Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Location: Drottningporten 3
Date: Tuesday, 04/June/2024
11:00 - 12:30 Presentations: Regional Collaborations
Location: Drottningporten 3
Chair: Kathryn Cassidy, Trinity College Dublin

Building Community to Coordinate Ireland’s Fragmented Open Repository Network

Cillian Joy1, Stephanie Ronan2, Christopher Loughnane1

1: University of Galway, Ireland; 2: Marine Institute

Collaboration Across Borders

Jessica Barlow1, Lisa Lamont1, Matt Ferrill1, Hilario Castillo Castillo2, Kristofer Patrón Soberano1

1: San Diego State University, United States of America; 2: Archivo Histórico de Tijuana

PHAIDRA's Journey Towards Sustainable and Open Repositories

Raman Ganguly

University of Vienna, Austria

13:30 - 15:00 Presentations: Utilizing DSpace
Location: Drottningporten 3
Chair: Ianthe Sutherland, University of Edinburgh

DSpace Updater Tool as a support tool for the Brazilian Digital Repository Network

Tatyane Guedes Martins da Silva, Marcio Ribeiro Gurgel do Amaral, Cássio Teixeira de Morais, Marcel Garcia de Souza, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo

Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict), Brazil

The Distribution of DSpace

Hrafn Malmquist

Cottage Labs, United Kingdom

DSpace’s entities in practice

Pascal-Nicolas Becker, Kim Shepherd

The Library Code GmbH, Germany

“There’s no cow on the ice”: How we learned to stop worrying and love DSpace 7

Kristi L. Park, Nicholas Woodward

Texas Digital Library, United States of America

Date: Wednesday, 05/June/2024
09:00 - 10:30 Presentations: Transparency and Reproducibility
Location: Drottningporten 3
Chair: Nora Mulvaney, Toronto Metropolitan University

Quality Assurance in Service of Transparency: A Practice Report from PsychArchives, the Disciplinary Repository for Psychology

Yi-Hsiu Chen, Marie-Luise Müller, Lea Gerhards, Anne Königs, Peter Weiland, Christiane Baier, Martin Kock, Hannah Franke

Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID), Germany

The OpenCost project - Using repositories to achieve transparency in the transformation process to open access as part of the science economy

Julia Bartlewski1, Christoph Broschinski1, Gernot Deinzer2, Dirk Pieper1, Bianca Schweighofer2, Colin Sippl2, Lisa-Marie Stein3, Alexander Wagner3, Silke Weisheit2

1: University of Bielefeld, Germany; 2: University of Regensburg, Germany; 3: DESY, Germany

University Research Management and Open Science - an OMEGA-PSIR case study

Łukasz Skonieczny, Henryk Rybiński, Jakub Koperwas

Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

11:00 - 12:30 Presentations: Using Repositories for Diverse Content Types
Location: Drottningporten 3
Chair: Ilkay Holt, British Library

Open Repositories Contributors to Open Innovation Strategies: Sharing Data and Knowledge on Patents


Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain

Towards an open TRIZ multilingual database

Dênis Leonardo Zaniro1,2,3, Luc Quoniam1,3, Marcel Garcia de Souza3, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo3

1: Universidade Federal de São Carlos (Federal University of São Carlos) - UFSCar, Brazil; 2: Instituto Federal de São Paulo (Federal Institute of São Paulo) - IFSP; 3: Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology) - IBICT

Thoth Archiving Network: How institutional repositories can become involved in preserving long-form scholarship

Miranda L Barnes

Loughborough University, United Kingdom

13:30 - 15:00 Presentations: Problem Solving
Location: Drottningporten 3
Chair: Cecilia Granell, Chalmers University of Technology

Creating a better balance: the need for tools and practices to combat AI harvests and resource flooding in repository environments

Allison Kelly Sherrick, Diego Alberto Pino Navarro

Metropolitan New York Library Council, United States of America

What are the characteristic community smells influencing the sustainability of open-source repository software communities?

Tomasz Neugebauer1, Pierre Lasou2, Pamela Carson1

1: Concordia University, Canada; 2: Université Laval, Canada

Automatic detection of duplicate records in institutional repositories

Matteo Cancellieri, Anton Zhuk, Valerii Budko, Ekaterine Chxaidze, Viktoriia Pavlenko, Petr Knoth

Open University, United Kingdom

15:30 - 17:00 Presentations: Use of Persistent Identifiers
Location: Drottningporten 3
Chair: Lisa Lamont, San Diego State University

A Large-Scale Reference Matching for Records in Japanese Institutional Repositories using Crossref REST API

Chifumi Nishioka, Jun-ichi Onami, Kazutsuna Yamaji

National Institute of Informatics, Japan

URNs as persistent identifiers for repositories: resolution services and user networks

Jyrki Ilva, Emma Pietarila, Ulriika Vihervalli

National Library of Finland, Finland

Data Repository Integration Strategies with the Aid of Persistent Identifiers in the BrCris Project

Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo1, Thiago Magela Rodrigues Dias2, Patricia da Silva Neubert3, Fábio Lorensi do Canto3

1: Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), Brazil; 2: Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Brazil; 3: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brasil

It already knows! A prototype PID-optimised workflow for a repository

Rory McNicholl, Will Fyson, Eleanor Dumbill

CoSector, University of London, United Kingdom

Date: Thursday, 06/June/2024
09:00 - 10:30 Presentations: Trends and the Future of Open
Location: Drottningporten 3
Chair: Lisa Lamont, San Diego State University

Taking stock of the repository landscape in Europe: survey results and next steps

Kathleen Shearer1, Eloy Rodrigues2, Tamy Nakano1, Natalia Manola2, Martine Pronk3, Vanessa Proudman4

1: COAR, Canada; 2: OpenAIRE, Greece; 3: LIBER, The Netherlands; 4: SPARC Europe, The Netherlands

Sustainable Development Goals in EPrints

Eleanor Dumbill, Will Fyson

CoSector, University of London, United Kingdom

OpenAIRE guidelines streamlined, modernized and more global

Pedro Príncipe1, André Vieira1, Leonidas Pispiringas2

1: University of Minho, Portugal; 2: OpenAIRE AMKE

Looking up from the weeds: seeing what's next for OA by learning from the past

Richard David Jones

Cottage Labs, United Kingdom

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