Conference Agenda

Wednesday, 06/Nov/2024:
1:30pm - 2:30pm

Session Chair: Prof. Anna Friesel, DTU (retired) Denmark, Denmark
Location: Breakout Venue

ID: 233 / EAEEIE 01: 1
European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (Full Paper)
Topics: Innovative uses of technology for teaching and learning within higher education and training, IoT: Smart technologies and applications in education
Keywords: project-based learning, challenge based learning, blended intensive program

Enhancing Learning Experiences in Erasmus Blended Intensive Programs

Laura Grindei1, Rodica Holonec1, Sara Blanc Clavero2, José Vicente Benlloch-Dualde2

1Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Romania; 2Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain

Development of a Repository of Technologies and Tools to Improve Digital Skills and Inclusivity in Education, Based on School Gardens, 2024,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-51120-2_17
Research and innovation project based on recovery of the components and materials from IT and telecommunication waste, 2021, WOS:000719282200012
Experimental Stand for Sorting Components Dismantled from Printed Circuit Boards, 2021, WOS:000724775500001

ID: 173 / EAEEIE 01: 2
European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (Full Paper)
Topics: IoT: Smart technologies and applications in education
Keywords: EDIH, Digital transition, Digitalization, Industry4.0, Innovation Hub

Robocoast Digital Innovation Hub to Promote Digitalization of Businesses in Finland

Mikko Myllymaki, Ismo Hakala

University of Jyväskylä

ID: 241 / EAEEIE 01: 3
European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (Full Paper)
Topics: Curricula for key global technical challenges
Keywords: Gamification, Co-creation, Perception of learning, Clinical trials, Interdisciplinary curricula

Enhancing Learning in Pharmaceutical Sales Engineering Through Co-Creation

Sora Lee-Remond1,2, Sarah Alavi1,3

1ESTA, School of Business & Technology, FR, France; 2ERCOS-ELLIADD Laboratory (U.R. n°4661), Montbeliard, France; 3Université de Haute-Alsace, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, LIMA UMR 7042, F-68100 Mulhouse, France

Lee-Remond, S., Sagot, S., & Ostrosi, E. (2024). A New Design Framework for Comprehensible Graphical User Interfaces for Parametric Computer-Aided Design Tools. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 150–179.

Lee-Remond, S., Rasandratana, D., & Kirilov, I. (2023). Using Legal Visualization to Teach Law to Business and Technology Students. Archives of Design Research, 36(4), 7–27.

ID: 232 / EAEEIE 01: 4
European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (Full Paper)
Topics: The impact of technology on assessment practices in higher education, with particular interest in support for selfand peer-learning and evaluation, and the challenge of plagiarism and cheating.
Keywords: Educational tools, teaching and learning platforms, assessment.

Exploring Interactive Tools for Education And Online Assessment: A Comparative Analysis

Inacio Fonseca1, Nuno Cid Martins2, Fernando Lopes3

1IPC / ISEC, Portugal; 2RCM2+ (Research Centre for Asset Management and Systems Engineering); 3Instituto de Telecomunicações - Coimbra

Alexandre Martins, Inácio Fonseca, José Torres Farinha, João Reis, António J. Marques Cardoso.Prediction maintenance based on vibration analysis and deep learning — A case study of a drying press supported on a Hidden Markov Model,
Applied Soft Computing, Volume 163, 2024, 111885,ISSN 1568-4946,

I. Fonseca, N. C. Martins and F. Lopes, "A web-based platform and a methodology to teach programming languages in electrical engineering education – evolution and student feedback," 2023 32nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE), Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2023, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.23919/EAEEIE55804.2023.10181316.

Martins, A.; Mateus, B.; Fonseca, I.; Farinha, J.T.; Rodrigues, J.; Mendes, M.; Cardoso, A.M. Predicting the Health Status of a Pulp Press Based on Deep Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models. Energies 2023, 16, 2651.

Martins, A.; Fonseca, I.; Farinha, J.T.; Reis, J.; Cardoso, A.J.M. Online Monitoring of Sensor Calibration Status to Support Condition-Based Maintenance. Sensors 2023, 23, 2402.

I. Fonseca, N. C. Martins and F. Lopes, "A Web-based Platform and a Methodology to Teach Programming Languages in Electrical Engineering Courses," 2022 31st Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE), Coimbra, Portugal, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/EAEEIE54893.2022.9820594.