Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 22nd Dec 2024, 12:07:25pm CET

Session Overview
Date: Thursday, 07/Nov/2024
Start of the day / Registrations
Location: Het Vriendenplein
Breaking Silos for Inter- en Transdisciplinary Innovation: Challenges and Opportunities Across Universities
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
Designing educational methods to incorporate transdisciplinary skills (such as systems thinking, metacognition, empathy, reflexivity and open-mindedness) into educational engineering programmes
Location: Restauratiezaal
ID & TD knowledge and conceptualizations
Location: De Expo
Roles of researchers in inter- and transdisciplinary research: An interactive application of a new mapping and reflection tool
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
Sustainability education
Location: Het Strikkershuis
TD participants and stakeholders
Location: De Centrale
TD/ID for (social) change
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
Change time
Plenary 3: Decolonial Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity panel
Location: De Expo
Coffee break
Location: Het Vriendenplein
"Learnings from the South to North: The Decolonial Transdisciplinary Research Process in Latin America"
Location: Restauratiezaal
Building local support systems for transdisciplinary research and co-production: Exploring and advancing facilitating mechanisms and functions for social transformation
Location: Het Strikkershuis
Co-creating an Atlas and Glossary of transdisciplinary futures-making capabilities: What’s needed to develop students’ capacity to thrive in an uncertain future?
Location: De Centrale
Exploring integration experts’ creative and supportive contributions to inter- and transdisciplinary research
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
Implementantion and design of ID/TD educ
Location: De Expo
Training for fair, inclusive, equitable and transformative transdisciplinary collaborations
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
Workshop for changemakers: Fostering Inner Development Goals for Sustainable Education
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
How is integration integrated in higher education? An exhibition of innovative teaching and learning formats across different regions
Location: De Foyer
Location: Het Vriendenplein
Developing Transdisciplinary Teaching Cases
Location: Het Strikkershuis
Experts in the making? A workshop along the blurred lines of teaching and learning in capacity building in transdisciplinarity
Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse
From Unspoken to Outspoken: Making voices heard and practicing justice in transdisciplinary and transformative research
Location: De Bedrijfsschool
Interactive Timeline Activity: Designing and Implementing ‘Phase 0’ in Transdisciplinary Research
Location: De Centrale
Network event ITD Asia: Networking Session for TD researchers and practitioners in Asia
Location: De Expo
Ten reflective steps for rendering research societally relevant
Location: Restauratiezaal
Transformation of universities for promoting inter- and transdisciplinary research and education culture. A practice-oriented workshop
Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse
Coffee break
Location: Het Vriendenplein
Plenary 4: Conference Closing Plenary- Navigating Uncharted Waters: Pathways of an ITD Career - Panel with BinBin Pearce
Location: De Expo
Erika Angarita is a research assistant at Thuenen Institute, the Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries in Germany, based in Braunschweig. Her inter and transdisciplinary interest include participation in Living Labs in the context of agri-food systems in Europe, in projects such as Agroecology for Europe (AE4EU) and currently in the European partnership on accelerating...

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