Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, 18/Sept/2024
2:00pm - 5:45pmDoktoranden-Kolloquium
Location: ESA O 121 (1st floor)
6:00pm - 10:00pmGet-Together
Location: BABORRITO – Grindelallee 24
Date: Thursday, 19/Sept/2024
8:30am - 9:00amAnmeldung & Kaffee (Tag 1)
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
9:00am - 9:15amBegrüßung
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
9:15am - 10:45amOpening-Panel: Datafizierte Kommunikation und Wissenschaft
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
Session Chair: Julia Niemann-Lenz
10:45am - 11:15amPause
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
11:15am - 12:45pmEvaluation of LLMs
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
Session Chair: Hendrik Meyer
11:15am - 12:45pmJournalism & Datafication
Location: ESA O 121 (1st floor)
Session Chair: Luise Anter
12:45pm - 2:00pmLunch
2:00pm - 3:30pm(Automatisierte) Inhaltsanalyse: (Automatisierte) Inhaltsanalyse für politische und Klima-Kommunikation
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
Session Chair: Anke Stoll
2:00pm - 3:30pmQualitative Forschung: Qualitative Forschung & Mixed Methods
Location: ESA O 121 (1st floor)
Session Chair: Anna Sophie Kümpel
3:30pm - 5:00pmInteraktive Workshops (I): Gendered Topics, Gendered Roles?
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
3:30pm - 5:00pmInteraktive Workshops (II): Agiles Projektmanagement in der Kommunikationswissenschaft
Location: ESA O 121 (1st floor)
3:30pm - 5:00pmInteraktive Workshops (III): Lasting Open Science Contributions
Location: ESA O 122 (1st floor)
5:00pm - 5:15pmPause
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
5:15pm - 6:30pmFG-Sitzung DigiKomm
Location: ESA O 121 (1st floor)
Session Chair: Merja Mahrt
5:15pm - 6:30pmFG-Sitzung Methoden
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
Session Chair: Emese Domahidi
Session Chair: Julia Niemann-Lenz
7:00pm - 10:00pmTagungsdinner
Location: Cham - Schulterblatt 75
Date: Friday, 20/Sept/2024
8:30am - 9:00amAnmeldung & Kaffee (Tag 2)
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
9:00am - 10:30amLazarsfeld-Stipendien
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
Session Chair: Jens Vogelgesang
10:30am - 12:00pmNeue Methoden und Tools: Methoden-Vorstellung & Tool Presentation
Location: ESA O 121 (1st floor)
Session Chair: Marvin Stecker
10:30am - 12:00pmSocial Media: Social Media: Conceptualizing and Measuring
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
Session Chair: Hannah Früh
12:00pm - 1:00pmPause
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
1:00pm - 2:30pmPolitics and Society: Politics and Society
Location: ESA O 121 (1st floor)
1:00pm - 2:30pmSamplingstrategien & -methoden
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)
Session Chair: Tim Schatto-Eckrodt
2:30pm - 2:40pmVerabschiedung
Location: ESA O 221 (2nd floor)

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