Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Location: C406, Floor 4
Iscte's Building 2 / Edifício 2
Date: Monday, 08/July/2024
Social inequalities: Insights from European societies
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Cicero Roberto Pereira
Chair: Jorge Vala

"Who Believes in a Just World?"A Study in European Countries with the General Belief in a Just World Scale - Short Version

Isabel Correia1, Jorge Vala2, Tamyres Tomaz Paiva3, Cicero Roberto Pereira4

1: University Institute of Lisbon; 2: Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal; 3: Faculdades de Enfermagem Nova Esperança, FACENE, Brazil; 4: Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Graduates’ education-job mismatch and active citizenship: A European perspective towards its individual projections and their socio-economic embeddedness

Pepka Boyadjieva, Petya Ilieva-Trichkova

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

Inequality of Opportunity in Digital Skills: Evidence from European countries

Flaviana Palmisano1, Ana Suárez Álvarez2

1: Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; 2: University of Oviedo, Spain

Rising socio-spatial inequality? Socio-Economic Classes and the Rural-Urban Divide in Europe.

Dirk Konietzka, Yevgeniy Martynovych, Marie-Jeanne Lück

Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

The Role of Reference Income in Shaping Europeans’ Subjective Well-Being in the Last Two Decades. Evaluation of Comparison and Information Effects

Magdalena Grabowska, Agata Górny

University of Warsaw, Poland

Justice and fairness in Europe I
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Cristóbal Moya
Chair: Stefan Liebig

Empirical Estimates of Just Linear Tax System in Europe

Guillermina Jasso1, Cristóbal Moya2,3

1: New York University; 2: DIW Berlin; 3: Universität Bielefeld

Equality of Opportunity – The Impact Educational Tracking on the Perceived Justice of Education and the Belief in Meritocracy

Simone Schneider, Mehdi Mikani, Javier Sánchez Busó

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Income justice perceptions of migrants in Europe

Tamara Böhm

Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Justice evaluations of Justice evaluations of earnings: assessing the measurement quality of experienced and expressed justice in Europe

Jule Adriaans1, Cristóbal Moya1,2

1: Bielefeld University, Germany; 2: German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin

Justice and fairness in Europe II
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Cristóbal Moya
Chair: Stefan Liebig

Perceived procedural injustice as motivator of different forms of political participation in European old and new democracies

Renata Franc, Tomislav Pavlović, Marina Maglić

Institute of social sciences Ivo Pilar, Croatia

Redistribution comes at a cost: the justice of workers’ contributions to welfare

Cristóbal Moya1,2, Carsten Sauer2

1: DIW Berlin; 2: Universität Bielefeld

Date: Tuesday, 09/July/2024
Attitudes towards economic redistribution, inequality and fairness I
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Javier Olivera

Individual Experience Matters: How the Persistence of Personal Experience of Long-term Unemployment Impacts Support for Income Redistribution in Europe

Ivan Petrúšek

Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

It’s the Middle that Matters? Income Class Coalitions in Support of Redistributive Welfare Reform

Tijs Laenen, Femke Roosma, Peter Achterberg

Tilburg University, the Netherlands

Perceived income inequality, perceived unfairness and subjective social status in Europe

Gábor Hajdu

HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary

Preferences for redistribution and wealth inequality around the world

Javier Olivera1,2, Francesco Andreoli2,3

1: National Bank of Belgium; 2: Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research; 3: University of Verona

Attitudes towards economic redistribution, inequality and fairness II
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Javier Olivera

Preferences for Redistribution: The Impact of Government Intervention

Simone Schneider

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Welfare Chauvinism and Family Policy: Attitudinal Drivers of Child Benefit Generosity by Birth Order in Europe

Kristijan Fidanovski

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

What influences judgements about the fairness of income?

Agnalys Michaud

Sciences Po, France

Date: Wednesday, 10/July/2024
Changing inequalities in international comparison
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Pia Blossfeld

Birds of a feather flock together: The assortative mating in terms of gender educational gap in European countries (2002-2020)

Eva Tsouparopoulou, Glykeria Stamatopoulou, Maria Symeonaki

Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece

Contextual variation in the effect of highly educated parents on children’s education across Europe: the role of demographic, institutional, and family structures

Wilfred Uunk1, Tomas Katrnak2, Pia Blossfeld1

1: University of Innsbruck, Austria; 2: Masaryk University, Czech Republic

Layers of inequality: How (un-)equal regions in (un-)equal countries affect civic participation

Sven Ehmes1, Carlotta Giustozzi2

1: Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany; 2: Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development

Utilising the European Social Survey: Exploring the patterns of Social Mobility in Europe in the 20th vs the 21st century

Tamara Zsuzsanna Böcz

Széchenyi István University, Hungary

Understanding the causes and consequences of welfare state attitudes in Europe
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Tijs Laenen

Beyond the Basic: Exploring Women's Perspectives on UBI Implementation Across Europe

Micheál L Collins, Olga Li

Geary Institute for Public Policy, University College Dublin, Ireland

Do governments abide by the welfare preferences of their voters? The case of Portugal.

Gonçalo Mendes Pinto

Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Portugal

Quality of Government Perceptions and Preferences for Economic Redistribution and Government Intervention in Economic Life

Bilyana Petrova

University of Zurich, Switzerland

Quid pro quo? A cross-national analysis of European citizens' opinions towards the universality and conditionality of a basic income

Marie-Laure Mulayi

KU Leuven, Belgium

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