Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Location: C402, Floor 4
Iscte's Building 2 / Edifício 2
Date: Monday, 08/July/2024
Human Values in the ESS - a 20-year ongoing journey I
Location: C402, Floor 4
Chair: Hester Van Herk

The stability of Human values and exploration of overall value means in the European social survey over time and across countries

Johannes Alfons Karl2, Ronald Fischer1

1: D'OR Institute for Research and Education, Brazil; 2: Dublin City University, Ireland

Value Change in Eastern Europe during 2002-2018: Heterogeneity of Trajectories Across Countries and Cohorts

Maksim Rudnev, Vladimir Magun

University of Waterloo, Canada

Archetypes as anchor points – interpreting value change across generations across countries

Hester Van Herk, Ingmar Leijen

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The

Human Values in the ESS - a 20-year ongoing journey II
Location: C402, Floor 4
Chair: Hester Van Herk

Gender typicality in values and parenthood in the European Social Survey 2002-2020

Florencia Sortheix, Rasmus Mannerstrom, Ville-Juhani Ilmarinen, Katariina Salmela-Aro

University of Helsinki, Finland

Digitalization, value change, and political consumerism in Europe

Ole Kelm, Marco Dohle

Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf, Germany

In search of the cultural roots of the Human Values: The pre-industrial family systems.

Inés Gil-Torras

European University Institute, Italy

Transgenerational Effects of Value Orientation in the Context of Forced Migration After World War II - A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Value Types among Displaced and Refugee Families from Silesia and Their Descendants

Fady Guirgis, Maria Borcsa

katho NRW, Germany

Generational differences in attitudes and values across Europe
Location: C402, Floor 4
Chair: Michael Weinhardt

Analysing Age, Period, and Cohort effects using Scenario Trajectory Analysis with applications to ESS data

Patrick Sturgis1, Jouni Kuha1, Ian Brunton-Smith2

1: London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom; 2: University of Surrey

Generational Differences in Motivational Goals Among European (Young) Adults: A Practical Application of Schwartz's Theory of Basic Human Values.

Tom Hensel

Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Old habits die hard - on the impact of political socialisation on attitudes towards democracy.

Michal Kotnarowski

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Date: Tuesday, 09/July/2024
What is hidden behind the curtain of value orientations: the study of lives across nations and over time
Location: C402, Floor 4
Chair: Aurelija Stelmokiene

How Do the Elements of Schwartz’s Cultural Model Relate to Other Cultural Models? Evidence from the ESS

Anneli Kaasa

University of Tartu, Estonia

Investigating the Links Between Values and Beliefs in COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories

Aukse Balcytiene, Jurate Imbrasaite

Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Latent Profile Analysis of Schwartz Value Scales: between “stable” and “changing”

Tadas Vadvilavičius, Aurelija Stelmokienė

Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

What Explains Country-Level Differences in Political Belief System Coherence?

Philip Warncke

UNC Chapel Hill, USA

Exploring variations within and between South European and other ESS Countries
Location: C402, Floor 4
Chair: Alice Ramos
Chair: Theoni Stathopoulou
Chair: Stelios Stylianou

Comparing social trust and individualism change over time in Spain and Southern European countries: the relevance for democracy assesment

Jose A. Lopez-Ruiz, Sebastian Mora, Agustin Blanco

Comillas Pontifical University, Spain

Gendered flexibility stigma and workload expectations in South European countries

Vera Lomazzi

University of Bergamo, Italy

Religion, identity, and party preference: A comparative study on Cultural Christians and vote choice using ESS data

Francesco Piacentini, Francesco Marolla

University of Milan, Italy

Social change and continuity in Greece over the last 20 years.

Theoni Stathopoulou

National Centre for Social Research, Athens, Greece

Trust in political institutions in South European countries: social efficacy and social values

Alice Ramos, Joana Nunes, Diogo Dinis

Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Date: Wednesday, 10/July/2024
Job segmentation, social fragmentation, individual attitudes and beliefs I
Location: C402, Floor 4
Chair: Sara Romanò
Chair: Alessandro Sciullo

Determinants of Union Membership in Europe

İbrahim Kuran

Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkiye

Framing Italian union’s renewal strategy in European unionisation’ trends and trajectories in the creative sectors. A mixed-methods analysis

Silvia Lucciarini1, Michele Santurro2

1: Sapienza University of Rome; 2: National Research Council, Italy

Educational mismatch: The political consequences of the expansion of higher education

Robin Weisser

University of Basel, Switzerland

People Against the Demos? How Exit Options Shape Political Behaviour: The Case of Intra-EU Employment Opportunities

Barak Zur

Tel Aviv University, Israel

The Politics and Policy Attitudes of High Tech Workers

Gilad Be'ery1, Dmitry Epstein2, Raanan Sulitzeanu-Kenan3

1: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; 2: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel; 3: Federmann School of Public Policy and Governance, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

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