, networked systems, Internet measurements, and human-computer interaction.
11:50 - 12:30 Closing Plenary
Location: Griffin Auditorium
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break
Location: Rogers Lobby
13:30 - 15:00 Optimizing Metadata Discoverability: A Lean Six Sigma Approach
Location: N110- Orchestra Room

Optimizing Metadata Discoverability: A Lean Six Sigma Approach

Kelsey Flynn

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, United States of America

13:30-17:00 Fedora User Group
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room
DataCite User Group
Location: C119&121- Classrooms

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