Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Date: Tuesday, 04/June/2024
08:00 - 19:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:40 Opening Plenary
Location: Drottningporten
Chair: Torsten Reimer, University of Chicago
Chair: Jessica Lindholm, Chalmers University of Technology

  • 09:00 - 09:05 Introduction and housekeeping
  • 09:05 - 09:15 Welcome to Gothenburg. Håkan Eriksson, First Deputy Lord Mayor of Gothenburg
  • 09:15 - 09:30 The vision of Chalmers Martin Nilsson Jacobi, President, Chalmers University of Technology
  • 09:30 - 09:40 Steering committee welcome, introductions & acknowledgements

09:40 - 10:30 Keynote Speaker Gustav Nilsonne
Location: Drottningporten
Gustav Nilsonne is associate professor of neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. His work is largely in metascience: assessing and improving the transparency and reproducibility of research. Gustav is a long-standing advocate for open science and is a senior advisor to the Swedish National Data Service.
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 24x7: Transparent and Reproducible Research
Location: Drottningporten 1
Chair: Tomas Lunden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Open Research Data, Data Sharing and Access Policies of the Indian Research Funding Agencies: An Overview

Pallab Pradhan1, Lavji N Zala2

1: Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India; 2: Department of Library & Information Science, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India

The Federal Open Science Repository of Canada: A Key Destination on Canada’s Roadmap to Open Science

Kathryn West, Allison Kelley

Federal Science Libraries Network, National Research Council Canada

Making data sources discoverable in the EOSC Marketplace via OpenAIRE PROVIDE

André Vieira, Pedro Principe

University of Minho, Portugal

Enhancing Research Transparency and Openness in Qatar: The Role of Manara Research Repository

Marcin Werla, dr Arif Shaon, dr Alwaleed Alkhaja

Qatar National Library, Qatar

Beyond access, Upholding the Integrity of Scientific Publications in HAL Open Archive

Nathalie Fargier

CNRS, France

Open Science Indicators: PATHOS project handbook and repositories use cases

Pedro Príncipe, Antónia Correia

University of Minho, Portugal

Developer Track Session 1
Location: Drottningporten 2
Chair: Jonas Gilbert, University of Borås

Repositories as data sources – good practice when preparing data for scientometric studies

Alysson Fernandes Mazoni

Unicamp, Brazil

Cora: Empowering DiVA's Next Major Version with Metadata-Driven Flexibility

Olov McKie, Pere Bartrolí Simó

Uppsala University Library, Sweden

Hybrid ML/AI driven search as cataloging aid in Archipelago Commons

Diego Alberto Pino

Metropolian New York Library Council, United States of America

Authority to Entities: A DSpace 7 migration case study

Kim Shepherd, Pascal-Nicolas Becker

The Library Code GmbH, Germany

Repositories as a Corner Stone of Publication Cost Transparency : XML, OAI-PMH and all that

Lisa-Marie Stein1, Alexander Wagner1, Julia Bartlewski2, Christoph Broschinski2, Gernot Deinzer3, Dirk Pieper2, Bianca Schweighofer3, Colin Sippl3, Silke Weisheit3

1: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Germany; 2: University of Bielefeld, Germany; 3: University of Regensburg, Germany

Presentations: Regional Collaborations
Location: Drottningporten 3
Chair: Kathryn Cassidy, Trinity College Dublin

Building Community to Coordinate Ireland’s Fragmented Open Repository Network

Cillian Joy1, Stephanie Ronan2, Christopher Loughnane1

1: University of Galway, Ireland; 2: Marine Institute

Collaboration Across Borders

Jessica Barlow1, Lisa Lamont1, Matt Ferrill1, Hilario Castillo Castillo2, Kristofer Patrón Soberano1

1: San Diego State University, United States of America; 2: Archivo Histórico de Tijuana

PHAIDRA's Journey Towards Sustainable and Open Repositories

Raman Ganguly

University of Vienna, Austria

Presentations: Repositories Implementations
Location: Brevsorterarsalen 1
Chair: Ellen Ramsey, University of Virginia

How to Rebuild a Jumbo Jet at 30,000 Feet: Strategies for Digital Repository Migration

Michael Giarlo, Aaron Collier

Stanford University, United States of America

Switching the national portal of The Netherlands to OpenAire within six months

Rutger De Jong1, Chris Baars2, Alessia Bardi3, Maurice Vanderfeesten4

1: Leiden University, Netherlands, The; 2: DANS, Netherlands, The; 3: CNR-ISTI / OpenAIRE; 4: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The

Transparency and Transformation: Reimagining Harvard’s Digital Repository Service

Stefano Cossu, Miriam Leigh, Vitaly Zakuta

Harvard University, United States of America

Panel: How to Make Repository Content Indexed and Discoverable
Location: Brevsorterarsalen 2
Chair: Leigh Stork, University of Strathclyde

How to make repository content indexed and discoverable

Petr Knoth1, Martin Klein2, George Macgregor3, Matteo Cancellieri1, Paul Walk4

1: CORE, The Open University, United Kingdom; 2: Los Alamos National Laboratory; 3: University of Glasgow; 4: Antleaf Ltd.

Presentations: Institutional Repositories
Location: Brevsorterarsalen 3
Chair: William J. Nixon, Research Libraries UK (RLUK)

System integration for efficient publication of research results through collaboration between researchers and librarians

Masaharu Hayashi, Yusuke Komiyama, Jun-ichi Onami, Kazutsuna Yamaji

National Institute of Informatics, Japan

Open COUNTER-conformant Institutional Repository Usage Statistics (IRUS):Thinking Beyond Top 10 Lists

Sheila Rabun1, Paige Morgan2

1: Lyrasis, United States of America; 2: University of Delaware, United States of America

Comparing some basic features of three institutional software repository platforms

Anusha Ranganathan, Steven Eardley, Hrafn Malmquist

Cottage Labs, United Kingdom

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break
13:30 - 15:00 Presentations: Open and Sustainable Infrastructure
Location: Drottningporten 1
Chair: Camilla Lindelow, University of Borås

New Frontiers in Community-Led API Development: A Case Study on the OSF

Gretchen Mary Gueguen, Nadja Oertelt

Center for Open Science, United States of America

Infra Finder: Increasing visibility of repositories as open infrastructure

Lauren B. Collister

Invest in Open Infrastructure, United States of America

Lowering the Barrier to Entry for Digital Repository Management by Leveraging Cloud-Native Solutions

Favenzio Calvo, Bryan Brown

Florida State University, United States of America

From “R-Drive to RRKive” – a comprehensive, open and sustainable set of principles and tools for low (and high) resource archival-repositories

Peter Sefton1, Robert McClellan1, Michael Lynch2, Moises Sacal Bonequi1, Nick Thieberger3

1: University of Queensland; 2: University of Sydney; 3: University of Melbourne

Presentations: Working Towards Inclusive Metadata
Location: Drottningporten 2
Chair: Ellen Ramsey, University of Virginia

Community and User-Centered Description: Inclusive and conscious metadata as a means of expanding access

Keila Zayas Ruiz, Rhea Ray

Florida State University, United States of America

Exploring the concept of ‘custodianship’ in harvesting repository resources and graphing their relations: Rioxx version 3.0

George Macgregor1, Petr Knoth2, Paul Walk3, Nicola Dowson4, Michael Eadie1, Beverley Jones5, Agustina Martínez-García6

1: University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2: CORE & The Open University, United Kingdom; 3: Antleaf Ltd, United Kingdom; 4: The Open University, United Kingdom; 5: University of Sheffield, United Kingdom; 6: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Decolonizing Metadata for Open Access

Amanda Figueroa


What do open global scholarly metadata datasets contain? Investigating the metadata quality of data associated to underrepresented communities in big aggregators of open repositories

Simon Willemin

ETH Library, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Presentations: Utilizing DSpace
Location: Drottningporten 3
Chair: Ianthe Sutherland, University of Edinburgh

DSpace Updater Tool as a support tool for the Brazilian Digital Repository Network

Tatyane Guedes Martins da Silva, Marcio Ribeiro Gurgel do Amaral, Cássio Teixeira de Morais, Marcel Garcia de Souza, Washington Luís Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo

Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict), Brazil

The Distribution of DSpace

Hrafn Malmquist

Cottage Labs, United Kingdom

DSpace’s entities in practice

Pascal-Nicolas Becker, Kim Shepherd

The Library Code GmbH, Germany

“There’s no cow on the ice”: How we learned to stop worrying and love DSpace 7

Kristi L. Park, Nicholas Woodward

Texas Digital Library, United States of America

Presentations: Global and Cultural Heritage Collections
Location: Brevsorterarsalen 1
Chair: Cecilia Granell, Chalmers University of Technology

Exploring ‘the global community’ in open doctoral research repositories: contradictions and conflicts in the research community of the EThOS repository.

Catherine Montgomery1, Jenny Basford2

1: Durham University, United Kingdom; 2: British Library, London, United Kingdom

Sharing heritage in context: The difficult journey to a unified data platform

Stephanie Buyle, Edwin De Roock, Wim Fremout, Véronique Van der Stede, Erik Buelinckx, Emmanuel Di Pretoro

Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA), Belgium

Rethinking Digital Libraries Paradigms: moving Digital Cultural Heritage Collections to DSpace 7/8

Andrea Bollini, Claudio Cortese, Andrea Barbasso, Irene Buso, Riccardo Fazio, Damiano Fiorenza, Giuseppe Digilio, Benedetta Gandolini, Emilia Groppo, Stefano Maffei, Vincenzo Mecca, Susanna Mornati, Luigi Andrea Pascarelli, Immacolata Scancarello, Francesco Pio Scognamiglio, Federico Verlicchi

4Science, Italy

Canopy IIIF: Remix Digital Assets From Cultural Heritage Repositories

Adam Joseph Arling, Matthew Randolph Jordan

Northwestern University, United States of America

Panel: The Evolving Role of Repositories in the Diamond OA Ecosystem
Location: Brevsorterarsalen 2
Chair: Elizabeth Krznarich, DataCite

The evolving role of repositories in the diamond OA ecosystem

Kathleen Shearer1, Eloy Rodrigues2, Martin Klein4, Paul Walk3, Tamy Nakano1

1: COAR, The Netherlands; 2: University of Minho, Portugal; 3: Antleaf, UK; 4: Los Alamos National Laboratory, US

Presentations: Elevating Underrepresented Voices
Location: Brevsorterarsalen 3
Chair: Katarina Wiberg, National Library of Sweden

Open Access Evolution: Empowering Research at a Historically Black College and University, United States

Nurhak Tuncer Bayramli

Elizabeth City State University, United States of America


Jacqueline Dama Tundu

Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Kenya

Conceptualization and development of an open repository on Mapuche women in southern Chile

Jocelyn Patterson1, Yohanna del Rio1, Jorge Castillo1,2, Martina Paillacar1

1: Fundacion Nutram, Chile; 2: Universidad de La Frontera

The Void of Open Repositories and Its Impact on Marginalised Societies: A Case of Women Marketeers in Makululu Compound, Kabwe, Zambia



15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30 Panel: The Repository Rodeo
Location: Drottningporten 1+2
Chair: Leigh Stork, University of Strathclyde

The Repository Rodeo

Heather Greer Klein1, Gustavo Durand2, Rory McNicholl3, Arran Griffith4, Alex Ioannidis5, Kirsta Stapelfeldt6, Kristi Park7, Donald Moses8, Kate Dohe9

1: Samvera, United States of America; 2: Harvard University, United States of America; 3: CoSector, University of London, United Kingdom; 4: Lyrasis, United States of America; 5: CERN, Switzerland; 6: University of Toronto, Canada; 7: Texas Digital Library, United States of America; 8: University of Prince Edward Island, Canada; 9: University of Maryland, United States of America

16:30 - 19:00 Minute Madness, Poster Session & Welcome Reception
Location: Drottningporten
Chair: Joseph Kraus, Colorado School of Mines
Chair: Jessica Byström, Chalmers University of Technology

Enhancing DSpace CRIS 7: An Approach to Repository Design

Sumanghalyah Suntharam1, Maja Eterovic1, Domenico Zecchinelli2, Dirk Verdicchio1

1: University of Bern; 2: Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana, SUPSI

Fostering research transparency in neuroscience: Supporting the research data management lifecycle with a Hyrax-based research data repository

Tobias Otto1, Marlene Pacharra2, Paul Walk3, Johannes Frenzel4, Nina Olivia Caroline Winter4

1: Cognitive Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany; 2: Biopsychology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, CRC 1280 „Extinction Learning“; 3: Antleaf; 4: IT.SERVICES, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany

US Repositories Network Discovery Pilot

Petr Knoth1, Kathleen Shearer2, Paul Walk3, Matteo Cancellieri1, David Pride1, Tina Baich4, Heather Joseph4

1: The Open University, United Kingdom; 2: Confederation of Open Access Repositories; 3: Antleaf Ltd.; 4: SPARC

How to be open with sensitive data – examples from the KI data repository project

Helena Eckerbom, Karin Widin, Helena Skyllberg, Glenn Haya, Lisa Andersson

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

PsychArchives, the Disciplinary Repository for Psychological Science

Lea Gerhards, Yi-Hsiu Chen, Anne Königs, Marie-Luise Müller, Robert Studtrucker, Martin Kock, Christiane Baier, Peter Weiland

Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID), Germany

Ready to ROR: Planning for research organization identifiers in the Carolina Digital Repository

Anna Goslen, Rebekah Kati

University Libraries, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States of America

The Community-Based DINI Certificate for Open Access Publication Services - 20 Years of Self-Empowerment through Standards

Pascal-Nicolas Becker2, Daniel Beucke3, Ute Blumtritt4, Isabella Meinecke1, Jochen Schirrwagen5, Thomas Severiens6

1: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, Germany; 2: The Library Code, Germany; 3: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany; 4: Universitätsbibliothek Chemnitz, Germany; 5: RWTH Aachen University, Germany; 6: Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven, Oldenburg, Elsfleth, Germany

Unlocking the Potential of Digital Scholarly Editions: Strategies for Attracting the DH Community to Utilize Repositories

Kathleen Neumann1, Robert Stephan2

1: Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG), Germany; 2: Rostock University Library, Germany

Building a repository of data science and machine learning applications

Arnold Kochari

SciLifeLab, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Connecting ELN to Repositories – connecting daily work to long-term transparency

Juliane Jacob

Universität Hamburg, Germany

DC-SRAP: Metadata Application Profile for Academic Repositories

Osma Suominen

National Library of Finland, Finland

Enhancing Research through Open Digital Repositories in University Libraries— A Case Study of Peking University Library

Chao Sun1, Zhenxin Wu2, Yunhai Tong1, Hanyu Li2

1: Peking University, China; 2: National Science Library.Chinese Academy of Sciences,China

Ideas Challenge Update: Surfacing Thesis and Dissertation Reference Lists through Institutional Repositories

Esther Jackson1, Fred Duby1, Daryl Grenz2, Rawan Karsou2

1: Columbia University Libraries, United States of America; 2: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)

LibMeta - Java Object Models for Common Library Metadata Standards

Robert Stephan

Rostock University Library, Germany

Showcasing research related to the SDG´s using the local repository: the case of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Daniel Albertsson, Tomas Lundén, Ylva Toljander

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Enhancing Inclusivity: Digital Accessibility and the Institutional Repository

Anne Shelley

Iowa State University, United States of America

Access for All - How do I make my repository accessible?

Susanne Blumesberger, Maria Guseva, Sonja Edler, Victoria Eisenheld

University of Vienna

Institutional Repository KTISIS: Research Evaluation and Promotion Tool

Marios Zervas1, Petros Artemi1, George Veranis2

1: Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus; 2: Dataly Tech, Greece

Machine actionable DMPs in practice : making a FAIR difference at Chalmers

Urban Andersson, Jeremy Azzopardi, Maria Kinger

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Preserving and Sharing Nigeria's Heritage: The National Repository of Nigeria

Chinwe Veronica Anunobi, Chukwuemeka Kelvin Udoji

National Library of Nigeria, Nigeria

The Road From DSpace 6 to DSpace 7 and Beyond: Building (and Building on) Two Modern Digital Repositories at Rice University

Ying Jin, John Mulligan, Kenneth Evans

Rice University, United States of America

Oxford University Research Archive (ORA) – themed ‘Collections’

Jason Partridge

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Querying DSpace: An AI Powered Conversation Application using RAG with Langchain

Zhongda Zhang1, Le Yang2

1: University of Oklahoma, United States of America; 2: University of Oregon, United States of America

The ORCID integration into DSpace and DSpace-CRIS

Oliver Goldschmidt

TU Hamburg, Germany

Policies and Practices for Sustainable Preservation of Theses and Dissertations in Institutional Repositories

Michael Boock1, Behrooz Rasuli2, Joachim Schöpfel3, Brenda Van Wyk4

1: Oregon State University; 2: Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), Iran, Islamic Republic of; 3: University of Lille; 4: The University of Pretoria

Accessibility of theses. Are the guidelines enough?

Merja Riitta Kallio

University of Vaasa, Finland

Community websites made easy: a static website and headless CMS for

Heather Greer Klein1, Adam Joseph Arling2

1: Samvera, United States of America; 2: Northwestern University, United States of America

Out-of-the-Box Repository Configuration: Supporting Small-Scale Research Community Visibility and Transparency

Hagen Peukert

Universität Hamburg, Germany

Assessment of Selected U.S. Digital Image Collections to Digital Public Goods Alliance’s Standard

Michele Reilly2, Santi Thompson1

1: University of Houston, United States of America; 2: University of Arkansas, United States of America

The challenge of preserving Gǝʿǝz manuscripts in Eritrea

Kiflom Michael Kahsay

Eritrean Research and Documentation Centre, Eritrea

The Long and Winding Road: Sustaining the Course of a Long Term Collection Project

Kyle Lynn Bachman-Johnson

University of Kentucky, United States of America

Exposing repository information to foster connections and trust: evaluating and implementing guidelines.

Maaike Lisanne Verburg1, Michael Priddy1, Hervé L'Hours2, Robert Huber3, Robert Ulrich4, Ingrid Dillo1, Joy Davidson5, Charlotte Neidiger4, Linda Reijnhoudt1, Gabriela Meijas6, Parham Ramezani7

1: Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS), Netherlands, The; 2: UK Data Service; 3: University of Bremen - PANGAEA; 4: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; 5: Digital Curation Centre; 6: DataCite; 7: LifeWatch ERIC

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