Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 22nd Dec 2024, 12:39:21pm CET

Session Overview
Date: Monday, 04/Nov/2024
1:00pm - 4:15pmNational Interdisciplinary Education Event 2024: Exploring Interdisciplinary Approaches and Networking
Location: Perron Droomreizen
1:00pm - 4:15pmRegistration already open
Location: Het Vriendenplein
2:00pm - 4:15pmNetwork event ITD working group on integration experts and expertise
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
2:00pm - 4:15pmNetwork event of ITD working group on early career researchers
Location: Het Strikkershuis
4:30pm - 5:30pmID: 70: Welcome to ITD24
Location: De Expo
4:30pm - 5:30pmWelcome to ITD24
Location: De Expo
5:30pm - 7:30pmMeet & Greet with Drinks, Food & Music
Location: De Expo
7:30pm - 11:59pmOpen formats De Foyer: Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum
Location: De Foyer
7:30pm - 11:59pmOpen formats Loods Nijverdal: Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum
Location: Loods Nijverdal
7:30pm - 11:59pmVideo and Poster Platform: Always Available Online for All Participants
Location: Online
The ITD 24 platform where all posters and short videos will be available for watching, comments, questions, and discussion. Available for all online and on-site participants during the full conference. Access starts on November 4, 2024 For Video Absstracts click on session title above. For Poster Abstracts please check Poster Sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Date: Tuesday, 05/Nov/2024
8:00am - 8:30amStart of the day / Registrations
Location: Het Vriendenplein
8:30am - 9:30amCreating societal impact through TD
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
8:30am - 9:30amID: changing organizations by changing skill sets
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
8:30am - 9:30amID: fostering specific student skills
Location: De Centrale
8:30am - 9:30amInstitutionalizing Interdisciplinary Education and Community Engaged Learning: Lessons learned from Utrecht University
Location: Het Strikkershuis
8:30am - 9:30amReflection and discussion in TD research
Location: De Expo
8:30am - 9:30amTD: space & network creation
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
8:30am - 9:30amUndisciplined evaluation: innovation in the funding and assessment of transdisciplinary research
Location: Restauratiezaal
9:30am - 9:45amChange time
9:45am - 10:45amPlenary 1: Keynote - Mieke Bal: Inter-ships: On Being In-Between in Cultural, Disciplinary, Subjective and Medial Encounters (Response: Frédéric Darbellay)
Location: De Expo
10:45am - 11:15amCoffee break
Location: Het Vriendenplein
11:15am - 12:45pmAgency and power in transdisciplinary research: applying insights from critical social science to strengthen reflexivity
Location: De Centrale
11:15am - 12:45pmAttracting & Anchoring – establishing value for inter- and transdisciplinary belonging
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
11:15am - 12:45pmCulture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering)
Location: De Expo
11:15am - 12:45pmFAIR Data Practices for Qualitative Research in Transdisciplinarity
Location: Het Strikkershuis
11:15am - 12:45pmPositive Tipping Points: an innovative approach for reflecting about inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations (Workshop)
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
11:15am - 12:45pmShaping the future of inter- and transdisciplinary learning and research through the development of a shared competency framework
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
11:15am - 12:45pmWhat are integration skills in a multifarious ITD landscape? The roles of research developers, facilitators, directors and managers in building capacity within universities
Location: Restauratiezaal
12:45pm - 1:45pmLunch
Location: Het Vriendenplein
1:45pm - 2:45pmInto the Looking Glass: reflecting on transdisciplinarity from a policy perspective
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
1:45pm - 2:45pmIntroduction of a new PPE Textbook: Interdisciplinary PPE Analyses of 21st Century Grand Challenges
Location: Het Strikkershuis
1:45pm - 2:45pmPoster exhibitions
Location: De Expo
1:45pm - 2:45pmStudent voices, student perspectives
Location: De Centrale
1:45pm - 2:45pmTD design and development
Location: Restauratiezaal
1:45pm - 2:45pmTD/ID for the climate
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
1:45pm - 2:45pmWhat Do We Mean by “Scientific Impact” of Transdisciplinary Research?
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
2:45pm - 3:00pmChange time
3:00pm - 4:00pmA holistic approach towards developing interdisciplinary higher education cultures: Integrating student, teacher and governance perspectives
Location: De Centrale
3:00pm - 4:00pmBetween Complicity and Resistance: how should we position inter- and transdisciplinarity on this spectrum?
Location: Restauratiezaal
3:00pm - 4:00pmParticipation/co-creation in TD
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
3:00pm - 4:00pmProductive Failure of the “Global Inter- and Transdisciplinary Mentorship Initiative”: Learning to Facilitate ID-TD Mentorship Glocally
Location: Het Strikkershuis
3:00pm - 4:00pmTD in education
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
3:00pm - 4:00pmTD policy and funding
Location: De Expo
3:00pm - 4:00pmTD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
4:00pm - 4:30pmCoffee break
Location: Het Vriendenplein
4:30pm - 6:00pm‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature
Location: De Centrale
4:30pm - 6:00pmA Typology of Integration Experts to Clarify Functions and Positions
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
4:30pm - 6:00pmSpanning boundaries: facilitating dialogue between the scholarship on inter- and transdisciplinarity and science and technology studies
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
4:30pm - 6:00pmTD student competencies and motivation
Location: De Expo
4:30pm - 6:00pmTRAIL; Navigating perspectives in transdisciplinary higher education
Location: Het Strikkershuis
4:30pm - 6:00pmUnbox Workshop: Metaphorical Spaces as Boundary Objects for Unusual Collaborations
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
4:30pm - 6:00pmWhat Sustainable Futures? Exploring contributions of Transdisciplinary approaches in dealing with Future Sustainable Transformations
Location: Restauratiezaal
Date: Wednesday, 06/Nov/2024
7:30am - 8:30amAustralia ITD Event: Plenary Panel (Online): Norms for Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research: Learning from Failure (Gabriele Bammer, Michael O’Rourke, Jason Prior, Dena Fam)
Location: Online
Video replay:
8:00am - 8:30amStart of the day / Registrations
Location: Het Vriendenplein
8:30am - 9:30amCelebrating “Interdisciplinary Practices in Higher Education”: A Symposium Reflecting on a Collaborative Journey
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
8:30am - 9:30amDesign as concept and as process in education
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
8:30am - 9:30amGood practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa
Location: Het Strikkershuis
8:30am - 9:30amID & TD pedagogies for change
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
8:30am - 9:30amID/TD integration theory
Location: De Expo
8:30am - 9:30amScholars' attitudes towards TD
Location: Restauratiezaal
8:30am - 9:30amSynergies and trade-offs between scientific and societal effects
Location: De Centrale
9:30am - 9:45amChange time
9:45am - 10:45amPlenary 2: Plenary - Panel with Rick Szostak on Commonalities and Divergences in Inter/Transdisciplinary Thought
Location: De Expo
10:45am - 11:15amCoffee break
Location: Het Vriendenplein
11:15am - 12:45pm"Yes, and ...": Techniques of improvisational theater in the co-design of transdisciplinary research
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
11:15am - 12:45pmAn instrument for the design of interdisciplinary education: demonstration and testing
Location: De Centrale
11:15am - 12:45pmExploring an Academy of Hope
Location: Het Strikkershuis
11:15am - 12:45pmStep into my shoes: What works (and doesn’t work) in enhancing youth participation and involvement.
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
11:15am - 12:45pmTapping on Competencies: Researchers' Assets for Navigating the Transdisciplinary Journey
Location: Restauratiezaal
11:15am - 12:45pmThe Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: Co-Learning about Knowledge Integration Practices in Unusual Collaborations
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
11:15am - 12:45pmTransformative learning/academia
Location: De Expo
12:45pm - 1:45pmLunch
Location: Het Vriendenplein
1:45pm - 2:45pmApproaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD
Location: Restauratiezaal
1:45pm - 2:45pmHow can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
1:45pm - 2:45pmMeasuring Integration from Theory to Practice
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
1:45pm - 2:45pmOpportunities and challenges in teaching Community Engaged Learning: sharing good practices from Utrecht University.
Location: Het Strikkershuis
1:45pm - 2:45pmPoster exhibitions
Location: De Expo
1:45pm - 2:45pmTD: efforts to future (organizational) change
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
1:45pm - 2:45pmTeaching in support of ID expertise
Location: De Centrale
2:45pm - 3:00pmChange time
3:00pm - 4:00pmDiscussion around ‘Bridge Building’: What helps students from disciplinary programs to write a bachelor thesis with an interdisciplinary approach?
Location: Het Strikkershuis
3:00pm - 4:00pmEnhancing the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolbox: Leveraging the Power of Simulation Games
Location: Restauratiezaal
3:00pm - 4:00pmEvaluation and quality assessment of ITD research
Location: De Expo
3:00pm - 4:00pmHow can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
3:00pm - 4:00pmID programmes from past to future
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
3:00pm - 4:00pmTD justice and TD ethics
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
3:00pm - 4:00pmTransdisciplinary landscapes
Location: De Centrale
4:00pm - 4:30pmCoffee break
Location: Het Vriendenplein
4:30pm - 6:00pmApproaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions
Location: Het Strikkershuis
4:30pm - 6:00pmDesigning critical conversation tools to foster ID/TD mindsets: young researchers reflecting on how criticality broadens and strengthens ID/TD education
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
4:30pm - 6:00pmFostering effectiveness of transdisciplinary research by reflecting possible impact pathways
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
4:30pm - 6:00pmFunding & educational programmes (evaluations)
Location: De Expo
4:30pm - 6:00pmIntegrative Teaching and Learning: How to design and implement integration in your course
Location: Restauratiezaal
4:30pm - 6:00pmThe Changemaker’s Way – empowering students to design socio-technical systems through a transdisciplinary lens
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
4:30pm - 6:00pmTowards unconventional and just outcomes in transformative change: Applying critical theoretical lessons on power in ITD research initiatives
Location: De Centrale
Date: Thursday, 07/Nov/2024
8:00am - 8:30amStart of the day / Registrations
Location: Het Vriendenplein
8:30am - 9:30amBreaking Silos for Inter- en Transdisciplinary Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities Across Universities
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
8:30am - 9:30amDesigning educational methods to incorporate transdisciplinary skills (such as systems thinking, metacognition, empathy, reflexivity and open-mindedness) into educational engineering programmes
Location: Restauratiezaal
8:30am - 9:30amID & TD knowledge and conceptualizations
Location: De Expo
8:30am - 9:30amRoles of researchers in inter- and transdisciplinary research: An interactive application of a new mapping and reflection tool
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
8:30am - 9:30amSustainability education
Location: Het Strikkershuis
8:30am - 9:30amTD participants and stakeholders
Location: De Centrale
8:30am - 9:30amTD/ID for (social) change
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
9:30am - 9:45amChange time
9:45am - 10:45amPlenary 3: Decolonial Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity panel
Location: De Expo
10:45am - 11:15amCoffee break
Location: Het Vriendenplein
11:15am - 12:45pm"Learnings from the South to North: The Decolonial Transdisciplinary Research Process in Latin America"
Location: Restauratiezaal
11:15am - 12:45pmBuilding local support systems for transdisciplinary research and co-production: Exploring and advancing facilitating mechanisms and functions for social transformation
Location: Het Strikkershuis
11:15am - 12:45pmCo-creating an Atlas and Glossary of transdisciplinary futures-making capabilities: What’s needed to develop students’ capacity to thrive in an uncertain future?
Location: De Centrale
11:15am - 12:45pmExploring integration experts’ creative and supportive contributions to inter- and transdisciplinary research
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
11:15am - 12:45pmImplementantion and design of ID/TD educ
Location: De Expo
11:15am - 12:45pmTraining for fair, inclusive, equitable and transformative transdisciplinary collaborations
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
11:15am - 12:45pmWorkshop for changemakers: Fostering Inner Development Goals for Sustainable Education
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
12:45pm - 1:45pmHow is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions
Location: De Foyer
12:45pm - 1:45pmLunch
Location: Het Vriendenplein
1:45pm - 3:15pmDeveloping Transdisciplinary Teaching Cases
Location: Het Strikkershuis
1:45pm - 3:15pmExperts in the making? A workshop along the blurred lines of teaching and learning in capacity building in transdisciplinarity
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
1:45pm - 3:15pmFrom Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
1:45pm - 3:15pmInteractive Timeline Activity: Designing and Implementing ‘Phase 0’ in Transdisciplinary Research
Location: De Centrale
1:45pm - 3:15pmNetwork event ITD Asia: Networking Session for TD researchers and practitioners in Asia
Location: De Expo
1:45pm - 3:15pmTen reflective steps for rendering research societally relevant
Location: Restauratiezaal
1:45pm - 3:15pmTransformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
3:15pm - 3:45pmCoffee break
Location: Het Vriendenplein
3:45pm - 5:15pmPlenary 4: Conference Closing Plenary- Navigating Uncharted Waters: Pathways of an ITD Career - Panel with BinBin Pearce
Location: De Expo
Erika Angarita is a research assistant at Thuenen Institute, the Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries in Germany, based in Braunschweig. Her inter and transdisciplinary interest include participation in Living Labs in the context of agri-food systems in Europe, in projects such as Agroecology for Europe (AE4EU) and currently in the European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition through agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures." Olivier Ejderyan is a human geographer and group leader at FiBL, the Research institute of Organic Agriculture in Frick, Switzerland. His research focuses mainly on the interplay between the social, technology and nature to construct liveable worlds. He has coordinated transdisciplinary research projects on river management, geo-energy and more recently on the role of technology in organic agri-food systems. Mª Helena Guimarães is a Senior Researcher at the Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment, and Development (MED) at the University of Évora and a member of the Global Change and Sustainability Institute (CHANGE). Her research focuses on the interactions between humans and nature from a social-ecological perspective. She is actively engaged in the coproduction of knowledge to inform actions aimed at transforming social-ecological systems. Governance has become a central theme in her work, as many of the challenges she addresses stem from the ways people and institutions interact. In 2016 she started a dialogue platform that, after 8 years, still serves as a transdisciplinary problem framing space. In 2021, she co-edited the book Governance for Mediterranean Silvopastoral Systems, the first publication to explore the human dimension of these systems in detail. Helena also serves on the leadership board of the ITD Alliance, she is a member of the executive committee and contributes to the working group on Integration Experts and Expertise. BinBin Jiang Pearce is an assistant professor for policy analysis and design at Delft University of Technology, in the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, based in the Netherlands. Her research interests include public participation processes in the energy transition, policy design for the energy transition, collaborative decision making for sustainable development, joint problem framing processes, and developing curriculum by integrating systems and design thinking. Christian Pohl is an expert in theories, methods and tools for understanding and navigating transdisciplinary research processes. He was funding co-director of td-net of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and is co-director of TdLab of the Department of Environmental Systems Science at ETH Zurich. In his research he studies transdisciplinary projects in the field of sustainable development and explores tools to support knowledge co-production.
Date: Friday, 08/Nov/2024
8:30am - 9:00amStart of the day
Location: De Expo
9:00am - 11:00amITD Alliance Networking Events - Open for all conference participants
Location: De Expo
11:00am - 11:30amCoffee break
Location: De Expo
11:30am - 1:00pmITD Alliance Networking Events - Open for all conference participants
Location: De Expo
1:30pm - 3:30pmPlacemaking: observing the planned and the lived city
Location: Restauratiezaal
1:30pm - 5:00pmUtrecht Time Machine
(starting in front of the museum, max. 20 people.)
1:30pm - 5:00pmUtrecht2040 - Gaming Towards a Sustainable Future
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse

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