Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Location: C104, Floor 1
Iscte's Building 2 / Edifício 2
Date: Monday, 08/July/2024
Studying immigrants using the ESS: Methodological challenges, empirical consequences
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Stephanie Müssig
Chair: Antje Röder

Reactivity of Voters With an Immigration Background to Discourses of Immigration Policies

Younghyun Lee1, Sanghoon Kim-Leffingwell2

1: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, United States of America; 2: University of North Texas, United States of America

Response biases following a change of the survey data collection method shown on the example of the Austrian and German segment of the European Social Survey

Nikita Kvir, Dimitri Prandner, Johann Bacher

Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Similar or different? Comparing social, economic, and political attributes of native-born populations, historical internal migrants, and international migrants in post-socialist countries.

Anastasia Gorodzeisky1, Shir Caller1, Christian Czymara1, Inna Leykin2

1: Tel Aviv University; 2: Open University of Israel

Stuck in the middle? Studying cultural assimilation of second-generation immigrants in Europe using European Social Survey Data

Francesco Molteni, Giulia Maria Dotti-Sani, Ismail Lamamra

University of Milano, Italy

Using the ESS for studying migrant and ethnic minorities: evaluating opportunities and pitfalls

Stephanie Müssig1, Antje Röder2

1: Friedrichs-Alexander-Universität Erlangen; 2: Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

Explaining attitudes toward immigrants I
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Eldad Davidov
Chair: Oshrat Hochman
Chair: Vera Messing
Chair: Alice Ramos

A comparative analysis of attitudes towards immigrants, values and political populism in Europe. Findings and their limitations.

Vera Messing1,2, Bence Ságvári1,3

1: HUN-REN Center for Social Sciences, Hungary; 2: Central European University, Democracy Institute; 3: Budapest Corvinus University

Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Evidence from Veterans of Colonial Wars

Margarida Matos3, João Pereira dos Santos1,2, José Tavares4

1: ISEG, Portugal; 2: Queen Mary, University of London; 3: University of Lucerne; 4: Nova SBE

Authoritarianism and attitudes toward refugees from Ukraine and Syria

Marcus Eisentraut1, Eldad Davidov1,2, Robert Ford3, Anthony Heath4, Peter Schmidt5

1: University of Cologne, Germany; 2: University of Zurich, Switzerland; 3: University of Manchester, UK; 4: University of Oxford, UK; 5: Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany

Climate Change and Migration Attitudes – Investigating the Moderating Role of Ideology and Context

Boris Heizmann

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany

Comparative Cross-National Assessment of Attitudes Toward Refugees in the European Social Survey

Marcus Eisentraut1, Leona Przechomski1, Alisa Remizova2, Eldad Davidov1,3, Peter Schmidt4,5

1: Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Cologne, Germany; 2: GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany; 3: URPP Social Networks and Department of Sociology, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 4: Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany; 5: Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Explaining attitudes toward immigrants II
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Eldad Davidov
Chair: Oshrat Hochman
Chair: Vera Messing
Chair: Alice Ramos

Cutting in Line Ahead of Us: The Role of Social Resentment in Shaping Immigration Attitudes across Diverse Migration Contexts in Europe

Duygu Merve Uysal1,2, Sedef Turper1

1: Koç University; 2: University of Amsterdam

Did the Pandemic Crisis Worse Attitudes towards Immigration? A focus on contextual explanations

Vera Lomazzi1, Veronica Riniolo2

1: University of Bergamo, Italy; 2: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Do attitudes travel? Understanding immigrants' attitudes toward immigration

Jonas Kaufmann

University of Essex, United Kingdom

Do integration policies moderate the relationship between experiences of discrimination and national identification of immigrants in Europe? A multi-level analysis across EU countries

Marlene Hilgenstock1, Antonia May2

1: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Science, Germany; 2: Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg

How Do Intergroup Contact and Cultural Racism Shape Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Europe?

Aaron Ponce

Indiana University, United States of America

Date: Tuesday, 09/July/2024
Explaining attitudes toward immigrants III
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Eldad Davidov
Chair: Oshrat Hochman
Chair: Vera Messing
Chair: Alice Ramos

Does Trust in National and European Institutions Differently Impacts Perception Towards Immigrants? Comparative Analyses Between Eastern and Western Europe

Vladimir Cristinel Mihai Pripp

University of Bucharest, Romania, Romania

Losing empathy with assimilation: Immigrants’ attitudes toward the immigrant population

Ferruccio Biolcati, Riccardo Ladini, Francesco Molteni

University of Milan, Italy

Media consumption habits and immigration attitudes in Hungary and Germany over two decades

Eszter Farkas

HUN-REN Center for Social Sciences, Hungary

What goes around, comes around: Attitudes of persons with a migration history towards immigrants

Oshrat Hochman1, Alice Ramos2

1: GESIS Leibniz Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Germany; 2: Instituto de Ciências Sociais- Univ. Lisboa

Explaining attitudes toward immigrants IV
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Eldad Davidov
Chair: Oshrat Hochman
Chair: Vera Messing
Chair: Alice Ramos

Perceived (In-)Justice and Attitudes Towards Immigration - An Application of the Theory of Social Production Functions and Goal Framing

Stefan Liebig

Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany

Date: Wednesday, 10/July/2024
Prejudice and discrimination against minority groups over time and across nations
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Christin-Melanie Vauclair
Chair: Maksim Rudnev

Ageism in Slovenia: A Comparative Analysis of ESS and Cronos Panel Data

Slavko Kurdija, Otto Gerdina

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Denomination, Religiosity and Anti-Immigrant Attitudes in Europe: Comparative Evidence from the European Social Survey

Ilya Dorkhanov1, Boris Sokolov2

1: Independent researcher; 2: Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, HSE University

Inspecting the “Integration Paradox”: the role of religious culture, destination context and personal characteristics in shaping Perceived Discrimination

Francesco Molteni, Arianna Pellicciotti

University of Milan, Italy

Perceived age discrimination in different age groups across European countries

Christin-Melanie Vauclair1, Maksim Rudnev2

1: Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal; 2: University of Waterloo, Canada

Self-Reported Discrimination is Associated with Higher Self-Enhancement Values

Maksim Rudnev

University of Waterloo, Canada

Using ESS data to assess changes in homophobia and genderphobia across Europe
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Ivett Szalma
Chair: Judit Takacs

Asymmetry in attitudes: Exploring the support for and the opposition to the rights of gays, lesbians and same-sex couples in 25 countries

Tamás Bartus1, Ivett Szalma2,1, Judit Takács2

1: Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary; 2: HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology

Catholic symbolic representation and tolerance with LGTB community. Is the symbolic value of the Pope enough to foster attitudinal changes?

Andrea Martín Gallego

Carlos III University, Spain

Regional variability in attitudes towards homosexuality: Combining web probing with small area estimation

Angelo Moretti, Katharina Meitinger

Utrecht University, The Netherlands

The attitude towards gay couples across Europe

Rosario Giuseppe D'Agata, Simona Manuela Gozzo

Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy

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