Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Thursday, 10/Oct/2024
THU-0: Registration
Location: Entrance Hall
THU-1: Welcome & Opening
Location: U2
Chair: Magnus Fröhling, Technical University of Munich
THU-2-1: ESG Performance and Reporting I
Location: U1
Chair: Rüdiger Hahn, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
9:30am - 9:52am

Analysing the Link between ESG Assurance and Firm Value: The Role of ESG Performance

Frank Schiemann, Lisa Sabine Schramm

Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Germany

9:52am - 10:14am

How ESG Controversies Relate to Inter-Firm Coopetition

Yemisi Oke

RWTH Aachen University, Germany

10:14am - 10:36am

Family firms and top management team diversity: An international analysis of effects on Sustainable Development Goal performance

Jessica Kluge, Yang Liu, Marcus Wagner

University of Augsburg, Germany

THU-2-2: Sustainability Assessment
Location: U2
Chair: Axel Tuma, University Augsburg
9:30am - 9:52am

The Preferability Framework - Enabling life cycle sustainability assessment meta studies

Josef Huber, Magnus Fröhling

Technical University of Munich, Germany

9:52am - 10:14am

Decision-Making for Sustainability: A Systematic Literature Review of Sustainability Assessments

Varun Bharadwaj Gurugubelli1,2, Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva1,2

1: Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group, TU Dresden, Germany; 2: Hans Carl von Carlowitz Junior Professorship for Sustainability Assessment and Policy, TU Dresden, Germany

10:14am - 10:36am

Embracing the Loop: Setting up the Process for Circular Innovation in Construction to Address Grand Challenges

Sophie Führer, Lucas Miehé, Catharina Bening

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

THU-2-3: Sustainable Innovation
Location: U3
Chair: Claudia Doblinger, Technical University of Munich
9:30am - 9:52am

Radical innovation for sustainability: same same, but different?

Erik G. Hansen1, Julia C. Schmitt1, Marcus Wagner2, Cornelius Herstatt3

1: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz; 2: Universität Augsburg; 3: TU Hamburg-Harburg

9:52am - 10:14am

Radical collaboration as means to understand radical innovation for sustainability

Ilka Weissbrod

TU Dresden, Germany

10:14am - 10:36am

Consultants as sustainability intermediaries: a double transition perspective

Ilka Weissbrod1, Nancy M.P. Bocken2, Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva1

1: TU Dresden, Carlowitz-Junior Professorship for Sustainability Assessment and Policy, Germany; 2: Maastricht University, Maastricht Sustainability Institute, The Netherlands

10:36am - 10:58am

Navigating sustainability crossroads: A configurational analysis of incumbent firms' modes of behavior

Sabrina Schmidt1, Lea Stöber2, Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva1

1: Technische Universität Dresden, Germany; 2: Universität Hohenheim

THU-B1: Coffee & Tea Break
Location: Entrance Hall
THU-3-1: ESG Performance and Reporting II
Location: U1
Chair: Marcus Wagner, University of Augsburg
11:30am - 11:52am

Green illusions or true contributions – Unveiling the multi-layered assessment cycle between raters and firms

Michael Schnitzlein, Marcus Wagner

University of Augsburg, Germany

11:52am - 12:14pm

Indicators of circular economy in sustainability reports: A systematic literature review and empirical evidence from popular brand owners

Sophie Holtmann, My Hanh Doan, Remmer Sassen

TU Dresden, Germany

12:14pm - 12:36pm

Opportunity and challenge – the role of digital technologies for sustainability accounting in supply chains

Emma Lloyd1, Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva1, Nathalie Crutzen2, Katherine Christ3

1: Dresden University of Technology, Germany; 2: HEC Liège, Management School of the University of Liège; 3: UniSA Business, University of South Australia Abstract

12:36pm - 12:58pm

The effect of photographs in corporate sustainability reports on trust and performance perception

Lorenz Fenk, Alwine Mohnen

Technische Universität München, Germany

THU-3-2: Sustainable Supply Chains I
Location: U2
Chair: Alexander Hübner, Technical University of Munich
11:30am - 11:52am

Algorithmic Management as Organizational Control: App-Workers’ Identity Work

Anna Schlueter, Stefan Gold

University of Kassel, Germany

11:52am - 12:14pm

The Impact of Customer Picking on Retail Food Waste - A Data-driven Approach

Alexander Hübner1, Fabian Schäfer1, Tobias Winkler1, Kai Hoberg2

1: Technical University of Munich, Germany; 2: Kühne Logistics University Hamburg, Germany

12:14pm - 12:36pm

Relevance of the Renewable Pull Effect in Future Location Decisions

Sven Colen

Technical University Munich, Germany

THU-3-3: Digitization and Sustainability
Location: U3
Chair: Jörn Hoppmann, Universität Oldenburg
11:30am - 11:52am

Digital Product passports as boundary objects for the circular economy: Drivers, barriers, potentials and a research agenda

Andres Alcayaga1,2, Niklas Hoffmann1, Holger Berg1, Helen Brüggmann1

1: Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, Germany; 2: Institute for Integrated Quality Design (IQD), Johannes Kepler University Linz

11:52am - 12:14pm

Integration of blockchain and life cycle assessment: A systematic literature review

Lyu Zhang, Magnus Fröhling

Technical University of Munich, Germany

12:14pm - 12:36pm

Towards Digital and Sustainable Supply Chains: A Twitter Analysis

Sharfah Ahmad Qazi1, Raja Usman Khalid2, Stefan Seuring1

1: Universität Kassel, Germany; 2: Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan

12:36pm - 12:58pm

Micro robot technologies in the tension between safety and security to promote sustainability

Marlen Gabriele Arnold, Sabine Uhlig

TU Chemnitz, Germany

THU-3-4: Sustainable Transitions and Growth
Location: U8
Chair: Erik G. Hansen, Johannes Kepler University Linz
11:30am - 11:52am

Framing a national industry transition towards Circular Economy with the X-Curve and Technological Innovation Systems

Ilka Weissbrod

TU Dresden, Germany

11:52am - 12:14pm


Swantje Freund, Josua Oll, Joern Hoppmann

University of Oldenburg, Germany

12:14pm - 12:36pm

The Role of Corporates and Individuals Play in Fostering a Societal and Ecological Transition to Sustainability-The Case of Renewable Energy Sector in MENA

Ghada Amin1,2, Remmer Sassen1, Nora Adam2

1: Technische Universität Dresden; 2: United Nations University - UNU-Flores

THU-B2: Lunch Break
Location: Entrance Hall
THU-4-1: Keynote lecture "Driving Change: Evaluating Impact in Early-Stage Startups through Impact Investing"
Location: U2
Chair: Claudia Doblinger, Technical University of Munich
2:00pm - 3:00pm

Driving Change: Evaluating Impact in Early-Stage Startups through Impact Investing

Julia Roblick

Better Ventures GmbH, Germany

THU-B3: Coffee & Tea Break
Location: Entrance Hall
THU-5-1: Circular Economy
Location: U1
Chair: Samanthi Luisa Dijkstra-Silva, TU Dresden
3:30pm - 3:52pm

Introducing the Circular Economy to IT Management through Architectural Thinking

René Herbert Reich1,2,3, Luc Alaerts1,2, Karel Van Acker1,2,3

1: Departement of Materials Engineering, KU Leuven; 2: Flanders Make@KU Leuven; 3: Center for Economics and Corporate Sustainability, Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven

3:52pm - 4:14pm

Employee skills for circular business model implementation: A taxonomy

Lucas Straub1, Kris Hartley2, Ivan Dyakonov3, Harsh Gupta4, Detlef van Vuuren1,5, Julian Kirchherr1,6,7

1: Utrecht University, the Netherlands; 2: City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 3: Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education, London, United Kingdom; 4: National Institute of Technology, Delhi, India; 5: PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, the Netherlands; 6: Roskilde University, Denmark; 7: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

4:14pm - 4:36pm

Adapting to urgency through agility: creating a national proposal for an industrial circular innovation programme

Ilka Weissbrod

TU Dresden, Germany

4:36pm - 4:58pm

Preserving Paradise Simulation: Roleplaying Economic and Sustainability Tradeoffs in Small Island Development States

Florian Kapmeier1, Goncalves Paulo2

1: Reutlingen University, Germany; 2: Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland

THU-5-2: Sustainable Supply Chains II
Location: U2
Chair: Stefan Seuring, Universität Kassel
3:30pm - 3:52pm

Between independence and interdependence: Dynamics of inter-organizational paradoxical tensions in the downstream supply chain

Annika Mies1, Laura Luisa Vaverka2, Nathan Kunz3, Stefan Gold1

1: University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany; 2: Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany; 3: Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

3:52pm - 4:14pm

The effect of store characteristics on food waste in grocery retail: An empirical analysis using Double Machine Learning

Fabian Schäfer1, Konstantin Wink1, Santiago Gallino2, Alexander Hübner1

1: Technical University of Munich, Germany; 2: University of Pennsylvania

4:14pm - 4:36pm

The institutionalization of supply chain sustainability risks through risk work

Charlotte Marie Both, Miriam Wilhelm, Katja Wölfl

WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

4:36pm - 4:58pm

Assessing Sustainability in Supply Chain Networks - A Natural Language Processing Approach

Hannes Cordes

University of Hamburg, Germany

THU-5-3: Sustainability in the Automotive Sector
Location: U3
Chair: Peter Letmathe, RWTH Aachen University
3:30pm - 3:52pm

Dead End Ahead – How Phase-Out Policies Affect Incumbent Adaptation to Technological Change in the Automotive Industry

Hauke Luetkehaus1, Joern Hoppmann1,2

1: Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany; 2: ETH Zurich, Switzerland

3:52pm - 4:14pm

Decarbonization potentials of sustainable materials in automotive production

Inka Hahn, Dominik Reichert, Magnus Fröhling

Technical University of Munich, Germany

4:14pm - 4:36pm

Strategies for the circular economy of EV batteries – A meso-level Material Flow Assessment of different circular economy pathways

Martin Hillenbrand

University of Bayreuth, Germany

THU-5-4: Biodiversity
Location: U8
Chair: Marlen Gabriele Arnold, TU Chemnitz
3:30pm - 3:52pm

Pricing firms’ biodiversity risk exposure: Empirical evidence from audit fees

Tobias Steindl1, Stephan Küster2, Sven Hartlieb3

1: Universität Regensburg; 2: Freie Universität Berlin; 3: Universität Innsbruck

3:52pm - 4:14pm

Peat-reduction in hobby gardening

Johannes Bernhard Grote1, Klaus Menrad1, Thomas Decker1, Paul Lampert2

1: Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, Prof. Marketing und Management nachwachsender Rohstoffe, TUM Campus Straubing, Germany; 2: Fachhochschule Erfurt, Fachrichtung Gartenbau, Germany

4:14pm - 4:36pm

How can companies help build an ark for biodiversity conservation?

Albert Anton Traxler, Judith Frei, Dorothea Greiling

Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

THU-6-1: VHB WK NAMA Meeting
Location: U2
Chair: Magnus Fröhling, Technical University of Munich
Chair: Erik G. Hansen, Johannes Kepler University Linz
THU-7-1: Conference Dinner
Location: NAWAREUM

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