Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 23rd Feb 2025, 04:20:26am IST

Session Overview
IRAS Panel on Next Generation Administrative Reforms: From Crisis to Resilience?
Thursday, 13/Feb/2025:
9:30am - 11:00am

Session Chair: Sabine Kuhlmann, University of Potsdam, Germany
Session Co-Chair: Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar, University of Granada, Spain
Session Co-Chair: Ricardo Corrêa Gomes, FGV São Paulo School of Business Administration, Brazil
Moderator: Marco De la Cruz, IIAS, Belgium
Location: MR 12

Floor L1

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ID: 393 / 1309IRAS3: 1
13. IRAS Panel on Next Generation Administrative Reforms: From Crisis to Resilience?
Keywords: robustness, Covid-19, crisis governance, innovation, trust

Trust as a Foundation for Robust Governance? A Comparative Case Study of Hungarian and Danish Local Crisis Governance During COVID-19

Bentzen, Tina Øllgaard1; Hajnal, Aron2; Hajnal, Gyorgy3

1Roskilde University; 2Corvinus University of Budapest; 3Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary and HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences

TØ Bentzen (2022). Continuous co-creation: how ongoing involvement impacts outcomes of co-creation. Public management review 24 (1), 34-54
J Torfing, TØ Bentzen (2020). Does stewardship theory provide a viable alternative to control-fixated performance management? Administrative Sciences 10 (4), 86
TØ Bentzen, E Sørensen, J Torfing (2020). Strengthening public service production, administrative problemsolving, and political leadership through co-creation of innovative public value outcomes? Innovation Journal 25 (1), 1-28
TØ Bentzen (2019). The birdcage is open, but will the bird fly? How interactional and institutional trust interplay in public organisations. Journal of Trust Research 9 (2), 185-202

ID: 355 / 1309IRAS3: 2
13. IRAS Panel on Next Generation Administrative Reforms: From Crisis to Resilience?
Keywords: restorativejustice;resilience;pleabargaining;conciliatory;reforms

Towards a more resilient justice system: The promise of restorative and negotiated justice

Cambiano, Francesco

University of Palermo, Italy

ALSCHULER A.W., Plea bargaining and its history, in Columbia Law Review, 1979, pp. 16 ss.

DELLA TORRE J., La giustizia penale negoziata in Europa. Miti, realtà e prospettive, 2019.

FANCHIOTTI V., Il processo penale statunitense: un modello complesso da rivisitare, in Giurisprudenza italiana, 1989, p. 409.

FILIPPI L., I procedimenti speciali, in Trattato di procedura penale, a cura di Spangher, Milano, 2008, p. 22.

FRIEDMAN L.M., Introduccion al derecho norteamericano, in Libreria Bosch, Barcellona, 1988, pp. 198- 199.

GIALUZ M., La giustizia penale consensuale: concordati, mediazione e conciliazione, UTET, Torino, 2004, p. 11.

LANGER M., From Legal Transplants to Legal Translations: The Globalization of Plea Bargaining and the Americanization Thesis in Criminal Procedure, in AA.VV., World Plea Bargaining. Consensual Procedures and the Avoidance of the Full Criminal Trial, a cura di S.C. Thaman, Durham, 2010, p. 3.

MAZZUCATO C., Giustizia riparativa e comunità: Riprendere la parola e le relazioni, in Ciclo d’incontri promosso dall’associazione Casa della memoria, Brescia.
UNODC, Introductory Handbook on the prevention of recidivism and the social reintegration of offenders, Vienna, 2018.

VARRASO G., La legge “Cartabia” e l’apporto dei procedimenti speciali al recupero dell’efficienza processuale, in Sistema Penale, 2/2022.

ID: 339 / 1309IRAS3: 3
13. IRAS Panel on Next Generation Administrative Reforms: From Crisis to Resilience?
Keywords: Meritocracy, Mexico, Gender Gaps, Federal Agencies, Assessment of Meritocracy

Implementation of the Mexican Meritocratic System: Assessing its Impartiality and Gender Effects

Avellaneda, Claudia Nancy1; Liu, Anthony2; Becerra, Luis Enrique3

1Indiana University Bloomington, United States of America; 2Indiana University Bloomington, United States of America; 3Indiana University Bloomington, United States of America

1. Avellaneda, Claudia N. and Ricardo A Bello-Gomez. Eds. 2024. The Handbook of Subnational Governments and Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing.
2. Avellaneda, Claudia N. Ed. 2023. What Works in Latin American Municipalities? Assessing Local Government Performance. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Mendez, Nathalie, and Claudia N. Avellaneda. Forthcoming. “Gender attitudes among public employees: A comparative analysis.” Journal of Policy Studies.
3. Avellaneda, Claudia N., Ricardo Andrés Bello-Gómez and Johabed Olvera. 2024. “Mayoral Preferences for Performance Assessment: Credit Claiming, Salience and Monitoring: A Survey-Experiment with 246 Mayors.” International Journal of Public Administration. 1–17.

ID: 462 / 1309IRAS3: 4
13. IRAS Panel on Next Generation Administrative Reforms: From Crisis to Resilience?
Keywords: Open Innovation, crowdsourcing, co-creation, barriers, public service organisations

Open Innovation and crowdsourcing in public services- Exploring antecedents, barriers and outcomes

Kiran, Bangalore Siddalingaswamy1; Sharma, Rajat2

1Indian Railways, Indian Institute of Management(IIM)/ Bangalore, India; 2Indian Institute of Management(IIM)/ Ahmedabad, India

1.Kiran, B. S., & Sharma, R. (2021). Designing and Driving Crowdsourcing Contests in Large Public Service Organizations: Lessons from Deutsche Bahn and Indian Railways. Research-Technology Management, 64(3), 48–57.

2,Strategy for crowdsourcing competitions- aligning seeker, solver and supporter efforts
B.S. Kiran
Strategic Direction
ISSN: 0258-0543: Article publication date: 1 October 2019

ID: 476 / 1309IRAS3: 5
13. IRAS Panel on Next Generation Administrative Reforms: From Crisis to Resilience?
Keywords: Peru, administration, crisis adaptation, education reforms, neoliberal states

Public Administration and Education Reforms in Peru: Between Crisis Adaptation and Structural Change

De la Cruz, Marco; Mergoni, Anna

KU Leuven

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