A Repository-to-Repository Implementation of COAR Notify: Enabling Informed and Comprehensive Research Integration
William Fyson, Rory McNicholl
CoSector, University of London, United Kingdom
The COAR Notify protocol offers an enhanced approach for allowing repositories to communicate with not just other services and platforms but also related repositories. This proposal examines how two or more EPrints repositories within a same institution interact at present, the flaws with the approach used and how COAR Notify can offer an improved workflow. Two potential use cases for the COAR Notify protocol are proposed with a demonstration of how this improves upon current implementations by more closely involving depositors and repository editors in the process. This in turn helps to ensure that content across different, but related repository platforms is kept up to date, correct and complete, and enables new workflows for managing research outputs, as well as the potential for future integrations with a wide array of platforms and services through a standardized and open protocol.
Integration of Open Access Repositories in BrCris: Aiming to Understand the Brazilian Scientific Research Ecosystem
Marcel Souza1, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo1, Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias2, Patricia da Silva Neubert3, Fábio Lorensi do Canto3
1Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), Brazil; 2Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Brazil; 3Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brasil
In recent years, several initiatives aimed at creating systems that manage the academic production of an institution, country or area of knowledge have received attention from different areas. Such systems are known by the acronym CRIS (Current Research Information Systems) and are intended to aggregate information from various databases in order to provide reports, consolidated data for researchers to analyze, as well as being the object of certification of scientific information and technological. Therefore, this work presents the data integration process of the BrCris Platform with the objective of providing reliable data, so that it is possible to carry out the information certification process about the Brazilian scientific community. This strategy presents itself as an important data aggregation mechanism, providing reliable and important information about scientific data, especially about Brazilian scientific and technological production. Therefore, the use of aggregated data from the BrCris Platform for the process of understanding the ecosystem of Brazilian scientific research will provide several bibliometric studies that would a priori be extremely complex in their preparation.
Using an Event Notification Network for Transparent Sharing of Artifact Life Cycle Data
Patrick Hochstenbach1, Ruben Verborgh1, Herbert Van de Sompel1,2
1Ghent University, Belgium; 2Data Archiving and Networked Services
Scholars rely on a vast network of databases containing peer and non-peer reviewed artifacts to conduct their research. In their quest for information, filtering out what to read or not, they rely on heuristics to access the trustworthiness of the artifacts. Life-cycle information could be used to create better assessments, but this information is spread over many networks, hidden in web pages, or not made available at all. We propose a decentralized communication system in which nodes in a network use a messaging protocol to inform each other about important life-cycle events. This presentation introduces the Event Notifications messaging protocol to orchestrate life-cycle events or exchange information about them. We present how this protocol is implemented in the COAR Notify project connecting institutional repositories with peer-review and overlay journal services. The protocol does not only provide interoperable layer for life-cycle event, but it also provides the technology for a decentralized scholarly communication system in line with COAR’s Next Generation Repository report. In a next phase of Event Notifications, a persistent layer of life-cycle information in the form of Event Logs will be investigated. Using Event Notifications and Event Logs a transparent, interoperable sharing of linkages between research outputs can be achieved.