Conference Agenda

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Session Overview
Location: C201, Floor 2
Iscte's Building 2 / Edifício 2
Date: Monday, 08/July/2024
Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel I
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Gianmaria Bottoni
Chair: Rory Fitzgerald

A comparison of sample profiles and data quality between PC and mobile CRONOS-2 respondents

Eva Aizpurua1, Gianmaria Bottoni2

1: National Centre for Social Research; 2: City, University of London, United Kingdom

A cross-national perspective on attitudes to family diversity and welfare-state arrangments in Portugal, Finland, and the UK

gouveia rita1, castrén anna-maija2, cunha vanessa3

1: Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon; 2: University of Eastern Finland; 3: Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon

A Culturally Sensitive Paradigm of Societal Development: New Evidence from a 60-Country Study and from ESS CRONOS Panel

Kuba Krys, Researchers from 60 countries Members of Live Better Consortium

Institue of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Assessing the representativeness of the world’s first large-scale probability based cross-national web panel.

Gianmaria Bottoni, Rory Fitzgerald

City, University of London, United Kingdom

Attitudes and behaviours on digital health technologies: evidence from the Opinion Study in Portugal

Elzbieta Bobrowicz-Campos, Luísa Lima, Cristina Camilo, Ricardo Borges Rodrigues, Rita Espanha, Henrique Martins

Iscte-IUL, Portugal

Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel II
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Gianmaria Bottoni
Chair: Rory Fitzgerald

Can information on inequalities in contributions to climate change modify political support?

Agnalys Michaud, Sylvain Brouard

Sciences Po, France

How do different conceptions of liberal democracy influence people’s opinion towards isolating the far right in Belgium? Combined evidence from the 10th round of the European Social Survey and the CRONOS-2 panel

Daniël Spruit, Koen Abts, Bart Meuleman

KU Leuven, Belgium

How stable is the perception of financial well-being in turbulent times?

Leonore Riitsalu1, Agata Gasiorowska2, Fred van Raaij3, Kai Ruggeri4

1: University of Tartu, Estonia; 2: SWPS Univerity, Poland; 3: Tilburg University, The Netherlands; 4: Columbia University, USA

How trust influence vaccination attitude : CRONOS 2 data insigth

Agnalys Michaud

Sciences Po, France

Individuals with stronger anxious and depressive symptomatology are both more frequent targets and sources of social exclusion

Elianne A. Albath, Christiane M. Büttner, Natalia Bogatyreva, Rainer Greifeneder

University of Basel, Switzerland

Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel III
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Gianmaria Bottoni
Chair: Rory Fitzgerald

Medical Triage as a 'new' moral issue beyond autonomous choice: Varying effects of human values on beginning- and end-of-life attitudes – Evidence from the EVS MORALBOUNDS module of the CRONOS-2 panel

Edurne Bartolome Peral1, Pascal Siegers2, Tilo Beckers3, Hermann Dülmer4

1: University of Deusto, Spain; 2: GESIS Leibniz-Institute for Social Sciences, Germany; 3: University of Düsseldorf, Germany; 4: University of Cologne, Germany

Online privacy and social inequalities: Factors affecting privacy protection behaviour among internet users in Slovenia

Jošt Bartol, Vasja Vehovar, Andraž Petrovčič

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Recruiting online panel through face-to-face and push-to-web surveys.

Vera Messing1,3, Blanka Szeitl1,2, Bence Ságvári1,4

1: HUN-REN Center for Social Sciences, Hungary; 2: ELTE, Social Science Department, Hungary; 3: Central European University, Democracy Institute; 4: Budapest Corvinus University

Social attitudes toward the diversification of parental pathways in Portugal

gouveia rita

Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon, Portugal

Date: Tuesday, 09/July/2024
Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel IV
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Gianmaria Bottoni
Chair: Rory Fitzgerald

The impact of data collection mode on attitudes toward life and death: EVS and CRONOS2

Alice Ramos, Diogo Dinis, Joana Nunes

Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

The role of individual-level financial ostracism on country-level economic satisfaction

Christiane M. Büttner, Elianne A. Albath, Natalia Bogatyreva, Rainer Greifeneder

University of Basel, Switzerland, Switzerland

Trust in social surveys and web panel retention rate – Cronso2 case in cross-national comparison

Slavko Kurdija, Tina Vovk

UL FDV (SI47607807), Slovenia

Who Deserves to Vote? Examining Citizen Attitudes Toward Migrant Voting Rights in Belgium

Stefano Camatarri1,2,3, Pierre Baudewyns2, Marta Gallina4

1: Autonomous University of Barcelona; 2: Catholic University of Louvain; 3: Waseda University; 4: Catholic University of Lille

Multi-item measurement of subjective wellbeing and social wellbeing
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Gundi Knies
Chair: Jascha Wagner

Single-item measures in the questionnaire of the European Social Survey: the problem of invariance across countries

Petra Raudenská

Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Czech Republic

The Rural Wellbeing Advantage Reexamined: An Empirical Analysis of Subjective Wellbeing Components Across European Countries and Settlement Types

Jascha Wagner1, Gundi Knies1, Mikko Weckroth2

1: Thünen-Institut, Germany; 2: Natural Resources Institute Finland

Volunteering and Life Satisfaction Across Welfare Regimes: Comparative Analysis of Four European Countries

Hilal CEYLAN, Mehmet Fatih AYSAN

Marmara University, Turkiye

The effect of social cohesion on individual quality of life

Gianmaria Bottoni1, Felice Addeo2

1: City, University of London, United Kingdom; 2: Univerità degli Studi di Salerno

Date: Wednesday, 10/July/2024
20 years of ESS in Portugal: A tribute to João Ferreira de Almeida I
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Alice Ramos
Chair: Analia Torres
Chair: Jorge Vala

Class structures and inequality factors over well-being

Nuno Nunes, Sara Franco da Silva, Maria do Carmo Botelho, Rosário Mauritti

Iscte-University Intsitute of Lisbon, Portugal

Class-rooms: is the social elevator broken?

Pedro Abrantes

Universidade Aberta & ISCTE-IUL, Portugal

Economic climate and social disaffection: understanding attitudes towards immigration

Alice Ramos, Jorge Vala

Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Gender, Polarization and Power: Exploring Political Alignment in Europe

Bernardo Coelho1, Anália Torres2, Rui Brites3, Diana Maciel2

1: ISCSP-ULisboa, Portugal; 2: CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa; 3: CIES/ISCTE-IUL

20 years of ESS in Portugal: A tribute to João Ferreira de Almeida II
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Alice Ramos
Chair: Analia Torres
Chair: Jorge Vala

Social Class, gender and socio-political values in Europe

Analia Torres1, Rui Brites2, Bernardo Coelho1, Diana Maciel1

1: CIEG/ISCSP, University of Lisboa, Portugal; 2: CIES- Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal

Social classes, values and sociopolitical attitudes in Portugal: an analysis based on the ACM typology applied to the European Social Survey (2002-2022)

Renato Miguel Carmo1,2, Rodrigo Vieira Assis1, Inês Tavares1,2, Adriana Albuquerque1,2

1: Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon, CIES-Iscte, Portugal; 2: Inequality Observatory, Portugal

The value of equality and Portuguese political parties

José Luís Casanova, Tiago Carvalho, João Ferreira de Almeida

Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal

Youth religiosity in Europe in the last 20 years

José Coutinho

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

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