Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, 10/July/2024
20 years of ESS in Portugal: A tribute to João Ferreira de Almeida I
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Alice Ramos
Chair: Analia Torres
Chair: Jorge Vala
Changing inequalities in international comparison
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Pia Blossfeld
Digital transition, wellbeing and environmental perceptions
Location: C301, Floor 3
Chair: Ana Suárez Álvarez
Chair: Maria Vicente
How Europeans view and evaluate democracy, a decade later III
Location: B103, Floor 1
Chair: Mónica Ferrín
Chair: Pedro Magalhaes
Job segmentation, social fragmentation, individual attitudes and beliefs I
Location: C402, Floor 4
Chair: Sara Romanò
Chair: Alessandro Sciullo
Measurement error and questionnaire design in mixed mode surveys
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Vera Messing
Chair: Adam Stefkovics
Chair: Blanka Szeitl
Prejudice and discrimination against minority groups over time and across nations
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Christin-Melanie Vauclair
Chair: Maksim Rudnev
The European Social Survey in interdisciplinary research about the environment I
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Hilde Orten
Chair: Angeliki Adamaki
Chair: Bodil Agasøster
Coffee break
Location: Foyer, Floor 1
20 years of ESS in Portugal: A tribute to João Ferreira de Almeida II
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Alice Ramos
Chair: Analia Torres
Chair: Jorge Vala
Faces of retirement: inequalities, social networks, and wellbeing
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Kinga Wysieńska-Di Carlo
Loneliness, remote working and wellbeing in Europe
Location: C301, Floor 3
The European Social Survey in interdisciplinary research about the environment II
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Hilde Orten
Chair: Angeliki Adamaki
Chair: Bodil Agasøster
Understanding the causes and consequences of welfare state attitudes in Europe
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Tijs Laenen
Using ESS data to assess changes in homophobia and genderphobia across Europe
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Ivett Szalma
Chair: Judit Takacs
Measuring public attitudes, informing public policy II
Location: B103, Floor 1
Chair: Stefan Swift

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