Conference Agenda

Wednesday, 06/Nov/2024:
4:00pm - 5:00pm

Session Chair: Prof. Dieter Uckelmann, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart, Germany
Session Chair: Dr. Tatyana Efimovna Podgayetskaya, HFT, Stuttgart, Germany
Location: Breakout Venue

ID: 133 / LEARNINGA 01: 1
Learning Analytics in Higher Education (Full Paper)
Topics: AI: Artificial Intelligence (DL, DS, ML and RL) in education
Keywords: LLMs, Automated Grading, Short Answer Grading

Enhancing Short Answer Grading With OpenAI APIs

Sebastian Speiser, Annegret Weng

Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart, Germany

ID: 131 / LEARNINGA 01: 2
Learning Analytics in Higher Education (Full Paper)
Topics: AI: Artificial Intelligence (DL, DS, ML and RL) in education
Keywords: large language models, artificial intelligence, open-source

Flexible LLM Experimental Infrastructure (FLEXI) – Enabling Experimentation and Innovation in Higher Education Through Access to Open LLMs

Torsten Zesch, Michael Hanses, Niels Seidel, Piush Aggarwal, Dirk Veiel, Claudia de Witt

FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany

ID: 119 / LEARNINGA 01: 3
Learning Analytics in Higher Education (Full Paper)
Topics: Curricula for key global technical challenges, Higher education as it is changing with the advent of pervasive information technology, Changes in the roles and relationships of learners and teachers in technology-mediated environments., The impact of technology on assessment practices in higher education, with particular interest in support for selfand peer-learning and evaluation, and the challenge of plagiarism and cheating., AI: Artificial Intelligence (DL, DS, ML and RL) in education
Keywords: Learning Analytics Metrics, Model-Based System Engineering, Large Language Model, AI-Code Generator

Challenges With Regard To Learning Analytics Metrics In Complex, Multidimensional Courses With Use Of Artificial Intelligence Tools

Peter Treffinger

University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Germany

Treffinger, Peter; Canz, Michael; Glembin, Jens: Investigations on the Students' Perception of an Online-Based Laboratory with a Digital Twin in the Main Course of Studies in Mechanical Engineering. International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE) , 2022 Vol. 18, No. 14, p. 28-41
Rösch, Tobias; Treffinger, Peter; Koch, Barbara:
Regional Flexibility Markets—Solutions to the European Energy Distribution Grid—A Systematic Review and Research Agenda. Energies, 2021 Vol. 14, No. 9.
Rösch, Tobias; Treffinger, Peter: Cluster Analysis of Distribution Grids in Baden-Württemberg.
Energies, 2019 Vol. 12, No. 20
Opitz, Florian; Treffinger, Peter; Wöllenstein, Jürgen: Modeling of Radiative Heat Transfer in an Electric Arc Furnace. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 2017, Vol. 48, No. 6
p. 3301-3315
Gopisetty, Satya; Treffinger, Peter; Reindl, Leonhard Michael: Open-source energy planning tool with easy-to-parameterize components for the conception of polygeneration systems. Energy 2017, Vol. 126, No. Supplement C p. 756 - 765

ID: 192 / LEARNINGA 01: 4
Learning Analytics in Higher Education (Full Paper)
Topics: BD: Big Data and Data Analytics in education
Keywords: Learning Analytics, Feedback Systems, Learning Analytics Dashboards

Effective Feedback Systems in Learning Analytics: Didactic and Psychological Foundations, Implementations, and Perspectives

Sunita Hirsch, Dieter Uckelmann

Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Germany