Conference Agenda

THU-3-2: Sustainable Supply Chains I
Thursday, 10/Oct/2024:
11:30am - 1:00pm

Session Chair: Alexander Hübner, Technical University of Munich
Location: U2

11:30am - 11:52am

Algorithmic Management as Organizational Control: App-Workers’ Identity Work

Anna Schlueter, Stefan Gold

University of Kassel, Germany

11:52am - 12:14pm

The Impact of Customer Picking on Retail Food Waste - A Data-driven Approach

Alexander Hübner1, Fabian Schäfer1, Tobias Winkler1, Kai Hoberg2

1Technical University of Munich, Germany; 2Kühne Logistics University Hamburg, Germany

12:14pm - 12:36pm

Relevance of the Renewable Pull Effect in Future Location Decisions

Sven Colen

Technical University Munich, Germany