Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Monday, 08/July/2024
Registration | Coffee break
Location: Foyer, Floor 1
Assessing political data in the ESS
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Jaroslava Pospíšilová
Chair: Klara Plecita

Corruption and Democratic Attitudes: An Analysis of Central and Eastern European Countries

Kristyna Basna

Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Do Abstainers Mean a Different Democracy?

Jaroslava Pospíšilová

Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

Sympathy for a Strong Leader in Europe

Klara Plecita

Institute of Sociology CAS, Czech Republic

The new versus the old. Electoral competition between communist and new left parties in Southern Europe.

Víctor Gago

University of Salamanca, Spain

Data quality management in the ESS at the data and post-data collection stage
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Ole Petter Ovrebo
Chair: Joost Kappelhof

Data quality management in the ESS at the data and post-data collection stage

Joost Kappelhof1, Paulette Flore1, May Doušak2, Roberto Briceno-Rosas3

1: SCP - The Netherlands Institute for Social Research; 2: University of Ljubljana; 3: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Providing excellent data: the importance of transparency in data processing and dissemination.

Gyrid Bergseth

Sikt, Norway

Reproduce Me If You Can: Insights from a Meta-Scientific Assessment of Observational Social Science Studies Using ESS Data

Daniel Krähmer, Laura Schächtele

LMU Munich, Germany

The US General Social Survey and European Social Survey: A Methodological and Operational Comparison

Jodie Smylie, Ned English, René Bautista

NORC, United States of America

Democracy and the COVID-19 pandemic I
Location: B103, Floor 1
Chair: Kostas Gemenis

Conspiracy beliefs and populist attitudes: A comparative European Analysis

Andrés Bernstein1, John Kenny2

1: Universitat de les Illes Balears, Spain; 2: University of East Anglia

Conspiracy beliefs, populism, institutional trust, and vaccine hesitancy: Evidence from 22 countries

Kostas Gemenis

Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus

COVID-19 conspiracy theories in Europe: Insights from multilevel analysis based on the ESS Round 10

Mariusz Baranowski1, Piotr Jabkowski1, Jan Domaradzki2

1: Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland; 2: University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland

Herd behavior and the intention to vaccinate against COVID-19

Gil S. Epstein2,4, Odelia Heizler3,4, Osnat Israeli1,4

1: Ashkelon Academic College, Israel; 2: Bar-Ilan University, Israel, Institute of the Study of Labor (IZA); 3: Tel-Aviv-Yaffo Academic College, Israel, Institute of the Study of Labor (IZA); 4: GLO (Global Labor Organization)

Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel I
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Gianmaria Bottoni
Chair: Rory Fitzgerald

A comparison of sample profiles and data quality between PC and mobile CRONOS-2 respondents

Eva Aizpurua1, Gianmaria Bottoni2

1: National Centre for Social Research; 2: City, University of London, United Kingdom

A cross-national perspective on attitudes to family diversity and welfare-state arrangments in Portugal, Finland, and the UK

gouveia rita1, castrén anna-maija2, cunha vanessa3

1: Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon; 2: University of Eastern Finland; 3: Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon

A Culturally Sensitive Paradigm of Societal Development: New Evidence from a 60-Country Study and from ESS CRONOS Panel

Kuba Krys, Researchers from 60 countries Members of Live Better Consortium

Institue of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Assessing the representativeness of the world’s first large-scale probability based cross-national web panel.

Gianmaria Bottoni, Rory Fitzgerald

City, University of London, United Kingdom

Attitudes and behaviours on digital health technologies: evidence from the Opinion Study in Portugal

Elzbieta Bobrowicz-Campos, Luísa Lima, Cristina Camilo, Ricardo Borges Rodrigues, Rita Espanha, Henrique Martins

Iscte-IUL, Portugal

Human Values in the ESS - a 20-year ongoing journey I
Location: C402, Floor 4
Chair: Hester Van Herk

The stability of Human values and exploration of overall value means in the European social survey over time and across countries

Johannes Alfons Karl2, Ronald Fischer1

1: D'OR Institute for Research and Education, Brazil; 2: Dublin City University, Ireland

Value Change in Eastern Europe during 2002-2018: Heterogeneity of Trajectories Across Countries and Cohorts

Maksim Rudnev, Vladimir Magun

University of Waterloo, Canada

Archetypes as anchor points – interpreting value change across generations across countries

Hester Van Herk, Ingmar Leijen

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, The

Social inequalities: Insights from European societies
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Cicero Roberto Pereira
Chair: Jorge Vala

"Who Believes in a Just World?"A Study in European Countries with the General Belief in a Just World Scale - Short Version

Isabel Correia1, Jorge Vala2, Tamyres Tomaz Paiva3, Cicero Roberto Pereira4

1: University Institute of Lisbon; 2: Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal; 3: Faculdades de Enfermagem Nova Esperança, FACENE, Brazil; 4: Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Graduates’ education-job mismatch and active citizenship: A European perspective towards its individual projections and their socio-economic embeddedness

Pepka Boyadjieva, Petya Ilieva-Trichkova

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

Inequality of Opportunity in Digital Skills: Evidence from European countries

Flaviana Palmisano1, Ana Suárez Álvarez2

1: Sapienza University of Rome, Italy; 2: University of Oviedo, Spain

Rising socio-spatial inequality? Socio-Economic Classes and the Rural-Urban Divide in Europe.

Dirk Konietzka, Yevgeniy Martynovych, Marie-Jeanne Lück

Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

The Role of Reference Income in Shaping Europeans’ Subjective Well-Being in the Last Two Decades. Evaluation of Comparison and Information Effects

Magdalena Grabowska, Agata Górny

University of Warsaw, Poland

Studying immigrants using the ESS: Methodological challenges, empirical consequences
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Stephanie Müssig
Chair: Antje Röder

Reactivity of Voters With an Immigration Background to Discourses of Immigration Policies

Younghyun Lee1, Sanghoon Kim-Leffingwell2

1: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, United States of America; 2: University of North Texas, United States of America

Response biases following a change of the survey data collection method shown on the example of the Austrian and German segment of the European Social Survey

Nikita Kvir, Dimitri Prandner, Johann Bacher

Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Similar or different? Comparing social, economic, and political attributes of native-born populations, historical internal migrants, and international migrants in post-socialist countries.

Anastasia Gorodzeisky1, Shir Caller1, Christian Czymara1, Inna Leykin2

1: Tel Aviv University; 2: Open University of Israel

Stuck in the middle? Studying cultural assimilation of second-generation immigrants in Europe using European Social Survey Data

Francesco Molteni, Giulia Maria Dotti-Sani, Ismail Lamamra

University of Milano, Italy

Using the ESS for studying migrant and ethnic minorities: evaluating opportunities and pitfalls

Stephanie Müssig1, Antje Röder2

1: Friedrichs-Alexander-Universität Erlangen; 2: Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

The timing of life
Location: C301, Floor 3
Chair: Jan Van Bavel
Chair: Richard Settersten

Are Millennials Different? A Cohort Comparison of Occupational and Family Characteristics among European Young Adults.

Tom Hensel, Dirk Konietzka

Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Early Motherhood and Labour Market Outcomes across Europe: the Role of Cultural Age Norms across European Welfare States

Julie Winters, Nadia Sturm, Jan Van Bavel

KU Leuven, Belgium

Is precarious union formation making it more difficult for women and men with low educational attainment to enter parenthood?

Nadia Sturm1, Alessandra Trimarchi2

1: KU Leuven, Belgium; 2: University of Messina, Italy

The later, the merrier? Age at first union and implications for subjective wellbeing

Valeria Ferraretto

Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, Italy

Keynote I | A virtuous circle redux: The media and trustworthiness in the digital age - Professor Pippa Norris (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University)
Location: Grande Auditório, Floor 1
Chair: Eric Harrison
Opening remarks by Marina Costa Lobo (Director, ICS-ULisboa) and Jorge Costa (Vice-Rector for Research and Technological Modernisation, Iscte)
Lunch break
Location: Foyer, Floor 1
Democracy and the COVID-19 pandemic II
Location: B103, Floor 1
Chair: Kostas Gemenis

How satisfied are European citizens with their governments’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic? A multilevel analysis based on the 10th round of the European Social Survey

Daniël Spruit, Dimitri Gugushvili, Bart Meuleman

KU Leuven, Belgium

Political ideologies and the ruling party(s) loyalty as determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: Evidence from ESS round 10

Dragan Bagić1, Adrijana Šuljok2

1: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia; 2: Institute for Social Research Zagreb, Croatia

Quality of trust in science and conspiracy beliefs in pandemic times

Valentina Tudisca, Adriana Valente

National Research Council of Italy, Italy

Religiosity and COVID-19 contagion in Europe

Ester Rizzi, Céline De Guchteneere, Damiano Uccheddu

Université Cathilique de Louvain, Belgium

Social Media Consumption and Beliefs in Conspiracy theories: Lithuania and Finland in Comparative Perspective

Jurate Imbrasaite, Aukse Balcytiene

Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

Explaining attitudes toward immigrants I
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Eldad Davidov
Chair: Oshrat Hochman
Chair: Vera Messing
Chair: Alice Ramos

A comparative analysis of attitudes towards immigrants, values and political populism in Europe. Findings and their limitations.

Vera Messing1,2, Bence Ságvári1,3

1: HUN-REN Center for Social Sciences, Hungary; 2: Central European University, Democracy Institute; 3: Budapest Corvinus University

Attitudes Toward Immigrants: Evidence from Veterans of Colonial Wars

Margarida Matos3, João Pereira dos Santos1,2, José Tavares4

1: ISEG, Portugal; 2: Queen Mary, University of London; 3: University of Lucerne; 4: Nova SBE

Authoritarianism and attitudes toward refugees from Ukraine and Syria

Marcus Eisentraut1, Eldad Davidov1,2, Robert Ford3, Anthony Heath4, Peter Schmidt5

1: University of Cologne, Germany; 2: University of Zurich, Switzerland; 3: University of Manchester, UK; 4: University of Oxford, UK; 5: Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany

Climate Change and Migration Attitudes – Investigating the Moderating Role of Ideology and Context

Boris Heizmann

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany

Comparative Cross-National Assessment of Attitudes Toward Refugees in the European Social Survey

Marcus Eisentraut1, Leona Przechomski1, Alisa Remizova2, Eldad Davidov1,3, Peter Schmidt4,5

1: Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Cologne, Germany; 2: GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany; 3: URPP Social Networks and Department of Sociology, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 4: Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany; 5: Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel II
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Gianmaria Bottoni
Chair: Rory Fitzgerald

Can information on inequalities in contributions to climate change modify political support?

Agnalys Michaud, Sylvain Brouard

Sciences Po, France

How do different conceptions of liberal democracy influence people’s opinion towards isolating the far right in Belgium? Combined evidence from the 10th round of the European Social Survey and the CRONOS-2 panel

Daniël Spruit, Koen Abts, Bart Meuleman

KU Leuven, Belgium

How stable is the perception of financial well-being in turbulent times?

Leonore Riitsalu1, Agata Gasiorowska2, Fred van Raaij3, Kai Ruggeri4

1: University of Tartu, Estonia; 2: SWPS Univerity, Poland; 3: Tilburg University, The Netherlands; 4: Columbia University, USA

How trust influence vaccination attitude : CRONOS 2 data insigth

Agnalys Michaud

Sciences Po, France

Individuals with stronger anxious and depressive symptomatology are both more frequent targets and sources of social exclusion

Elianne A. Albath, Christiane M. Büttner, Natalia Bogatyreva, Rainer Greifeneder

University of Basel, Switzerland

Human Values in the ESS - a 20-year ongoing journey II
Location: C402, Floor 4
Chair: Hester Van Herk

Gender typicality in values and parenthood in the European Social Survey 2002-2020

Florencia Sortheix, Rasmus Mannerstrom, Ville-Juhani Ilmarinen, Katariina Salmela-Aro

University of Helsinki, Finland

Digitalization, value change, and political consumerism in Europe

Ole Kelm, Marco Dohle

Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf, Germany

In search of the cultural roots of the Human Values: The pre-industrial family systems.

Inés Gil-Torras

European University Institute, Italy

Transgenerational Effects of Value Orientation in the Context of Forced Migration After World War II - A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Value Types among Displaced and Refugee Families from Silesia and Their Descendants

Fady Guirgis, Maria Borcsa

katho NRW, Germany

Justice and fairness in Europe I
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Cristóbal Moya
Chair: Stefan Liebig

Empirical Estimates of Just Linear Tax System in Europe

Guillermina Jasso1, Cristóbal Moya2,3

1: New York University; 2: DIW Berlin; 3: Universität Bielefeld

Equality of Opportunity – The Impact Educational Tracking on the Perceived Justice of Education and the Belief in Meritocracy

Simone Schneider, Mehdi Mikani, Javier Sánchez Busó

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain

Income justice perceptions of migrants in Europe

Tamara Böhm

Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

Justice evaluations of Justice evaluations of earnings: assessing the measurement quality of experienced and expressed justice in Europe

Jule Adriaans1, Cristóbal Moya1,2

1: Bielefeld University, Germany; 2: German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin

Questionnaire translation and language - basic elements of cross-cultural survey projects
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Brita Dorer

History of Survey Translation Methods in the ESS

Alisú Schoua-Glusberg

Research Support Services Inc., United States of America

The impact of machine translation on the Review discussion in a questionnaire translation project – an experiment for English-to-German translation

Brita Dorer1, Dorothée Behr1, Diana Zavala Rojas2, Danielly Sorato2

1: GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences; 2: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Using Machine Translation and Postediting in the TRA (P)D Approach: Effects on the Quality of Translated Survey Texts

Diana Zavala-Rojas1, Dorothée Behr2, Brita Dorer3, Danielly Sorato4

1: ESS ERIC-Univesitat Pompeu Fabra; 2: GESIS; 3: GESIS; 4: Univesitat Pompeu Fabra

The causes and consequences of political polarization I
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Marta Kołczyńska

Class Effects on Turnout and Voting for Right-Wing-Populists: A joint causal analysis

Alexander Gattig1, Niklas Marx2

1: University of Bremen, Germany; 2: University of Bielefeld, Germany

Does Partisan Polarisation Undermine Democratic Accountability? Evidence from 32 European Democracies

Veronika Patkós, Bendegúz Plesz

HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary

From Threat to Polarisation: the Role of Threats, Leaders and Institutional Choices in Strengthening Partisan Polarisation in Europe

Veronika Patkós

HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary

Political polarization and political participation: Evidence from Europe

Marta Kołczyńska

Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Measuring public attitudes, informing public policy I
Location: C301, Floor 3
Chair: Stefan Swift

Bullying Victimization and Immigration Background Across Europe: Does the National Context Matter?

Ioulia Televantou, Marios Vryonides

European University Cyprus, Cyprus

Crossing Borders, Building Ties: A Comparative Analysis of Migrants’ National Attachment in Europe

Tamara Fernández-Cores, Laura Docampo-López, Mónica Alzate, José Manuel Sabucedo

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

The Importance of European Identity Beyond the Borders of the EU

Victoria Salinero-Bevins

European Social Survey, United Kingdom

Unravelling the Chameleonic Nature of the Populist Electorate: Analysing the Interplay Between Contextual and Individual Voting Factors in Western Europe

Elena Baro

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Coffee break
Location: Foyer, Floor 1
Democracy and the COVID-19 pandemic III
Location: B103, Floor 1
Chair: Kostas Gemenis

The preferences between public health and economic activity in pandemic governance

Vasiliki Triga1, Nikandros Ioannidis2

1: Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus; 2: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Trust in science and conspiracy beliefs. Understanding the causes of vaccine hesitancy and compliance.

Theoni Stathopoulou1, Jutta Lindert2

1: National Centre for Social Research, Athens, Greece; 2: University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer, Emden, Germany

Views on Government Measures against the COVID-19: Comparing Japan and EU

Noriko Iwai, Satomi Yoshino

Japanese General Social Survey Research Center, Japan

What is the opposite of conspirational thinking?

Angelika Scheuer

GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany

Explaining attitudes toward immigrants II
Location: C104, Floor 1
Chair: Eldad Davidov
Chair: Oshrat Hochman
Chair: Vera Messing
Chair: Alice Ramos

Cutting in Line Ahead of Us: The Role of Social Resentment in Shaping Immigration Attitudes across Diverse Migration Contexts in Europe

Duygu Merve Uysal1,2, Sedef Turper1

1: Koç University; 2: University of Amsterdam

Did the Pandemic Crisis Worse Attitudes towards Immigration? A focus on contextual explanations

Vera Lomazzi1, Veronica Riniolo2

1: University of Bergamo, Italy; 2: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Do attitudes travel? Understanding immigrants' attitudes toward immigration

Jonas Kaufmann

University of Essex, United Kingdom

Do integration policies moderate the relationship between experiences of discrimination and national identification of immigrants in Europe? A multi-level analysis across EU countries

Marlene Hilgenstock1, Antonia May2

1: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Science, Germany; 2: Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg

How Do Intergroup Contact and Cultural Racism Shape Anti-Muslim Sentiment in Europe?

Aaron Ponce

Indiana University, United States of America

Generating new insights from the CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) panel III
Location: C201, Floor 2
Chair: Gianmaria Bottoni
Chair: Rory Fitzgerald

Medical Triage as a 'new' moral issue beyond autonomous choice: Varying effects of human values on beginning- and end-of-life attitudes – Evidence from the EVS MORALBOUNDS module of the CRONOS-2 panel

Edurne Bartolome Peral1, Pascal Siegers2, Tilo Beckers3, Hermann Dülmer4

1: University of Deusto, Spain; 2: GESIS Leibniz-Institute for Social Sciences, Germany; 3: University of Düsseldorf, Germany; 4: University of Cologne, Germany

Online privacy and social inequalities: Factors affecting privacy protection behaviour among internet users in Slovenia

Jošt Bartol, Vasja Vehovar, Andraž Petrovčič

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Recruiting online panel through face-to-face and push-to-web surveys.

Vera Messing1,3, Blanka Szeitl1,2, Bence Ságvári1,4

1: HUN-REN Center for Social Sciences, Hungary; 2: ELTE, Social Science Department, Hungary; 3: Central European University, Democracy Institute; 4: Budapest Corvinus University

Social attitudes toward the diversification of parental pathways in Portugal

gouveia rita

Institute of Social Sciences - University of Lisbon, Portugal

Generational differences in attitudes and values across Europe
Location: C402, Floor 4
Chair: Michael Weinhardt

Analysing Age, Period, and Cohort effects using Scenario Trajectory Analysis with applications to ESS data

Patrick Sturgis1, Jouni Kuha1, Ian Brunton-Smith2

1: London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom; 2: University of Surrey

Generational Differences in Motivational Goals Among European (Young) Adults: A Practical Application of Schwartz's Theory of Basic Human Values.

Tom Hensel

Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

Old habits die hard - on the impact of political socialisation on attitudes towards democracy.

Michal Kotnarowski

Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Increasing respondent engagement
Location: C401, Floor 4
Chair: Joost Kappelhof
Chair: May Doušak

How far is close enough? Effect of distance to the closest outlet on the effectiveness of shop vouchers as a non-monetary incentive in a face-to-face survey

Dragan Bagić, Luka Jurković

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Increasing respondent engagement in self-completion surveys

Joost Kappelhof1, Paulette Flore1, May Doušak2, Roberto Briceno-Rosas3

1: SCP - The Netherlands Institute for Social Research; 2: University of Ljubljana; 3: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Self-completion feasibility testing in ESS Round 11 in Slovakia. Aims, worries and reality.

Michal Kentoš, Denisa Fedáková

Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Republic

Surely shorter is better? A questionnaire length experiment in a self-completion survey

Tim Hanson1, Eva Aizpurua2, Rory Fitzgerald1, Marta Vukovic3

1: European Social Survey Headquarters (City, University of London), United Kingdom; 2: NatCen Social Research; 3: University of Vienna

The role of survey enjoyment in understanding nonresponse in an online probability panel

Katya Kostadintcheva, Patrick Sturgis, Jouni Kuha

London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom

Justice and fairness in Europe II
Location: C406, Floor 4
Chair: Cristóbal Moya
Chair: Stefan Liebig

Perceived procedural injustice as motivator of different forms of political participation in European old and new democracies

Renata Franc, Tomislav Pavlović, Marina Maglić

Institute of social sciences Ivo Pilar, Croatia

Redistribution comes at a cost: the justice of workers’ contributions to welfare

Cristóbal Moya1,2, Carsten Sauer2

1: DIW Berlin; 2: Universität Bielefeld

Labour, family and subjective wellbeing
Location: C301, Floor 3
Chair: Gundi Knies
Chair: Jascha Wagner

Does the unemployment rate moderate the well-being disadvantage of the unemployed? Within-region estimates from the European Social Survey

Gábor Hajdu1, Tamás Hajdu2

1: HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary; 2: HUN-REN Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Hungary

Well-being, welfare preferences and the hierarchy of exploitation: a study of intra-regional inequalities

Giorgos Bithymitris1, Nikandros Ioannidis2, Yiannos Katsourides3

1: National Centre for Social Research, Greece; 2: Pompeu Fabra University; 3: University of Nicosia

Investigating structural and time differences in the associations between trade union membership and job satisfaction using four waves from the ESS.

Jacques Wels1,2

1: Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; 2: University College London, UK

Single-Parents' Subjective Wellbeing in Europe: a multilevel analysis with European Social Survey data

Andrea Ballerini, Raffaele Guetto, Daniele Vignoli

University of Florence, Italy

Life Satisfaction and Parenthood in Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples. A Cross-national Comparison

Gina Potarca

University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

The causes and consequences of political polarization II
Location: C103, Floor 1
Chair: Marta Kołczyńska

Robots Replacing Trade Unions: Novel Data and Evidence from Western Europe

Paolo Agnolin1,2, Massimo Anelli1, Italo Colantone1, Piero Stanig1,3

1: Bocconi University, Italy; 2: Duke University, USA; 3: Yale-NUS, Singapore

Social Media and the Gender Ideology Divide

Anna Bernard1, Anna Jacobs2

1: Catolica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Portugal; 2: Universität Bielefeld

The Emergence of Radical Right Parties in Europe: The Influence of Female Breadwinners, Household Financial Tensions, and Sexism.

Andrea Martín Gallego

Carlos III University, Spain

Poster presentation
Location: Exhibitions Hall, Floor 1
Chair: Stefan Swift

An intersectional analysis of life satisfaction inequalities across native and immigrant groups in Europe: the role of group discrimination

Ana María Arias1, Paola Bedoya2

1: Universidad Católica Boliviana San Pablo, Bolivia, Plurinational State of; 2: Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Polí- tica, Bogotá, Colombia

Charting Climate Confidence through Institutional Trust in European Governments

Graham Diedrich

Michigan State University, United States of America

Discrimination hurts: A study using the European Social Survey (ESS)

Lucía Gómez Balcácer1, Noelia Somarriba Arechavala2, Patricia Gómez Costilla3

1: University of Valladolid, Spain; 2: University of Valladolid, Spain; 3: University of Valladolid, Spain

European Democracies: ordinary conceptions and attitudes of the youth

Marion Mattos

UCLouvain, Belgium

Gender Differences in Right Wing Populist Voting: a Decomposition Approach

Yoav Roll1,2

1: Nuffield College, University of Oxford; 2: Department of Sociology, University of Oxford

How do different conceptions of liberal democracy influence people’s opinion towards isolating the far right in Belgium?

Daniël Spruit, Koen Abts, Bart Meuleman

KU Leuven, Belgium

Measurement Invariance of Political Efficacy: The Case of the European Social Survey

Jessica De Rongé, Pierre Baudewyns, Christian Ritter

UCLouvain, Belgium

Memes and Emoji-Scales in Web Surveys: Experimental Investigation of Multimodal Cognitive Effort and Data Quality

Daniil Lebedev1, Ruslan Suleymanov2

1: GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften; 2: Independent researcher

Navigating Uncertainty: Exploring the Impact of the Great Recession on Fertility Intentions.

Martin Gädecke

Nuffield College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Posted or shared anything about politics online?: a comparative European perspective

Egle Butkeviciene, Vaidas Morkevicius

Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Press releases to local newspapers to support ESS 8 fieldwork in Germany

Michael Weinhardt

German Centre of Gerontology, Germany

Should Parents of Young Children Work? The Evolution of Attitudes toward Maternal and Paternal Full-Time Employment in Spain over Time

Teresa Martín-García

Spanish National Research Council, Spain

The effect of questionnaire duration on yield, sample composition and data quality: findings from the 2024 European Working Conditions Survey

Tanja Kimova, Gijs van Houten

Verian, Belgium

The Importance of Viable Alternatives - Economic Voting and Opposition Configuration

José Lourenço

Leiden University, Netherlands, The

Twenty Years of ESS, Another Twenty of Family Change in Portugal: Portrait, Evolution, and Trends

Rosalina Pisco Costa1, Patrícia Coelho2, Rita Gouveia3

1: Universidade de Évora & CICS.NOVA.UÉvora, Portugal; 2: Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal; 3: Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-ULisboa), Portugal

Two Decades of European Social Survey Academic Impact: A Comprehensive Bibliographic Analysis

Brina Malnar

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Welcome reception
Location: Terrace, Floor 3

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