Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Date: Monday, 16/June/2025
08:00 - 17:00 Registration
Location: Rogers Lobby
09:00 - 09:40 Opening Plenary
Location: Griffin Auditorium
09:00-09:05- Introduction and housekeeping
09:05-09:15- Welcome to Chicago
09:30-09:40-Steering Committee welcome, introductions & acknowledgements
09:40 - 10:30 Keynote speaker Heather Joseph
Location: Griffin Auditorium
As the Executive Director of SPARC, Heather Joseph is an internationally renowned and well-respected expert in open research policies, practices, and implementation strategies. Under her stewardship, SPARC has become the leading advocacy organization that promotes innovative, open, and equitable global systems of research and education.
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
Location: Rogers Lobby
Presentations- Repository sustainability and future-proofing
Location: Griffin Auditorium

Beyond the Buzzwords: agile collaboration and rejecting a perfectionist mindset (how we did it, and you can too!)

Kate Lynch, Hector Correa, Hannah Hadley

Princeton University, United States of America

Democratization of Knowledge in the Open Science Era: The Role of Free Software and the Moara Network in Scientific and Technological Innovation

Rebeca dos Santos de Moura, Bernardo Dionízio Vechi, Ingrid Torres Schiessl, Diego José Macêdo, Lucas Rodrigues Costa, Milton Shintaku

Brazilian Institute of Information in Science e Technology, Brazil

After more than 20 years of eScholarship...where to now

Chad Nelson, Justin Gonder, Alainna Wrigley

California Digital Library, United States of America

Repositories in the US Federal Funding Workflow: Lessons from the “Reasonable Costs for Public Access” Project

Lauren B Collister, Katherine Skinner, Gail Steinhart

Invest in Open Infrastructure, United States of America

Harnessing Sustainable Technologies for Digital Preservation using the concept of Green Repositories

Danjuma Saidu1, Njideka Nwawih Charlotte Ojukwu2

1: Federal University Lokoja, Nigeria; 2: University of Zululand, South Africa

Lightning (24x7) Presentations - Repository showcase
Location: N110- Orchestra Room

Tracing the Footprints of Academic Research in Zambia through the Institutional Repository: A Case of the University of Zambia" Zachary Zulu



Realizing UNSW’s Vision for a Next-Generation Repository

Marijka Azzopardi

UNSW Sydney, Australia

HAL: Strengthening Connections Between Publications, Data, and Software in the French National Open Science Ecosystem

Yannick Barborini, Bénédicte Kuntziger

CCSD / CNRS, France

George Eliot Scholars: (Middle)Marching Towards Open Access

Eleanor Dumbill1, Beverley Park Rilett2

1: CoSector, University of London, United Kingdom; 2: Auburn University, United States

The Current Situation, Problems and Future Development of Institutional Repositories in China: Taking the Institutional Repository of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as an Example

Ying CUI

National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of

Towards a new digital repository for Qatar National Library

Marcin Werla, Arif Shaon

Qatar National Library, Qatar

Panel- Pushing the boundaries on citation tracking and usage reporting for open research outputs
Location: N112- Band Room

Pushing the boundaries on citation tracking and usage reporting for open research outputs

Iratxe Puebla, Maria Gould

DataCite, United Kingdom

Presentations- Data Repositories 1
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

The unification of the effort: the Swedish university RDM network

Karin Westin Tikkanen

Swedish National Data Service, Sweden

“Research Data Management repositories with special references to social science”

Krishnamurthy Madaiah1, Ram Vishwas Chourasiya2

1: Documentation Research and Training Centre Indian Statistical Institute, India; 2: Documentation Research and Training Centre Indian Statistical Institute, India

Bridging the Silos of Institutional Data Repositories: Community Collaboration and Cross-Institutional Development

Mikala Narlock1, Jake Calrson2

1: University of Minnesota, United States of America; 2: University at Buffalo

Advancing Indigenous Data Sovereignty through Dataverse and Local Contexts Integration

SONIA BARBOSA1, James Myers1, Ashley Rojas2

1: Harvard University, United States of America; 2:

Developer Track Session 1
Location: C119&121- Classrooms

A year of Hybrid ML/AI cataloging aid in Archipelago Commons: The state, the lessons and probable future(s) explained through a real production implementation

Diego Alberto Pino Navarro, Allison Sherrick

Metropolian New York Library Council, United States of America

Deploying DataFed for Scientific Data Management: Lessons Learned

Theodore Samuel Beers1, Joshua Agar1, Chad Peiper2, Jane Greenberg3, Chirayu Patel1

1: College of Engineering, Drexel University; 2: College of Computing & Informatics, Drexel University; 3: Metadata Research Center, Drexel University

Renovation and enhancement of statistics pages in DSpace 7

Zhongda Zhang1, Le Yang2

1: University of Oklahoma, United States of America; 2: University of Oregon, United States of America

Putting your middleware on steroids with DSpace 7+ REST API

Bram Luyten

Atmire, Belgium

Jetstream2 and Cloud-Based Dev Tools for Data Curation Training

Seth Erickson

University of California, Santa Barbara

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break
Location: Rogers Lobby
13:30 - 15:00 Presentations- Standards, Accessibility and Digital Preservation
Location: Griffin Auditorium

Building a Digital Preservation Service Model for Canadian Institutional Repositories Through Community Engagement

Leanne Olson1, Julia Gilmore2, Julie Shi2

1: Western University, Canada; 2: Scholars Portal

IIIF at one end, OCFL at the other, Fedora in the middle.

Claire Knowles1, Tom Crane2, Karen Abel1

1: University of Leeds, United Kingdom; 2: Digirati, United Kingdom

Embedding Accessibility into ETD Workflows: A Case Study

Carmen Mitchell, Amy Carpenter

California State University San Marcos, United States of America

Practice research as a lens to enable a future with a FAIRer, more equitable scholarly research landscape

Jenny Evans1, Adam Vials Moore2, Eleanor Dumbill3, Rory McNicholl3, Claire Knowles4

1: University of Westminster, United Kingdom; 2: Jisc, United Kingdom; 3: CoSector, University of London, United Kingdom; 4: University of Leeds, United Kingdom

Repository Showdown 1
Location: N110- Orchestra Room


Andrew Mckenna-Foster

Figshare, United States of America

Archipelago Commons: blooms, new growth and healthy trees from the community garden.

Diego Alberto Pino Navarro, Allison Sherrick

Metropolian New York Library Council, United States of America

Repository Showdown: Dataverse

Gustavo Durand

Harvard University, United States of America

Introducing Fedora - The flexible, modular, open-source repository platform for long-term digital preservation

Arran Griffith, Dan Field


Repository Showdown: DSpace

Maureen Walsh1, Pascal Becker2, Andrea Bollini3, Ignace Deroost4, Ianthe Sutherland5

1: The Ohio State University Libraries, United States of America; 2: The Library Code, Berlin, Germany; 3: 4Science, Rome, Italy; 4: Atmire, Leuven, Belgium; 5: The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland

InvenioRDM: Twenty Years of Supporting Research with FAIR and Transparent Practices

Zacharias Zacharodimos, Pablo Tamarit

CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), Switzerland

Presentations- Metadata and Harvesting
Location: N112- Band Room

Content-update Signaling and Alerting Protocol (CUSAP)

Craig Van Dyck1, Patrick Hargitt2

1: Solutions Spectrum, LLC; 2: Atypon

SDG-Classify: Automating the classification of research outputs into UN SDGs

Suchetha Nambanoor Kunnath, Matteo Cancellieri, Petr Knoth

CORE, The Open University, United Kingdom

Identifying and extracting Data Access Statements from full-text academic articles

Matteo Cancellieri, David Pride, Petr Knoth

Open University, United Kingdom

Laying the Groundwork for the Future: Creating Tools to Better Harness Metadata and Data Packages

Peyton Carolynn Tvrdy

National Transportation Library, United States of America

Presentations- Citations, Tracking and Impact
Location: C116- Community Gathering Room

Citations growth for journal articles that are in open digital repositories

Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo1, Thiago Magela Dias2, Marcel Garcia de Souza1

1: Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), Brazil; 2: Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Brazil

New Applications for measuring Data Impact in a Domain Science Open Repository

Joshua Freeze, Maria Esteva, James Carson

University of Texas at Austin, United States of America; Texas Advance Computing Center

Enhancing Repository Integration with Crossref Services

Johanssen Odhiambo Obanda, Amanda French


Interoperability between Digital Repositories and OpenAlex: Challenges and Strategies

Marcel Garcia de Souza1, Thiago Magela Dias2, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo1

1: Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), Brazil; 2: Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Brazil

Panel- Community-Driven Global Governance of the OpenAIRE Interoperability Guidelines: advancing sustainability, openness, and modernization
Location: C119&121- Classrooms

Community-Driven Global Governance of the OpenAIRE Interoperability Guidelines: advancing sustainability, openness, and modernization

Pedro Príncipe1, André Vieira1, Leonidas Pispiringas2, Eloy Rodrigues1, Natalia Manola2, Paolo Manghi2

1: University of Minho, Portugal; 2: OpenAIRE AMKE

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
Location: Rogers Lobby
15:30 - 16:30 Minute Madness
Location: Griffin Auditorium

Growing Up with Open-Source: A Digital Library Story

Juliet L. Hardesty

Indiana University, United States of America

InvenioRDM features powering the EU Open Research Repository

Pablo Tamarit1, Zacharias Zacharodimos1, Kristi Holmes2

1: CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), Switzerland; 2: Northwestern University, United States

Prim and Proper?: Exploring Best Practices for Useful Title Creation on Non-Text Digital Items

Megan Scott, Shelley Barba

Texas Tech University, United States of America

Reimagining DSpace Analytics: A Blue-Sky Approach to Accessible, Author-Centered Metrics

Franny Gaede, Catherine Flynn-Purvis

University of Oregon, United States of America

Reinstating Central Open Access Repository in Nepal: Renovation, Collaboration and Wider Participation

Jagadish Chandra Aryal1,2

1: Social Science Baha; 2: Nepal Library and Information Consortium

A Secure Hub for Access, Reliability, and Exchange of Data (SHARED)

Torsten Reimer, H. Birali Runesha

University of Chicago, United States of America

Building Inclusive Repositories: Addressing the Accessibility Gap for BVI Users

Omorodion Okuonghae

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, U.S. A

Enhancing Search in Digital Collections: Traditional vs. AI Keyword Searches

Quinn Sluzenski, Jennifer Young

Northwestern University Libraries, United States of America

Publishing datasets with JoDaKISS and Episciences overlay journals

Raphaël Tournoy1, Sibylle Hermann2

1: CNRS - CCSD, France; 2: University of Stuttgart, Germany

BNP Digital and its relevance to make visible the documentary bibliographic heritage and the native languages of Peru



Concepts of Visibility, findability, discoverability, SEO and ASEO in digital repositories.

Danilo Reyes-Lillo1, Cristòfol Rovira1, Alejandro Morales-Vargas2

1: Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain; 2: Universidad de Chile, Chile

Experimentation, Implementation, and Evaluation of AI/ML Tools in Repository Submission Workflows

Brian Joel Cain

Los Alamos National Laboratory, United States of America

Exploring ETD Embargo Policies: Survey Results and Practical Guidance for Repository Managers

Emily Johnson1, Shelley Barba2

1: University of Texas at San Antonio, United States of America; 2: Texas Tech University, United States of America

Fostering good practices at the Cultural Heritage Open Scholarship Network (CHOSN)

Ilkay Holt, Susan Miles, Nora Ramsey

British Library, United Kingdom

Improving Research Availability in Low-Bandwidth Areas: Eprints3v5 Bundle Export

Edward Oakley

EPrints Services, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

New Work Types are Here: Expanded ORCID Metadata Schema based on COAR

Brian Minihan, Tom Demeranville

ORCID, Inc., United States of America

PHAIDRA: A Journey Towards Scalable Open Repositories

Eva D. Gergely, Raman Ganguly

University of Vienna, Austria

Plucking and Re-planting ORCIDs in Data Repository Datasets: Readme Harvesting for Metadata Improvement

Kent T Gerber

University of Minnesota Libraries, United States of America

TU Wien & OSTrails: Connecting services

Maximilian Moser, Tomasz Miksa

TU Wien, Austria

Change Platforms at the Next Station: A Repository Migration Itinerary

Natalie Beth Burnett

National Transportation Library, United States of America

Leveraging ReCiter to identify articles, notify authors, and facilitate deposition of manuscripts into Cornell’s eCommons

Drew Wright, Paul Albert

Weill Cornell Medicine, United States of America




Toward accessible PDF documents in Open Access Repositories

Alexa Ramirez Vega

Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Digital Repositories in the Arab World: Status, Challenges, and Future Prospects

Sherine Mahmoud Eid

Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt

Helping to preserve and share Oaxaca's history

Lisa Lamont, Matt Ferrill

San Diego State University, United States of America

Bridging the Gap: Developing Open Digital Repositories for Namibian Cultural Heritage

Tertu Ponhele Haihwa, Sylvia Umana, Liina Kamenye

Namibia University of Science Technology, Namibia

COAR Resource Type Vocabulary - Enhancing Interoperability Across the Repository Ecosystem

Kathleen Shearer1, Isabel Bernal2, Ellen Ramsey1

1: COAR, Netherlands, The; 2: CSIC, Spain

Nice DSpace

Brian Keese

Indiana University Libraries, United States of America

Powering Institutional Repository Growth with OA Switchboard

Emily Bongiovanni, Katie Behrman, Jonathan Kiritharan

Carnegie Mellon University, United States of America

Turning mirrors into windows: an opportunity to build open repository to promote access to Indigenous Knowledge at Lusaka Apex Medical University, Zambia

Daliso Mvula

Lusaka Apex Medical University, Zambia

Open Access Repositories Tracking Project

Petr Knoth, Matteo Cancellieri, David Pride

CORE, The Open University, United Kingdom

Rescuing Legacy Data: Using Optical Character Recognition Technologies to Make Airline Consumer Data Accessible

Peyton Carolynn Tvrdy

National Transportation Library, United States of America

Engaging a City’s History through Consortial Search

Jessica BrodeFrank

Chicago Collections Consortium, United States of America

An attempt to create a sustainable data repository and CRIS using a bespoke application

Kosuke Tanabe

National Institute for Materials Science

Preserving Narratives of Disinformation: a digital repository for research and analysis of disinformation

Denise Oliveira de Araújo, Larissa de Araújo Alves, Nathaly Cristine Leite Rocha, Tainá Batista de Assis, Ingrid Torres Schiessl, Tiago Emmanuel Nunes Braga

Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia, Brazil

16:30 - 18:30 Poster Session and Welcome Reception
Location: Sherry Lansing Theatre

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