Conference Agenda
Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).
Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 22nd Dec 2024, 07:12:56am CET
Session Overview |
Date: Wednesday, 06/Nov/2024 | ||||
7:30am - 8:30am |
Australia ITD Event: Plenary Panel (Online): Norms for Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research: Learning from Failure (Gabriele Bammer, Michael O’Rourke, Jason Prior, Dena Fam) Location: Online |
8:00am - 8:30am |
Start of the day / Registrations Location: Het Vriendenplein |
8:30am - 9:30am |
Celebrating “Interdisciplinary Practices in Higher Education”: A Symposium Reflecting on a Collaborative Journey Location: De Bedrijfsschool Celebrating “Interdisciplinary Practices in Higher Education”: A Symposium Reflecting on a Collaborative Journey |
Design as concept and as process in education Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse Designing Feasible Futures (DF3): Towards an Iterative Framework for Transdisciplinary Challenge-Based Learning in Higher Education COLLOC experiments and Dual Design Strategy as research and teaching formats for societal transformation "Integrating Inter- and Transdisciplinarity in Design Education: A Case Study from IED" Living Pasts Exploring Futures: Augmenting Urban Landscapes and Ecology in the Digital Age |
Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa Location: Het Strikkershuis Good practices in funding transdisciplinary research for sustainable development in Africa |
ID & TD pedagogies for change Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse Pedagogical Approaches for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity in Higher Education: A Case Study in Children’s Rights Studies Developing Transdisciplinary “Muscles”: The CHARM-EU Master’s Approach to Inter- and Transdisciplinary Education Dimensions of Societal Issues, an interdisciplinary course Mapping movements towards interdisciplinary higher education in the Netherlands: Speculative futures and current practices of interdisciplinary frontrunners |
ID/TD integration theory Location: De Expo Modeling Varieties of Integration Toward a Theory of Convergence Integration by Design: Reflecting on a design-based approach to knowledge integration for future-proofing the Maasterras, Dordrecht |
Scholars' attitudes towards TD Location: Restauratiezaal From preaching to practice: facilitating transdisciplinary collaboration in veterinary and animal sciences Ivory tower or transdisciplinarity? Attitudes and preferences of German scientists towards knowledge transfer and co-production Interdisciplinary collaboration as a challenge: Learnings from a 5-year transdisciplinary research project Transdsciplinarity: perceptions, practice and insights from Africa |
Synergies and trade-offs between scientific and societal effects Location: De Centrale Synergies and trade-offs between scientific and societal effects |
9:30am - 9:45am |
Change time |
9:45am - 10:45am |
Plenary 2: Plenary - Panel with Rick Szostak on Commonalities and Divergences in Inter/Transdisciplinary Thought Location: De Expo |
10:45am - 11:15am |
Coffee break Location: Het Vriendenplein |
11:15am - 12:45pm |
"Yes, and ...": Techniques of improvisational theater in the co-design of transdisciplinary research Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse "Yes, and ...": Techniques of improvisational theater in the co-design of transdisciplinary research |
An instrument for the design of interdisciplinary education: demonstration and testing Location: De Centrale An instrument for the design of interdisciplinary education: demonstration and testing |
Exploring an Academy of Hope Location: Het Strikkershuis Exploring an Academy of Hope |
Step into my shoes: What works (and doesn’t work) in enhancing youth participation and involvement. Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse Step into my shoes: What works (and doesn’t work) in enhancing youth participation and involvement. |
Tapping on Competencies: Researchers' Assets for Navigating the Transdisciplinary Journey Location: Restauratiezaal Tapping on Competencies: Researchers' Assets for Navigating the Transdisciplinary Journey |
The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: Co-Learning about Knowledge Integration Practices in Unusual Collaborations Location: De Bedrijfsschool The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: Co-Learning about Knowledge Integration Practices in Unusual Collaborations |
Transformative learning/academia Location: De Expo Guiding processes of change through transformational learning: The Inner Development Goals -IDG- in a master degree educational setting. Facilitating generative, transformative conversations: Stream-of-consciousness dialogues offer new ways of conversing, connecting, and (self-)exploration “Living-with” transformations: Exploring emotions in and of deep change Academia, we need to talk! Transforming Mindsets and the Institution: Building a Foundational Transdisciplinary Requirement into Every Undergraduate Degree |
12:45pm - 1:45pm |
Lunch Location: Het Vriendenplein |
1:45pm - 2:45pm |
Approaches to co-research and co-creation in ID and TD Location: Restauratiezaal Transdisciplinarity and Participatory Research: the Role of Children as Co-Researchers exploring School Climate Defeating chronic pain through interdisciplinary research: a five-step journey guided by metaphors Transdisciplinary research processes in climate services: Zooming into the numerous steps of common scientific product development Co-Creative Mapping as a tool for transdisciplinary knowledge production |
How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 1 Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Session 1 of 2 |
Measuring Integration from Theory to Practice Location: De Bedrijfsschool Measuring Integration from Theory to Practice |
Opportunities and challenges in teaching Community Engaged Learning: sharing good practices from Utrecht University. Location: Het Strikkershuis Opportunities and challenges in teaching Community Engaged Learning: sharing good practices from Utrecht University. |
Poster exhibitions Location: De Expo Collaborative Energy Futures: Integrating Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities in Energy Modeling Collaborative Exploration of Research: Unleashing the Potential of Transdisciplinary Thematic Workshops Deepening and broadening knowledge through collaboration: Lessons learned from transdisciplinary collaborations between universities, governmental knowledge institutes and public policy. Exploring enablers and barriers of interdisciplinary collaboration in a monodisciplinary setting Exploring interdisciplinary education in a new science master’s programme: Insights from teachers and students Framing Wicked Problems with a Radical Enactive View of Cognition Organisational Capacities to Extreme Events Preparedness Teacher needs in interdisciplinary teaching Teaching inter- and transdisciplinary methods with a wiki Unveiling Justice Implications: A Transdisciplinary Dialogue on the Sustainable Industry Transition Teaching decolonial heritage practice in an age of apologies and sensitivity: iCEL as a design of change The joy of integrating knowledge – and the role of a low-threshold card game Group dynamics and problem-solving in a transdisciplinary context: insights from a university course in KTH, Sweden Inter- and Transdisciplinary Methodologies in Higher Education: Lessons from UX Design Cooperative Planning as a Mechanism of Structural Change in Health Promotion Inspiring Interdisciplinarity/Transdisciplinarity as a Professor in an Online Doctoral Program in Interdisciplinary Leadership Co-creation of a prototypical climate service product to support climate change adaptation in the city forest of Karlsruhe |
TD: efforts to future (organizational) change Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse Towards Transdisciplinary Integration in Global North-South Cooperation: New Models of Collaboration in Investigative Journalism across the US-Mexico (Global North-South) Border Bridging theory and practice; empowering transdisciplinarity through Utrecht University's Transdisciplinary Field Guide Keys of an academic journey towards transdisciplinarity |
Teaching in support of ID expertise Location: De Centrale Interdisciplinary Leadership: A Leadership Development Model Facilitating interdisciplinary theses: institutional embedding and support for supervisors and students Intelligent Tutoring System to support interdisciplinary collaboration On the Challenges of Supervising and Evaluating Interdisciplinary Theses |
2:45pm - 3:00pm |
Change time |
3:00pm - 4:00pm |
Discussion around ‘Bridge Building’: What helps students from disciplinary programs to write a bachelor thesis with an interdisciplinary approach? Location: Het Strikkershuis Discussion around ‘Bridge Building’: What helps students from disciplinary programs to write a bachelor thesis with an interdisciplinary approach? |
Enhancing the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolbox: Leveraging the Power of Simulation Games Location: Restauratiezaal Enhancing the Inter- and Transdisciplinary Toolbox: Leveraging the Power of Simulation Games |
Evaluation and quality assessment of ITD research Location: De Expo A Quality Assessment Framework for Transdisciplinary Research Design, Planning, and Evaluation Designing a self-assessment grid to improve the way interdisciplinarity is considered at every stage of a research project: an original support tool for project development. Navigating Impact: Real-Time Observation in Transdisciplinary Projects Transdisciplinary research needs transdisciplinary evaluation: Insights from a review process of transdisciplinary research proposals |
How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Part 2 Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse How can research funding programmes enhance transdisciplinary co-production of knowledge? Session 2 |
ID programmes from past to future Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse Five years of BITT project: successes and pitfalls Challenges and suggestions for improving lasting interdisciplinary education innovations in higher education Interdisciplinarity as a professional skill: a taster of the London Interdisciplinary School’s Cross-Functional Leadership programme |
TD justice and TD ethics Location: De Bedrijfsschool Tracing epistemic justice – operationalizing the concept for transdisciplinary practice Advancing Epistemic Justice with Local Knowledge: A Process Indicator for EU Climate Adaptation Policymaking Incorporating a justice lens for transforming land use: from awareness towards building capacities to navigating ethical-political complexities of transdisciplinary research |
Transdisciplinary landscapes Location: De Centrale A year-long process of joint problem framing Following the Giants in Kütralkura UNESCO Park: a project of integration of knowledge, actors and disciplines Transdisciplinary cartographic practices: the landscape-architect as facilitator in climate action processes |
4:00pm - 4:30pm |
Coffee break Location: Het Vriendenplein |
4:30pm - 6:00pm |
Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions Location: Het Strikkershuis Approaching sustainability deadlocks in food systems from different scientific traditions |
Designing critical conversation tools to foster ID/TD mindsets: young researchers reflecting on how criticality broadens and strengthens ID/TD education Location: Wachtkamer 3e klasse Designing critical conversation tools to foster ID/TD mindsets: young researchers reflecting on how criticality broadens and strengthens ID/TD education |
Fostering effectiveness of transdisciplinary research by reflecting possible impact pathways Location: De Bedrijfsschool Fostering effectiveness of transdisciplinary research by reflecting possible impact pathways |
Funding & educational programmes (evaluations) Location: De Expo A Mission for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity to promote structural change through a systematic approach at Aix-Marseille University: a 3-year review. The institutional challenge of fostering transdisciplinary research in Brazil: an analysis of the performance of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) TU Berlin’s Transfer Certificate – a program for transfer, transdisciplinarity, participation, and co-creation Value systems in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research practices and funders’ evaluation Navigating institutional challenges to promote transdisciplinary education. Experiences from the School for Transdisciplinary Studies at the University of Zurich |
Integrative Teaching and Learning: How to design and implement integration in your course Location: Restauratiezaal Integrative Teaching and Learning: How to design and implement integration in your course |
The Changemaker’s Way – empowering students to design socio-technical systems through a transdisciplinary lens Location: Wachtkamer 1e en 2e klasse The Changemaker’s Way – empowering students to design socio-technical systems through a transdisciplinary lens |
Towards unconventional and just outcomes in transformative change: Applying critical theoretical lessons on power in ITD research initiatives Location: De Centrale Towards unconventional and just outcomes in transformative change: Applying critical theoretical lessons on power in ITD research initiatives |
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