Daftarkan Orang

Silahkan daftar dibawah untuk memperoleh kabar terkini pada "International Conference on
Sustainable Competitive Advantage (ICSCA) &
APSMBI Meeting 2023 ". Data anda akan dirahasiakan dan tidak digunakan untuk tujuan lain.

Informasi Personal

* Panggilan 
* Panggilan
Anda dapat memberikan alamat e-mail orang lain untuk menerima salinan (CCs) dari semua pesan yang dikirimkan kepada anda oleh ConfTool.
Please select your current personal time zone.
The changeover between standard and daylight saving time is automatic.
Please note that all deadlines will still be based on the official "Conference Time" .
The current conference time is: 19 Sept. 2024, 23:48:53 WIB.
* Data Privacy Agreement 

Data Privacy Agreement

In order to use the ConfTool system, you will create a user account with your personal details. Your user data, your actions and the results of your actions will be stored within the system.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Data

Information stored in the ConfTool system will exclusively be used in relation to this event or a subsequent event. Your personal data will only be passed on to third parties if this is necessary for the organization of the event, for billing purposes or for legal reasons (e. g. in the case of an external audit), but it will not be distributed or sold to other parties for other purposes.

Right to Information

Upon request, the organisers of this event will provide you, in writing, with all personal data they have stored about you. You can inquire where the data were collected, to whom they are disclosed and the purposes for which they have been stored.

Privacy Statement

By accepting the privacy agreement you also confirm that you read the privacy statement of the operators of this ConfTool installation.

* Data Privacy Agreement
Jejak · Alamat Kontak:
Privacy Statement · Seminar: ICSCA 2023
Conference Software: ConfTool Pro 2.6.151
© 2001–2024 by Dr. H. Weinreich, Hamburg, Germany