Index of Authors

A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.

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Author(s) Organisation(s) Session
Aarslew, Laurits F.Aarhus University, DenmarkHow Europeans view and evaluate democracy, a decade later I
Abrantes, PedroUniversidade Aberta & ISCTE-IUL, Portugal20 years of ESS in Portugal: A tribute to João Ferreira de Almeida I  Presenter
Abts, KoenKU Leuven, BelgiumGenerating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel II
Poster presentation
Achterberg, PeterTilburg University, the NetherlandsAttitudes towards economic redistribution, inequality and fairness I
Adamaki, AngelikiLund University, SwedenThe European Social Survey in interdisciplinary research about the environment I  Presenter
Addeo, FeliceUniverità degli Studi di SalernoMulti-item measurement of subjective wellbeing and social wellbeing  Presenter
Adriaans, JuleBielefeld University, GermanyJustice and fairness in Europe I  Presenter
Agnolin, PaoloBocconi University, Italy;
Duke University, USA
The causes and consequences of political polarization II  Presenter
Aizpurua, EvaNational Centre for Social Research;
NatCen Social Research
Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel I  Presenter
Increasing respondent engagement
Albath, Elianne A.University of Basel, SwitzerlandLoneliness, remote working and wellbeing in Europe
Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel II  Presenter
Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel IV
Albuquerque, AdrianaIscte - University Institute of Lisbon, CIES-Iscte, Portugal;
Inequality Observatory, Portugal
20 years of ESS in Portugal: A tribute to João Ferreira de Almeida II
Albuquerque, PaulaCSG, ISEG, Universidade de LisboaDigital social contacts in work and family life I  Presenter
Alfons Karl, JohannesDublin City University, IrelandHuman Values in the ESS - a 20-year ongoing journey I
Alkhalifah, NoufUniversity of South Alabama, USALoneliness, remote working and wellbeing in Europe
Alkoç, NurselUniversity of Lausanne, SwitzerlandMore than a decade of research into switching general population surveys from interviewer-based to self-completion modes II  Presenter
Alzate, MónicaUniversidade de Santiago de Compostela, SpainMeasuring public attitudes, informing public policy I
Andreoli, FrancescoLuxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research;
University of Verona
Attitudes towards economic redistribution, inequality and fairness I
Anelli, MassimoBocconi University, ItalyThe causes and consequences of political polarization II
anna-maija, castrénUniversity of Eastern FinlandGenerating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel I
Arias, Ana MaríaUniversidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, Bolivia, Plurinational State ofPoster presentation  Presenter
Arpino, BrunoUniversity of Padua, ItalyDigital social contacts in work and family life I
Assis, Rodrigo VieiraIscte - University Institute of Lisbon, CIES-Iscte, Portugal20 years of ESS in Portugal: A tribute to João Ferreira de Almeida II
AYSAN, Mehmet FatihMarmara University, TurkiyeMulti-item measurement of subjective wellbeing and social wellbeing