Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Location: C401, Floor 4
Iscte's Building 2 / Edifício 2
Date: Monday, 08/July/2024
Data quality management in the ESS at the data and post-data collection stage
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Ole Petter Ovrebo
Chair: Joost Kappelhof

Data quality management in the ESS at the data and post-data collection stage

Joost Kappelhof1, Paulette Flore1, May Doušak2, Roberto Briceno-Rosas3

1: SCP - The Netherlands Institute for Social Research; 2: University of Ljubljana; 3: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Providing excellent data: the importance of transparency in data processing and dissemination.

Gyrid Bergseth

Sikt, Norway

Reproduce Me If You Can: Insights from a Meta-Scientific Assessment of Observational Social Science Studies Using ESS Data

Daniel Krähmer, Laura Schächtele

LMU Munich, Germany

The US General Social Survey and European Social Survey: A Methodological and Operational Comparison

Jodie Smylie, Ned English, René Bautista

NORC, United States of America

Questionnaire translation and language - basic elements of cross-cultural survey projects
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Brita Dorer

History of Survey Translation Methods in the ESS

Alisú Schoua-Glusberg

Research Support Services Inc., United States of America

The impact of machine translation on the Review discussion in a questionnaire translation project – an experiment for English-to-German translation

Brita Dorer1, Dorothée Behr1, Diana Zavala Rojas2, Danielly Sorato2

1: GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences; 2: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Using Machine Translation and Postediting in the TRA (P)D Approach: Effects on the Quality of Translated Survey Texts

Diana Zavala-Rojas1, Dorothée Behr2, Brita Dorer3, Danielly Sorato4

1: ESS ERIC-Univesitat Pompeu Fabra; 2: GESIS; 3: GESIS; 4: Univesitat Pompeu Fabra

Increasing respondent engagement
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Joost Kappelhof
Chair: May Doušak

How far is close enough? Effect of distance to the closest outlet on the effectiveness of shop vouchers as a non-monetary incentive in a face-to-face survey

Dragan Bagić, Luka Jurković

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Increasing respondent engagement in self-completion surveys

Joost Kappelhof1, Paulette Flore1, May Doušak2, Roberto Briceno-Rosas3

1: SCP - The Netherlands Institute for Social Research; 2: University of Ljubljana; 3: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Self-completion feasibility testing in ESS Round 11 in Slovakia. Aims, worries and reality.

Michal Kentoš, Denisa Fedáková

Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Republic

Surely shorter is better? A questionnaire length experiment in a self-completion survey

Tim Hanson1, Eva Aizpurua2, Rory Fitzgerald1, Marta Vukovic3

1: European Social Survey Headquarters (City, University of London), United Kingdom; 2: NatCen Social Research; 3: University of Vienna

The role of survey enjoyment in understanding nonresponse in an online probability panel

Katya Kostadintcheva, Patrick Sturgis, Jouni Kuha

London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom

Date: Tuesday, 09/July/2024
More than a decade of research into switching general population surveys from interviewer-based to self-completion modes I
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Michèle Ernst Stähli
Chair: Michael Ochsner

A Comparison of Non-Response Patterns over Time in Countries that Switched to Self-Completion at Round 10

Peter Lynn, Carla Xena

University of Essex, United Kingdom

Effect of incentives in Face-to Face and Self-Completion surveys on response rates and sample composition. The case of Switzerland

Michèle Ernst Stähli, Michael Ochsner, Alexandre Pollien

FORS, Switzerland

Experimental evidence for effects of a mode-switch from interviewer-based to self-completion: Effects on time-series and item-nonresponse

Oliver Lipps, Michael Ochsner, Marieke Voorpostel

FORS, Switzerland

Investigating the role of data collection mode in the nonresponse and measurement error nexus

Caroline Roberts

University of Lausanne, Switzerland

More than a decade of research into switching general population surveys from interviewer-based to self-completion modes II
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Michèle Ernst Stähli
Chair: Michael Ochsner

Switching the mode from face-to-face to web/paper mixed mode: Comparability of real-life analyses across designs and questionnaire lengths nationally and cross-nationally

Michael Ochsner, Michèle Ernst Staehli, Alexandre Pollien

FORS, Switzerland

The European Values Study 1981-2026: from face-to-face to self-completion

Ruud Luijkx1,2,3

1: European Values Study; 2: Tilburg University; 3: University of Trento

Transitioning from interviewer-based to self-completion modes: Implications for the quality of measures of political behavior

Nursel Alkoç1, Michèle Ernst Stähli2

1: University of Lausanne, Switzerland; 2: FORS, Switzerland

Date: Wednesday, 10/July/2024
Measurement error and questionnaire design in mixed mode surveys
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Vera Messing
Chair: Adam Stefkovics
Chair: Blanka Szeitl

A myriad of options: Validity and comparability of alternative education measures for the mixed-mode ESS

Silke Schneider, Julian Urban

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Contrasting responses from interviewers and respondents. Interviewer effects in the 11th Round of the Hungarian ESS

Adam Stefkovics, Vera Messing, Bence Ságvári

HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary

Does the switch to self-completion protocols deteriorate the quality of the ESS results obtained during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Investigating the impact of the self-completion approach on sample composition, selection bias, response styles and data missingness

Piotr Jabkowski, Piotr Cichocki

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland

Self-completion response rate and effects of mode of collection on respondent profile and their responses

Yves Fradier, Clément Collin, Agnalys Michaud

Verian, France

Responses to Survey Questions Vary by Completion Mode: Evidence from 144,212 Respondents using Machine-Learning Algorithms

Allon Vishkin, Eddie Bkheet

Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel

Faces of retirement: inequalities, social networks, and wellbeing
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Kinga Wysieńska-Di Carlo

Changing Lives of the Japanese Elderly Under Uncertainty in Comparison to European Cases: An Analysis of Family Types and Economic Status

Hachiro Iwai

Setsunan University, Japan

Social inequality in old-age poverty across Europe: The role of state pension systems

Mark Visser

Department of Sociology, Radboud University, the Netherlands

The Impact of Trust on Social Exclusion among Older Adults: Insights from the European Social Survey

Michael Chletsos1, Anna Saiti2

1: University of Piraeus, Greece; 2: Unveristy of West Attica, Greece

Unionization of Retired Workers in Europe

Vinzenz Pyka, Claus Schnabel

Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Widowhood, parent-child relationships, and subjective wellbeing in later life

Marco Tosi

University of Padova, Italy

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