Conference Agenda

Session Overview
Date: Monday, 21/Oct/2024
1:00pm - 5:00pmE1: Tour of the 1st deep geothermal heating plant of the state capital Potsdam (EWP)
Location: Cordner: Johann-Jacob-Baeyer-Str. / Hanna-Arendt-Str., 14473 Potsdam
1:00pm - 5:00pmE2: Guided tour of the research laboratories and guided walk through the Albert Einstein Science Park (GFZ)
Location: Entrance at "Wissenschaftspark Albert-Einstein", Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam (GFZ)

Date: Tuesday, 22/Oct/2024
 Poster Exhibition
Location: Foyer
Continuous poster exhibition on all days.
Location: Foyer
8:45am - 10:45amFrühaufsteher & Effizienzmeister Geothermie beim Espresso | Wie »tief« müssen wir für die Wärmewende gehen?
Location: Room 217
11:00am - 1:00pmOpening - Plenary Session
Location: Plenary "Kongress Saal"
Greetings: Dr. Karin Thelen, President of the German Geothermal Association; Prof. Dr. Jörg Steinbach, Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy of the State of Brandenburg; Partner Country France: Maximilien de Maisonneuve, Geodeep Delegate; Keynote Kerstin Deller, Head of Subdivision IIA: Fundamental Issues of Energy Efficiency and Heating, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and Prof. Dr. Ingo Sass (GFZ) “Geothermal energy between application and research”; Presentation of the “Best Young Scientist” award and awarding of the Patricius Medal; Congress opening: Prof. Dr. Horst Rüter, Head of the Scientific Committee
1:00pm - 2:00pmLunch break
2:00pm - 3:40pmForum 1: Exploration and reservoir characterization
Location: Plenary "Kongress Saal"
2:00pm - 3:40pmForum 2: Municipal heat planning and acceptance
Location: Raum 226
2:00pm - 3:40pmForum 3: Drilling Technologies (engl.)
Location: Room 214
2:00pm - 3:40pmForum 4: Poster - Short presentations
Location: Room 241
3:00pm - 3:40pmScience Bar Tour
Location: Lobby (in front of Room 214)
3:40pm - 4:10pmCoffee break
4:10pm - 5:50pmForum 5: Potentials and forecasts
Location: Plenary "Kongress Saal"
4:10pm - 5:50pmForum 6: Feasibility and Planning
Location: Raum 226
4:10pm - 5:50pmForum 7: Fluid Chemistry (engl.)
Location: Room 214
4:10pm - 5:50pmForum 8: France - Policy Framework
Location: Room 241
6:00pm - 6:30pmScience Bar Award
Location: Lobby (in front of Room 214)
6:30pm - 10:30pmIcebreaker evening
Location: Foyer

Date: Wednesday, 23/Oct/2024
Location: Foyer
8:30am - 1:30pmE3: Visit GeoSpeicherBerlin Reallabor Berlin-Adlershof (BTB)
Meeting place and time: 8:30 h Start at Kongresshotel Potsdam
9:00am - 10:40amForum 9: Deep Geothermal - Concepts
Location: Plenary "Kongress Saal"
9:00am - 10:40amForum 10: District Solutions and Potentials of Near-Surface Geothermal
Location: Raum 226
9:00am - 10:40amForum 11: Exploration and Numerical Modeling (engl.)
Location: Room 214
9:00am - 10:40amForum 12: France - Geothermal Industry
Location: Room 241
10:40am - 11:10amCoffee break
11:10am - 12:50pmForum 13: Reservoir management
Location: Plenary "Kongress Saal"
11:10am - 12:50pmForum 14: Monitoring and Optimization for Near-Surface Geothermal
Location: Raum 226
11:10am - 12:50pmForum 15: Deep Geothermal - New Aspects (engl.)
Location: Room 214
11:10am - 12:50pmForum 16: Large Heat Pumps
Location: Room 241
12:50pm - 2:00pmLunch break
2:00pm - 3:40pmForum 17: Regional Developments
Location: Plenary "Kongress Saal"
2:00pm - 3:40pmForum 18: Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage
Location: Raum 226
2:00pm - 3:40pmForum 19: Near Surface Geothermal (engl.)
Location: Room 214
2:00pm - 3:40pmForum 20: Case Histories
Location: Room 241
3:40pm - 4:10pmCoffee break
4:10pm - 5:50pmForum 21: Deep Boreholes and Applications
Location: Plenary "Kongress Saal"
4:10pm - 5:50pmForum 22: Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage / Mining Water
Location: Raum 226
4:10pm - 5:50pmForum 23: Extraction and Storage
Location: Room 214
4:10pm - 5:50pmForum 24: Technical Devolpments
Location: Room 241
7:30pm - 10:00pmConference Dinner

Date: Thursday, 24/Oct/2024
Location: Foyer
9:00am - 10:40amStadtwerke-Workshop: Kommunale Wärmewende mit Geothermie - Nutzungsoptionen, Wirtschaftlichkeit und politische Rahmenbedingungen 1
Location: Raum 226
9:00am - 10:40amGeothermie für die Kommunale Wärmeplanung nutzbar machen - Strategische Maßnahmen in Nordrhein-Westfalen 1
Location: Room 214
9:00am - 10:40amNumerische Simulation eines Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) 1
Location: Room 215
9:00am - 10:40amNachhaltiger Betrieb großer Erdwärmesondenanlagen dank Regeneration und Grundwasserströmung - Abschlussworkshop des Projekts Geo-Resume
Location: Room 241
10:40am - 11:10amCoffee break
11:10am - 12:50pmStadtwerke-Workshop: Kommunale Wärmewende mit Geothermie - Nutzungsoptionen, Wirtschaftlichkeit und politische Rahmenbedingungen 2
Location: Raum 226
11:10am - 12:50pmGeothermie für die Kommunale Wärmeplanung nutzbar machen - Strategische Maßnahmen in Nordrhein-Westfalen 2
Location: Room 214
11:10am - 12:50pmNumerische Simulation eines Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) 2
Location: Room 215
11:10am - 12:50pmWorkshop: Reservoire der Mitteltiefen Geothermie 1
Location: Room 241
1:00pm - 2:00pmLunch Break
2:00pm - 3:40pmStadtwerke-Workshop: Kommunale Wärmewende mit Geothermie - Nutzungsoptionen, Wirtschaftlichkeit und politische Rahmenbedingungen3
Location: Raum 226
2:00pm - 3:40pmWorkshop: Geothermie in Berlin und Brandenburg
Location: Room 214
2:00pm - 3:40pm-
Location: Room 215
2:00pm - 3:40pmWorkshop: Reservoire der Mitteltiefen Geothermie 2
Location: Room 241
3:40pm - 4:10pmKaffeepause