Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Monday, 09/Sept/2024
PhD Seminar
Location: Sinaia Conference and Research Center, University of Bucharest
Chair: Oyvind Ihlen
Chair: Jens Seiffert-Brockmann
Chair: Nora Denner
Date: Tuesday, 10/Sept/2024
PhD Seminar
Location: Sinaia Conference and Research Center, University of Bucharest
Chair: Oyvind Ihlen
Chair: Jens Seiffert-Brockmann
Chair: Nora Denner
Date: Wednesday, 11/Sept/2024
PhD Seminar
Location: Sinaia Conference and Research Center, University of Bucharest
Chair: Oyvind Ihlen
Chair: Jens Seiffert-Brockmann
Chair: Nora Denner
Location: Botanical Garden
Location: UB Rectorate, Senate Room, ground floor
Education Café
Location: Botanical Garden - room P03
Chair: Monique Abbenbroek
PDW: Paper Development Workshop
Location: Botanical Garden - room P04
Chair: Alexander Buhmann
Chair: Sarah Marschlich
Location: Romanian Opera House
Welcome Address
Location: Romanian Opera House
Keynote I: Doina Lemny
Location: Romanian Opera House
B: Break
Location: Romanian Opera House
Keynote II: Anne Gregory
Location: Romanian Opera House
Reception: Evening Reception
Location: Romanian Opera House
Education Network Meeting
Chair: Anca Anton
Chair: Monique Abbenbroek
Networks & Projects Meetings

Self-organised by network and project members

Show: The Free Tenors
Location: Romanian Opera House
Date: Thursday, 12/Sept/2024
8:30am Quiet Room
Location: UB Rectorate, Mihailescu Amphitheater, first floor
Mihailescu Amphitheater will be available throughout the conference, until Friday, Sept. 13,12h30.
Location: UB Rectorate, ground floor hall
SES 1.1: This is not a Pipe: Visually Manipulated Content
Location: UB Rectorate, Moisil Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Ralph Tench

Mutual Spillover Effects of Perceived Prestige in Arts Support: Examining the Influence on Attitudes and the Moderating Effect of Proximity

Yasushi Sonobe, Makiko Kawakita

The Deepfake Bias. Pygmalion’s Crave and “Hypermimesis” - Current Challenges in Strategic Communication

Alexandra Craciun

Biased Influence: First Impressions, Influencers, and AI Manipulation of Faces

Susan Lutfallah, Karen Freberg, Sabrina Page, Laura Freberg

Visual Social Semiotic Analysis of Gender Representation in Corporate Instagram posts: Too Vanilla for Engagement?

Ganga Dhanesh, Sarah Marschlich

SES 1.2: From Value to Dissatisfaction: Strategic Communication Today
Location: UB Rectorate, Council Room, first floor
Chair: Wim Elving

"Treasures on Undiscovered Land? - Linking an Effectual Dynamic Framework into the Theory of Strategic Communication Management"

Ninette Florschütz

Strategic Communication and Value Creation: Towards a Multi-Perspective Understanding of The Value-Formation Process in Strategic Communication Management

Rickard Per Erik Andersson

Interdisciplinary Patchwork: A Bibliometric Analysis Of Investor Relations And Financial Communication

Laura Hackl

Between Cluelessness and (Dis)Satisfaction: What C-level Executives, Middle Managers and Employees Know and Think About Corporate Communications in Their Organizations

Jana Brockhaus, Ansgar Zerfass, Antonia Rüth

SES 1.3: Making the News: When PR Breaks Through
Location: UB Rectorate, Cantemir Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Anastasios Theofilou

Role Conflicts in Brand Journalism: Amid Organizational Goals, Audience Demands, and Journalistic Values

Benno Viererbl, Thomas Koch

From Frontlines to Headlines: The Strategic Use of the Press during the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878)

Valentin Vasile

How Successful Are Press Releases? A Computational Methods Study on Who Gets Picked Up in German Leading Media's News Coverage.

Markos Mpadanes, Morley Weston

Agent Or Tool? Analysing Trade Journal Coverage Of Automated Communication

Teresa Weller, Irina Lock

SES 1.4 (Panel): Scouting a Possible Nordic Way in Strategic Communication Practices?
Location: UB Rectorate, Senate Room, ground floor
Chair: Chiara Valentini

Scouting a Possible Nordic Way in Strategic Communication Practices?

Chair(s): Chiara Valentini

Respondent(s): Alexander Buhmann

Presenter(s): Jesper Falkheimer, Mats Heide, Winni Johansen, Finn Frandsen, Elin Helgesson, Øyvind Ihlen, Ketil Raknes, Ester Conings Vanvik, Jesse Tuominen

Networks & Projects Gallery
Location: UB Rectorate, ground floor hall
CB I: Coffee Break
Location: UB Rectorate, ground floor hall
SES 2.1: How to Hire a Robot: the Impact of AI in the Field of PR
Location: UB Rectorate, Moisil Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Ansgar Zerfass

The human touch: Professional perceptions of Artificial Intelligence's role in strategic communication

Raphaël Baptista, Célia Belim

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Organizations: a CEO's Perspective

Alexandre Duarte, Patrícia Dias

AI-powered PR: Advantages, Challenges and Risks of Using AI as Perceived by Public Relations Professionals

Florența Toader, Elena Negrea-Busuioc

Using AI Augmentation in the Public Relations Domain. Perspectives of PR and Communication Professionals

Raluca Silvia Ciochina, Diana Maria Cismaru, Catalina Niculescu

SES 2.2: Digitally Yours: Communication Practices Worldwide
Location: UB Rectorate, Council Room, first floor
Chair: Vibeke Thøis Madsen

Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Awareness in Turkey: A Research on the Field of Communication

Ege Simge Demirel, Pelin Hürmeriç

Communicative Organizations 2.0: Leading with Communication and Culture in a Flexible, Digitalized Working Life

Mats Heide, Charlotte Simonsson

Exploring the Landscape: Generative AI Adoption in Central and Eastern European PR Professionals

Markéta Kaclová

Building Attractive Employer Brands Through Internal Social Media

Antonia Z. Hein, Wim J.L. Elving, Arjen Edzes, Sierdjan Koster

SES 2.3: Diversity: Communication Strategies for Inclusive Cultures
Location: UB Rectorate, Cantemir Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Ingrid Wahl

In The Name Of The Nation: Nation Branding, Digital Nationalism And Manele For Diaspora

Alina Dolea, Arthur Suciu

Accessibility for the Inclusion of Visually Impaired People in Internal Communication

Guilherme Ferreira de Oliveira, Suely Maciel

Covering the Issue of (in)equality: Associations Between Organizations in Issue News and Their Media Reputation

Sarah Marschlich, Sandra HJ Jacobs, Frank Dardis

Smashing the Habitus: An Inquiry into Social and Cultural Capital of U.S. Hispanic and White PR Practitioners, and Career Progression

Martina Topic, Patrick Merle, Rosalynn Vasquez, Nicholas Eng

SES 2.4 (Panel): The “art” of Lobbying?
Location: UB Rectorate, Senate Room, ground floor
Chair: Irina Lock

The “art” of Lobbying? Comparative Perspectives on the Creativity of Language and Visual Strategies in Lobbying and Advocacy Campaigns.

Chair(s): Irina Lock

Respondent(s): Chiara Valentini

Presenter(s): Scott Davidson, Lucile Desmoulins, Oyvind Ihlen, Denisa Hejlova, Rudi Palmieri, Ketil Raknes

Lunch Buffet
Location: UB Rectorate, ground floor hall
PR, Social Responsibility and Sustainability Network Meeting
Location: UB Rectorate, Moisil Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Adalberto Arrigoni
Chair: Wim Elving
SES 3.1: Communicating Social Action: Strategies for a Sustainable Future
Location: UB Rectorate, Moisil Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Jesper Falkheimer

Green Disguise. Greenwashing’s Detrimental Impact On Corporate Perception And The Interplay Of Perceived Motives, Skepticism, And Authenticity

Juliane Keilmann, Thomas Koch

Evolution of the Environmental Social and Governance Discourse: Applying Pre-trained BERT Models on Corporate Annual Reports

Ingrid Marie Oliva Alvarado

Climate Communication in Action

Elin Helgesson, Christina Grandien, Kristina Jämtelid, Wim Elving, Catrin Johansson

NGOs And Agencies: A Creative Partnership For Award Winning Fundraising Campaigns In Romania. An Efficiency Study Model.

Catalin Adrian Dinu

SES 3.2: Powering Trust: Networks, Systems and Communities
Location: UB Rectorate, Council Room, first floor
Chair: Dejan Vercic

Made to Measure: Message Tailoring in a Multi-Party System

Oyvind Ihlen, Ketil Raknes

Public Relations Theory: Conceptualising Hegemonic Communicative Power As Continuum Between Expansive and Neutralising Strategies.

Scott Davidson

Trust Half-Life: Exploring Issues of Trust Through Free Word Association

Teela Clayton, Ralph Tench, Sean MacNiven, Maxime MacNiven

Visualising Values: Crafting Future-Ready Reports with Next-Gen Visuals and Youth Insights

Grazia Murtarelli, Alessandro Bruno, Stefania Romenti, Martina Frizzo

SES 3.3: PR Paideia: Education for the Next Generation Communicators
Location: UB Rectorate, Cantemir Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Monique Abbenbroek

Creativity, art, and equity in Public Relations teaching: a Portuguese experience

Sónia de Sá

Nostalgia, Duty, and Legacy: Exploring Motivational Factors for Eco-Service-Learning

Tiffany Mohr

What are the Implications of the Theoretical Orientation of Higher Education Institutions Educators for Public Relations Pedagogy in Europe?

Raluca Moise, Michal Chmiel

Enhancing Experiential Learning in Public Relations: A case study focused on building a social-first, culturally driven student agency

Karen Freberg, Aiko Jones, Jacey Wells

SES 3.4 (Panel): The Future of Investor Relations and Financial Communication
Location: UB Rectorate, Senate Room, ground floor
Chair: Alexander Laskin

The Future of Investor Relations and Financial Communication: Exploring Technological, Societal, and Ethical Implications.

Chair(s): Alexander Laskin

Respondent(s): Andrea Rocci

Presenter(s): Sandra Binder-Tietz, Giulia D’Agostino, Andreas Enzminger, Laura Hackl, Christian Hoffmann, Matias Lievonen, Rudi Palmieri, Marlies Whitehouse

CB II: Coffee Break
Location: UB Rectorate, ground floor hall
SES 4.1: Corporate Activism: from Greyzones to Value Creation
Location: UB Rectorate, Moisil Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Sarah Marschlich

PR Grey Zone Professionalism: XP#CharlieDilemme, a Serious Game on Regulation, Deontology and Ethical Dilemmas

Lucile Desmoulins, Zineb Serghini

Disinformation and Public Relations in the Opinion of the PR Professional Community

Karina Stasiuk Krajewska

Collaborative Research in Organisational Communication and Public Relations: Exploring Epistemological Foundations and the Value for the Discipline.

Aurélie Laborde

Consumers’ Responses to Public Company-directed Activism: An Experimental Comparison of Insider and Outsider Activism

Neda Ninova-Solovykh, Ingrid Wahl, Sabine Einwiller

SES 4.2: Managing Hazards: Who Needs Crises Communication
Location: UB Rectorate, Council Room, first floor
Chair: Winni Johansen

Social Media as a Source of Misinformation: Challenges for Health Information

María-Cristina Fuentes-Lara, Santana Lois Poch Butler, Ángeles Moreno, Lara Jiménez-Sánchez, Noelia Zurro-Antón

Strategic Corporate Communication in the Age of Misinformation: A New Paradigm for Crisis Management

Jindřich Oukropec, Denisa Hejlová

Policy Window and News Media Lobbying - Crisis Narratives of Finnish Trade Associations During a Public Health Crisis

Markus Tapani Mykkänen, Chiara Valentini

Influential Social Media Platforms and Health Hazards. Tensions Between Attitudes Forward Tanning and Photoprotection Skin Cancer in Spain

María-Cristina Fuentes-Lara, Lara Jiménez-Sánchez, Ángeles Moreno, Noelia Zurro-Antón, Ileana Zeler

SES 4.3: EACD Professional Panel
Location: UB Rectorate, Senate Room, ground floor
Chair: Dennis Larsen
CPS: Collaborative Projects Session
Location: UB Rectorate, Senate Room, ground floor
Chair: Anca Anton
Conference Dinner
Location: Casa Doina
Date: Friday, 13/Sept/2024
Quiet Room
Location: UB Rectorate, Mihailescu Amphitheater, first floor
Location: UB Rectorate, ground floor hall
SES 5.1: Augmented by Technology: Insights from PR Profession
Location: UB Rectorate, Moisil Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Ganga Dhanesh

All Safeguards In Place? A Study On How PR Consultancy Executives Align Their AI Ethics Management With Competitiveness Goals

Julia Levasier, Lars-Peter Linke

Technology-Enhanced Profession Porosity between the Media and the Communication Industries

Anca Anton, Anna Jupowicz-Ginalska, Camelia Cmeciu

A Decade of Digital and Social Media PR Campaigns in Romania. Insights from the Romanian PR Awards

Camelia Cmeciu, Delia Balaban

AI Impact On The PR Profession: Ethical Concerns And Future Perspectives

Camelia Cusnir, Anamaria Nicola

SES 5.2: Organization or Community: Practices in Internal Communication
Location: UB Rectorate, Council Room, first floor
Chair: Sabine A Einwiller

Improving Internal Communication Satisfaction: Balancing Digital and Face-to-Face Interactions in the Workplace

Ana Tkalac Vercic, Dejan Vercic

Connected and Informed through Informal Communication: A Quantitative Survey on the Perceived Functions of Informal Communication in Organizations

Nora Denner, Thomas Koch, Alicia Ernst, Benno Viererbl

Communicating Appreciation in the Workplace: First Insights from an Employee Survey on Sources and Reasons of Appreciation

Jens Hagelstein, Ingrid Wahl, Julia Stranzl, Sabine Einwiller, Christopher Ruppel

Employee Perceptions of Crisis Spillover Risk: The Role of Crisis Severity and Corporate Response Strategies

Yijing Wang, Sabine A Einwiller, Daniel Laufer

SES 5.3: Engaging with Digital Natives: When PR turns into a Technological Journey
Location: UB Rectorate, Cantemir Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Ilkin Mehrabov

Adopting Influencer Strategies: How Norwegian Youth Political Parties Excel on TikTok

Jessica Yarin Robinson, Truls Strand Offerdal

Towards A Conceptual Framework For The Strategic Management Of Social Media By Institutions Of Higher Education In Africa

Sithembinkosi Tlale, Anné Leonard

Show Me the Love! Gen Z Perceptions of Organizational Love

Mark Badham, Chiara Valentini

Participation Of Twitch Moderators. Guidelines For Moderation In Online Communities

Diana-Maria Cornea

SES 5.4 (Panel): Fabula or Historia: Charting the Landscape of Sustainability and Communication
Location: UB Rectorate, Senate Room, ground floor
Chair: Denis Simunovic

Fabula or Historia: Charting the Landscape of Sustainability and Communication

Chair(s): Ester Conings Vanvik

Respondent(s): Wim WJL Elving

Presenter(s): Denis Simunovic, Adalberto Arrigoni, Antonia Hein AZ

Networks & Projects Gallery
Location: UB Rectorate, ground floor hall
CB 4: Coffee Break
Location: UB Rectorate, ground floor hall
SES 6.1: PR by Prescription: Health to Unhealthy Communication
Location: UB Rectorate, Moisil Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Ángeles Moreno

Image Restoration Or Competing Risk Perceptions? Contestation Of The Pandemic Aftermath In Norway

Truls Strand Offerdal, Øyvind Ihlen

Strategic Communication and New Healthcare Technologies: Exploring Patients' Trust in Health Information Sources and Media Outlets Regarding Novel Healthcare Treatments and Technologies

Ruth Avidar, Amit Gur

Corporate Social Advocacy: Medicine, Placebo or Poison? Opportunities and risks for companies and society – and communicative alternatives

Olaf Hoffjann

Back to the Future: A Systematic Literature Review of 40 Years of Government Communication Through the HIV/AIDS and COVID Pandemics.

Teela Alina Clayton

Picture-Perfect Presence: Unravelling Communication Strategies and Visual Aesthetics in Nail Beauty Industry on Instagram

Petra Vidaić, Ana Čuić Tanković, Ivana Bilić

SES 6.2: Beyond Profit: Redefining Impact through CSR Initiatives
Location: UB Rectorate, Cantemir Amphitheater, ground floor
Chair: Chiara Valentini

PR Consultancies And CSR Communication. Does the Shoemaker’s Son Always Go Barefoot?

Elisenda Estanyol, Marc Compte-Pujol, Ferran Lalueza

“How to make the sustainability persuasive”. A Multimodal Rhetorical Analysis of Sustainability Reports in the Energy Industries

Giuseppe Bonaccorso

CSA and Norm Entrepreneurship: When CSA Impacts Reputation and Legitimacy Beyond the Organization in Question

Sandra Jacobs, Britta Brugman

Social Capital – A Promising Or Problematic Concept? A Critical Literature Review Of Articles Discussing Social Capital In PR Research

Lennart Rettler, Patrick Matthias Dietz

SES 6.3: PhD Panel: The future of PR & strategic communication: Insights from current PhD projects
Location: UB Rectorate, Senate Room, ground floor
Chair: Oyvind Ihlen
In this session, the participants from the 2024 EUPRERA PhD Seminar will present their research.
Lunch Buffet 2
Location: UB Rectorate, ground floor hall
Location: UB Rectorate, Mihailescu Amphitheater, first floor
GA: EUPRERA General Assembly
Location: UB Rectorate, Mihailescu Amphitheater, first floor
CB: Coffee Break
Location: UB Rectorate, ground floor hall
NPM: Networks & Projects Meetings
Location: Rectorate
Public Affairs and Lobbying Network Meeting
Location: UB Rectorate, Senate Room, ground floor
Chair: Scott Davidson
RES: EUNES Research Escalator
Location: UB Rectorate, Moisil Amphitheater, ground floor
There will be 2 rooms where the session will take place: the meeting point in Moisil Amphitheater and then the session in the Cantemir Amphitheater, ground floor.
Strategic Health Communication Network Meeting
Location: UB Rectorate, Council Room, first floor
Chair: Ángeles Moreno
Date: Saturday, 14/Sept/2024
Bucharest Highlights Tour
Location: Faculty of Letters
Darkside Walking Tour
Location: Faculty of Letters

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