Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Location: AULA K 10- Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali
Via Kennedy, 6 Parma
Date: Thursday, 11/Apr/2024
PARALLEL 1.3: Alternative Food Networks
Location: AULA K 10- Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali
Chair: Filippo Arfini
3:00pm - 3:20pm

Alternative selling and sustainable farming: farm level evidence from the Italian census of agriculture

Marta Marson, Federico Caniato

3:20pm - 3:40pm

Facing the agri-food system societal challenges through Living Labs: a review of EU-funded projects

Annapia Ferrara, Bastian Goldel, Sabrina Arcuri, Francesca Galli, Sonia Massari, Chiara Mignani, Giulia Gallo, Daniele Vergamini, Alessio Cavicchi

3:40pm - 4:00pm

Impact and potential effects of the inclusion of Participatory Guarantee Systems in the European organic regulation

Giovanna Sacchi, Lavinia Romanello, Maurizio Canavari

4:00pm - 4:20pm

Effect of Farmers-input Supplier Relationship on the Local Economy: The case of MercaTiAmo project.

Oluwatosin Abigail Fagbohun, Davide D'ascoli, Filippo Arfini

Date: Friday, 12/Apr/2024
PARALLEL 2.3: Policies and Governance
Location: AULA K 10- Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali
Chair: Michele Maccari

Ageing actively in more sustainable cities: the role of urban agriculture for the elderly. A focus on the Marche Region.

Serena Mariani, Pamela Lattanzi

The environmental bias of trade policy through the virtual water content of agri-food products

Valentina Raimondi, Chiara Falco, Clara Bellazetin Mejia

Sustainability measurement systems for the agrifood sector: A selection of indicators from the ONFOODS project

Davide D'ascoli, Filippo Arfini, Michele Maccari

Consumers and their Food Environments: The case of Parma, Italy

Marianna Guareschi, Oluwatosin Abigail FAGBOHUN, Filippo Arfini

PARALLEL 3.3: Consumption patterns
Location: AULA K 10- Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali
Chair: Mario Veneziani

Sustainable and Health-related motivations in affecting Italians’ food choices

Antonella Cammarelle, Francesco Bimbo, Biagia De Devitiis, Antonio Seccia, Rosaria Viscecchia

The Future of Food Law in the Blockchain Era: Disintermediation, Algocracy, and Rights Protection

Alessandro Billi

The fight against food waste and food poverty in Italy: some introductory notes

Chiara Cerbone

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