Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Location: C103, Floor 1
Iscte's Building 2 / Edifício 2
Date: Monday, 08/July/2024
Assessing political data in the ESS
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Jaroslava Pospíšilová
Chair: Klara Plecita

Corruption and Democratic Attitudes: An Analysis of Central and Eastern European Countries

Kristyna Basna

Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Do Abstainers Mean a Different Democracy?

Jaroslava Pospíšilová

Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Sympathy for a Strong Leader in Europe

Klara Plecita

Institute of Sociology CAS, Czech Republic

The new versus the old. Electoral competition between communist and new left parties in Southern Europe.

Víctor Gago

University of Salamanca, Spain

The causes and consequences of political polarization I
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Marta Kołczyńska

Class Effects on Turnout and Voting for Right-Wing-Populists: A joint causal analysis

Alexander Gattig1, Niklas Marx2

1: University of Bremen, Germany; 2: University of Bielefeld, Germany

Does Partisan Polarisation Undermine Democratic Accountability? Evidence from 32 European Democracies

Veronika Patkós, Bendegúz Plesz

HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary

From Threat to Polarisation: the Role of Threats, Leaders and Institutional Choices in Strengthening Partisan Polarisation in Europe

Veronika Patkós

HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary

Political polarization and political participation: Evidence from Europe

Marta Kołczyńska

Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

The causes and consequences of political polarization II
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Marta Kołczyńska

Robots Replacing Trade Unions: Novel Data and Evidence from Western Europe

Paolo Agnolin1,2, Massimo Anelli1, Italo Colantone1, Piero Stanig1,3

1: Bocconi University, Italy; 2: Duke University, USA; 3: Yale-NUS, Singapore

Social Media and the Gender Ideology Divide

Anna Bernard1, Anna Jacobs2

1: Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Portugal; 2: Universität Bielefeld

The Emergence of Radical Right Parties in Europe: The Influence of Female Breadwinners, Household Financial Tensions, and Sexism.

Andrea Martín Gallego

Carlos III University, Spain

Date: Tuesday, 09/July/2024
Social and political trust in comparative context I
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Sandy Marquart-Pyatt
Chair: Aaron Ponce

A Dark Side to Social Trust? Explaining the Relationship between Social Trust and Accepting Conspiracy Beliefs

Lynn de Munnik, Tim Reeskens

Tilburg University, Netherlands, The

Government-Party Evaluations and The Cost of Governing for Far-Right Parties

Harley Roe

Florida State University, United States of America

Tracing the Origin of the “Winner–Loser Gap” – A Temporal Analysis of how Election Outcomes Impact Winners’ and Losers’ Satisfaction with Democracy

Einar Bäckström

Stockholm University, Sweden

Trust Towards Unknown Others and its Measurement

Márk Hegedüs, Ákos Bodor, Zoltán Grünhut


Social and political trust in comparative context II
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Sandy Marquart-Pyatt
Chair: Aaron Ponce

Does religion affect trust in Europe?

Ilaria Fiorani

Marche Polytechnic University, Italy

Investigating Trust in Europe across two Decades: Measurement Challenges with Data from the ESS

Christopher Bratt

University of Kent, UK; Inland Norway University, Norway

Trust in institutions and the profile of inequality

Flaviana Palmisano, Domenico Moramarco

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

Date: Wednesday, 10/July/2024
The European Social Survey in interdisciplinary research about the environment I
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Hilde Orten
Chair: Angeliki Adamaki
Chair: Bodil Agasøster

What climate? It's all about us versus them! Assessing the effect of party and values cues on RWP climate opposition

Elena Baro

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Left, or right to have concerns for climate change? It depends on political interest! Investigating the associations between political ideology, climate change concerns and sustainable consumption

Zeinab Rezvani1, Ali Dehghanpour Farashah2, Hajar Fatemi3

1: Örebro University, Sweden; 2: Mälardalens University, Sweden; 3: University of Windsor, Canada

Good COP/Bad COP: Estimating the Impact of Global Political Initiatives on Climate Change Attitudes

Riccardo Di Leo1, Catarina Midoes2

1: European University Institute, Italy; 2: Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy

SSHOC and ENVRI collaborations in EOSC Future and after

Angeliki Adamaki1, Hilde Orten2

1: Lund University, Sweden; 2: SIKT, Division of knowledge resources

The European Social Survey in interdisciplinary research about the environment II
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Hilde Orten
Chair: Angeliki Adamaki
Chair: Bodil Agasøster

Smart agriculture and green transition from the perspective of the "SOFI" project

Sandra Kantar1, Peter Fabjan2, Kristina Svržnjak1, Silvije Jerčinović1

1: Križevci University of Applied Sciencies, Croatia; 2: Association for Community Economy

Taxonomies of trust in climate change expertise: Insights from the ESS and Deliberative Mini Publics in the Republic of Ireland and UK

Emma Fletcher-Barnes1, Simon Mooney1, Kirstie Hewlett2, Finbarr Brereton1

1: University College Dublin, Ireland; 2: Kings College London, UK

What do urban citizens think about climate change and the policies to mitigate it? Results from the PAUL Panel Survey

Agustin Blanco Bosco, Diana Zavala-Rojas

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Why should I care? A critical perspective about concern about climate change: evidence from the European Social Survey

Enrico Gabriele1, Tebaldo Vinciguerra2

1: Poste Italiane SpA, Italy - Independent researcher; 2: LUMSA University, Italy

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