Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Presentations: Using Repositories for Diverse Content Types
Wednesday, 05/June/2024:
11:00 - 12:30

Session Chair: Ilkay Holt, British Library
Location: Drottningporten 3


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Open Repositories Contributors to Open Innovation Strategies: Sharing Data and Knowledge on Patents


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Innovation management is a sub-discipline of management that studies the rules that govern the generation, diffusion and adoption of innovation, and the relationships between innovation inputs and outputs. Innovation management was traditionally understood as a linear model that comprised a sequence of activities – from basic research to serial production and market launch -, completed by a single entity. In the linear model, the achievement of innovations was determined by the planning, financing and execution of internal R&D activities or external technology acquisition.

Linear models were replaced by collaborative models based on feedback and interactions between different partners (Busse, 2013; Harmelen 2012). Today, innovation management is seen as a non-linear, evolutionary, interactive process between the company and its environment that requires the close collaboration of different agents (Iordatii, 2013). This evolution culminated in the Open Innovation Model.

Open Innovation is based on the open cooperation and sharing of information and knowledge. This presentation describes how open repositories can contribute to share and promote open innovation activities based on a practical proposal to create knowledge sharing communities around document repositories, with an emphasis on patents.

Towards an open TRIZ multilingual database

Dênis Leonardo Zaniro1,2,3, Luc Quoniam1,3, Marcel Garcia de Souza3, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo3

1Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Federal University of São Carlos) - UFSCar, Brazil; 2Instituto Federal de São Paulo (Federal Institute of São Paulo) - IFSP; 3Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology) - IBICT

Background: TRIZ (Russian acronym for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) is an innovation methodology widely accepted in various countries. To facilitate the practical application of this methodology in problem-solving, scientific, and engineering effects databases have been developed in recent years. Problem: In this context, it was found that databases adhering to the principle of freedom of information are predominantly unilingual, restricting access to specific groups based on their language, culture, and socio-economic situation. Additionally, there is no standardization in the structure of these databases, and usability and coverage aspects are not fully met by any analyzed database. Approach: To address the identified gaps, two databases maintained by different consulting institutions were selected. After extracting and organizing the data, an integration process was conducted to identify redundancies and expand solution models into a single open repository. To become multilingual, the unified TRIZ database was integrated with Wikipedias in different languages. The database construction process was automated through algorithm implementation. Conclusions: According to the achieved result and initial assessments by experts in technological information, the TRIZ multilingual database represents the first step towards democratizing access to the TRIZ methodology, in line with frugal innovation and open science.

Thoth Archiving Network: How institutional repositories can become involved in preserving long-form scholarship

Miranda L Barnes

Loughborough University, United Kingdom

The Thoth Archiving Network (TAN), developed within the COPIM Project and continuing as part of Open Book Futures (a Copim community project), is a network of participating University repositories and web-archiving platforms working to archive digital open access monographs from small and scholar-led publishers. TAN operates as part of Thoth, an open metadata management and dissemination platform and service, also created as part of COPIM. The aim of the Thoth Archiving Network is to allow for the small and scholar-led press, as well as other small to medium independent presses, an accessible way to quickly and easily deposit their OA monographs into participating institutional repositories and web-archiving platforms in an ‘archiving as dissemination’ workflow, to prevent against loss and ensure continuing access. TAN is an opportunity for institutional repositories and higher education institutions to contribute tangibly towards the advancement of the open access ecosystem, in addition to progressive financial contributions already being made by some universities towards OA initiatives and infrastructure.