Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Location: MOA 1+2
MOA 1+2
Date: Wednesday, 11/Sept/2024
Power1_Electronics Measurement and Simulation
Location: MOA 1+2
Chair: Aurelian Kotlar, Eberspächer
2:40pm - 3:05pm

Dynamic Calibration of Junction Temperature of SiC MOSFETs for Power Cycling

Jakob Breuer, Fabian Dresel, Andreas Schletz, Juergen Leib, Bernd Eckardt, Martin Maerz

3:05pm - 3:30pm

Contact Thermography – New Findings, New Ideas

Martin Oppermann, Lea Borngräber, Oliver Albrecht, Thomas Zerna

3:30pm - 3:55pm

Abrasion Characterization of Graphene-enhanced Thermal Interface Materials for Electronics Thermal Management Applications

Kristoffer Harr, Yuanyuan Wang, Johan Möller, Johan Liu

Power2_Power Semiconductor Packaging and Cooling
Location: MOA 1+2
Chair: Gudrun Feix, ECPE European Center for Power Electronics
5:00pm - 5:25pm

Model-based Development to Improve Electrical and Thermal Performances for Robust Si Power MOSFETs Using Embedded Die Packaging Technology

Kentaro Mori, Kohei Oasa, Hitoshi Imi, Yutaro Hayashi, Tatsuya Ohguro, Tatsuya Nishiwaki, Fumiyoshi Kawashiro

5:25pm - 5:50pm

Research on Ultra-compact 3D SiC Power Module for EVs with Double Layer Cooling Technology

Keita Suzuki, Takumi Yumoto, Koji Bando, Tetsuo Endoh, Yoshikazu Takahashi

5:50pm - 6:15pm

An Introduction to Wire-bondless Discrete GaN Power Packages with Top-Side Cu Sinterconnects®

Kaneeze Noorul Ain, Guo Qi Zhang, Augusto Rodrigues, Md Nazmul Hasan, Karen Geens, Urmimala Chatterjee, Ali Roshanghias, Dominik Holzmann

Date: Thursday, 12/Sept/2024
Rel1_Reliability Performance and Electromigration Behavior
Location: MOA 1+2
Chair: Matthias Heimann, Siemens AG
9:15am - 9:40am

Electromigration Reliability of Cu3Sn Microbumps for 3D Heterogeneous Integration

Nikhilendu Tiwary, Christian Grosse, Michael Kögel, Thilo Windemuth, Glenn Ross, Vesa Vuorinen, Sebastian Brand, Mervi Paulasto-Kröckel

9:40am - 10:05am

Investigating the Failure Mechanisms of Electromigration and Copper Oxide Formation in Fine-pitch Cu RDL

Adrija Chaudhuri, Johannes Jaeschke, Astrid Gollhardt, Hermann Oppermann, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

10:05am - 10:30am

Investigation of the Influence of Shear Height in the Wire Bond Shear Test

Simon Kuttler, Olaf Wittler, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

Rel2_Package- and Board Level Moisture- and Thermal Stress-related Reliability Effects
Location: MOA 1+2
Chair: Romuald Roucou, NXP
11:00am - 11:25am

Boundary Conditions for Reproducible and Comparable Condensation Tests to Prove the Migration Resistance of Assemblies

Bob Wittig, Adrian Kandziora, Gerret Asseburg, Markus Thoben

11:25am - 11:50am

Analysis of LED Solder Joints During Combined Power and Thermal Cycling

Khalil Maarouf, Christine Roucoules, Helmut Klöcker, Sergio Sao-Joao

11:50am - 12:15pm

Analysis of Degradation Effects for Different Epoxy-based Molding Compounds (EMC) Under High Temperature Aging

Falk Naumann, Tino Stephan, Marcel Mittag, Robert Klengel, Sandy Klengel

Special Session
Location: MOA 1+2

Education I: The Education, Training and Qualification Offer for Sustainable Electronics

Special Session
Location: MOA 1+2
Chair: Jeffrey C. Suhling, Auburn University
Chair: Klaus-Jürgen Wolter, TU Dresden

Education II: t.b.c.

Date: Friday, 13/Sept/2024
RF1_Millimeter-wave and Sub-THz Antenna-in-Package Integration for High Performance Systems
Location: MOA 1+2
Chair: Matthias Wietstruck, IHP - Leibniz Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik
9:15am - 9:40am

Thin-Film Substrate-based mmWave Antennas for Automotive Radar Applications

Thi Huyen Le, Kavin Senthil Murugesan, Ivan Ndip, Lutz Gerhold, Habib Hichri, Ryohei Oishi, Reki Nakano, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

9:40am - 10:05am

Fabrication and Implementation of BiCMOS BEOL Silicon Interposer Technologies with Integrated Metal Reflectors for Sub-THz Leaky-wave Antennas

Matthias Wietstruck, Patrick Krüger, Thomas Voß, Thomas Mausolf, Muhammad Faisal Bashir, Akanksha Bhutani

10:05am - 10:30am

Broadband Antennas for High Performance 5G mmWave Modules

Thi Huyen Le, Ivan Ndip, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

Rel3_Progress in Failure Analytical and Material Testing Methods
Location: MOA 1+2
Chair: Matthias Petzold, Fraunhofer IMWS
11:00am - 11:25am

Full-field IR-Thermography for Bond-quality Inspection of Electroplated Aluminium Interconnects for Cryo-SiP Architectures

Bernhard Wunderle, Daniel May, Imants Cirulis, Silvia Braun, Uwe Zschenderlein, Jens Heilmann, Remi Pantou, Ralph Schacht, Mohamad Abo Ras

11:25am - 11:50am

Using µ-RAMAN Spectroscopy to Inspect Sintered Interconnects

Gordon Elger, E Liu, Fabian Steinberger, Bernhard Wunderle, Zubair Mohd

11:50am - 12:15pm

Determination of Mechanical Properties for Copper in Plated Through Holes by Combination of Tensile Test and Nanoindentation

Janine Conrad, Olaf Wittler, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

Rel4_New Approaches in Reliability Simulation and Modelling
Location: MOA 1+2
Chair: Olaf Wittler, Fraunhofer IZM
1:45pm - 2:10pm

AI-Driven Digital Twin for Real-Time Health Monitoring of Wide Band Gap Semiconductors in Power Electronic Applications

Alireza Mehrabi, Keyvan Yari, Willem D. van Driel, Rene H. Poelma

2:10pm - 2:35pm

Damage Parameter: Proposed Index to Quantify the Durability of Sintered Nano Silver and Multilayer Aluminum Foil Die Attach Materials

Keisuke Wakamoto, Takukazu Otsuka, Ken Nakahara

2:35pm - 3:00pm

Energy-Based Approach on Calculating Stand-off Height of Different Solder Joints

Antal Bakonyi, Ambrus Zelei

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