Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Location: Drottningporten 1
Date: Tuesday, 04/June/2024
11:00 - 12:30 24x7: Transparent and Reproducible Research
Location: Drottningporten 1
Chair: Tomas Lunden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Open Research Data, Data Sharing and Access Policies of the Indian Research Funding Agencies: An Overview

Pallab Pradhan1, Lavji N Zala2

1: Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India; 2: Department of Library & Information Science, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India

The Federal Open Science Repository of Canada: A Key Destination on Canada’s Roadmap to Open Science

Kathryn West, Allison Kelley

Federal Science Libraries Network, National Research Council Canada

Making data sources discoverable in the EOSC Marketplace via OpenAIRE PROVIDE

André Vieira, Pedro Principe

University of Minho, Portugal

Enhancing Research Transparency and Openness in Qatar: The Role of Manara Research Repository

Marcin Werla, dr Arif Shaon, dr Alwaleed Alkhaja

Qatar National Library, Qatar

Beyond access, Upholding the Integrity of Scientific Publications in HAL Open Archive

Nathalie Fargier

CNRS, France

Open Science Indicators: PATHOS project handbook and repositories use cases

Pedro Príncipe, Antónia Correia

University of Minho, Portugal

13:30 - 15:00 Presentations: Open and Sustainable Infrastructure
Location: Drottningporten 1
Chair: Camilla Lindelow, University of Borås

New Frontiers in Community-Led API Development: A Case Study on the OSF

Gretchen Mary Gueguen, Nadja Oertelt

Center for Open Science, United States of America

Infra Finder: Increasing visibility of repositories as open infrastructure

Lauren B. Collister

Invest in Open Infrastructure, United States of America

Lowering the Barrier to Entry for Digital Repository Management by Leveraging Cloud-Native Solutions

Favenzio Calvo, Bryan Brown

Florida State University, United States of America

From “R-Drive to RRKive” – a comprehensive, open and sustainable set of principles and tools for low (and high) resource archival-repositories

Peter Sefton1, Robert McClellan1, Michael Lynch2, Moises Sacal Bonequi1, Nick Thieberger3

1: University of Queensland; 2: University of Sydney; 3: University of Melbourne

Date: Wednesday, 05/June/2024
09:00 - 10:30 24x7: Harnessing Collaborations for Development
Location: Drottningporten 1
Chair: Ianthe Sutherland, University of Edinburgh

Empowering DSpace users and administrators: What is being done and where do we continue from here?

Tal Ayalon

World Bank, United States of America

The history of the DiVA repository: through the lens of being a consortium

Petra Thorsson, Sara Tobiasson

Uppsala University Library, Sweden

Digital preservation of health cultural collections: the experience of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation

Marcus Vinícius Pereira-Silva1, João Guilherme Nogueira Machado2, Karina Veras Praxedes dos Santos1, Vanessa de Arruda Jorge3, Marcos José de Araújo Pinheiro1, Luciana Monteiro-Krebs1

1: Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil; 2: Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde, Brazil; 3: Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Vice-Presidência de Educação, Informação e Comunicação, Brazil

Using a DSpace 7 Upgrade as an Outreach Opportunity

Colleen Lyon

University of Texas at Austin, United States of America

Promoting the use of preprints and overlay services on the HAL open archive with COAR Notify

Raphaël Tournoy


Should repositories participate in the Fediverse?

Paul Walk

Antleaf Ltd.

Opening the Hidden Treasure of African data and information towards community representation: The National Repository of Nigeria (NRN) Engagement

Chinwe Veronica Anunobi, Chukwuemeka Kelvin Udoji

National Library of Nigeria, Nigeria

11:00 - 12:30 Presentations: Integrations for Research Data Management
Location: Drottningporten 1
Chair: Katie Mika, Harvard University

Making Software FAIR: A machine-assisted workflow for the research software lifecycle

Petr Knoth1, Laurent Romary2, Patrice Lopez3, Roberto Di Cosmo2, Pavel Smrz4, Tomasz Umerle5, Melissa Harrison6, Alain Monteil2, Matteo Cancellieri1, David Pride1

1: CORE, The Open University, United Kingdom; 2: Inria; 3: Science Miner; 4: Brno University of Technology; 5: Polish Academy of Sciences; 6: European Institute of Bioinformatics

Real-World Benchmarks for FAIR Data Repositories: Meeting the Needs for Modern Open Data

Arran Griffith1, Maria Esteva2, Dan Field1

1: Fedora; 2: Texas Advanced Computing Center, University of Texas at Austin

Resolving Linked Data: Are we all doing the same?

Mateusz Żółtak, Martina Trognitz

Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria

Five ways RO-Crate data packages are important for repositories

Peter Sefton1, Stian Soiland-Reyes2

1: University of Queensland, Australia; 2: The University of Manchester, UK

13:30 - 15:00 24x7: Technical Solutions
Location: Drottningporten 1
Chair: Urban Andersson, Chalmers University of Technology

Semi-automatic submissions in the French open archive HAL: a new service for researchers

Yannick Barborini, Bénédicte Kuntziger, Philippe Chan

CCSD, CNRS, France

Creating a Dataverse RO-Crate exporter with FAIR-IMPACT support

Dieuwertje Bloemen, Özgür Karadeniz

KU Leuven, Belgium

Data governance and application practices in NSSDC for the new paradigm

QI XU1,2, Ziming ZOU1,2, Jizhou TONG1,2, Xiaoyan HU1,2

1: National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of; 2: National Space Science Data Center

From Invenio1 to DSpace7: Sustainability of an Institutional Repository in Practice

Hana Vyčítalová, Petra Černohlávková, David Gerner

National Library of Technology, Czech Republic

Orbis Pictus – book revival for cultural and creative sectors

Martin Lhotak1, Filip Kersch1, Petr Zabicka2

1: Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic; 2: Moravian Library in Brno

Migrate DSpace from 5x to 7x - How do we did it in our national open access service at RCAAP

Paulo Graça1, Fernando Ribeiro1, Raquel Truta2, Ricardo Saraiva2, Paulo Lopes1

1: FCT|FCCN, Portugal; 2: University of Minho

Self-Assessment Tool for the COAR Community Framework

Masashi Kawai1, Su Nee GOH2, Iryna Kuchma3, Kathleen Shearer4, Masaharu Hayashi1, Kazutsuna Yamaji1

1: National Institute of Informatics; 2: Nanyang Technological University; 3: Electronic Information for Libraries; 4: Confederation of Open Access Repositories

Digital archiving using Records in Contexts

Andreas Nef1, Thomas Bernhart2

1: On the record AB, Sweden; 2: docuteam AG, Switzerland

15:30 - 17:00 Presentations: Policy Impact on Repositories
Location: Drottningporten 1
Chair: Emily Bongiovanni, Carnegie Mellon University

Green Open Access - Institutional Repositories fulfilling their whole purpose

Mark Hahnel, Adrian Clark

Digital Science, United Kingdom

Equity in Open Access to Scientific Research Results: Insights from Federal Agency Responses to the Nelson Memorandum Policy

Jwan Khisro, Katrina Fenlon

University of Maryland, United States of America

How it started; how it's going: Developing Specialized Data Curation Training to Address Needed Expertise in Focused Areas

Wanda Marsolek

University of Minnesota, United States of America

Empowering Global Progress: GREI Coopetition's Role in Standardizing Transparency, Community, and Sustainability Initiatives

Sonia Maria BARBOSA1, Mark HAHNEL2, Kristi HOLMES3

1: The Dataverse Project; 2: Figshare; 3: Zenodo

Date: Thursday, 06/June/2024
09:00 - 10:30 24x7: Integrations for Sustainability and Transparency
Location: Drottningporten 1
Chair: Elizabeth Krznarich, DataCite

We Can Work It Out: Cross-Functional Collaboration on Repository Strategy

Deb Verhoff

New York University, United States of America

Creating a sustainable open-source repository community with Dataverse

Dieuwertje Bloemen1, Rene Belsø2, Philipp Conzett3, Dimitri Szabo4

1: KU Leuven, Belgium; 2: DeiC (Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation); 3: UiT The Arctic University of Norway; 4: INRAE

Transparency of payments for Open Access – Extending the metadata set with contract and payment details

Julia Bartlewski1, Christoph Broschinski1, Gernot Deinzer2, Dirk Pieper1, Bianca Schweighofer2, Colin Sippl2, Lisa-Marie Stein3, Alexander Wagner3, Silke Weisheit2

1: University of Bielefeld, Germany; 2: University of Regensburg, Germany; 3: DESY, Germany

Twenty years of quality assurance: five lessons

Dominic Mitchell

DOAJ, Sweden

Metadata for Creative Commons Licenses to Open Science Repositories: analysis of implementation

Juan Miguel Palma Peña

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico

A Practice of Science Data Bank on Promote the transparency of research


Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, People's Republic of

ORCID Global Participation Fund: Improving equity of access to research infrastructure in under-represented regions

Lombe Tembo

ORCID, Zambia

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