A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.
Author(s) | Organisation(s) | Session |
Aarnoudse, Eefje | Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences (H-BRS), Germany; International Centre for Sustainable Development, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany | Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Presenter How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Presenter |
Abidi, Latifa | Maastricht University, the Netherlands | TD student competencies and motivation |
Adu-Bonsaffoh, Kwame | Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana | TD participants and stakeholders |
Aerts, Laetitia | King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium | Undisciplined evaluation: innovation in the funding and assessment of transdisciplinary research Presenter |
Ahmadi Mardakhi, Leila | Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity, University of Basel (Switzerland) | Positive Tipping Points: an innovative approach for reflecting about inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations (Workshop) Presenter |
Alborough, Lesley | Wellcome, United Kingdom | Undisciplined evaluation: innovation in the funding and assessment of transdisciplinary research Presenter |
Albuquerque, Marconi Edson Esmeraldo | Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil | Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) Presenter |
Aldaz, Maider | University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Spain | Transformative learning/academia |
Alencar Mota e Silva, Janaína | Graduate Program on Disaster Science, Sao Paulo State University | Poster exhibitions |
Alvares, Lillian Maria Araujo de Rezende | University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil / PPGCI-IBICT/UFRJ | Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) |
Amaris, Nepantlera G. | Transdemia School of Transformative Change, Transdemia | Transformative learning/academia Presenter |
Ammann, Priska | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland; University of Basel, Switzerland | TD/ID in agriculture/biodiversity/bioeconomics |
Amponsah, Solomon Boamah | Ghana Health Service, Ghana | TD participants and stakeholders |
Ampt, Peter | Ag & Env Consulting, Australia | Reflection and discussion in TD research |
Andersson, Erik | Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden; University of Helsinki, Finland; North-West University, South Africa | Participation/co-creation in TD |
Andic, Branko | Johannes Keppler University of Vienna, Austria | Poster exhibitions |
Andreasson, Dennis Frans Rune | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden | Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD Presenter |
Andreotti, Federico | Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands; Centre for Unusual Collaborations, Utrecht, Netherlands | Unbox Workshop: Metaphorical Spaces as Boundary Objects for Unusual Collaborations Presenter |
Andrews, Lisa M. | KWR Water Research Institute, Netherlands, The; Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University | Participation/co-creation in TD Poster exhibitions Presenter |
Arets, Bert | UMC Utrecht, Netherlands, The | ID programmes from past to future |
Arhin, Jeffery Kodjo | Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care, The Netherlands | TD participants and stakeholders Presenter |
Arts, Irma | Institute for Science in Society, Radboud University Nijmegen | Interactive Timeline Activity: Designing and Implementing ‘Phase 0’ in Transdisciplinary Research Presenter |
Asatryan, Vardan | Institute of Hydroecology and Ichthyology, Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology of NAS RA | Always Available Online for All Participants |
Avelino, Flor | Utrecht University, Netherlands | Transformative learning/academia |
Averbeck, Paul | Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau | TD/ID for the climate |