Conference Agenda

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Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 23rd Feb 2025, 04:26:27am IST

Session Overview
Inclusion in Time, Space, Organizations and Income
Thursday, 13/Feb/2025:
9:30am - 11:00am

Session Chair: Sofiane Sahraoui, IIAS-IISA, Belgium
Location: MR 14

Floor L1

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ID: 437 / 1309NEXTINCLUSION: 1
1.1. Next Generation Administrative Reforms: Abstracts
Keywords: Inclusive Governance, Social Development, Economic Development, Economic Growth, NorthEast India, Human Development, People Participation, Skill Development, Sustainable Development.

Bhartiya Model of Inclusive Governance: A Comparative Study of Social and Economic Development of Selected Areas

Sharma, Meenu

The Assam Royal Global University, India

ID: 186 / 1309NEXTINCLUSION: 2
1.1. Next Generation Administrative Reforms: Abstracts
Keywords: environmental protection - future generations - balance of interest

The rights of future generations in Italian Constitution

Cintioli, Fabio

Università degli studi internazionali di Roma, Italy

F. Cintioli - L’interpretazione degli articoli 9 e 41 della
Costituzione dopo la legge cost. n. 1 del 2022:
l’amministrazione e il giudice amministrativo, Diritto dell'economia - issn 1123-3036 - 2/2024, 11-30.

ID: 468 / 1309NEXTINCLUSION: 3
1.1. Next Generation Administrative Reforms: Abstracts
Keywords: organizational wisdom, wise decision-making, grounded theory, qualitative research.

Organizational wisdom based collective decision making: A Grounded Theory Study

Sinha, ANA

Fore School of Management, India

Dr Ana Sinha is Assistant Professor in International Business at FORE School of Management, New Delhi, India. She holds an M.A. in East Asian Studies with a specialisation in Chinese from Department of East Asian Studies, University of Delhi and obtained her PhD in Strategy from Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi. She has a Bachelor’s in Humanities and Social Sciences with a specialisation in Journalism (Gold Medallist) from Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi. She was awarded as the Best Doctoral Student at the Indian Strategy Conference in 2023 hosted by IIM-B. Her current research is primarily based in wisdom and decision-making domain, where she works on individual, organizational and artificial wisdom. She has an interdisciplinary background with publications in notable journals and has presented her work at many reputed international conferences.

1) Sinha, A. (2023). Exploring the Universal Pursuit of Wisdom: A Brief Survey Of Ancient Literatures. Wisdom Speaks, 8, 5—9.
2) Sinha, A., Lakhanpal, P. (2023). Can AI systems become wise? A note on artificial wisdom. AI and Society. DOI: 10.1007/s00146-023-01683-4.
3) Sinha, A., Lakhanpal, P. (2023). Operationalising organisational wisdom in the Indian law and governance: A Digitisation, Digitalisation and Digital Transformation perspective. Bihar Journal of Public Administration.
4) Sinha, A., Lakhanpal, P. (2022). Rediscovering Fei Xiaotong: Blending Indigenous Chinese Thought and Western Social Science. The American Sociologist. DOI: 10.1007/s12108-021-09526-9.
5) Sinha, A. (2020). Innovation Management in Japan. FOCUSWTO.IB, 22(1).

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