Index of Authors
A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.
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Author(s) | Organisation(s) | Session |
Aarnoudse, Eefje | Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS), Germany; International Centre for Sustainable Development, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter |
Abidi, Latifa | Maastricht University, the Netherlands | TD student competencies and motivation |
Adu-Bonsaffoh, Kwame | Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana | TD participants and stakeholders |
Aerts, Laetitia | King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium | Undisciplined evaluation: innovation in the funding and assessment of transdisciplinary research Presenter |
Ahmadi Mardakhi, Leila | Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity, University of Basel (Switzerland) | Positive Tipping Points: an innovative approach for reflecting about inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations (Workshop) Presenter |
Alborough, Lesley | Wellcome, United Kingdom | Undisciplined evaluation: innovation in the funding and assessment of transdisciplinary research Presenter |
Albuquerque, Marconi Edson Esmeraldo | Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil | Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) Presenter |
Aldaz, Maider | University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain | Transformative learning/academia |
Alencar Mota e Silva, Janaína | Graduate Program on Disaster Science, Sao Paulo State University | Poster exhibitions |
Alvares, Lillian Maria Araujo de Rezende | University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil / PPGCI-IBICT/UFRJ | Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) |
Amaris, Nepantlera G. | Transdemia School of Transformative Change, Transdemia | Transformative learning/academia Presenter |
Ammann, Priska | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland; University of Basel, Switzerland | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics |
Amponsah, Solomon Boamah | Ghana Health Service, Ghana | TD participants and stakeholders |
Ampt, Peter | Ag & Env Consulting, Australia | Reflection and discussion in TD research |
Andersson, Erik | Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden; University of Helsinki, Finland; North-West University, South Africa | Participation/co-creation in TD |
Andic, Branko | Johannes Keppler University of Vienna, Austria | Poster exhibitions |
Andreasson, Dennis Frans Rune | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD Presenter |
Andreotti, Federico | Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands; Centre for Unusual Collaborations, Utrecht, Netherlands | Unbox Workshop: Metaphorical Spaces as Boundary Objects for Unusual Collaborations Presenter |
Andrews, Lisa M. | KWR Water Research Institute, Netherlands, The; Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University | Participation/co-creation in TD Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Arets, Bert | UMC Utrecht, Netherlands, The | ID programmes from past to future |
Arhin, Jeffery Kodjo | Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders Presenter |
Arts, Irma | Institute for Science in Society, Radboud University Nijmegen | Interactive Timeline Activity: Designing and Implementing ‘Phase 0’ in Transdisciplinary Research Presenter |
Asatryan, Vardan | Institute of Hydroecology and Ichthyology, Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Avelino, Flor | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Averbeck, Paul | Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau | TD/ID for the climate |
Backhaus, Norman | University of Zürich, Switzerland | ‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature Towards unconventional and just outcomes in transformative change: Applying critical theoretical lessons on power in ITD research initiatives |
Baeten, Dorien | Hasselt University, Belgium | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Baggen, Yvette | Education and Learning Sciences, Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands | Poster exhibitions |
Bakx, Iris | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Ballard, Charlotte | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | TD: efforts to future (organizational) change |
Banka-Cullen, Sonam P. | Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland | TD in education |
Barns, Sarah | RMIT University, Australia | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) Presenter |
Bassat, Quique | ISGlobal, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain | TD in education |
Baumber, Alex | The University Of Technology Sydney, Australia | Reflection and discussion in TD research Presenter |
Bédard-Vallée, Alexandre | Science-Metrix and Analytical and Data Services, Elsevier, Montréal, Canada and Amsterdam, the Netherlands | TD/ID for (social) change |
Beecroft, Richard | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology | What Do We Mean by “Scientific Impact” of Transdisciplinary Research? Presenter |
Beer, Katrin | Chair of Environmental and Climate, Technical University of Munich, Germany | From Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research Presenter |
Beetz, Jan Pieter | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Introduction of a new PPE Textbook: Interdisciplinary PPE Analyses of 21st Century Grand Challenges Presenter |
Bekius, Femke | Radboud Young Academy, Radboud University, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions Presenter What Sustainable Futures? Exploring contributions of Transdisciplinary approaches in dealing with Future Sustainable Transformations Presenter |
Belcher, Brian Murray | Royal Roads University, Canada | Evaluation and quality assessment of ITD research Presenter |
Ben Shalom, Anna | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | Creating societal impact through TD Presenter TD in education Presenter |
Bender, Katja | Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Scholars' attitudes towards TD |
Benítez Ávila, Camilo | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands The | "Learnings from the South to North: The Decolonial Transdisciplinary Research Process in Latin America" Presenter |
Berendts, Anneke | WUR, Netherlands, The | ID programmes from past to future |
Berg-Mölleken, Dagmar | Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Bernert, Philip | Reserach Institute for Sustainability – Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Germany | Poster exhibitions Presenter TD design and development Presenter |
Bernstein, Michael Jordan | AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, GmbH, Austria | Sustainability education Presenter |
Bertolini, Luca | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Breaking Silos for Inter- en Transdisciplinary Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities Across Universities Presenter |
Beyens, Stefanie | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Introduction of a new PPE Textbook: Interdisciplinary PPE Analyses of 21st Century Grand Challenges Presenter |
Beyers, Felix | Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Germany | TD design and development Presenter |
Beyuo, Titus Kofi | Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana | TD participants and stakeholders |
Bhatta, Astha | Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | Into the Looking Glass: reflecting on transdisciplinarity from a policy perspective Presenter |
Bhosle, Anudi | Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Bengaluru, India | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Biberhofer, Petra | Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Austria | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter Undisciplined evaluation: innovation in the funding and assessment of transdisciplinary research Presenter |
Bieri, Sabin | Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern | Participation/co-creation in TD |
Bijl, Paul | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Billeter, Anna | WWF Schweiz, Switzerland | ‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature |
Binetti, Giuseppe | Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter |
Bizer, Kilian | Georg-August University of Göttingen | Enhancing the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolbox: Leveraging the Power of Simulation Games |
Bland, Timothy | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | An instrument for the design of interdisciplinary education: demonstration and testing Presenter Institutionalizing Interdisciplinary Education and Community Engaged Learning: Lessons learned from Utrecht University Presenter |
Bloomquist, Candace | Creighton University, United States of America | Teaching in support of ID expertise Presenter |
Bobadilla, Hernán | Department of Mathematics, Politecnico di Milano, Italy | TD justice and TD ethics Presenter |
Boesten, Nadine | Ghent University, Belgium | TD participants and stakeholders |
Bogner, Kristina | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Utrecht University, Netherlands | From Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research Presenter Transformative learning/academia Presenter |
Böhning-Gaese, Katrin | Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK-F), Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Faculty of Biological Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany | TD policy and funding |
Boon, Wouter | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, University Utrecht | Creating societal impact through TD |
Bor, Wiebe | Utrecht University | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets Presenter |
Bossenbroek, Lisa | Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany | Agency and power in transdisciplinary research: applying insights from critical social science to strengthen reflexivity Presenter |
Bovenschen, Niels | Department of Pathology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands; Bachelor Research Hub, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Center for Academic Teaching, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Center for Education, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Center of Translational Immunology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD in education TD participants and stakeholders |
Bowdler, Bella | University of Technology Sydney, Australia | Co-creating an Atlas and Glossary of transdisciplinary futures-making capabilities: What’s needed to develop students’ capacity to thrive in an uncertain future? |
Brack, Ursula | University of Zurich, Switzerland | Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) |
Brand, Nikki | Resilient Delta Initiative / Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, The | Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum |
Bresch, David N. | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Sustainability education |
Briels, Leontien | Hasselt University, Belgium | Poster exhibitions |
Briers, Stephanie | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | TD/ID for the climate Presenter |
Browne, Joyce | Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Bruggen, Anne | Resilient Delta Initiative / Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, The | Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum |
Brugman, Sylvia | Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD |
Bruhn, Thomas | Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Germany | TD design and development Presenter |
Bruijnes, Merijn | Utrecht University, Netherlands; Centre for Unusual Collaborations, Utrecht, Netherlands | Unbox Workshop: Metaphorical Spaces as Boundary Objects for Unusual Collaborations |
Brussee, Eeke | Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Brydolf, Sigrid | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Buckley Woods, Helen | Research on Research Institute / UCL, UK | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter |
Bülow, Katharina | Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany | Poster exhibitions |
Bürgi, Matthias | Land Change Science, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL; Institute of Geography, University of Bern | Participation/co-creation in TD |
Burkhart, Stefanie | Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Germany; ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany | From Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research Presenter TD justice and TD ethics Presenter |
Burnazoglu, Merve | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Introduction of a new PPE Textbook: Interdisciplinary PPE Analyses of 21st Century Grand Challenges |
Buser, Tobias | ITD Alliance, Switzerland | Developing Transdisciplinary Teaching Cases Presenter |
Buser, Tobias | Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity - ITD-Alliance, Switzerland | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter |
Byrne, Jake Rowan | Trinity College Dublin, Ireland | ID & TD pedagogies for change |
Camacho Rodríguez, Doriam | Cooperative University of Colombia, Colombia; ANHE LatinAmerica | TD/ID for the climate Presenter |
Campbell, David | Science-Metrix and Analytical and Data Services, Elsevier, Montréal, Canada and Amsterdam, the Netherlands | TD/ID for (social) change |
Canedo, Juliana | Technische Universität Berlin, Germany | Design as concept and as process in education |
Caniglia, Guido | Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Austria | TD justice and TD ethics Presenter What Do We Mean by “Scientific Impact” of Transdisciplinary Research? Presenter |
Caniglia, Guido | Konrad Lorentz Institute, Austria | ID & TD knowledge and conceptualizations Presenter |
Chambers, Josephine | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Chapman, Mollie Anne | Transdisciplinarity Lab, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland | FAIR Data Practices for Qualitative Research in Transdisciplinarity Presenter |
Cheas, Kirsi | University of Vaasa, Finland | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets |
Cheas, Kirsi | Finterdis - The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society; University of Vaasa, Finland, Finland | Productive Failure of the “Global Inter- and Transdisciplinary Mentorship Initiative”: Learning to Facilitate ID-TD Mentorship Glocally TD: efforts to future (organizational) change |
Chmielewska, Kaja A | Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands | Poster exhibitions |
Claus, Rachel | Royal Roads University, Canada | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Coetzee, Wilma | North-West University, South Africa | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Colen Ladeia Torrens, Jonas | Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Pathways to Sustainability Strategic theme | Training for fair, inclusive, equitable and transformative transdisciplinary collaborations Presenter |
Comiskey, Catherine M. | Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland | TD in education |
Consoli, Luca | Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands | Breaking Silos for Inter- en Transdisciplinary Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities Across Universities Presenter |
Contreras, Maria | Sernaegomin | Transdisciplinary landscapes |
Coops, Femke | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Corazzini, Luca | University of Venezia “Ca’ Foscari”, Italy | Poster exhibitions |
Cotting, André | Graduate Program on Disaster Science, Sao Paulo State University | Poster exhibitions |
Cremer, Marjolein | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Cretu, Carmen | Iasi University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Romania | Poster exhibitions |
Crivello, Maryline | Aix-Marseille University, France | Evaluation and quality assessment of ITD research Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) |
Crnko, Sandra | Bachelor Research Hub, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD in education TD participants and stakeholders |
Cross, Rebecca | The University of Sydney, Australia | Reflection and discussion in TD research |
Crowley, Stephen | Boise State University, United States of America | ID/TD integration theory |
Cuellar, Constanza | Magdalena Departmental Health Secretary | TD/ID for the climate |
d'Hont, Floortje | Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | Into the Looking Glass: reflecting on transdisciplinarity from a policy perspective Presenter |
Darbellay, Frédéric | University of Geneva, Centre for Children’s Rights Studies, Inter- and Transdisciplinary Unit | ID & TD pedagogies for change Presenter |
de Belder, Marijke | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
de Graaf, Petra | Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets Presenter |
de Grauw, Janny | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD |
de Groot, Laura | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Tapping on Competencies: Researchers' Assets for Navigating the Transdisciplinary Journey Presenter |
de Jonge, Roos | Center for Education, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
de Jonge, Roos | UMC Utrecht, Netherlands, The | ID & TD pedagogies for change Presenter ID programmes from past to future |
de Leeuw, Evelyne | Université de Montréal | What Do We Mean by “Scientific Impact” of Transdisciplinary Research? Presenter |
de Moura Rocha Lima, Giovanna | Erasmus University, Rotterdam | Always Available Online for All Participants |
de Swart, Jelle | Wageningen University & Research | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets Presenter |
de Vos, Febe | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
de Vries, Bald | UU, Netherlands, The; Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | ID & TD pedagogies for change Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
de Vrieze, Anke | Centre for Unusual Collaboration, EWUU Alliance, the Netherlands | The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: Co-Learning about Knowledge Integration Practices in Unusual Collaborations Presenter |
de Witt, Annick | Worldview Journeys Foundation and Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Transformative learning/academia Presenter |
Dedeurwaerdere, Tom | UCLouvain | Building local support systems for transdisciplinary research and co-production: Exploring and advancing facilitating mechanisms and functions for social transformation Presenter |
Defila, Rico | University of Basel, Switzerland; Office for Research Association Management, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Munich (Germany) | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter Positive Tipping Points: an innovative approach for reflecting about inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations (Workshop) |
Delgado Medina, Fátima | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands The | "Learnings from the South to North: The Decolonial Transdisciplinary Research Process in Latin America" Presenter |
Demeijer, Frederique | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | TD student competencies and motivation Presenter |
den Haan, Robert-Jan | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | TD student competencies and motivation |
Dettwiler, Donata | Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland | Agency and power in transdisciplinary research: applying insights from critical social science to strengthen reflexivity Presenter Transformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop Presenter |
Deutsch, Lisa | Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag), Switzerland; ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum Presenter Transformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop Presenter |
Deutsch, Sierra | University of Zurich, Switzerland | Agency and power in transdisciplinary research: applying insights from critical social science to strengthen reflexivity Presenter |
Deutsch, Sierra | University of Zürich, Switzerland | ‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature Presenter Towards unconventional and just outcomes in transformative change: Applying critical theoretical lessons on power in ITD research initiatives Presenter |
Di Capua, Giuseppe | National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Italy | TD justice and TD ethics |
Di Giulio, Antonietta | University of Basel, Switzerland; Office for Research Association Management, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Munich (Germany) | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter Positive Tipping Points: an innovative approach for reflecting about inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations (Workshop) Presenter Reflection and discussion in TD research Presenter |
Díaz de Junguitu, Alberto | University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain | Transformative learning/academia |
Díaz Marquez, Angela M. | Universidad de Las Américas, Ecuador | "Learnings from the South to North: The Decolonial Transdisciplinary Research Process in Latin America" Presenter |
Dictus, Wim J.A.G. | Center for Education, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Diedrich, Lisa Babette | Universidad de Buenos Aires | Designing critical conversation tools to foster ID/TD mindsets: young researchers reflecting on how criticality broadens and strengthens ID/TD education Presenter |
Dilaver, Gonul | Center for Education, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Center for Academic Teaching, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Dilli, Selin | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Introduction of a new PPE Textbook: Interdisciplinary PPE Analyses of 21st Century Grand Challenges Presenter |
Dillis, Sarah | Hasselt University, Belgium | Poster exhibitions |
Doetzer, Julia | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland; University of Basel, Switzerland | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics |
Dolmans, Diana | Maastricht University, the Netherlands | TD student competencies and motivation |
Dorresteijn, Ine | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University | Interactive Timeline Activity: Designing and Implementing ‘Phase 0’ in Transdisciplinary Research Presenter |
Doumen, Sarah | Hasselt University, Belgium | Poster exhibitions |
Draijer, Jael | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | A holistic approach towards developing interdisciplinary higher education cultures: Integrating student, teacher and governance perspectives Presenter |
Driessen, Peter P.J. | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University | Poster exhibitions |
Drissen, Yvette | Tilburg University, Netherlands, The | TD: space & network creation Presenter |
Drögemüller, Cord | Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany | TD/ID for (social) change |
Duman, Nuray | Universität Hohenheim, Germany | Poster exhibitions |
Duncan, Ronlyn | Independent researcher | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Dung, Peter | TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets Presenter |
Ehnert, Franziska | Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Germany | From Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research Presenter Agency and power in transdisciplinary research: applying insights from critical social science to strengthen reflexivity Presenter |
Eiroa-Orosa, Francisco J. | ISGlobal, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain | TD in education |
El Zohbi, Juliane | Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS)/Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon; Helmholtz Center Hereon GmbH, Climate Service Center Germany, Germany | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD Poster exhibitions |
Elberse, Janneke | RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands | TD policy and funding |
Ellemers, Naomi | Utrecht University | Poster exhibitions |
Elling, Sanne | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Engelbrecht, Erna | TU Delft, The Netherlands | Designing educational methods to incorporate transdisciplinary skills (such as systems thinking, metacognition, empathy, reflexivity and open-mindedness) into educational engineering programmes Presenter |
Erkkola, Maijaliisa | University of Helsinki, Finland | Teaching in support of ID expertise |
Facius, Michael | The University of Tokyo, Japan | TD in education |
Fantini, Emanuele | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets Presenter |
Felvinczi, Katalin | Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary | TD in education |
Fierloos, Irene | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, The | Step into my shoes: What works (and doesn’t work) in enhancing youth participation and involvement. Presenter |
Fiore, Stephen | University of Central Florida, USA | Between Complicity and Resistance: how should we position inter- and transdisciplinarity on this spectrum? Presenter |
Fletcher, Isabel | University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom | Always Available Online for All Participants Presenter Spanning boundaries: facilitating dialogue between the scholarship on inter- and transdisciplinarity and science and technology studies Presenter |
Flipse, Steven | TU Delft, The Netherlands | Designing educational methods to incorporate transdisciplinary skills (such as systems thinking, metacognition, empathy, reflexivity and open-mindedness) into educational engineering programmes Presenter |
Fox, Christine M. | UMC Utrecht | TD student competencies and motivation |
Franck, Marlene | Hans Sauer Stiftung, Germany | Evaluation and quality assessment of ITD research Presenter |
Fraude, Carolin | Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Germany | TD design and development |
Frederiks, Gwenda | EWUU-aliance | Workshop for changemakers: Fostering Inner Development Goals for Sustainable Education Presenter |
Fritz, Livia | Aarhus University, Denmark | Agency and power in transdisciplinary research: applying insights from critical social science to strengthen reflexivity Presenter |
Fromm, Maxine | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Führ, Martin | University of Applied Science Darmstadt, Germany; Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Enhancing the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolbox: Leveraging the Power of Simulation Games Presenter Poster exhibitions TD/ID for (social) change |
Gaasch, Nadin | Berlin University Alliance c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Germany | Evaluation and quality assessment of ITD research Presenter Poster exhibitions Presenter Poster exhibitions Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Gallotti, Mattia | The London Interdisciplinary School, United Kingdom | Measuring Integration from Theory to Practice Presenter |
Galluccio, Giulia | CMCC, Italy | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Gameiro, Karolina | Doctorate Program on Earth System Science, National Institute for Space Research | Poster exhibitions |
Garayar, Ainhoa | University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain | Transformative learning/academia Presenter |
Garcia-Vila, Jaime | Michigan State University, United States of America | Student voices, student perspectives |
Garzón, Lina Paola | One Health Consortium, Colombia | "Learnings from the South to North: The Decolonial Transdisciplinary Research Process in Latin America" Presenter |
Geerling, Janine J. | UMC Utrecht | TD student competencies and motivation |
Geiges, Tim | WSL, Switzerland | Transdisciplinary landscapes Presenter |
Geoffroy, Carolina | Xterrae, Chile | Transdisciplinary landscapes |
Georges, Leah | Creighton University, United States of America | Teaching in support of ID expertise |
Georgiou, Despoina | Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands | Poster exhibitions |
Gerritsen, Debby | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | TD student competencies and motivation Presenter |
Gévry, Marie-France | Université Laval, Canada; Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada | Sustainability education Presenter TD/ID for (social) change |
Giersberg, Mona F | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Utrecht University, The Netherlands | Poster exhibitions Presenter Scholars' attitudes towards TD Presenter |
Glotzbach, Raül | KWR Water Research Institute, Netherlands, The | Participation/co-creation in TD |
Goede, Roelien | North-West University, South Africa | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Goedecke, Dario | University of Göttingen | Enhancing the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolbox: Leveraging the Power of Simulation Games |
Gonçalves, Milene | Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, The | Step into my shoes: What works (and doesn’t work) in enhancing youth participation and involvement. Presenter |
Goñi Mazzitelli, María | Universidad de la República, Uruguay | Spanning boundaries: facilitating dialogue between the scholarship on inter- and transdisciplinarity and science and technology studies Presenter |
Gonnerman, Chad | University of Southern Indiana, United States of America | ID/TD integration theory |
Goode, Kylee | University of Birmingham, United Kingdom | TD design and development Presenter |
Görlinger, Susann | Ikarus-Consulting, Switzerland | Poster exhibitions |
Grootoonk, Willem | Department of Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, Utrecht University, the Netherlands | Poster exhibitions |
Gröschner, Stefan | BMBF, Germany | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter |
Groth, Markus | Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany | Poster exhibitions TD/ID for the climate |
Gruber, Nicolas P. | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Sustainability education |
Guardado, Clara | University of Zürich, Switzerland | Towards unconventional and just outcomes in transformative change: Applying critical theoretical lessons on power in ITD research initiatives |
Guimarães, Mª Helena | MED-Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development and CHANGE-Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Institute for Advanced Studies and Research, Évora University, Évora, Portugal | Reflection and discussion in TD research Presenter TD participants and stakeholders |
Guimaraes, Maria | MED-Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development, Portugal; CHANGE-Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Institute for Advanced Studies and Research, Évora University, Évora, Portugal | Exploring integration experts’ creative and supportive contributions to inter- and transdisciplinary research Presenter |
Gutbrodt, Bettina | Wildnispark Zürich, Switzerland | ‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature |
Gutierrez Rivas, Gerardo Moises | Creighton University, United States of America | Poster exhibitions Student voices, student perspectives |
Guyer, Lukas | ETH Zurich, Transdisciplinarity Lab, Switzerland | TD policy and funding |
Haarhuis, Jan C.M. | Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands | TD in education |
Hacopian, Anastasia | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Hajer, Maarten | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | TD: efforts to future (organizational) change |
Hardy, An | Hasselt University, Belgium | Poster exhibitions |
Hauge Nustad, Sigrid | University of Oslo, Norway | Student voices, student perspectives Presenter |
Haustein, Karsten | Universität Leipzig | TD/ID for the climate |
Hayen, Annick | Hasselt University, Belgium | Poster exhibitions |
Hegeman, Maria A. | Educational Consultancy & Professional Development, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD in education TD participants and stakeholders |
Heinen, Sebastian | Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Scholars' attitudes towards TD |
Heinonen, Tekla Maria | University of Oulu, Finland | Transformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop Presenter |
Helgesson, Claes-Fredrik | Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS), Uppsala University, Sweden | What are integration skills in a multifarious ITD landscape? The roles of research developers, facilitators, directors and managers in building capacity within universities Presenter |
Herzon, Iryna | University of Helsinki, Finland | Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions Presenter |
Hesselbein, Chris | Department of Management Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy | TD justice and TD ethics |
Hessels, Laurens | Rathenau Institute, The Netherlands; Leiden University, The Netherlands | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter TD policy and funding TD policy and funding |
Heuver, Lars | Utrecht University | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets |
Hirsch, Paul | State University of New York, USA; State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY – ESF), USA | Between Complicity and Resistance: how should we position inter- and transdisciplinarity on this spectrum? Presenter Exploring integration experts’ creative and supportive contributions to inter- and transdisciplinary research Presenter |
Hobelsberger, Christine | Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany | Experts in the making? A workshop along the blurred lines of teaching and learning in capacity building in transdisciplinarity Presenter |
Hochenauer, Peter | University of Vienna, Austria | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Hoekman, Jarno | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, University Utrecht | Creating societal impact through TD |
Hoffman, Jesse | Urban Futures Studio, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University; Academy of Hope | Exploring an Academy of Hope Presenter |
Hoffman, Jesse | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Hoffmann, Sabine | Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland; Transdisciplinarity Lab (TdLab), ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Eawag, Switzerland | Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum Presenter Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum Presenter Exploring integration experts’ creative and supportive contributions to inter- and transdisciplinary research Presenter How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter Integrative Teaching and Learning: How to design and implement integration in your course Presenter Network event ITD working group on integration experts and expertise Presenter Roles of researchers in inter- and transdisciplinary research: An interactive application of a new mapping and reflection tool Presenter Transformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop Presenter |
Hofmann, Benjamin | Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland; Eawag, Switzerland | Agency and power in transdisciplinary research: applying insights from critical social science to strengthen reflexivity Presenter Roles of researchers in inter- and transdisciplinary research: An interactive application of a new mapping and reflection tool Presenter TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics Presenter |
Hofstra, Bas | Radboud Young Academy, Radboud University, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions |
Holmen, Johan | Chalmers University of Technology | Building local support systems for transdisciplinary research and co-production: Exploring and advancing facilitating mechanisms and functions for social transformation |
Hooimeijer, Fransje | TU Delft, Netherlands, The | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter |
Horcea-Milcu, Andra-Ioana | Kassel Institute for Sustainability, University of Kassel | Interactive Timeline Activity: Designing and Implementing ‘Phase 0’ in Transdisciplinary Research Presenter |
Horicks, Florence | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium | TD participants and stakeholders Presenter |
Horn, Annemarie | Liberal Arts and Sciences, Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter Interactive Timeline Activity: Designing and Implementing ‘Phase 0’ in Transdisciplinary Research Presenter The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: Co-Learning about Knowledge Integration Practices in Unusual Collaborations Presenter |
Hossain, Jinat | University of Bern, Switzerland | Sustainability education |
Hossain, Jinat | University of Zürich, Switzerland | Towards unconventional and just outcomes in transformative change: Applying critical theoretical lessons on power in ITD research initiatives Presenter |
Hua, Jessica | University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States of America | Student voices, student perspectives |
Hummels, Caroline | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Idsøe, Ella | University of Oslo | TRAIL; Navigating perspectives in transdisciplinary higher education |
Ikeuchi, Ui | Bunkyo University | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Imbruce, Valerie | Washington College, United States of America | Student voices, student perspectives |
Imtiaz, Sayed Md Saikh | University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, People's Republic of Bangladesh | Sustainability education Presenter |
Isetti, Giulia | Eurac Research, Italy | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) Presenter |
Isidoro, Ana Catarina | MED‑Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development and CHANGE‑Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Institute for Advanced Studies and Research, Évora University; MED-Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development, Portugal; CHANGE-Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Institute for Advanced Studies and Research, Évora University, Évora, Portugal | TD participants and stakeholders Exploring integration experts’ creative and supportive contributions to inter- and transdisciplinary research Presenter Reflection and discussion in TD research Presenter |
Iwamoto, Yoko | Kyoto University | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Jacinto, Gonçalo | Department of Mathematics, School of Sciences and Technology and Research Center in Mathematics and Applications, Institute for Advanced Studies and Research, Évora University | TD participants and stakeholders |
Jacobi, Johanna | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions |
Jacobs, Lidwien | Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, The | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Jansen, Belle | University of Amsterdam | Workshop for changemakers: Fostering Inner Development Goals for Sustainable Education Presenter |
Jansen, Esther | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, the Netherlands | From Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research Presenter |
Jeppesen de Boer, Christina | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Jittrapirom, Peraphan | Radboud University, Netherlands, The | What Sustainable Futures? Exploring contributions of Transdisciplinary approaches in dealing with Future Sustainable Transformations Presenter |
Johannsen, Thies | TU Berlin, Germany | Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) Presenter |
Joly, Mathilde | CMCC, Italy; Collegio Superiore, Università di Bologna | Always Available Online for All Participants Presenter |
Jonkman-Bakker, Marieke | Serve The City Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD in education Presenter |
Joshi, Neelakshi | Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Germany | From Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research Presenter |
Jutila, Mirjami | University of Oulu, Finland | Transformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop Presenter |
Kahn, Andrea | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | Designing critical conversation tools to foster ID/TD mindsets: young researchers reflecting on how criticality broadens and strengthens ID/TD education Presenter |
Kaljonen, Minna | SYKE, Finland | Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions Presenter |
Kálmán, Gréta | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | TD: efforts to future (organizational) change |
Kalmar, Eva | TU Delft, The Netherlands | Designing educational methods to incorporate transdisciplinary skills (such as systems thinking, metacognition, empathy, reflexivity and open-mindedness) into educational engineering programmes Presenter |
Kaltenbrunner, Wolfgang | Center for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University, the Netherlands | TD policy and funding |
Karge, Toni | Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz | Design as concept and as process in education |
Kasos, Krisztián V. | Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary | TD in education |
Keestra, Machiel | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Between Complicity and Resistance: how should we position inter- and transdisciplinarity on this spectrum? Presenter |
Keller, Roger | University of Zurich, Switzerland | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics |
Kerstin, Hemström | Urban Futures – Centrum för hållbar stadsutveckling; WEXSUS | Building local support systems for transdisciplinary research and co-production: Exploring and advancing facilitating mechanisms and functions for social transformation |
Keryan, Tigran | Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning (ILEN), BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria | Always Available Online for All Participants Presenter How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter |
Kettunen, Harri | University of Helsinki, Finland | Teaching in support of ID expertise Presenter |
Keup-Thiel, Elke | Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS)/Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon; Helmholtz Center Hereon GmbH, Climate Service Center Germany, Germany | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Khachatryan, Karlen | Faculty of Economics and Management, Yerevan State University, Armenia | Always Available Online for All Participants |
King, Jaime Staples | Faculty of Law, University of Auckland, New Zealand | Transformative learning/academia Presenter |
Kleihauer, Silke | University of Applied Science Darmstadt, Germany; Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Enhancing the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolbox: Leveraging the Power of Simulation Games Poster exhibitions Scholars' attitudes towards TD TD/ID for (social) change Presenter |
Kligyte, Giedre | University of Technology Sydney, Australia | Co-creating an Atlas and Glossary of transdisciplinary futures-making capabilities: What’s needed to develop students’ capacity to thrive in an uncertain future? Creating societal impact through TD |
Knaack, Ursula | UAS Technikum Vienna, Austria | Poster exhibitions |
Knibbe, Guido | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Placemaking: observing the planned and the lived city Presenter |
Knickel, Marina | Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Austria | TD justice and TD ethics Presenter |
Knutzen, Florian | Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany | Poster exhibitions TD/ID for the climate |
Kny, Josefa | Technische Universität Berlin, Center Technology and Society (ZTG) Germany | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions |
Köhler, S. Eleonore | Maastricht University, the Netherlands | TD student competencies and motivation |
Koi-Larbi, Koiwah | Action on Preeclampsia Ghana, Ghana | TD participants and stakeholders |
Kondo, Yasuhisa | Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Koorman, Thijs | Department of Pathology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Bachelor Research Hub, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Koppius, Sebastian Niklas | Paderborn University, Germany | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Koren, Gerbrand B | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, the Netherlands | Poster exhibitions |
Krabbenborg, Lotte | Institute for Science in Society (ISiS), Radboud University, the Netherlands | TD policy and funding |
Krebs, Margaret | Stanford University, USA | Developing Transdisciplinary Teaching Cases |
Kreß-Ludwig, Michael | ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Germany | Fostering effectiveness of transdisciplinary research by reflecting possible impact pathways |
Krütli, Pius | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Sustainability education TD/ID for (social) change Ten reflective steps for rendering research societally relevant |
Kryst, Melanie | Berlin University Alliance, Germany; Berlin University Alliance c/o Technische Universität Berlin, Germany | Always Available Online for All Participants Presenter Poster exhibitions Presenter Poster exhibitions Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Kuchner, Ulrike | University of Nottingham, UK | Spanning boundaries: facilitating dialogue between the scholarship on inter- and transdisciplinarity and science and technology studies Presenter |
Kühn, Cornelia | Potsdam University of Applied Sciences | Experts in the making? A workshop along the blurred lines of teaching and learning in capacity building in transdisciplinarity Presenter |
Kump, Barbara | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Kurris, Julie | Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, The | Always Available Online for All Participants Presenter Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ Presenter TRAIL; Navigating perspectives in transdisciplinary higher education Presenter |
Kusurkar, Rashmi | Amsterdam UMC location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands | TD student competencies and motivation |
Labaien, Irati | University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain | Transformative learning/academia |
Lalova-Spinks, Teodora | Ghent University, Belgium | TD participants and stakeholders Presenter |
Lamain, Corinne | Centre for Unusual Collaborations, Netherlands, The | Always Available Online for All Participants Training for fair, inclusive, equitable and transformative transdisciplinary collaborations Presenter |
Lambert, Lauren | College of Global Futures, Arizona State University, USA | Sustainability education Presenter |
Lambino, Ria | Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan | Networking Session for TD researchers and practitioners in Asia |
Lampis, Federico | Kreab Worldwide, Belgium | TD justice and TD ethics |
Lang, Daniel | ITAS, Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology | Poster exhibitions |
Lansink, Carien | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Discussion around ‘Bridge Building’: What helps students from disciplinary programs to write a bachelor thesis with an interdisciplinary approach? Presenter Opportunities and challenges in teaching Community Engaged Learning: sharing good practices from Utrecht University. Presenter |
Laursen, Bethany | University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, United States of America | ID/TD integration theory Presenter |
Lawrence, Mark | Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Germany | TD design and development |
Laycock Pedersen, Rebecca | Lund University, Sweden | Creating societal impact through TD |
Lee, Hee-Youn | Konkuk University Seoul, Republic of Korea | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Léonard, Silke | AP University College, Belgium | TD participants and stakeholders |
Lesch, Anna Lena | Georg-August University of Göttingen | Enhancing the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolbox: Leveraging the Power of Simulation Games |
Lesterhuis, Marije | UMC Utrecht | TD student competencies and motivation |
Lévesque, Keith | Université Laval, Canada | Sustainability education |
Levesque, Keith | Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada | TD/ID for (social) change Presenter |
Liebrechts-de Beer, Natalie | Saxion University of Applied Sceinces, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Liechti, Karina | Swiss Foundation for Landscape Conservation, Switzerland | ‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature |
Lilia Estallo, Elizabet | National University of Cordoba, Argentina | TD/ID for the climate Presenter |
Lindvig, Katrine Ellemose | University of Copenhagen/CoNavigator, Denmark | Celebrating “Interdisciplinary Practices in Higher Education”: A Symposium Reflecting on a Collaborative Journey |
Lischer, Philipp | ETH Zürich, Switzerland | Transdisciplinary landscapes Presenter |
Llanque, Aymara | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH, UFZ, Germany | Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions Presenter |
Lockton, Dan | Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands; Centre for Unusual Collaborations, Utrecht, Netherlands; Imaginaries Lab, Utrecht, Netherlands | Unbox Workshop: Metaphorical Spaces as Boundary Objects for Unusual Collaborations Presenter |
Lockton, Dan | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Loeber, Anne | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | TD student competencies and motivation |
Loopers, Judith | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Opportunities and challenges in teaching Community Engaged Learning: sharing good practices from Utrecht University. Presenter |
Lu, Mark | Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore | TD design and development Presenter |
Lund, Kristine | CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets |
Lury, Celia | Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, University of Warwick, UK | What are integration skills in a multifarious ITD landscape? The roles of research developers, facilitators, directors and managers in building capacity within universities Presenter |
Lux, Alexandra | Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE), Germany | Agency and power in transdisciplinary research: applying insights from critical social science to strengthen reflexivity Presenter |
Lux, Alexandra | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (SBiK-F), Frankfurt am Main, Germany | TD policy and funding Presenter |
Lykourentzou, Ioanna | Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Department of Information and Computing Sciences | Teaching in support of ID expertise |
Maas, Annemieke | Center for Education, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Mäder, Minea Susanne | Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, Switzerland | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions |
Malottke, Matthias | UAS Technikum Vienna, Austria | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Mämmelä, Aarne | VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland; University of Oulu, Finland | Transformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop |
Marchezini, Victor | CEMADEN – National Early Warning and Monitoring Centre of Natural Disasters, Brazil | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Marg, Oskar | ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Germany | Fostering effectiveness of transdisciplinary research by reflecting possible impact pathways Presenter Reflection and discussion in TD research Presenter Synergies and trade-offs between scientific and societal effects Presenter What Do We Mean by “Scientific Impact” of Transdisciplinary Research? Presenter |
Mark, Jennifer | Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics |
Markham, Annette | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) Presenter |
Martins, Danica | Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Bengaluru, India | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) Presenter |
Mazac, Rachel | Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden | Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions |
Mbambo-Lado, Chuma | Resilient Delta Initiative / Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, The; TU Delft - Resilient Delta Initiative, Netherlands, The | Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Mbidzo, Meed | Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), Namibia | Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa Presenter |
Mc Geever, James | University of Klaipeda, Lithuania | Poster exhibitions |
McCallum, Chloe | ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics |
McCarty, Micah | Makah Tribe, USA | ‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature Presenter |
McDonagh, David | Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland | TD in education |
McEntee, Marie | Faculty of Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand | Transformative learning/academia Presenter |
McGuire, Beverley Foulks | University of North Carolina Wilmington, United States of America | ID: fostering specific student skills |
McLeskey, Chet | Toolbox Dialogue Initiative Center, Michigan State University, United States of America | ID & TD knowledge and conceptualizations Presenter ID/TD integration theory Presenter |
Meeldijk, Jan | Department of Pathology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Bachelor Research Hub, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Center of Translational Immunology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Mees, Heleen L.P. | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The; Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University | TD: efforts to future (organizational) change Poster exhibitions |
Melvold, Jacqueline | University of Technology Sydney, Australia | Co-creating an Atlas and Glossary of transdisciplinary futures-making capabilities: What’s needed to develop students’ capacity to thrive in an uncertain future? Creating societal impact through TD |
Mennes, Julie | University of Ghent, Belgium | ID/TD integration theory |
Menon, Anupama | The Bridge2Hope, The Netherlands | Creating societal impact through TD |
Mers, Amber Deirdre Liva | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Tapping on Competencies: Researchers' Assets for Navigating the Transdisciplinary Journey Presenter Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ Presenter |
Meulenbrugge, Jeroen | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Meye, Frank2 | Utrecht Medical Center (UMCU), the Netherlands | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD |
Meyer, Manuel | University of Porto, Portugal | Design as concept and as process in education |
Michel, Annina Helena | University of Zürich, Switzerland | ‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature |
Michel, Antje | Potsdam University of Applied Sciences | Experts in the making? A workshop along the blurred lines of teaching and learning in capacity building in transdisciplinarity Presenter |
Michelini, Gabriela | Fachhoschule Potsdam, Germany | Reflection and discussion in TD research Presenter |
Miodownik, Ella | London Interdisciplinary School, United Kingdom | ID programmes from past to future Presenter |
Miralay, Arif | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | Creating societal impact through TD Presenter |
Mohr, Franziska | Transdisciplinarity Lab, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland | FAIR Data Practices for Qualitative Research in Transdisciplinarity Presenter |
Mokay, Nely Gamez | Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | Into the Looking Glass: reflecting on transdisciplinarity from a policy perspective Presenter |
Moody, Zoe | University of Geneva, Centre for Children’s Rights Studies, Inter- and Transdisciplinary Unit | ID & TD pedagogies for change |
Mooren, Caro | KWR Water Research Institute, Netherlands, The | Participation/co-creation in TD |
Moors, Ellen | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, University Utrecht | Creating societal impact through TD |
Moser, Stephanie | University of Bern, CDE, Switzerland | Fostering effectiveness of transdisciplinary research by reflecting possible impact pathways Presenter |
Mossdorff, Carien | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Mota Ferreira, Adriano | CEMADEN – National Early Warning and Monitoring Centre of Natural Disasters, Brazil | Poster exhibitions |
Mousa, Dimitra | EWUU-aliance | Workshop for changemakers: Fostering Inner Development Goals for Sustainable Education |
Mulder Nijkamp, Maaike | University of Twente | TRAIL; Navigating perspectives in transdisciplinary higher education |
Müller, Helena | Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Poster exhibitions Scholars' attitudes towards TD Presenter TD/ID for (social) change |
Munaretto, Stefania | KWR Water Research Institute, Netherlands, The | Participation/co-creation in TD Presenter Poster exhibitions |
Mussault, Violaine Forsberg | Arkitektur og Designhøgskolen i Oslo - the Oslo school of Architecture and Design - Institute for Landscape and Urbanism, Norway | Transdisciplinary landscapes |
Naafs, Danielle | Fontys Academy for Creative Economy, The Netherlands | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Nagy, Emilia | Technische Universität Berlin, Center Technology and Society (ZTG) Germany | Fostering effectiveness of transdisciplinary research by reflecting possible impact pathways Presenter How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter Synergies and trade-offs between scientific and societal effects Presenter |
Nakashima, Ken'ichiro | Hiroshima University | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Natland Bjørnstad, Julie | University of Oslo, Norway | Student voices, student perspectives Presenter |
Nelson, Rose Cecile | University of Zürich, Switzerland | ‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature Presenter |
Nguyen, TinhTam | Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, Rega Institute for Medical Research, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology, Institute for the Future, KU Leuven, Belgium | Design as concept and as process in education Presenter |
Niebler, Rebecca | Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Poster exhibitions TD/ID for (social) change |
Nieboer, Maryvonne | Hanze University of Applied Science, Netherlands | Poster exhibitions TRAIL; Navigating perspectives in transdisciplinary higher education |
Nikulina, Varvara | Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden | Creating societal impact through TD |
Nölle, Nikola | Berlin University Alliance / TU Berlin, Germany | ID & TD knowledge and conceptualizations Presenter |
Nonchez, Flore | Aix-Marseille University, France | Evaluation and quality assessment of ITD research Presenter Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) Presenter |
Notermans, Jolien | Hasselt University, Belgium | Poster exhibitions Presenter Poster exhibitions |
Nova Blanco, Jorge Ricardo | Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, Rega Institute for Medical Research, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology, Institute for the Future, KU Leuven, Belgium | Design as concept and as process in education |
Novikova, Marina | Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, Germany | From Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research Presenter |
Nyamukachi, Pfungwa Michelle | PHD Student, University of Pretoria | Scholars' attitudes towards TD Presenter |
O'Rourke, Michael | Toolbox Dialogue Initiative Center, Michigan State University, United States of America; Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University, United States of America | ID & TD knowledge and conceptualizations |
O'Rourke, Michael | Michigan State University, United States of America | ID/TD integration theory |
O'Rourke, Michael | Toolbox Dialogue Initiative Center, Michigan State University, United States of America; Department of Philosophy, Michigan State University, USA | ID/TD integration theory |
O'Sullivan, Gemma | Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands | Shaping the future of inter- and transdisciplinary learning and research through the development of a shared competency framework Presenter |
O’Donovan, Shauna D | Department Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands | Poster exhibitions |
Obiri, Dorotheah | Noguchi Memorial Insititute for Medical Research, Ghana | TD participants and stakeholders |
Ogilvie Hendren, Christine | Appalachian State University, USA | Transformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop Presenter |
Ōnishi, Hideyuki | Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Onishi, Yuko | Doshisha University, Japan; Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Japan | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Opitz, Ina | Berlin University Alliance, Germany | "Yes, and ...": Techniques of improvisational theater in the co-design of transdisciplinary research Presenter Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Ortbauer, Martina | UAS Technikum Vienna, Austria | Poster exhibitions |
Osinga, Susanna | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, The | Step into my shoes: What works (and doesn’t work) in enhancing youth participation and involvement. Presenter |
Otero, Iago | University of Lausanne, Switzerland | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics Presenter |
Oudenampsen, Jessica | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The; Utrecht University / Utrecht University Medical Center, Netherlands, The | A holistic approach towards developing interdisciplinary higher education cultures: Integrating student, teacher and governance perspectives Presenter An instrument for the design of interdisciplinary education: demonstration and testing Presenter |
Ouko, Caroline | CETRAD, Kenya | Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions |
Oyalowo, Basirat | Oxford Brookes University, UK | Between Complicity and Resistance: how should we position inter- and transdisciplinarity on this spectrum? Presenter |
Palmer, Henrietta | The University of Gothenburg, Sweden | TD: space & network creation |
Paparrizos, Spyridon | Water Systems and Global Change, Wageningen University & Research, the Netherland | Poster exhibitions |
Para Henao, Gabriel | Cooperative University of Colombia, Colombia | TD/ID for the climate |
Paschen, Johanna | University of Bern, Switzerland | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) Presenter |
Patel, Zarina | University of Cape Town, South Africa | Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa |
Patil, Purvi Prashant | Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Bengaluru, India | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Paulsen, Theres | Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, Switzerland | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter |
Pearce, BinBin Jiang | Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | Into the Looking Glass: reflecting on transdisciplinarity from a policy perspective Presenter The Changemaker’s Way – empowering students to design socio-technical systems through a transdisciplinary lens Presenter |
Pelzer, Peter | Academy of Hope; Human geography and Spatial Planning, Utrecht University | Exploring an Academy of Hope Presenter |
Peppoloni, Silvia | National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Italy | TD justice and TD ethics |
Peres Cajias, Guadalupe | Universidad Católica Boliviana, Bolivia, Plurinational State of | TD: efforts to future (organizational) change Presenter |
Pereverza, Kateryna | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden | Poster exhibitions |
Perlaza, Juana | Università degli Studi della Basilicata | "Learnings from the South to North: The Decolonial Transdisciplinary Research Process in Latin America" Presenter |
Perry, Grant | TU Delft, The Netherlands | Designing educational methods to incorporate transdisciplinary skills (such as systems thinking, metacognition, empathy, reflexivity and open-mindedness) into educational engineering programmes Presenter |
Peterson, Amelia Konstanze | London Interdisciplinary School, United Kingdom | ID programmes from past to future |
Petrus, Fernanda | University of Coimbra, Portugal | Design as concept and as process in education |
Pieters, Toine | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Design as concept and as process in education |
Pijnappel, Emma W. | Bachelor Research Hub, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Pinheiro, Henrique | Science-Metrix and Analytical and Data Services, Elsevier, Montréal, Canada and Amsterdam, the Netherlands | TD/ID for (social) change |
Plets, Gertjan | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions |
Podann, Audrey | Technische Universität Berlin, Germany | Evaluation and quality assessment of ITD research Presenter TD design and development |
Pohl, Christian Erik | Transdisciplinary Lab (TdLab), ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Transdisciplinarity Lab, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; USYS TdLab, Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich; ETH Zürich, Switzerland; ETH Zurich, Transdisciplinarity Lab, Switzerland | Exploring integration experts’ creative and supportive contributions to inter- and transdisciplinary research Presenter FAIR Data Practices for Qualitative Research in Transdisciplinarity Presenter Network event ITD working group on integration experts and expertise TD participants and stakeholders Ten reflective steps for rendering research societally relevant Presenter Transdisciplinary landscapes Presenter TD policy and funding |
Polera Sampaio, Monique | Doctorate Program on Earth System Science, National Institute for Space Research | Poster exhibitions |
Polk, Merritt | Gothenburg University | Building local support systems for transdisciplinary research and co-production: Exploring and advancing facilitating mechanisms and functions for social transformation Presenter TD: space & network creation Presenter |
Portner, Brigitte | Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter |
Postema, Saskia | TU Delft, Netherlands, The; Teaching Academy/Community Engagement & Outreach, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter The Changemaker’s Way – empowering students to design socio-technical systems through a transdisciplinary lens Presenter |
Pratt, Susanne | University of Technology Sydney, Australia | Co-creating an Atlas and Glossary of transdisciplinary futures-making capabilities: What’s needed to develop students’ capacity to thrive in an uncertain future? Creating societal impact through TD |
Preiss, Sebastian | Hans Sauer Stiftung, Germany | Evaluation and quality assessment of ITD research Presenter |
Providoli, Isabelle | Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern, Switzerland | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions |
Prūse, Baiba | Athena Institute, Vrije universiteit, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions |
Qualls, C Ryan | Tlingit and Coahuiltecan Tribes, USA | ‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature Presenter |
Quigey, Erin | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Quintero, Natacha | Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany | Design as concept and as process in education |
Radinger-Peer, Verena | Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning (ILEN), BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria | Always Available Online for All Participants How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions |
Rai, Sarju Sing | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Rajakumar, Dheeksha | Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology, Bengaluru, India | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Ramotowski, Konstanty | TdLab, ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Poster exhibitions |
Rapo, Carole B. | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Sustainability education Presenter |
Rašović, Ilija | University of Birmingham, United Kingdom | TD design and development Presenter |
Raviola, Elena | The University of Gothenburg, Sweden | TD: space & network creation |
Rebel, Heggert G. | Bachelor Research Hub, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Rebel, Karin | Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Faculty of Geosciences, Netherlands, The | Utrecht2040 - Gaming Towards a Sustainable Future |
Reber, Ueli | Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland; University of Bern, Switzerland | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics |
Rechid, Diana | Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS)/Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon; Helmholtz Center Hereon GmbH, Climate Service Center Germany, Germany | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD Poster exhibitions Poster exhibitions TD/ID for the climate |
Rehn-Groenendijk, Jonas | Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Poster exhibitions Presenter TD/ID for (social) change |
Reith, Florian | Helmut-Schmidt-Universität – Universität der Bundeswehr, Hamburg, Germany | Poster exhibitions |
Rekola, Mika | University of Helsinki, Finland | Teaching in support of ID expertise |
Renes, Marlon | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | TD in education Presenter |
Renger, Willem Jan | HKU, Netherlands, The | ID & TD pedagogies for change |
Restrepo, Maria Jose | DITSL | Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa Presenter |
Ricci, Kyra | University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States of America | Student voices, student perspectives |
Ricker, Britta | Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Faculty of Geosciences, Netherlands, The | Utrecht2040 - Gaming Towards a Sustainable Future |
Rijsdijk, Mienke | Utrecht Medical Center (UMCU), the Netherlands | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD |
Ringelberg, Thijs | University of Groningen, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions |
Rinkus, Marisa | Toolbox Dialogue Initiative Center, Michigan State University, United States of America | ID & TD knowledge and conceptualizations Presenter ID/TD integration theory Presenter Student voices, student perspectives |
Rittmeier, Aaron | University of Applied Science Darmstadt, Germany | Enhancing the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolbox: Leveraging the Power of Simulation Games Presenter |
Robinson, Brian | Texas A&M University-Kingsville, United States of America | ID/TD integration theory |
Robson-Williams, Melissa | Manaaki Whenua, New Zealand | Always Available Online for All Participants Presenter |
Röckl, Barbara | Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany | Always Available Online for All Participants Presenter |
Rodriguez, Javier | Growing up Foundation; ANHE LatinAmerica | TD/ID for the climate |
Roeters, Anne | The Netherlands Institute for Social Research | Poster exhibitions |
Romero, Moory | Pacha Saraya Yatiña, Bolivia | Between Complicity and Resistance: how should we position inter- and transdisciplinarity on this spectrum? Presenter |
Ropars, Pascale | Université Laval, Quebec City, Canada | TD/ID for (social) change |
Ruijgh - van der Ploeg, Tineke | Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | The Changemaker’s Way – empowering students to design socio-technical systems through a transdisciplinary lens Presenter |
Ruiter, Emmy | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The; Pathways to Sustainability Strategic theme | TD: efforts to future (organizational) change Training for fair, inclusive, equitable and transformative transdisciplinary collaborations |
Russo, Federica | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | ID & TD knowledge and conceptualizations Presenter |
Rütten, Alfred | Friedrich - Alexander - University Erlangen - Nürnberg, Germany | Poster exhibitions What Do We Mean by “Scientific Impact” of Transdisciplinary Research? |
Sägesser, Anais | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions |
Salmela, Mikko | University of Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Helsinki, Finland | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets Presenter |
Salmesvuori, Päivi | Åbo Akademi & University of Helsinki, Finland | Teaching in support of ID expertise |
Salmi, Anne Kristiina | University of Oulu, Finland | Transformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop Presenter |
Salomon, Hanna | Eawag, Switzerland; ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Roles of researchers in inter- and transdisciplinary research: An interactive application of a new mapping and reflection tool Presenter |
Sandler, Jan-Peter | Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, Rega Institute for Medical Research, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology, Institute for the Future, KU Leuven, Belgium | Design as concept and as process in education Presenter Poster exhibitions Presenter TRAIL; Navigating perspectives in transdisciplinary higher education Presenter |
Sandroni, Laila | Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research and University of Brasilia. | TD: space & network creation |
Savelberg, Hans | Maastricht University, The Netherlands | Breaking Silos for Inter- en Transdisciplinary Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities Across Universities Presenter TD student competencies and motivation Presenter |
Sayeko Oda, Paula | Doctorate Program on Earth System Science, National Institute for Space Research | Poster exhibitions |
Schäfer, Martina | Technische Universität Berlin, Center Technology and Society (ZTG) Germany | Fostering effectiveness of transdisciplinary research by reflecting possible impact pathways Presenter How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter Synergies and trade-offs between scientific and societal effects Presenter |
Schakelaar, Michael Y. | Department of Pathology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD in education Presenter TD participants and stakeholders Presenter |
Schaltegger, Anne-Sophie | ETH Zürich, TdLab, Switzerland | Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) Presenter |
Schasfoort, Julia | TU Delft, Netherlands, The | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter |
Schauppenlehner-Kloyber, Elisabeth | Institute of Sustainable Economic Development, BOKU University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions |
Schmidt, Gregor | Brandenburg University of Technology | Experts in the making? A workshop along the blurred lines of teaching and learning in capacity building in transdisciplinarity Presenter |
Schmidt, Jan | Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Between Complicity and Resistance: how should we position inter- and transdisciplinarity on this spectrum? Presenter |
Schmidt, Yvonne | Bern Academy of the Arts HKB /University of Applied Science | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Schmukler, Maria | Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research and University of the Republic (Uruguay) | TD: space & network creation |
Schneider, Flurina | Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Germany; ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Senckenberg Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Faculty of Biological Sciences, Goethe University Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany | Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter TD justice and TD ethics TD policy and funding |
Schneider, Jesper | University of Aarhus, Denmark | Measuring Integration from Theory to Practice Presenter |
Schneider, Kim | TU Delft, Netherlands, The | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter |
Schöbitz, Lars | Global Health Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland | FAIR Data Practices for Qualitative Research in Transdisciplinarity |
Schoevaars, Caspar | Utrecht University | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets |
Schoots, Marieke | Tilburg University, Netherlands, The | TD: space & network creation Presenter |
Schories, Dirk | Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS), Germany | Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa Presenter |
Schot, Willemijn D. | Educational Consultancy & Professional Development, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Schraven, Ewelina | TU Eindhoven and Avans University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets Presenter |
Schraven, Ewelina | Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ TRAIL; Navigating perspectives in transdisciplinary higher education |
Schruijer, Sandra G. L. | Utrecht University, the Netherlands | ID: fostering specific student skills |
Schuck-Zoeller, Susanne | Helmholtz Center Hereon GmbH, Climate Service Center Germany, Germany | Poster exhibitions |
Schuck-Zöller, Susanne | Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS)/Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD Presenter |
Scott, Simon | University of Birmingham, United Kingdom | Shaping the future of inter- and transdisciplinary learning and research through the development of a shared competency framework Presenter |
Seidl, Roman | Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany | TD/ID for (social) change Presenter |
Seiferth, Carolin | Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden | Participation/co-creation in TD |
Semrau, Jana | Friedrich - Alexander - University Erlangen - Nürnberg, Germany | Poster exhibitions Presenter What Do We Mean by “Scientific Impact” of Transdisciplinary Research? Presenter |
Sergeeva, Milena | Global climate and health Alliance | TD/ID for the climate |
Shah, Sheetal | The Bridge2Hope, The Netherlands | Creating societal impact through TD |
Siegrist, Elena Grace | Land Change Science, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL; Institute of Geography, University of Bern | Participation/co-creation in TD Presenter |
Sievert, Jules Rochielle | Northeastern University, United States | From Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research Presenter |
Sing Rai, Sarju | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | TD in education |
Slanickova, Helena | University of Groningen, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions |
Slinger, Jill | Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands | Into the Looking Glass: reflecting on transdisciplinarity from a policy perspective Presenter |
Slot, Esther | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | An instrument for the design of interdisciplinary education: demonstration and testing Presenter |
Sluijs, Fieke | Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Faculty of Science and Subjects in Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning, Institute for Cultural Inquiry | Teaching in support of ID expertise |
Smit, Christianne | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Smith, Carthage | OECD, France | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter |
Snel, Femke | TU Delft, Netherlands, The | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter |
Sol, Katusha | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Placemaking: observing the planned and the lived city Presenter |
sonetti, giulia | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain | Design as concept and as process in education Presenter ID: fostering specific student skills Presenter |
Späth, Leonhard | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Poster exhibitions |
Spiroudis, Eleni | University of Zurich, Switzerland | Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) Presenter |
Srinivasan, Lakshmi | BITS Design School, Birla Institute of Technology And Science, Pilani (BITS Pilani), India | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) Presenter |
Srofenyoh, Emmanuel | The Greater Accra Regional Hospital, Ghana | TD participants and stakeholders |
Stacey, Timothy | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Stauffacher, Michael | ETH Zürich, Switzerland | Ten reflective steps for rendering research societally relevant |
Steenbergen, Naomi | UU, Netherlands, The | ID & TD pedagogies for change |
Steiger, Mirjam | University of Zürich, Switzerland | Towards unconventional and just outcomes in transformative change: Applying critical theoretical lessons on power in ITD research initiatives Presenter |
Stenseke, Marie | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics Presenter |
Sterk, Florentine Marnel | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | ID: fostering specific student skills Presenter |
Sternberg Lewerin, Susanna | SLU Future OneHealth - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | Attracting & Anchoring – establishing value for inter- and transdisciplinary belonging Presenter |
Steuri, Bettina | Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Germany | Poster exhibitions |
Stolyarova, Anna | SAMA, (Street Art Museum Amsterdam) | Poster exhibitions |
Streekstra, Kelly | Urban Futures Studio, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University; Academy of Hope | Exploring an Academy of Hope Presenter |
Strick, Madelijn | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD |
Strömme, Morten | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum |
Stückelberger, Christof | | Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum |
Student, Jillian | Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands; Centre for Unusual Collaborations, Utrecht, Netherlands | Unbox Workshop: Metaphorical Spaces as Boundary Objects for Unusual Collaborations |
Subendran, Johnathan | Resilient Delta Initiative / Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, The | Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum ID/TD integration theory |
Suleiman, Rashid | Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania | Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions |
Swart, Julia | Utrecht University, Utrecht University School of Economics, Faculty Law, Economics and Governance | Utrecht2040 - Gaming Towards a Sustainable Future |
Tassone, Valentina | Wageningen University, The Netherlands | Breaking Silos for Inter- en Transdisciplinary Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities Across Universities Presenter |
Taupe, Natalie | UAS Technikum Vienna, Austria | Poster exhibitions |
Tauriainen, Riikka | Bern Academy of the Arts HKB /University of Applied Science | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
te Brinke, Lysanne | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, The | Step into my shoes: What works (and doesn’t work) in enhancing youth participation and involvement. Presenter |
ten Broeke, Toine | Department of Pathology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Bachelor Research Hub, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Center of Translational Immunology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD in education TD participants and stakeholders |
ten cate, Tess | UMC Utrecht, Netherlands, The | ID & TD pedagogies for change |
Tengö, Maria | Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden; Wageningen University, Netherlands | Participation/co-creation in TD |
ter Meulen-de Jong, Sanne | GSLS,UU, Netherlands, The | ID programmes from past to future |
ter Schegget, Jasper | University of Amsterdam | Workshop for changemakers: Fostering Inner Development Goals for Sustainable Education Presenter |
Teule, Siebren | Utrecht University | ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets Presenter |
Theiler, Lena | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research, Germany | Reflection and discussion in TD research Presenter Synergies and trade-offs between scientific and societal effects Presenter What Do We Mean by “Scientific Impact” of Transdisciplinary Research? Presenter |
Thieme, Susan | University of Bern, Switzerland | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) Presenter |
Thompson, Julia | Universität Hohenheim, Germany | Poster exhibitions |
Thorstad, Line Horgen | University of Oslo, Norway | Student voices, student perspectives Presenter |
Tijsma, Geertje | Athena Institute, Vrije universiteit, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions |
Timm, Esther | Helmholtz Center Hereon GmbH, Climate Service Center Germany, Germany | Poster exhibitions |
Timmer, Vanessa | One Earth Living, Canada | TD: efforts to future (organizational) change Training for fair, inclusive, equitable and transformative transdisciplinary collaborations |
Tobias, Silvia | WSL, Switzerland | Transdisciplinary landscapes |
Torrens, Jonas | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The; Centre for Unusual Collaborations, Utrecht, Netherlands | TD: efforts to future (organizational) change Unbox Workshop: Metaphorical Spaces as Boundary Objects for Unusual Collaborations Presenter Transformative learning/academia |
Tóth, Ádám | Utrecht University | ID & TD pedagogies for change |
Toussaint, Sabine | Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity, University of Basel (Switzerland) | Positive Tipping Points: an innovative approach for reflecting about inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations (Workshop) |
Tribaldos, Theresa Margarete | University of Bern, Switzerland | Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions Presenter |
Triyanti, Annisa | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | TD: efforts to future (organizational) change |
Troelsgard Jensen, Nina | University College Copenhagen, Denmark | Poster exhibitions |
Tzschabran, Sorka | Berlin University Alliance, Germany | "Yes, and ...": Techniques of improvisational theater in the co-design of transdisciplinary research Presenter |
Ukowitz, Martina | University of Klagenfurt, Austria | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Ulmer, Jasmine Brooke | Wayne State University, United States of America | Poster exhibitions |
Urias, Eduardo | Athena Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter Poster exhibitions |
Urquhart, Greg | Tlingit and Coahuiltecan Tribes, USA | ‘Flip it and reverse it’: Transformative change through (re)visibilization of interdependencies among humans and the rest of nature Presenter |
Valentijn, Floris A. | Department of Pathology, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Valkeneers, Rani | Hasselt University, Belgium | Poster exhibitions |
Vallance, Suzanne | Manaaki Whenua, New Zealand | Always Available Online for All Participants |
van Braak, Marije | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Discussion around ‘Bridge Building’: What helps students from disciplinary programs to write a bachelor thesis with an interdisciplinary approach? |
van Brussel, Marco | Department of Medical Physiology, Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
van Charldorp, Tessa | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD Presenter |
van Dam, Arvid | KWR Water Research Institute, Netherlands, The | Participation/co-creation in TD Presenter |
van de Burgt, Yoeri | Technical University Eindhoven, the Netherlands | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD |
van de Geer, Niva | Flatland Agency, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Centre for Unusual Collaborations, Utrecht, Netherlands | Unbox Workshop: Metaphorical Spaces as Boundary Objects for Unusual Collaborations |
van de Groep, Ilse | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, The | Step into my shoes: What works (and doesn’t work) in enhancing youth participation and involvement. Presenter |
van den Berg, Margot | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Discussion around ‘Bridge Building’: What helps students from disciplinary programs to write a bachelor thesis with an interdisciplinary approach? Presenter |
van den Eersten, Aniek | Dutch Research Council (NWO), Netherlands | Undisciplined evaluation: innovation in the funding and assessment of transdisciplinary research Presenter |
van den Hout, Michiel | Climate Research Initiative KIN, Netherlands | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter |
van der Starre, Kila | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
van der Tuin, Iris | Utrecht University, the Netherlands | ID: fostering specific student skills |
van der Velden, Gisela J. | UMC Utrecht | TD student competencies and motivation Presenter |
van der Voort, Mascha C. | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | TD student competencies and motivation |
van Dongen, Emanuel | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
van Donkelaar, Rene | TU/e, Netherlands, The | ID programmes from past to future |
van Duijvendijk, Dora Loes | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders Presenter |
van Eijken, Hanneke | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
van Geelen, Stefan M. | Center for Education, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
van Goch, Merel M. | Radboud University, the Netherlands. | Celebrating “Interdisciplinary Practices in Higher Education”: A Symposium Reflecting on a Collaborative Journey ID: fostering specific student skills |
van Harmelen, Erwin | Saxion, Netherlands, The | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Van Kerkhoff, Lorrae | The Australian national University, Australia | Developing Transdisciplinary Teaching Cases Presenter |
van Lambalgen, Rianne | Utrecht University, the Netherlands; Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Liberal Arts and Sciences and Subjects in Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning, Institute for Cultural Inquiry | Celebrating “Interdisciplinary Practices in Higher Education”: A Symposium Reflecting on a Collaborative Journey Teaching in support of ID expertise Presenter Teaching in support of ID expertise |
van Lin, Roos | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Institutionalizing Interdisciplinary Education and Community Engaged Learning: Lessons learned from Utrecht University Presenter |
van Look, Karin | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Opportunities and challenges in teaching Community Engaged Learning: sharing good practices from Utrecht University. Presenter |
van Luttikhuizen, Helma | Centre for Unusual Collaborations, Netherlands, The | Always Available Online for All Participants |
van Noppen, Flo | Manaaki Whenua, New Zealand | Always Available Online for All Participants |
van Nunspeet, Félice | Utrecht University | Poster exhibitions |
van Ravenswaaij, Heleen | Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands, The | ID programmes from past to future |
van Riet, Annet C. | Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands | TD in education |
van Royen-Kerkhof, Annet | Center for Education, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Center for Academic Teaching, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
Van Tuijl, Anne | Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
van Tuijl, Charlotte | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands, The | Step into my shoes: What works (and doesn’t work) in enhancing youth participation and involvement. Presenter |
van Vliet, Roos | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders |
van Wieringen, Rosanne | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Placemaking: observing the planned and the lived city Presenter |
van Woerden, Roosmarijn | Utrecht University, the Netherlands | ID: fostering specific student skills Presenter |
van Woezik, Tamara | Radboud Young Academy, Radboud University, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Vandamme, Anne-Mieke | Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, Rega Institute for Medical Research, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology, Institute for the Future, KU Leuven, Belgium | Design as concept and as process in education Presenter Poster exhibitions TRAIL; Navigating perspectives in transdisciplinary higher education |
Vansweevelt, Fréderique | Hasselt University, Belgium | Poster exhibitions |
Vargas - Payera, Sofía | University of Chile, Chile. | Transdisciplinary landscapes |
Vassena, Eliana | Radboud Young Academy, Radboud University, Netherlands, The | Poster exhibitions |
Veenman, Sietske | Radboud University, Netherlands, The | What Sustainable Futures? Exploring contributions of Transdisciplinary approaches in dealing with Future Sustainable Transformations Presenter |
Vegt, Kirsten | RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands; Leiden University, The Netherlands | TD policy and funding Presenter |
Veldhuizen, Martine | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Velthuis, Chantal | Saxion, Netherlands, The; Saxion University of Applied Sceinces, Netherlands, The | Always Available Online for All Participants Presenter Poster exhibitions |
Verbeek, Florian | Center for Academic Teaching, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | TD participants and stakeholders Teaching in support of ID expertise Presenter |
Vermeire, Zowi | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | A holistic approach towards developing interdisciplinary higher education cultures: Integrating student, teacher and governance perspectives Presenter ID & TD pedagogies for change Presenter |
Vermue, Marieke | Utrecht University; The Netherlands Institute for Social Research | Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Vervoort, Joost | Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Faculty of Geosciences, Netherlands, The | Utrecht2040 - Gaming Towards a Sustainable Future |
Vervoort, Joost | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Vienni Baptista, Bianca | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | Integrative Teaching and Learning: How to design and implement integration in your course Presenter Spanning boundaries: facilitating dialogue between the scholarship on inter- and transdisciplinarity and science and technology studies Presenter Transformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop Presenter |
Vienni-Baptista, Bianca | Transdisciplinarity Lab (TdLab), ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Transdisciplinarity Lab, Department of Environmental Systems Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; ETH Zürich, Switzerland | Always Available for All Participants at the railwaymuseum Presenter Celebrating “Interdisciplinary Practices in Higher Education”: A Symposium Reflecting on a Collaborative Journey FAIR Data Practices for Qualitative Research in Transdisciplinarity Presenter How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter ID: changing organizations by changing skill sets Network event ITD working group on integration experts and expertise TD/ID for the climate |
Vignola-Gagné, Étienne | Science-Metrix and Analytical and Data Services, Elsevier, Montréal, Canada and Amsterdam, the Netherlands | TD/ID for (social) change |
Vijge, Marjanneke | Utrecht University | ID & TD pedagogies for change |
Vilsmaier, Ulli | Responsive Research, Switzerland | Between Complicity and Resistance: how should we position inter- and transdisciplinarity on this spectrum? Presenter |
Virtala, Anna-Maija | University of Helsinki, Finland | Teaching in support of ID expertise |
Visscher, Klaasjan | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | TD student competencies and motivation |
Visser, Klaas Jan | University of Twente, The Netherlands | Breaking Silos for Inter- en Transdisciplinary Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities Across Universities Presenter |
Vlaanderen, Danielle | Utrecht University, The Netherlands | TD in education Presenter |
Vogel, Nina | SLU Urban Futures - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | Attracting & Anchoring – establishing value for inter- and transdisciplinary belonging Presenter |
Voggenreiter, Valerie | Research Institute for Sustainability - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, Germany | TD design and development Presenter |
von Wehrden, Henrik | Center of Methods, Leuphana University Lüneburg | Poster exhibitions Poster exhibitions |
von Wirth, Timo | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Vreugdenhil, Heleen | Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; Deltares | Into the Looking Glass: reflecting on transdisciplinarity from a policy perspective Presenter |
Waaldijk, Berteke | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The | Discussion around ‘Bridge Building’: What helps students from disciplinary programs to write a bachelor thesis with an interdisciplinary approach? |
Wahlström, Annsofie | SLU Futures Food - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | Attracting & Anchoring – establishing value for inter- and transdisciplinary belonging Presenter |
Waldram, Nik | Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Wallace, Doireann | Trinity College Dublin | Always Available Online for All Participants What are integration skills in a multifarious ITD landscape? The roles of research developers, facilitators, directors and managers in building capacity within universities Presenter |
Wallin, Ida | SLU Futures Forest - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | Attracting & Anchoring – establishing value for inter- and transdisciplinary belonging Presenter |
Walther, Clemens | Institute of Radioecology and Radiation Protection, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany | TD/ID for (social) change |
Walther, Pascal | Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter |
Wandl-Vogt, Eveline | URBANITARIUM - Future Living as a Service e.V, Austria | From Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research Presenter |
Weisel, Zoe | Eurac Research, Italy | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Wenting, Lucy | University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Breaking Silos for Inter- en Transdisciplinary Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities Across Universities Presenter |
Whitney, Cory | University of Bonn, Germany | Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa Presenter |
Wickson, Fern | Arctic Sustainability Lab, Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics, UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Norway | Sustainability education |
Wieck, Kathrin | Technische Universität Berlin, Germany | Design as concept and as process in education TD design and development |
Wiget, Milena | Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Switzerland | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics |
Wijne, Tessel | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, University Utrecht | Creating societal impact through TD |
Willamo, Risto | University of Helsinki, Finland | Teaching in support of ID expertise |
Willemen, Hanneke | Utrecht Medical Center (UMCU), the Netherlands | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD |
Willems, Roel | The Netherlands Institute for Social Research | Poster exhibitions |
Winiger, Helena | ETH Zürich, Switzerland | Poster exhibitions |
Winkel, Mirko | University of Bern, Switzerland | Culture (art & science, intersectionality, gendering) |
Winkens, Laura | Wageningen University & Research, the Netherlands | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD |
Witte, Verena | Re:Edu, Germany | Poster exhibitions |
Wittmayer, Julia | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Wolfensberger, Marca | Avans University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands | Poster exhibitions TRAIL; Navigating perspectives in transdisciplinary higher education Always Available Online for All Participants Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ |
Wols, Irene | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | TD student competencies and motivation Presenter |
Woods, Helen Buckley | Research on Research Institute / University College London, United Kingdom | Undisciplined evaluation: innovation in the funding and assessment of transdisciplinary research Presenter |
Wuelser, Gabriela | Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT, Switzerland | How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter |
Xing, Kuangyi | Independent; Centre for Unusual Collaborations, Utrecht, Netherlands | Unbox Workshop: Metaphorical Spaces as Boundary Objects for Unusual Collaborations |
Ypma, Stefanie | Utrecht University, Netherlands, The; Pathways to Sustainability Strategic theme | TD: efforts to future (organizational) change Presenter Training for fair, inclusive, equitable and transformative transdisciplinary collaborations Presenter |
Zachmann, Lucca | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics |
Zaga, Cristina | University of Twente, Netherlands, The | TD student competencies and motivation |
Zeidan, Hussein | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Tapping on Competencies: Researchers' Assets for Navigating the Transdisciplinary Journey Presenter TD in education Presenter TD student competencies and motivation Presenter |
Zeitler, Anna | University of Applied Science Darmstadt, Germany | Enhancing the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolbox: Leveraging the Power of Simulation Games Presenter |
Zerika, Sarah | University of Geneva, Centre for Children’s Rights Studies, Inter- and Transdisciplinary Unit | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD Presenter ID & TD pedagogies for change Presenter |
Zhu, Yuanyuan | Maastricht University, the Netherlands | TD student competencies and motivation Presenter |
Zijlstra, Sake | TU Delft, Netherlands, The | How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions Presenter |
Zuijderwijk, Jochem | Institute for Science in Society (ISiS), Radboud University, the Netherlands | TD policy and funding Presenter |
Zweekhorst, Marjolein | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The | Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ TD in education |