Conference Agenda

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Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 5th Jan 2025, 10:34:21am CET

Session Overview
Thursday, 07/Nov/2024:
11:30am - 12:30pm

Session Chair: Dr. Minoru Nakayama, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Location: Breakout Venue

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Presenting author: Beatrice-Iuliana Uta
URL of the video:

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ID: 234 / IEETeL 02: 1
IEETeL (Full Paper)
Topics: Virtual laboratories, classroom, universities, Innovative uses of technology for teaching and learning within higher education and training, IT: Immersive (VR, AR, MR and ER) technologies in education
Keywords: virtual reality, emerging technologies, experiential learning, education, virtual education

CareProfSys Virtual Reality Environments for Experiential Learning

Beatrice-Iuliana Uta, Iulia-Cristina Stanica, Ioan-Alexandru Bratosin, Tudor-Mihai Ursachi, Robert-Emanuel Brezoaie, Maria-Iuliana Dascalu

National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania

Virtual Reality for Career Development and Exploration: The CareProfSys Profiler System Case, Maria-Iuliana Dascalu, Iulia-Cristina Stanica, Ioan-Alexandru Bratosin, Beatrice-Iuliana Uta, Constanta-Nicoleta Bodea, Electronics, vol. 13(13), MDPI

CHATBOTS FOR CAREER GUIDANCE: THE CASE OF CAREPROFSYS CONVERSATIONAL AGENT, Maria-Iuliana Dascalu, V.A. Brîndușescu, Iulia-Cristina Stanica, Beatrice-Iuliana Uta, Ioan-Alexandru Bratosin, Dan Alexandru Mitrea, Robert Emanuel Brezoaie, 18th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED 2024), ISBN 978-84-09-59215-9

ID: 237 / IEETeL 02: 2
IEETeL (Full Paper)
Topics: The impact of technology on assessment practices in higher education, with particular interest in support for selfand peer-learning and evaluation, and the challenge of plagiarism and cheating.
Keywords: Technology Enhanced Learning, Peer Assessment, Automated Assessment, Algorithm Description Quality, Natural language processing (NLP), Transformer-based Large and Small Language Models, Open Source Language Models

Open Source or Proprietary Language Models? An Initial Comparison on the Assessment of an Educational Task

Andrea Sterbini, Marco Temperini

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

[1] S. Papandrea, A. Sterbini, M. Temperini, and E. Popescu, “Q2A-I: a support platform for computer programming education, based on
automated assessment and peer learning,” in Advances in Web-Based
Learning–ICWL 2018: 17th International Conference, Chiang Mai,
Thailand, August 22-24, 2018, Proceedings 17, ser. LNCS, vol. 11007.
Springer, 2018, pp. 3–13.
[2] A. Sterbini and M. Temperini, “Q2A-II, a system to support peer
assessment on homework: A study on four years of use,” in Emerging
Technologies for Education, Proc. 8th International Symposium on
Emerging Technologies for Education, SETE 2023, ser. LNCS, vol. in
printing. Springer, 2024, pp. 1–15.

ID: 201 / IEETeL 02: 3
IEETeL (Full Paper)
Topics: The impact of technology on assessment practices in higher education, with particular interest in support for selfand peer-learning and evaluation, and the challenge of plagiarism and cheating., BD: Big Data and Data Analytics in education
Keywords: Number of peers, Programming skill assessment, Peer Assessment, Item Response Theory

Appropriate Number of Raters for IRT based Peer Assessment Evaluation of Programming Skills

Minoru Nakayama1, Masaki Uto2, Marco Temperini3, Filippo Sciarrone4

1Institute of Science Tokyo; 2University of Electro-Communications; 3Sapienza University; 4Universitas Mercatorum

Minoru Nakayama is a professor at Information and Communications Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.
His research concerns Human Computer Interaction, eye movements and pupil responses, and educational technology.

ID: 182 / IEETeL 02: 4
ITHET (Abstract first then Full Paper)
Topics: Higher education as it is changing with the advent of pervasive information technology, Studio based learning. How this is changing curriculum and attitudes., The impact of technology on assessment practices in higher education, with particular interest in support for selfand peer-learning and evaluation, and the challenge of plagiarism and cheating., BD: Big Data and Data Analytics in education
Keywords: Collaborative programming, teamwork in education, computer-supported collaborative learning, problem-based learning, computer science education, peer learning, project management in education

Code Collaborate: Dissecting Team Dynamics in First-Semester Programming Students

Santiago Berrezueta-Guzman, Patrick Bassner, Stefan Wagner, Stephan Krusche

Technical University of Munich, Germany

Interactive Learning in Computer Science Education Supported by a Discord Chatbot

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