
Interaktive Workshops (III): Lasting Open Science Contributions
Donnerstag, 19.09.2024:
15:30 - 17:00

Ort: ESA O 122 (1. Stock)

Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, östlicher Flügelbau (ESA O), room 122 (1st floor)


Lasting Open Science Contributions: How Can We Sustain Research Software Together?

Mareike Wieland, Johannes Breuer, Julian Kohne, Lukas Otto, Julian Dehne, Danica Radovanović

GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Deutschland

Open science principles have increasingly influenced communication science, promoting transparency, accessibility, and collaboration. While the focus has often been on open access publishing and sharing research data, attention is now turning to research software, as seen in new journal sections and special issues. However, maintaining these tools poses challenges beyond just releasing them under open licenses. Sustainable research requires avoiding bespoke tool creation for each project and recognizing the effort needed for documentation and maintenance.

The workshop aims to address these challenges by fostering collaboration among researchers, software developers, and infrastructure providers like GESIS. It will feature interactive table sessions on open-source development, community building, user-centric design, systemic incentives, and funding strategies. Participants will share experiences to enhance the sustainability and impact of research software in open science, benefiting the communication science community.