Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Marburg Lahnberge Campus -- Zentrum für Synthetische Mikrobiologie Karl-von-Frisch-Str. 14 35032 Marburg
Date: Thursday, 13/June/2024
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Keynote Daniele Silvestro: New (un)supervised learning models to infer the evolution and future dynamics of biodiversity
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Chair: Alexander Zizka
Macroecological patterns & processes
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Chair: Susanne Fritz
10:30am - 10:50am

Chicken or Egg? Phylogenetic sequences of ecological trait acquisition underpinning alpine biome shifts

Jurriaan M. de Vos, Bram Cladder, Freek T. Bakker, Livio Bätscher

10:50am - 11:10am

Dispersal and the generation of diversity

Sarah Sophie Weil, Michaël Nicolaï, Patrick Weigelt

11:10am - 11:30am

Myrejagten: Resource use by ants in Denmark

Julie K. Sheard, Robert R Dunn, Nathan J. Sanders, Carsten Rahbek

11:30am - 11:50am

Opportunistic plant observations reveal spatial and temporal gradients in phenology

Michael Rzanny, Patrick Mäder, Hans Christian Wittich, David Boho, Jana Wäldchen

11:50am - 12:10pm

Species-energy relationships in the climatic mosaic of warmth, moisture and ecosystem productivity

Marco Túlio Coelho, Elisa Barreto, Thiago Rangel, José Alexandre Diniz-Filho, Eliška Bohdalková, David Storch, Yun-Ting Jang, Mikael Pontarp, Fernanda Cassemiro, Pincelli Hull, Catherine Graham

12:10pm - 12:30pm

Unraveling thermal tolerance patterns: a multi-level analysis of physiological traits of arthropods along elevational gradients in Southern Asia

Christian Hof, Imran Khaliq

12:30pm - 12:50pm

Mobile Sensing of the environment: integrating automated plant identification, citizen science, and bio-indication

Susanne Tautenhahn, Michael Rzanny, Martin Jung, Patrick Mäder, Bernhard Ahrens, David Boho, Negin Katal, Hans Christian Wittich, Jana Wäldchen

Keynote Florian Hartig: AI in Macroecology & Biogeography – from prediction to inference
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Chair: Alexander Zizka
AI in Macroecology & Biogeography
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Chair: Jan Hackel
2:40pm - 3:00pm

Deep Species Distribution Models (Deep-SDMs)

Benjamin Deneu

3:00pm - 3:20pm

Spatiotemporal patterns of humans and wildlife: The potential of AI and camera trapping

Manuel Steinbauer

3:20pm - 3:40pm

Automated redlisting using deep learning

Alexander Zizka

Island biogeography
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Chair: Maaike Bader
4:30pm - 4:50pm

Global floristic homogenisation on islands during the past 5000 years

Anna Walentowitz, Nichola Strandberg, Manuel Steinbauer, Sandra Nogué

4:50pm - 5:10pm

Global patterns of functional and phylogenetic diversity and their drivers in island birds

Jan B. Kalusche, Patrick Weigelt, Ana Maria Bastidas Urrutia, Katrin Böhning-Gaese, Christian Hof, Susanne A. Fritz

5:10pm - 5:30pm

Island biogeography of fishes in Indonesian marine lakes

Adriana Alzate, Awaludinnoer Ahmad, Noortje Barning, Lisa Becking, Maarten Hoepel, Dea Fauzia Lestari, Stephanie Martinez, Francesco Pelizza, Beginer Subhan

5:30pm - 5:50pm

Unique and tricky to measure: Functional traits of habitat-specialized succulent plants on edaphic quartz islands in the Knersvlakte

Pia Maria Eibes, Ute Schmiedel, Meline Brendel, Annelise Le Roux, A. Muthama Muasya, Aaron Niekamp, Jens Oldeland, Wanda Thormählen, Daniel A. Zhigila, Severin D.H. Irl

Date: Friday, 14/June/2024
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Keynote Jana Wäldchen: Automated plant identification with Flora Incognita
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Chair: Alexander Zizka
Extinction & conservation
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Chair: Alke Voskamp
10:30am - 10:50am

Acceleration and demographic rates behind bird decline in North America

François Leroy, Marta Jarzyna, Petr Keil

10:50am - 11:10am

Contrasting impacts of non-native and threatened species on morphological, life-history, and phylogenetic diversity in bird assemblages.

Aurèle Toussaint, Meelis Partel, Carlos P. Carmona

11:10am - 11:30am

Determinants of Seed Longevity under Artificial Ageing Conditions

Lea Klepka, Sascha Liepelt, Anna Bucharova

11:30am - 11:50am

Patterns and drivers of regional plant extinctions

Laura Méndez, Sonja Knapp, Erik Welk, Marten Winter, Markus Bernhardt-Römermann, Helge Bruelheide, Marina Golivets, Matthias Grenié, Ingolf Kühn, Ingmar Staude, Alexander Zizka

11:50am - 12:10pm

The Parcel Index of Conservation Attributes (PICA) to predict and evaluate hotspots of old-growth biodiversity in small-scale private forests

Peter Hansen, Andreas Mölder

12:10pm - 12:30pm

Threatened at home but naturalized elsewhere: conservation conflict or opportunity?

Weihan Zhao, Trevor S. Fristoe, Amy Davis, Wayne Dawson, Franz Essl, Holger Kreft, Jan Pergl, Petr Pysek, Patrick Weigelt, Marten Winter, Mark van Kleunen

12:30pm - 12:50pm

A framework to model species responses to extreme weather events

Aaron Hagen Kauffeldt, Susanne Fritz, Damaris Zurell, Katrin Böhning-Gaese, Alke Voskamp

Species distributions 1
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Chair: Manuel Steinbauer
1:40pm - 2:00pm

Disentangling metacommunity assembly mechanisms from eDNA using joint species distribution models

Maximilian Pichler, Wang Cai, Douglas W. Yu, Florian Hartig

2:00pm - 2:20pm

Global Inventory of Floras and Traits (GIFT)

Pierre Denelle, Sarah Sophie Weil, Patrick Weigelt, Holger Kreft

2:20pm - 2:40pm


Lisa Bald, Jannis Gottwald, Dirk Zeuss

Species distributions 2
Location: SynMikro meeting room
Chair: Manuel Steinbauer
3:00pm - 3:20pm

The use of process-explicit models to forecast species distributions

Andrés Lira-Noriega, Lucas A. Fadda, Luis Osorio-Olvera, Luis A. Ibarra-Juárez, Jorge Soberón

3:20pm - 3:40pm

The key role of vicariance for soil animal biogeography in a biodiversity hotspot region

Xue Pan, Holger Kreft, Jing-Zhong Lu, Yabin Du, Stefen Scheu, Mark Maraun

3:40pm - 4:00pm

Intraspecific trait variation of carrion beetle species and communities across elevations

Qiao-Qiao Ji, Zhijing Xie, Yunga Wu, Zhuoma Wan, Caiyi Xu, Donghui Wu, Ting-Wen Chen, Alejandro Ordonez

Location: SynMikro meeting room
GfÖ Macroecology business
Location: SynMikro meeting room

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